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full condo insurance for unoccupied condo with someone checking weekly?


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Can you get full insurance on your condo if you are absent for 9 months of the year BUT you are paying a person to check on it weekly?

There must be tons of people in Thailand who leave their condos empty for long periods so I would think that there must be someone who provides insurance for these cases.

  • -AXA response (initially they said YES but then they said they'd only insure it partially but that I'd have to pay the same premium as if it was full insured).
  • -Bangkok insurance does not provide a response by email
  • -QBE said NO
  • -AA insurance (these are only brokers ) wrote that according the policy the owner cannot leave the condo unattended for more than 1 week but it can be fully insured if a cleaning lady or a neighbor checks on it one per week. However, because they are only a broker, I'm not sure in the event of a claim that I would see any money.

Anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions?

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"However, because they are only a broker, I'm not sure in the event of a claim that I would see any money."

You hire a broker to give you good advice. So why not trust the persons you're hiring to sort this out for you. They have access to many companies so can come up with the answer you're looking for.

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Unlikely to get insurance.

But consider what you are insuring. You do not own the concrete floor, ceiling nor the walls. They are owned by the condo and should be insured by them.

In case of a total loss you'd have to replace your belongings, furniture, wiring, internal plumbing. Might not be all that expensive so self insuring is a practical proposition.

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