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Danish man and Thai woman robbed in Pattaya

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Disrespectful troll post removed


I see Bagwan posted a reply to that post at the same time as I removed it, hence the quoted reply still stands in his post. and is in reply to an over the top troll post

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I can think of 2 reasons to go there. lol

Well come on buddy give us your reasons?

Girls and booze, what else wink.png
You can go anywhere else in Thailand for that why do you need to go to Pattaya,it's nothing more than a cesspit for sex tourists and prostitution.

It`s fun for a couple of days though. lol


No sympathy for the owl git,walking down ally's in the middle of the night with 14000 baht on you is asking for it.

I assume that you are a fully paid up member of the fraternity of the <deleted> young. I suggest that the majority here would opine that walking down dark alleys late at night is not a good idea, but to say that this gentleman, who IMO is just entering old age, asked for it, is many a step too far. I suppose, given the way that young ladies dress these days, you would say that they are asking to be raped.

P.S. Being advanced in years is not a crime and should not attract derogatoray remarks. Many societies rightly revere their senior citizens who have a far greater fund of knowledge, experience and understanding than you apparently do. Three definitions of a 'git' are offered by the Urban Dictionary. Many, particularly those far senior than you, might well tend to think that they apply to yourself.

1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.

2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.

3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.

An owl is a mainly nocturnal bird of prey. I think the word that you were seeking is 'old' but then with your apparent lack of education maybe it doesn't fall within the boundaries of your lexicon.

Well to me an old man walking around dark ally ways in Pattaya with a woman who is young enough to be his daughter tells me all I need to know about him and I would hardly describe that behavior as gentlemanly,hence why a I called him a git.The disrespectful comment towards me on your behalf was a hundred times worse than anything I said about him.He should have known better and even though I am young enough to be his son I don't see him having much common sense.I stand by what I said,don't get but hurt about it.

It`s fun for a couple of days though. lolDepends what you call fun,Im sure that old Danish guy was probably thinking the same thing himself until he got mugged.


maybe his girl contacted her thai mates saying that her boyfriend just withdrew a large sum of cash

it is indeed a princely sum that was robbed. 14,000 Baht! w00t.gif


maybe his girl contacted her thai mates saying that her boyfriend just withdrew a large sum of cash

isnt it incredible how people think it is always the girlfriends fault.


I can think of a 100 reasons Never to go to Pattaya, but people keep do it anyway.

If you can list the first 50 without repeating yourself there could be a prize*.

*An escorted tour of the back alleys of Walking Street. Escort and accommodation not included. Bring your own spending money.


One line posts bashing Pattaya such as 'cesspit for sex' and "sewer city", are not welcome here and have been removed. Further posts of this nature will earn that poster a posting suspension.

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


No sympathy for the owl git,walking down ally's in the middle of the night with 14000 baht on you is asking for it.

I assume that you are a fully paid up member of the fraternity of the <deleted> young. I suggest that the majority here would opine that walking down dark alleys late at night is not a good idea, but to say that this gentleman, who IMO is just entering old age, asked for it, is many a step too far. I suppose, given the way that young ladies dress these days, you would say that they are asking to be raped.

P.S. Being advanced in years is not a crime and should not attract derogatoray remarks. Many societies rightly revere their senior citizens who have a far greater fund of knowledge, experience and understanding than you apparently do. Three definitions of a 'git' are offered by the Urban Dictionary. Many, particularly those far senior than you, might well tend to think that they apply to yourself.

1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.

2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.

3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.

An owl is a mainly nocturnal bird of prey. I think the word that you were seeking is 'old' but then with your apparent lack of education maybe it doesn't fall within the boundaries of your lexicon.

Well to me an old man walking around dark ally ways in Pattaya with a woman who is young enough to be his daughter tells me all I need to know about him and I would hardly describe that behavior as gentlemanly,hence why a I called him a git.The disrespectful comment towards me on your behalf was a hundred times worse than anything I said about him.He should have known better and even though I am young enough to be his son I don't see him having much common sense.I stand by what I said,don't get but hurt about it.

Old man with a woman young enough to be his daughter?

She is 33 !! Not exactly a babe in arms.

And as there are no alleyways off walking street, you need to read between the lines of the story.

So, he is walking this woman home off Walking Street and they apparently get robbed and you call him an old git.

