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Hardly looks like an attack but more like a staged event. You have six people wearing red clothing and one with a mask. Everyone seems to be in party mood with happy smiling faces. Look at the pic, that is definitely staged. The guy in red is smiling and the little woman in the stripes is apparently being held back by the invisible man.

Not sure how you came to this conclusion.

There is another video of the Red Shirts burning posters and banners of white masks. I thought that staring fires was appropriate(typical behavior) of Reds Shirts.

Another few episodes like this without condemnation from the government and it will surely start to escalate out of control.

Wearing a red shirt, or any other colour shirt for that matter, should not give immunity to acts of vandalism and violence.

What can be done though? A developing and corrupt ridden country with an equally corrupt police force ... it will take at least one more generation to get out of the mess the population have created for themselves in the last decade.

This behavior will end when Dr. Thaksin is too old and feeble to give orders any more. He is behind 100% of the divisive strife in Thailand.

The sign says "overthrow the Thaksin regime"........Have'nt these morons heard of elections. They had one and lost did'nt they. This means that the majority voted differently than they did. So why can they not accept it and vote the govt out in the next election.

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The only reason they choose to wear masks is so hopefully people don't realise they are the same yellow faces that have been obstructing democracy for 8 years now.

When/where did peacefully criticising the government become "obstructing democracy"? Is violence against the white masks "supporting democracy"?

Is this the red shirt version of "democracy"?

They are openly calling for a military coup to overthrow the democratically elected government.

So who are the real animals here TRENTON 42.........wake up !


The only reason they choose to wear masks is so hopefully people don't realise they are the same yellow faces that have been obstructing democracy for 8 years now.

When/where did peacefully criticising the government become "obstructing democracy"? Is violence against the white masks "supporting democracy"?

Is this the red shirt version of "democracy"?

They are openly calling for a military coup to overthrow the democratically elected government.

So who are the real animals here TRENTON 42.........wake up !

reinforcements needed? Although I don't remember seeing a trenton42 on this site.


Like Dr. Frankenstein's Monster, Dr. Thaksin has created a force he cannot control. The PT government will not criticize them because they are afraid to get on the Red Shirt mob's wrong side. As with her speech defending the rights of Thai citizens to protest the Constitutional Court as long as they didn't break the law, she should now make the same speech defending the White Mask groups' right to peacefully protest the government to inoculate herself against 'double standards'. She can make this speech without chastising the Red Shirts but she is too afraid and also, her brother hasn't approved it. As a student of history, these are the same tactics used by Herr Hitler's Brown Shirts to suppress opposition. Absolutely shameful the way the Red Shirt mob grows more emboldened each day. Reconciliation is just code for bringing Dr. Thaksin back all white-washed unless they do something to rein in these Red Mobs. The Red Shirts in Chiang Mai are easily the most violent of all the Red Shirts; something for them to be 'proud' of.

As a "student of history" can you please tell us when and where people were allowed to protest in Hitlers germany and who were the ones using stupid masks to provoke the Nazis. I doubt if you lived through the Hitler era so what right have you to roll out your so called historic intelligence using those times to try to put your own point across. People who were born yesterday but keep using Hitler to boost their arguements make me sick its now 2013...........live it !

the point is that the banning of masks or any symbol of opposition is the action of a totalitarian regime. you don't like masks, fair enough, thats your prerogative. however no one has the right to ban them, you're right this is 2013 not 1933. in this day and age people protest by wearing masks-----------live with it.

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Hardly looks like an attack but more like a staged event. You have six people wearing red clothing and one with a mask. Everyone seems to be in party mood with happy smiling faces. Look at the pic, that is definitely staged. The guy in red is smiling and the little woman in the stripes is apparently being held back by the invisible man.

Not sure how you came to this conclusion.

There is another video of the Red Shirts burning posters and banners of white masks. I thought that staring fires was appropriate(typical behavior) of Reds Shirts.

Another few episodes like this without condemnation from the government and it will surely start to escalate out of control.

