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Chiang Rai Through Foreign Eyes

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I am not sure if it was Chiang35Baht who came up with the idea to collect photo's of Chiang Rai, made in the past (or present) and to make an exhibition.

The idea popped up again yesterday during a meeting of the founders of Bo's Bowling Buddies (Zapp, where were you? Even Klaus was present!).

During the last years we made some nice photo exhibitions in Chiang Rai.

We had the unique collection of 'Peoples of the Mekong', about 250 photo's made during the periode 1870 to 1930. These photo's came from the big European photo-archives, from London, The Hague, Paris, Rome etc. etc. The organisation was at the hands of the Alliance Française of Chiang Rai, of which at that time I did the exhibitions. Exceptional beautiful pictures of extremely high quality!

We hang the exhibition in the Dusit Hotel, in the National Museum of Chian Saen and the National Archive of Payao. It was a great succes, more than 12,000 people saw the exhibition in Chiang Saen and several hundreds in Chiang Rai and Payao.

Then, in 2002 we had this great and crazy photo-exhibition of Chiang Rai conceptual artist Angkrit Ajchariyasophon in the former old wooden Paw Wattana Hotel at the Tannalai Road.

Part of the exhibition existed of photo's made by young and old Chiang Rai citizens with throw-away camera's donated by the French international TV5. Many people never had held a camera in their hands. And now they made pictures of 'their' town. Chiang Rai through the eye of Chiang Rai citizens!

We made a fun thing of it and the Tannalai Road was full of old motorbikes and old cars.

I think it was the first exhibition in Chiang Rai which was not exclusively made for this little group of people who consider themselves the 'cultural elite' of Chiang Rai.

A couple of years ago four photographers, two Thai and two farang, were prepared to make a photo-documentation of everything what happened in a Northern Thai village during one year.

So all kinds of social events, weddings, new house rituals, cremations, the work on the fields, people, schools, activities at the temple, means of transport etc etc.

It would have been unique material which would have interested many European and American institutions. But, helas, not the local ones.

The curator of a big cultural institution in Chiang Rai liked the idea, but the 'village' should be the area around her house, which is a suburb of Chiang Rai and dominated by a big ten year old housing project. Bye bye!

Before, when a house was demolished, first a picture was taken by a local authority. Great material you would say to give us an idea about how Chiang Rai looked before. But, as the rumour goes, the chest containing these photo's disappeared as it took too much place :o .

Anybody out there who wants to join me in doing the impossible? :D

To have fun and to show what according to our view is beautiful, interesting or remarcable enough to take a picture of in this town/province. Chiang Rai through Foreign Eyes?

As Gerry1011 would say: Nothing is impossible, just do it!

Limbo :D

  • 2 months later...
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We will go ahead with it!

The idea is to present it as a co-production of the Alliance Franco-Thai of Chiang Rai and members of Thaivisa.com.

The members who showed interest will be contacted soon.

Please PM me if you would like to participate.

Any idea's and suggestions welcome!

The basic idea is that foreigners in a town often pay attention to different things than people who grew up locally and that they 'see' things different.

Like a hole in the pavement: It can surprise you or you just step over it (or you can even break a leg if you didn't see it). OK, there are better ways to explain it, I agree.

Limbo :o


Limbo is hitting the sause hard again... OK I'll contribute if i don't have to frame them and take them to some fancy smancy gallery. We can post them here?? My problem is my good ones are hard copy and not digitized. Let us know the details. :o


Thanks mumbojumbo!

Sven showed interest as Ajarn did. Lance and Joel are positive about the idea as well.

Tayto, and Erg too, even if they don't know yet. And probably we can welcome a real professional in our midst, but I still have to massage him a little bit :D .

I will talk to Guy, the director of the Alliance Francaise this week and then it's time to come together

(wine or beer?) and talk about details as themes of the exhibition, the technical aspects, location and period. I hope Guy is willing to participate too.

We have two professional exhibitionmakers in the group already, so we don't have to worry about the outcome. It will be good and if the pictures are great it will even be better than good.

Any suggestions for a title?

Tops and Flops (would eventually make the new Tops a sponsor, we do need some beverages at the opening, don't we?) is a lousy example.

