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Did my visa run but they didn't give me the stamp back in to Thailand...

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What do I do?

Can I just leave it or do I need to go back to the border and stamp myself in somehow?

I have them my passport to stamp and did everything right I just assumed they'd stamped it..

Any ideas for what to do?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Not that an Advanced Member are you?

Scan your passport pages and post them here.... feel free to delete your personal details... you may find that all is well. If not then you'll get clear advice as to how to rectify it.

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Is your departure card stamped? Look again for your arrival stamp, I've gone into panic mode before but the stamp was always there.

If all is not well your first port of call should be your local immigration office, if they can't help then I'm afraid it's off back to the border to explain the situation and get it fixed.

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A lesson learned too I bet. Never "assume" anything. It is our duty to check everything before leaving. Bet you won't make that mistake again. Good luck mate.

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Do you have your departure card with stamp? If not, you will have to go back to the border and sort things out there. A week or so a person in the same situation couldn't be helped in BKK, but had to return to the border.

If they stamped it, maybe the local office can help you as at the border they might have entered your details in the computer.

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There's no stamp whatsoever coming out of Malaysia or back to Thailand.

If I go back to the border and get them to stamp me in will that work? It looks like a pretty relaxed border don't even think they'd notice.

I mean I walked in without them noticing so should be able to do it again right?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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There's no stamp whatsoever coming out of Malaysia or back to Thailand.

If I go back to the border and get them to stamp me in will that work? It looks like a pretty relaxed border don't even think they'd notice.

I mean I walked in without them noticing so should be able to do it again right?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I think there are a couple of clear clues in this post as to what happened here.

I am not convinced that the OP is genuine.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just hand yourself in and get arrested the same as the French couple in Phuket a month or so ago.

Can we please ave a button "dislike" added for idiot posting like this ?

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This is a serious issue, I've seen people getting arrested for this, inform at local police station right away, at least you will have something documented n then go back 2 immigration at changwattan bangkok and report the incident to them. better be safe than sorry. u need to act urgently, don't take it lightly. believe me problems will arise at the time of departure.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by vivek130205
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No stamps at all will be complicated.

9 years ago I crossed at malaysia and had a malaysian exit stamp but no entry to thailand.

Next visa run via burma they tried to claim 2 months overstay...after checking and seeing the exit stamp was clear what had happened...hour wait and the top boss checking and was all ok.

But if both the malaysian and thai side forgot to stamp thats less clear and more complicated. Try and sort it asap.

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No stamps at all will be complicated.

9 years ago I crossed at malaysia and had a malaysian exit stamp but no entry to thailand.

Next visa run via burma they tried to claim 2 months overstay...after checking and seeing the exit stamp was clear what had happened...hour wait and the top boss checking and was all ok.

But if both the malaysian and thai side forgot to stamp thats less clear and more complicated. Try and sort it asap.

totally agree, my friend had a similar experience.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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For many years I crossed dozens of borders !

I have stacks of old passports all filled with stamps from various countries !

But never have I managed to cross a border without immigration stamps !

How did you achieve it ?

Edited by jrtmedic
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Was some sort of Visa-run agency involved, if so a mistake like this could be probable?

If you don't have an entry stamp into Thailand then you have technically "illegally entered the country", this could land you in the immigration jail awaiting deportation.

but mistakes do happen, we're all human afterall and there are always remedies.. The important thing is that you are proactive and resolve this as you could have a nasty shock if you try to leave Thailand without an entry stamp.

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Was some sort of Visa-run agency involved, if so a mistake like this could be probable?

Very improbable actually. Even on the visa run trips down to Malaysia, you still individually have to get out and walk through both immigration points personally, handing your passport over at each side of the border.
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I reckon I know which border the OP is talking about.

Funny I dropped my passport in the Gulf of Thailand and my departure date was almost erased in the proces.

Immigration officer got his magnifying glass out and pointed out I was very lucky....if he couldn't gave seen the faint details it would have been a trip to the IDC for me

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- OP still has not mentioned which border this took place at.

- If the OP managed to leave Malaysia without stamping out, and then handed his passport to the Thai immigration officer, they would have looked for the Malaysian stamp and sent him straight back again.

- if the reverse happened - and he stamped out of Malaysia but walked through the Thai border without handing his passport over - there would be a Malaysian exit stamp.

- Think about it - you queue up, hand them your passport, stand on the two feet so your photograph can be taken - it is a pretty involving process. It requires interaction between you and another person at several steps.

This is surely a wind up - I will be surprised, nay dumbfounded - if this situation took place exactly as the OP is telling it.

This procedure does not happen if you arrive at border and not at the airport. things are pretty lenient there, had several friends coming over to thailand, driving on their own from india. They had a similar experience and I witnessed it. They are in Thailand and have no entry stamp. possible... does happen

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I have had several border crossings recently by land into and out of Thailand. 2 of these were at border crossings with Malaysia.

I am not convinced that anyone who 'did everything right' can fail to miss not one but both of the two separate steps required to facilitate a crossing.

I would rather hear a more detailed explanation from the OP as to how he could possibly have gone through the border and somehow fail to notice that nothing at all happened to his passport, unless he was asleep or deliberately avoiding the process.

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This procedure does not happen if you arrive at border and not at the airport. things are pretty lenient there, had several friends coming over to thailand, driving on their own from india. They had a similar experience and I witnessed it. They are in Thailand and have no entry stamp. possible... does happen

Please advise which border crossing you were at when you witnessed your friends arriving from India into Thailand without getting stamps.
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Point taken, missing out on 1 stamp, either of the countries is pretty much possible, however when we talk about missing bth of dem , departing and arrival country does not sounds real, 1 has 2 have hardest luck of all humanity under dis blue sky. I guess the He is hisself not sure about the immigration stamps on his passport. all sounds fishy if we go by his word...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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