Wearing a red shirt, or any other colour shirt for that matter, should not give immunity to acts of vandalism and violence.

What can be done though? A developing and corrupt ridden country with an equally corrupt police force ... it will take at least one more generation to get out of the mess the population have created for themselves in the last decade.

I thought it was only Yellow Shirts who wore Red. Or was that just in Bangkok in 2010?

The sign says "overthrow the Thaksin regime"........Have'nt these morons heard of elections. They had one and lost did'nt they. This means that the majority voted differently than they did. So why can they not accept it and vote the govt out in the next election.

I agree that they should accept it and wait until the next election, but i guess their answer to you would be, when the reds weren't in power, did they wait until the next election, or did they take to the streets and try and violently force the government to stand down early? Oh but yes, i hear you say, the reds had due cause. I'm sure these folks think they have due cause too. That's the problem. When people are attempting to topple or overthrow a government, they all to a man think they are justified in what they are doing. And when you support one group of people taking this action, as you have, it makes it difficult to argue against other people doing likewise... if not difficult certainly hypocritical. I guess though this is the tedious point in the discussion where you tell me that you didn't support the red's attempt at government toppling.
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Hardly looks like an attack but more like a staged event. You have six people wearing red clothing and one with a mask. Everyone seems to be in party mood with happy smiling faces. Look at the pic, that is definitely staged. The guy in red is smiling and the little woman in the stripes is apparently being held back by the invisible man.

Take off your RED glasses. NO ONE is smiling in the photo. Are you the kind of guy who will piss on me and then tell me it's raining?
Thank you for accusing me of wearing red glasses but I am definitely not a red shirt supporter nor am I a yellow shirt supporter. Personally I think they are as bad as each other. I sit on the fence and watch and haven't taken sides. It appears that you have chosen you side. Maybe it is easier to make an observation if you do not have bias opinion.

If you have noticed some of my other posts I condemn both sides on certain issues.

Spin your earlier comments as you will, but when you state 'Everyone seems to be in a party mood with happy smiling faces.", you are denying the violence of the Red Shirts and you are taking the side of the Red Shirts who are trying their best to stop other Thai people from exercising their constitutional rights. Deny all you want but if you can't see the violent nature of the Red Shirt mob you truly are wearing RED glasses.

I don't support any political group in Thailand. I am against Thailand being destroyed by a man in Dubai who wants to be the Hun Sen of Thailand and who has the money, the political network, and the will to continue that quest.

So please tell me, which political side do the ones wearing these stupid provoking masks belong to. And as for "The man in Dubai" statements i ask the question, Why in the hell does any farang allow themselves to be brainwashed into following and believing all this propaganda. Its Thai politics, where the strong try to influence the weak and its plain to see where you stand.


Thank you for accusing me of wearing red glasses but I am definitely not a red shirt supporter nor am I a yellow shirt supporter. Personally I think they are as bad as each other. I sit on the fence and watch and haven't taken sides. It appears that you have chosen you side. Maybe it is easier to make an observation if you do not have bias opinion.

If you have noticed some of my other posts I condemn both sides on certain issues.

Some people seem to think that by taking the stance that both sides are as bad as each other, that must automatically make their position neutral. It does not. In terms of violence, intimidation and destruction, the red shirt movement has been responsible for a lot more than any other group (this incident being a prime example of how they operate).

Failing to acknowledge the differences that separate the red shirt movement from others, and attempting as you are, to label them all as bad as each other, is just a backhanded attempt at playing down what the red shirts are guilty of. It is the sort of approach i have observed in quite a number of people who were once vocal in their support of the reds, and who still deep down have their sympathies in that direction, but who have realized that actually defending the red shirts has become too difficult a task with all that they have done in the last few years, and so instead they take a different approach, that of attempting to distribute the blame out equally on all sides.

I wish some could just accept that other can be fence sitters.

O.K O.K to stop people attacking me I will declare I hate the red shirt people and everything they stand for. They are the lowlifes of human race, nothing but violent murdering evil scum. Lower than dog <deleted> and every one of them should be exterminated. I hope that is what everyone wants to hear and helps to keep the peace here.