We are thinking about 50 pictures, also depending on the space which will be available.

So whatever, fifteen participants with an average of three pictures, ten with five, or any other combination.

Sure is that we need some participants more. Who?

Limbo :o


What space are you thinking about Limbo. The idea you suggested me last Saturday sounded good. I have additional friends who are keen on the idea as well. Sounds like this could be quite an event.

Mumbojumbo, frames are really inexpensive here. If there're a few of us showing a minimum of three to five, it'll cost you less than 1500 hundred baht depending on the frame style. That includes glass and matting. DOn't be too uptight about this. Pictures always look better framed. Believe me, I just found out on Saturday.

As for the fancy gallery bit, in my eyes there aren't any fancy galleries in Chiang Rai. 9 Art is a great venue with great curators, Sompong and his wife P. Nine. Nothing fancy about it. A great venue. As for other venues, Limbo you would be best to check on this. The Chiang Saen National Museum is not a bad idea. I remember Mic and Nueng did a black and white exhibition there with a few others. Not a bad idea for Chiang Rai through foreign eyes concept.

Anyway my two bahts worth.

Any time frame on this one?


sometimes this site is difficult to access - and right now, to reply to!

does anyone know about the Shan Pavillion across from Family Bakery out towards the Sports Stadium? can it be available? doesn't seem used

For those of us who earn money here, B1500 can be quite a lot. But at the Framers on the south side of Tanalai Rd just east of ChiangMai Gate INtersection (where Banpaprakan meets Ratchyotha) is great - B200/pic is plenty - smaller pics maybe less. been using their excellent svc for years


Don't worry Joel! I am happy to confirm that Erg and Chiang Rai Guy are going to join.

And that counts for Roger and Margaret too.

This is going to be fun!

We count on you!

Limbo :o

Who is next?

  • 2 weeks later...

I got a call of Guy, the Director of the Alliance Francaise of Chiang Rai. He contacted the director of the National Museum in Chiang Saen and the chances are great that we can use the pavillion behind the museum (an integrated part of the museum, only visitors of the museum have access to it). Coming Friday we will go to visit him and talk about the details (and hand over the project plan as he needs approval of the authorities involved).

The galleries in town and certain first class hotels are still other options. And more convenient for the vernissage. But for the months December and January the National Museum is the best option concerning the number of visitors: The exhibition 'Peoples of the Mekong' was seen during the same period by almost 13.000 people, tourists, locals, schoolclasses, VIP's and munks.

Guy wil join, together with some of the members of the photoclub of the Alliance Francaise.

So will James, an (almost) retired Swiss professional cameraman and photographer.

Another Swiss and a German amateur photographer are not in Chiang Rai at the moment, but will be asked to participate as well.

In a small group we will make the concept-proposal for the museum, which afterwards will be sent for suggestions to everybody who is willing to participate.

Anybody who is interested and didn't give notice before, please contact me by PM or in this tread.

It is going to be fun!

Limbo :o

  • 3 months later...

The Director of the National Museum of Chaing Saen was enthousiastic from the beginning.

The problem was that last April new directives were given concerning the external organization of exhibitions in Thai national museums.

Thanks to the Director and the officials of the Fine Arts Department we are able to inform you that we are allowed to use the hall for temporary exhibitions in the Chiang Saen Museum for free!

So we will go ahead with it!

Within a couple of days I hope to be able to contact everybody who has shown interest to participate.

We will have to discuss some technical and practical aspects. Together you represent a lot of expertise.

If you didn't contact me before, but want to participate as well (we have space now for about a hundred pictures), please reply or contact me by PM.

It's going to be fun!

More information will follow.


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Limbo, i like to inform you that our friend image dude brought his pictures to Bo,s place, i think people can bring their pis to the alliance francaise ass well?

Maybe we need some technic info about the pics from you. :o

Hi Limbo, i like to inform you that our friend image dude brought his pictures to Bo,s place, i think people can bring their pis to the alliance francaise ass well?

Maybe we need some technic info about the pics from you. :D

Thanks imagedude, great stuff!

We were thinking about a minimum size of 12 x 15 inch.

We prefer, if the sharpness and color saturation permit it, one size bigger.