I have to agree with Bagwan, he is not old, not yet even of pensionable age. How do you know he is not a gentleman? How do you know he does not open the door for her, or treat her like a lady? Many older men do, we have something called manners.

If he had picked up some young 20 year old from a bar or a-go-go, I might well understand derogatory comments.

Yet, as you state, you are young enough to be his son. Are you jealous he has such a beautiful woman on his arm?

I am sincerely glad my son does not have your attitude to life.


No sympathy for the owl git,walking down ally's in the middle of the night with 14000 baht on you is asking for it.

I assume that you are a fully paid up member of the fraternity of the <deleted> young. I suggest that the majority here would opine that walking down dark alleys late at night is not a good idea, but to say that this gentleman, who IMO is just entering old age, asked for it, is many a step too far. I suppose, given the way that young ladies dress these days, you would say that they are asking to be raped.

P.S. Being advanced in years is not a crime and should not attract derogatoray remarks. Many societies rightly revere their senior citizens who have a far greater fund of knowledge, experience and understanding than you apparently do. Three definitions of a 'git' are offered by the Urban Dictionary. Many, particularly those far senior than you, might well tend to think that they apply to yourself.

1. A completely ignorant, childish person with no manners.

2. A person who feels justified in their callow behaviour.

3. A pubescent kid who thinks it's totally cool to act like a moron on the internet, only because no one can actually reach through the screen and punch their lights out.

An owl is a mainly nocturnal bird of prey. I think the word that you were seeking is 'old' but then with your apparent lack of education maybe it doesn't fall within the boundaries of your lexicon.

Well to me an old man walking around dark ally ways in Pattaya with a woman who is young enough to be his daughter tells me all I need to know about him and I would hardly describe that behavior as gentlemanly,hence why a I called him a git.The disrespectful comment towards me on your behalf was a hundred times worse than anything I said about him.He should have known better and even though I am young enough to be his son I don't see him having much common sense.I stand by what I said,don't get but hurt about it.

Old man with a woman young enough to be his daughter?

She is 33 !! Not exactly a babe in arms.

And as there are no alleyways off walking street, you need to read between the lines of the story.

So, he is walking this woman home off Walking Street and they apparently get robbed and you call him an old git.

I have to agree with Bagwan, he is not old, not yet even of pensionable age. How do you know he is not a gentleman? How do you know he does not open the door for her, or treat her like a lady? Many older men do, we have something called manners.

If he had picked up some young 20 year old from a bar or a-go-go, I might well understand derogatory comments.

Yet, as you state, you are young enough to be his son. Are you jealous he has such a beautiful woman on his arm?

I am sincerely glad my son does not have your attitude to life.

My attitude to life?

Beautiful woman on his arm?

65 not old?

Who are you trying to kid,old man hanging around Pattaya late at night with a woman half his age,a gentleman?She may not be a bar girl but judging by the age gap he probably met her in a bar to begin with.

A Gentleman?Get real.

I have been to Pattaya once in my life and I will never go there again never mind hang around in alleyways late at night with my partner.

I wouldn't dare consider bringing my family to a place like Pattaya.I spent a weekend in Bangkok a few years ago and walked outside my hotel to find an old man trying to proposition my wife.I absolutely went ballistic and told the guy to get lost before he got himself hurt.

By the sounds of the way you are talking your an old guy who can't handle the truth about what the motives are of old men who find themselves creeping around Pattaya and Bangkok in the late to early hours of the night.

Your a obviously a confused sex tourist trying to defend the honor if one your cohorts.Its not gonna wash with me though I see right through you.


@ EamonJ


There is more to Pattaya than you 'Been there once' people can ever understand.

Besides being riddled with hookers and sex tourists what else does it offer that other parts of Thailand don't? Pattaya only appeals to a certain type of person and I don't have to explain the reasons why.More to Pattaya,pfffft get real.
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I wonder why some people bother to come to the Pattaya forum, since they seem to have such high morals, although I didnt read in the op, that the guy was "hanging around alleyways". BTW, what was your wife doing, hanging around outside a hotel?

