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It salary survey

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I found this very interesting and useful.  It's a survey of IT salaries in Thailand.


In fact the salaries listed here are higher than i've seen advertised.  However as many positions ask you for what salary you expect, (I wish they would just say the salary was X instead of trying to rip off people), you now have a reference source.

I've seen 1 reference on the net of how that salary breaks down, however it'd be interesting and I believe very useful to see how people budget.


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ISM is a company who outsources IT people. The more you pay the IT people you hire from them, the more ISM gets.

Therefore this study maybe shows higher salaries then most companies will be prepared to pay I guess.

Most companies do not want to pay for IT. It is not seen as a priority.

Actually I am an highly experienced expat IT-manager with more then 10 years experience. I wish I would be paid the same as my Thai colleagues with this function and experience as mentioned in this study....

Also do not forget that salaries in Bangkok and Rayong for example can be quite different.

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