Or if it concerns a composition of more pictures a smaller size.

(black and white or sepia possible as well of course)

At least 4 pictures if possible, but we would prefer 6 to 8.

With your permission we intend to put them in hardcarton passepartouts, white, about 8 centimeter wide.

The costs per picture will probably, depending on size, be inbetween 250 en 300 Baht (printing and passepartout).

If you for some reason want to frame them, this is your choice, but WITHOUT GLASS if possible.

You can also deliver the pictures on cd's.

Maybe we can make a better deal concerning the price of the printing.

After the exhibition everybody gets his or her pictures back unless you want to participate in an exchange (were you put the numbers of the pictures concerned in a jar).

Latest the King's Birthday, 5 December, we would like to have your pictures in our possession, to give us time for eventual printing and/or fit them in the passepartouts.

Please make a list with the locations where you took the pictures and the month and the year (and number the pictures).

If you permit us to hold the pictures for a little bit longer, the exhibition might, after having been shown in the National Museum of Chiang Saen, travel on to Pitsanulok and be hanged at the exhibition gallery of the Naresuan University.

The pictures can be brought to Bo's Place or to the office of the local Alliance Francaise.

Both places are closed on Mondays, the Af is open during office hours and Bo's opens at noon.

Please PM or e-mail me your e-mailaddress for direct, more specified information

We hope and expect to 'hang' the exhibit the week before Christmas (we know this on Saturday), if most of you need more time (deadline 5 Decmber) we probably can postpone the date.

No details about the opening party yet :o .

Limbo :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Limbo,

I will be back in Chiang Rai on December 16th for 2 weeks, will the exhibition be up and running during this time ?

ImageDude :o

Hi Limbo,

I will be back in Chiang Rai on December 16th for 2 weeks, will the exhibition be up and running during this time ?

ImageDude :D

Not yet Dude, last Saturday the director of the museum was in Bangkok, but now we have an appointment with him the day after tomorrow. At the same time we will speak with the GM of a 5-star hotel in the Chiang Saen area about the sponsoring of the festive opening of the exhibition.

I thank everybody for his/her patience. Don't forget: We are working here together with Thai AND French :D:D:D

We have a good group together and after everybody confirms that he/she will participate it is time to go ahead.

I will contact you personally this weekend by e-mail or if I don't have your e-mail address by PM via this forum.

American Jon F., working for the Bangkok Post, also expressed his intention to participate.

Limbo :o


Hi Limbo,

I will be back in Chiang Rai on December 16th for 2 weeks, will the exhibition be up and running during this time ?

ImageDude :D

Not yet Dude, last Saturday the director of the museum was in Bangkok, but now we have an appointment with him the day after tomorrow. At the same time we will speak with the GM of a 5-star hotel in the Chiang Saen area about the sponsoring of the festive opening of the exhibition.

I thank everybody for his/her patience. Don't forget: We are working here together with Thai AND French :D:D:D

We have a good group together and after everybody confirms that he/she will participate it is time to go ahead.

I will contact you personally this weekend by e-mail or if I don't have your e-mail address by PM via this forum.

American Jon F., working for the Bangkok Post, also expressed his intention to participate.

Limbo :D

Ok Limbo, I will wait to hear from you, but if the exhibition is not up and and running during my stay in December . . then I think we should go ahead and have a . . . PRE - Opening Party . . :D:o

See you all soon.

ImageDude :D


The festive opening of the exhibition will be January 26 at 15.50.

The exhibition period will be January 27 to March 4

Changed: see further on in this topic. Mai penrai krub!

The pictures show the museum building annex, the exhibition room and the kind of visitors you might expect to have an interested look at you creations. Don't let them down :D

I will contact everybody today (among others the members of this forum who announced their participation: svenivan, goski (Swedish) mymechew, chiang rai guy, Ajarn (American), gerry1011 (Belgian) localguy, pool boy, erg, Limbo (Dutch), Deuen, Neung (Thai guests), Imagedude, Tony (English), Veronica (Italian).

Furthermore we have at least one Swiss particpant and two French.

So we represent 8 foreign countries.