Ah! now we can see why you are a St Kilda supporter, all hate with no hope !

I could only comment and that is what I did, on what was in the O.P and that was a short story with a photograph. My apologies to all as it appears I have upset some with my opinion on the photograph. I am also extremely sorry for claiming to be neutral as this also seems to upset a few. Again to all my deepest apologies.

You forgot "and supporting St Kilda."

A Saint bloody Kilda supporter.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifthumbsup.gif OMG!

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So please tell me, which political side do the ones wearing these stupid provoking masks belong to. And as for "The man in Dubai" statements i ask the question, Why in the hell does any farang allow themselves to be brainwashed into following and believing all this propaganda. Its Thai politics, where the strong try to influence the weak and its plain to see where you stand.

Why would a protest group 'belong' to any political side? Some of the original 'Thai Spring' group may have been 'yellow shirts' before, others not. Is that really relevant? Keep in mind that where Pheu Thai /UDD/red-shirts seem very strongly related to the point of UDD leaders being (Thaksin Thinks) Pheu Thai (acts) party list MPs, there's no such thing with 'yellow shirts' and the other major party the Democrats.

BTW your 'brainwashing' seems to equate with 'all I don't agree with'. Now that's interesting ermm.gif

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Well at least I have never been in support of the red/yellow shirts.

I see no reason not to support one or other group WHILE there is a common goal. I would support the KKK while their goal was removal of Thaksin from office.

White shirts! Hey that's a good idea.

Has anyone used that yet?


So please tell me, which political side do the ones wearing these stupid provoking masks belong to. And as for "The man in Dubai" statements i ask the question, Why in the hell does any farang allow themselves to be brainwashed into following and believing all this propaganda. Its Thai politics, where the strong try to influence the weak and its plain to see where you stand.

You don't know which side they are on? Puerile. Provoking masks - only to those who think masks are inherently dangerous.

Mentioning brainwashing (what the red-shirt cannon fodder had to suffer in 2010) is interesting. I've always wondered why supposedly educated (not necessarily intelligent) Farangs can allow themselves to be brainwashed in the same way as the mostly paid red-shirt supporters.

And yes, the strong (larger groups of red shirt thugs) are intimidating the weak (small groups such as the V-mask group). Those masks are soooo scary.

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Well, these masked people are taunting the red shirts and i think if i was a red shirt i would probably retaliate to this taunting, its only natural. And if they are not trying to make trouble, why are they doing it ? sad.png

You're doing it again Oldsailor! The V masks were not taunting the reds, they were quietly protesting and a MOB of 200 reds decided to use physical violence and threats to move them.

Your last line is a joke right?

And if they are not trying to make trouble, why are they doing it ?

You don't do any Teaching by any chance do you?

OK so they are so gut less that they have to use masks to hide their faces ! And no i am not a teacher, probably made my money whilst you were still learning sonny.


How democratic of the Pheu Thai deputy spokesman... hypocrisy reigns supreme. If they're sincere they should ban the wearing of red in public. They're in power, what more do they want!

Everyone seems to be in party mood with happy smiling faces. Look at the pic, that is definitely staged.

The only genuine smile I can see is the dude with the mask. The 'smiley' red is donning one of those fake ones.

Ban the wearing of red in public, but allow the masked people to provoke the red shirts by taunting with these masks ?

Numb nut

As far as I know the white masks are NOT meant to taunt red-shirts. With (insert country)-spring movements white masks are often seen. With the Thai government keeping an eye on those who think differently the mask was also an extra signal in 'trying to protect' from spying eyes. None of this has anything to do with red-shirts.

BTW your comment suggest that red-shirts wearing Thaksin masks might be seen as just taunting others?

Yes , they probably are ! and i think its immature and stupid whoever is doing it.


Yellow shirts, Red shirts, thats all normal part of Thai politics now and quite acceptable. However this new act of wearing stupid masks which is only designed to provoke and insult, thus stirring tempers by incitement . Must be stopped before it gets out of hand. Ban the wearing of these masks.