Well he was robbed in an alleyway so I would assume he was either walking through there or hanging around either way he should have been more careful.This is a Thai forum,I live in Thailand and have done for the last 4 years so I think I have a right to say my part.And another thing don't try and be a smart arse my wife was not hanging around,i forgot my phone and went back up to the room to get it i had left her side for no more than 2 minutes.It just goes to show you the mentality of most of the men who visit Pattaya and BK,they seem to think every Thai woman is a hooker or can be bought.It gives a me a bloody headache,have some respect and think before you act.

Shame. Isnt the first, wont be the last time.

The police wont/cant/wouldnt want do anything about it !! Not sure why they even got them involved.

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@ EamonJ


There is more to Pattaya than you 'Been there once' people can ever understand.

Besides being riddled with hookers and sex tourists what else does it offer that other parts of Thailand don't? Pattaya only appeals to a certain type of person and I don't have to explain the reasons why.More to Pattaya,pfffft get real.

Don`t be condescending. Pattaya is a wonderful place for the whole family. Including a horny uncle. ;)


Anyone know the location of the robbery ?

Walking distance from walking street ? Could be anywhere in S-Pattaya.


I wonder why some people bother to come to the Pattaya forum, since they seem to have such high morals, although I didnt read in the op, that the guy was "hanging around alleyways". BTW, what was your wife doing, hanging around outside a hotel?

Well he was robbed in an alleyway so I would assume he was either walking through there or hanging around either way he should have been more careful.This is a Thai forum,I live in Thailand and have done for the last 4 years so I think I have a right to say my part.And another thing don't try and be a smart arse my wife was not hanging around,i forgot my phone and went back up to the room to get it i had left her side for no more than 2 minutes.It just goes to show you the mentality of most of the men who visit Pattaya and BK,they seem to think every Thai woman is a hooker or can be bought.It gives a me a bloody headache,have some respect and think before you act.

hmmmmmm, a whole 4 years, still a bit wet behind the ears boy......


I wonder why some people bother to come to the Pattaya forum, since they seem to have such high morals, although I didnt read in the op, that the guy was "hanging around alleyways". BTW, what was your wife doing, hanging around outside a hotel?

Well he was robbed in an alleyway so I would assume he was either walking through there or hanging around either way he should have been more careful.This is a Thai forum,I live in Thailand and have done for the last 4 years so I think I have a right to say my part.And another thing don't try and be a smart arse my wife was not hanging around,i forgot my phone and went back up to the room to get it i had left her side for no more than 2 minutes.It just goes to show you the mentality of most of the men who visit Pattaya and BK,they seem to think every Thai woman is a hooker or can be bought.It gives a me a bloody headache,have some respect and think before you act.

hmmmmmm, a whole 4 years, still a bit wet behind the ears boy......
How do you work that one out? I run my own business,teach English and take care of my my wife and son and i have never had any trouble living here whatsoever besides some minor incidents mostly involving other farangs.So I would say I'm doing quite well for myself."Pops"
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I wonder why some people bother to come to the Pattaya forum, since they seem to have such high morals, although I didnt read in the op, that the guy was "hanging around alleyways". BTW, what was your wife doing, hanging around outside a hotel?

Well he was robbed in an alleyway so I would assume he was either walking through there or hanging around either way he should have been more careful.This is a Thai forum,I live in Thailand and have done for the last 4 years so I think I have a right to say my part.And another thing don't try and be a smart arse my wife was not hanging around,i forgot my phone and went back up to the room to get it i had left her side for no more than 2 minutes.It just goes to show you the mentality of most of the men who visit Pattaya and BK,they seem to think every Thai woman is a hooker or can be bought.It gives a me a bloody headache,have some respect and think before you act.
hmmmmmm, a whole 4 years, still a bit wet behind the ears boy......
How do you work that one out? I run my own business,teach English and take care of my my wife and son and i have never had any trouble living here whatsoever besides some minor incidents mostly involving other farangs.So I would say I'm doing quite well for myself."Pops"

Well, that's not surprising considering your style of posting here!


I wonder why some people bother to come to the Pattaya forum, since they seem to have such high morals, although I didnt read in the op, that the guy was "hanging around alleyways". BTW, what was your wife doing, hanging around outside a hotel?