No Australians yet :D

Some ideas:

The main criterium is, what you, as a foreigner, consider interesting enough to take a picture of in Chiang Rai (might differ completely from the postcards or official presentations of this province in brochures).

The pictures have to be taken in Chiang Rai Province.

They can have esthetic, documentary or artistic value. Or just be funny or interesting.

Try to make a nice mix of nature, people and life in general.

Everybody will have his own little corner in the exhibition, so the pictures stay together and it would be nice if they correspond with each other the one way or the other. 6 - 8 Would be nice.

There is space for three photograhers more. Don't hesitate to join!

Limbo :o




Alaskan Steve Yoshida just finished a rather unusual educational project at the Suksa Song Kraw Maechan school.

Within the framework of a Friendship Exchange Project of his Alaskan Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of Maechan, he came to teach English to a group of students of this school (most are children from the ethnic minorities in the mountains and many of them are orphanaged; they almost all live on the campus).

Instead of a rather theoretical approach he chose to teach them how to make pictures with a digital camera and learn English at the same time by discussing the subjects. Together they made three fieldtrips, so there was enough to discuss.

The small essays written by the kids, in English, are amazing. They explain why they took the pictures and what their feelings were behind doing so.

They furthermore fearless presented these stories 'in public', surprising the few people present (and probably themselves) with their good pronunciation.

A perfect example of 'integrated learning' (or teaching for that matter).

Steve Yoshida and the kids will get a corner in our exhibition (don't forget: we are not the only people without a Thai passport living here!).

I think children who spent the first years of their lives in the mountains are. concerning the visible world of Chiang Rai, just as open-minded and perceptive as we foreigners are supposed to be.

Limbo :o



Limbo, I have 800x600 pixels, and your row of 4 pictures stretches the frame ALOT for me, making reading this section very difficult.. I tried twice, and gave up after reading a couple of postings...

Can you change the way your records are formatted on the page? Like maybe 2 across and two down?

Limbo, I have 800x600 pixels, and your row of 4 pictures stretches the frame ALOT for me, making reading this section very difficult.. I tried twice, and gave up after reading a couple of postings...

Can you change the way your records are formatted on the page? Like maybe 2 across and two down?

Thanks Ajarn, it is already a big improvement.

I notice that if you click on 'favourites' the textpart even gets better readable (narrow).

Wish you good reading now :D

Swiss James had a go at the Kodak shop next to Bo's Place.

5 Megapixel on 12 x 15 inch (30 x 38 cm) for 150 Baht.

He was very satisfied with the result.

A couple of days ago Goski was however less satisfied.

That's the problem, the quality is not permanently the same. It depends on when they change the liquids

I suppose.

Limbo :o

Swiss James had a go at the Kodak shop next to Bo's Place.

5 Megapixel on 12 x 15 inch (30 x 38 cm) for 150 Baht.

He was very satisfied with the result.

A couple of days ago Goski was however less satisfied.

That's the problem, the quality is not permanently the same. It depends on when they change the liquids

I suppose.

Limbo :o

Not only that, they didn't do a good job cutting the pictures, which in my case they shouldn't have done at all. I was sensible enough to let them have a go with only one of the pictures. Then I went to the other Kodak shop at the entrance to the night bazaar and spent an hour with the technician there. The result was better, i.e well enough and I handed them in at Bo's place yesterday, so they're all yours.

Myself, I'm off to Sweden! Merry christmas and happy new year. See you next year.

  • 3 weeks later...

hello guys today i was in the city to get my pictures framed

i dont know who is with us but the time is running out

so get your assas in gear and go make pictures from what ever ugly monsters you see

print the pictures and lets make a serious exhibition


Ko Chai, localguy, i have the pics on Cdrom now, howeever i will wait a few days printing them, just to make Limbo nervous, and offcourse, i work best under pressure. :o

BTW. Limbo i contacted C.C he will add his pics, C, was a proffesional photographer in a former life.

Ko Chai, localguy, i have the pics on Cdrom now, howeever i will wait a few days printing them, just to make Limbo nervous, and offcourse, i work best under pressure. :o

BTW. Limbo i contacted C.C he will add his pics, C, was a proffesional photographer in a former life.

Had a bunch of photo's printed 12 x 15" for 135/piece at Kodak Nigth bazar.