Apart from making more trouble, they have no use whatsoever.

What's the purpose of wearing a red shirt? A fashion statement?

I would point out that I've nothing against anyone wearing a red shirt or any other colour. Just showing the stupidity of the comment.

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OK so they are so gut less that they have to use masks to hide their faces ! And no i am not a teacher, probably made my money whilst you were still learning sonny.

Not so long ago (on the 26th of May this year) we had a topic with a.o.

"Facebook users have joined an anti-government campaign by changing their profile pictures to the white mask of Guy Fawkes and posting messages against the Thaksin regime on government websites and FB pages that support the former PM."


So according to your vision all facebook users who don't have their picture in their profile, are gutless? Does that also apply to TVF members? Do you think I should put up my passport picture here again, like I had many years when the internet was still an (almost) unspoiled place? Your avatar seems to be from 'gravatar', now that must be a true reflection of self rather than gutlesssmile.png

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The only reason they choose to wear masks is so hopefully people don't realise they are the same yellow faces that have been obstructing democracy for 8 years now.

When/where did peacefully criticising the government become "obstructing democracy"? Is violence against the white masks "supporting democracy"?

Is this the red shirt version of "democracy"?

They are openly calling for a military coup to overthrow the democratically elected government.

They are perfectly entitled to do so in a democratic society.

Perhaps you can prove that they have?

The teacher's view of democracy is a bit like the party and leader he supports. We were democratically elected don't you know - and now we're going to hang on to power by whatever means.

Stiffle oposition, oppose free speach, make sure our police only protect our supporters, and use whatever means of intimidation and violence we like. We're elected so thelaws don't apply to us - we can just change them. Add things like Plod's threat to Phuket and you see how their ideas of democracy work.

Rich teacher - do you have any comment on the violence used by Red Shirts against a much smaller group of people exercising their democratic right to peaceful protest? Or do you consider this acceptable?

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Not sure how you came to this conclusion.

There is another video of the Red Shirts burning posters and banners of white masks. I thought that staring fires was appropriate(typical behavior) of Reds Shirts.

Another few episodes like this without condemnation from the government and it will surely start to escalate out of control.

Wearing a red shirt, or any other colour shirt for that matter, should not give immunity to acts of vandalism and violence.

What can be done though? A developing and corrupt ridden country with an equally corrupt police force ... it will take at least one more generation to get out of the mess the population have created for themselves in the last decade.

This behavior will end when Dr. Thaksin is too old and feeble to give orders any more. He is behind 100% of the divisive strife in Thailand.

The sign says "overthrow the Thaksin regime"........Have'nt these morons heard of elections. They had one and lost did'nt they. This means that the majority voted differently than they did. So why can they not accept it and vote the govt out in the next election.

Because by the time of the next election there will be nothing left, the coffers will be empty and the thieves will have fled.


So please tell me, which political side do the ones wearing these stupid provoking masks belong to. And as for "The man in Dubai" statements i ask the question, Why in the hell does any farang allow themselves to be brainwashed into following and believing all this propaganda. Its Thai politics, where the strong try to influence the weak and its plain to see where you stand.

You don't know which side they are on? Puerile. Provoking masks - only to those who think masks are inherently dangerous.

Mentioning brainwashing (what the red-shirt cannon fodder had to suffer in 2010) is interesting. I've always wondered why supposedly educated (not necessarily intelligent) Farangs can allow themselves to be brainwashed in the same way as the mostly paid red-shirt supporters.

And yes, the strong (larger groups of red shirt thugs) are intimidating the weak (small groups such as the V-mask group). Those masks are soooo scary.

There is plenty of information that can be researched on Thaksin, his history prior to and after criminal conviction and the peformance and behaviour of the current Thaksin led PTP government.

There is no need to believe any political rhetoric aimed at brainwashing as the information is there.