Well he was robbed in an alleyway so I would assume he was either walking through there or hanging around either way he should have been more careful.This is a Thai forum,I live in Thailand and have done for the last 4 years so I think I have a right to say my part.And another thing don't try and be a smart arse my wife was not hanging around,i forgot my phone and went back up to the room to get it i had left her side for no more than 2 minutes.It just goes to show you the mentality of most of the men who visit Pattaya and BK,they seem to think every Thai woman is a hooker or can be bought.It gives a me a bloody headache,have some respect and think before you act.
hmmmmmm, a whole 4 years, still a bit wet behind the ears boy......
How do you work that one out? I run my own business,teach English and take care of my my wife and son and i have never had any trouble living here whatsoever besides some minor incidents mostly involving other farangs.So I would say I'm doing quite well for myself."Pops"

Well, that's not surprising considering your style of posting here!

My style of posting?If I had of said Thai people are cowards and theives or something along those lines nobody would have batted an eyelid,but because I said the guy deserved it for not being more careful and made reference to his age people are getting all worked up.There should be a double standard on here,I think alot of you guys forget we are just visitors here and anything can happen to anybody at any moment without taking precaution.Its common bloody sense,don't take it out on me for being in honest.

Well, you shouldn`t assume that a victim of a crime deserved it......


Looks like the danish man needs to take a step back and reassess his relationship with his "girlfriend" :whistling:

And why would anyone be walking around with such a large sum of money late at night, did she plan to hire a few more "girlfriends" for his hubby :rolleyes:


I wonder why some people bother to come to the Pattaya forum, since they seem to have such high morals, although I didnt read in the op, that the guy was "hanging around alleyways". BTW, what was your wife doing, hanging around outside a hotel?

Well he was robbed in an alleyway so I would assume he was either walking through there or hanging around either way he should have been more careful.This is a Thai forum,I live in Thailand and have done for the last 4 years so I think I have a right to say my part.And another thing don't try and be a smart arse my wife was not hanging around,i forgot my phone and went back up to the room to get it i had left her side for no more than 2 minutes.It just goes to show you the mentality of most of the men who visit Pattaya and BK,they seem to think every Thai woman is a hooker or can be bought.It gives a me a bloody headache,have some respect and think before you act.

He was walking back to his hotel with his girlfriend. Not hanging around in alleyways.

You claim you are an English teacher but you cannot read the OP?

And how does one take care against a random and unprovoked attack or robbery? What was this 'old man' as you call him supposed to do against younger, fitter assailants / robbers?

Maybe he was gentleman enough not to want his g/f or himself to be physically attacked and possibly hospitalised. Ah, but, according to you, he is an old git and no gentleman, yet you do not know this man, do you?

Yet you presume to tell the world how bad a man he is because he and his girlfriend were walking home to their hotel from a visit to Walking Street.

What a sad person that makes you IMHO.

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I can think of 2 reasons to go there. lol

It can't be the rotten girls there and neither a jetski ride. What's left, a gay bar ?

What is wrong with gay bars? Ever been to one?


@ EamonJ


There is more to Pattaya than you 'Been there once' people can ever understand.

Besides being riddled with hookers and sex tourists what else does it offer that other parts of Thailand don't? Pattaya only appeals to a certain type of person and I don't have to explain the reasons why.More to Pattaya,pfffft get real.

English style food, multicuturalism, English and European (amongst others) restaurants. English music. friendly people from all nations - and as I regularly talk to Americans, Australians, English, Austrian and other nationalities and have a few friendly beers with them - I can say that there are friendly people here.

Riddled with hookers and sex tourists? You came here once didn't you?

There are many Thai people here who are not hookers. Let's see, hospital workers, nurses, doctors. How about those who work in 7/11, BigC, HomeMart, Foodland. What about all those m/c taxi drivers are they all hookers too? How about the many Thai people who work in shops, mom n pop stalls, shoe shops, market stalls etc?

It seems to me that you are the one with the hang-ups, boy. Yes, I say boy because if you truly were a man of the world you would know there is more to places like Pattaya than hookers and sex tourists.

And as for you bringing your wife and family here, if it is such a cesspit, why on earth would you do that?

I am going out tonight, in Pattaya. I will meet with people who are decent and caring - in the main. We will have a few beers, listen to music and have a chat and a good laugh, IF we can fight our way down town through the streets riddled with old gits, sex tourists and hookers as you seem to think the streets are.

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