Did a good job; photo's weren't finished when I returned 30 mins after dropping off the digital bytes, but instead I was taken to the back of the shop to get the right (best cut-out) of the pictures, which took about 10 mins.

Returned to the shop about 15 mins. later and got all of them in good quality print.

The guy did a good job to my humble (not being expertised) opinion.


How to get rid of my stuff (photo's & CD)?

Where (and what) is Bo's place??

Framing was to be arranged by Limbo???

Sent a mail and message to Limbo yesterday, but I guess he didn't wake up yet???? :D

I will contact everybody today (among others the members of this forum who announced their participation: svenivan, goski (Swedish) mymechew, chiang rai guy, Ajarn (American), gerry1011 (Belgian) localguy, pool boy, erg, Limbo (Dutch), Deuen, Neung (Thai guests), Imagedude, Tony (English), Veronica (Italian).

Furthermore we have at least one Swiss particpant and two French.

So we represent 8 foreign countries.

No Australians yet :o

Limbo and others,

I am sorry I can not help out with photos. As I am Australian I would love to help but I regretably just dont have any photos. All the ones I have are of family (2 young children) and nothing else. I would be more than happy to go out and give moral support though.

cheers ITR :D


How to get rid of my stuff (photo's & CD)?

Where (and what) is Bo's place??

Framing was to be arranged by Limbo???

Sent a mail and message to Limbo yesterday, but I guess he didn't wake up yet???? :o

Bo's place:

From busstation, turn right to main road (not left, then you come to superhighway), in the T-junction you turn left and walk about 200 m, passing Yet Jod and then on your right is Bo's place (still on main road).

Sent a mail and message to Limbo yesterday, but I guess he didn't wake up yet???? :o

Sorry Pool Boy, yesterday the internet didn't work in this part of town.

Wanted to see you today and passed your shop twice: First too early and much later too late.

Thanks, I see you tomorrow.

Another good shop: From Hiyek (King Mengrai) direction sportfields (passing under the 'Arc de Triomphe' with His Majesty's portrait) and after fifty meters at your left (you see a lot of paintings).

Phone you tomorrow.

Limbo :D

PS: We have already 130 pictures and there are going to be probably some more! We have place enough. Great work, impressive, what a talent among us :D !

This is going to be a nice exhibition, I promise!


How to get rid of my stuff (photo's & CD)?

Where (and what) is Bo's place??

Framing was to be arranged by Limbo???

Sent a mail and message to Limbo yesterday, but I guess he didn't wake up yet???? :o

Bo's place:

From busstation, turn right to main road (not left, then you come to superhighway), in the T-junction you turn left and walk about 200 m, passing Yet Jod and then on your right is Bo's place (still on main road).

Thanks Svenivan,

With your help I located Bo's place on the map on page 22 of CommuniThai Magazine.

In the meantime Limbo's computeeer found the internet again and he phoned me!!!

All under control now. :D


Good news!

Very good news!

(Thanks Erg for the suggestion how to present the third change of the opening day and the exhibition period, but now it looks as if it is the final one and as you suggested me: most participants will understand the procedures - to the others I apologize)

The festive opening is finally going to be at 15.30 the 9th of February and the exhibition period is extended to the 30th of March!

The exhibition will be visited by approximately 8000 visitors during this period.

As we also plan to develop worksheets for groupvisits of primary and secondary school classes (the person who launched the Montessori method of teaching in Chiang Rai will be our first advisor), which might raise this number.

It looks as if we all together have produced about 150 to 160 pictures.

The first test presentation to some of our Thai friends gives a clear indication that we will succeed in our aims: To present a view of Chiang Rai Province, that will surprise our Thai visitors. They were actually very enthousiastic!

The latest contributions were delivered by Khun Jane (British), Jessica (American), Chris (Swiss) and Patrice (French).

Ten nationalities are represented in our group now.

This is going to be above expectation :D

Limbo :o


Very nice, it gives me some time to fight with jetlag before the opening (as well as some break and enter but that's another thread :o ). It seems good that you interest in schools as well! Farangs contributing to the thai community without beercoolers or "kep tang" :D

It sounds great Limbo!

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