Well, these masked people are taunting the red shirts and i think if i was a red shirt i would probably retaliate to this taunting, its only natural. And if they are not trying to make trouble, why are they doing it ? sad.png

You're doing it again Oldsailor! The V masks were not taunting the reds, they were quietly protesting and a MOB of 200 reds decided to use physical violence and threats to move them.

Your last line is a joke right?

And if they are not trying to make trouble, why are they doing it ?

You don't do any Teaching by any chance do you?

OK so they are so gut less that they have to use masks to hide their faces ! And no i am not a teacher, probably made my money whilst you were still learning sonny.

Look at protesters on the news in countries around the world, protesting at governments. See how many wear some form of mask and try to hide their identitiy. Have a think about why they do this. If you think its because they are all gutless then thats up to you.


So poignant having Thaskin's smiling face on the sound truck, while it shouts instruction to incite the mob mentality.

Red democracy in action.

My missus confirms that the red truck PA system is indeed instructing the red mob. So why are the operators and owners of said truck not being arrested....... It's ok, I know the answer.

Hopefully DM in the next couple of hours will democratically voice their feeling against the Govt. Could be a messy couple of months me thinks.


So please tell me, which political side do the ones wearing these stupid provoking masks belong to. And as for "The man in Dubai" statements i ask the question, Why in the hell does any farang allow themselves to be brainwashed into following and believing all this propaganda. Its Thai politics, where the strong try to influence the weak and its plain to see where you stand.


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So poignant having Thaskin's smiling face on the sound truck, while it shouts instruction to incite the mob mentality.

Red democracy in action.

My missus confirms that the red truck PA system is indeed instructing the red mob. So why are the operators and owners of said truck not being arrested....... It's ok, I know the answer.

Hopefully DM in the next couple of hours will democratically voice their feeling against the Govt. Could be a messy couple of months me thinks.

If the Dems take DM, I imagine on Monday Plodrasop will route the Bangkok flood management plan to avoid protecting DM.


Thank you for accusing me of wearing red glasses but I am definitely not a red shirt supporter nor am I a yellow shirt supporter. Personally I think they are as bad as each other. I sit on the fence and watch and haven't taken sides. It appears that you have chosen you side. Maybe it is easier to make an observation if you do not have bias opinion.

If you have noticed some of my other posts I condemn both sides on certain issues.

Some people seem to think that by taking the stance that both sides are as bad as each other, that must automatically make their position neutral. It does not. In terms of violence, intimidation and destruction, the red shirt movement has been responsible for a lot more than any other group (this incident being a prime example of how they operate).

Failing to acknowledge the differences that separate the red shirt movement from others, and attempting as you are, to label them all as bad as each other, is just a backhanded attempt at playing down what the red shirts are guilty of. It is the sort of approach i have observed in quite a number of people who were once vocal in their support of the reds, and who still deep down have their sympathies in that direction, but who have realized that actually defending the red shirts has become too difficult a task with all that they have done in the last few years, and so instead they take a different approach, that of attempting to distribute the blame out equally on all sides.

Both sides are not as "bad as each other" to use your rather unsophisticated expression.It's actually quite important to look at the names and the backing for this anti democratic mob, a point which is entirely missing from this thread which unfotunately makes it rather brainless.The redshirts certainly gave a boisterous reception to a small bunch of proto fascists.Good for them.Very much the same as when the people of East London booted out Oswald Mosley's Blackshirts - though in Thailand without the violence that characterised the fight against fascism then.


When jayboy speaks about 'undemocratic mob' in the context of the OP I assume he refers to the red-shirts who gave a boisterous reception to attacked a small group of protesters of a different mindset.

BTW black shirts? Men-in-black? Finally sighted in broad daylight and attacking?

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Just noticed a breaking news item from the other newspaper. It has Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong Nopparit with some interesting remarks, like
- PM not taking sides
- PM leader of all political groups and colours
- Different sides have the right to express their viewpoints and opinions
- believe PM has already instructed police to look after all sides and not to side with any group
- (Dems party spokesman) Chavanond should stop making accusations to discredit Ms Yingluck

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