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Its not about helping "you" its about helping your species.

Your parents helped you by passing on their genes.

The question was about how do you personally feel about the inevitability of death. It's about your own personal psychology. I don't understand why you think this has anything to do with it.

Does the fact that you have 1/16 of your great grandmother's genes make you happy to die?

It's called justification for a person's thoughts. This is a forum not a poll.

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I have been afraid of death for a long time I don't like the idea one bit but the fear has gotten less. But if I have to go i hope i go fast and not slow and in pain. But i believe im in the wrong country for euthanasia.

Sorry mate, it's not 'But if I have to go' but 'WHEN I have to go' ;-)

My father died suddenly of a massive heart attack 10 years ago at age 76, I Cried like a baby. My mother died from Cancer 6 months ago at 86, I Cried like a baby.


Living in Thailand I now feel that it's just normal to die and that it can happen anytime.

I think it's good to see dead everywhere in Thailand, being newspapers ot TV, so we feel like it's jus ta normal thing and not a taboo...


Its not about helping "you" its about helping your species.

Your parents helped you by passing on their genes.

The question was about how do you personally feel about the inevitability of death. It's about your own personal psychology. I don't understand why you think this has anything to do with it.

Does the fact that you have 1/16 of your great grandmother's genes make you happy to die?

I have no feelings for death there is absolutely no point thinking about it, its going to happen one way or another, live for today but plan a bit for tomorrow and I was replying to another question with my answer anyway.


I am happy I am now Buddhist. When it happens my family will pray for me for 3 nights and then send me on my way. No need to buggier about digging holes. When it's done it's done. I am happy with that. As for the actual dying part...... There is nothing more certain in this world that its gonna happen one day. Just pray its quick and not messy, and that all my ducks are in a row, so I don't leave behind any BS for others to sort out.

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I say: 'Bring it on!!' But not today. I'm busy today. Oh and tomorrow's

not looking great either . Look, why don't I get back to you on this one ...?

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Au contraire, many voluntary euthanasia advocacy organizations send their members to Thailand to purchase nembutal, one of the preferred exit strategies.


Better safe then sorry, so where do i buy nembutal ?


If you're a Christian, I'd have thought the concept of "everlasting life" pretty frightening.

You're talking about what Christopher Hitchens described as a 'celestial North Korea'.

Never heard that before, but nicely put. Personally, the idea of going to sleep and never waking up is the preferred option.

Christopher Hitchens talking about religion on a debate with his brother non the less,

interesting to watch the whole thing,


ps: how does one insert a Youtube video on TV? I used to be able to do it, now all it does is insert a link yo it.



Au contraire, many voluntary euthanasia advocacy organizations send their members to Thailand to purchase nembutal, one of the preferred exit strategies.


Better safe then sorry, so where do i buy nembutal ?

Apparently certain pet shops in BKK were the suppliers, don't know if it's still the case.


how does one insert a Youtube video on TV? I used to be able to do it, now all it does is insert a link yo it.

Make sure you're in "raw plain text" mode (top left paper clip icon", delete the URL tag kruft around your URL and then go back to "preview" mode and it should automatically fix it up.


Better safe then sorry, so where do i buy nembutal ?


Did a little research, and apparently in the past few years it's been banned and the way they've been cleaning up the drugs industry here would probably be very difficult to find, just looking for it could get you into trouble I suppose.



If we are talking about death in Thailand.

I like to go between two Issan Pretties ... :D

If it's going to be my last thought ... why not a good one?


If we are talking about death in Thailand.

I like to go between two Issan Pretties ... :D

If it's going to be my last thought ... why not a good one?


Me too, when the time comes i would rather not know if I am coming or going

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Nice happy topic.

Agreed. Sitting here on a nice Saturday, day off work thinking about death! That's the 2nd death topic on here.

dear Dom, you don't upset me if you are a doctor... i just said people have goals to feel vip or to have a better life . guys with cars and houses have never impressed me as we know most live with credit cards and plenty of debts and probably have children they never have taken care of plus 3 divorces... up to you to believe what you want, Buddhism say we go through many lives to reach heaven... you believe there is nothing, just black hole, well you will have a good surprise because your are totally right. you set your mind and it s where you will go. people goes where they want to go. if I go right, I turn right, you want go left you turn left. I think in India they have some kind of 14 levels where you soul will go and it s up to you to decide where to go. plus 7 is heaven, minus 7 is hell. guess where you are now? around level 0. I think it s important to respect religion and respect beliefs of others as long they don't hurt people like fanatics. Buddhism will not tell you are wrong, because at the end, it s up to you to believe what is good for you. so if you believe there is nothing and you are OK with that, why not? you can even say people are stupid and ignorant, that s OK too. I got many friends who think like you and I respect them but they got big problems when I ask them "... if there is nothing after life as you said , where do you come from in this case?" they answer" I come from nothing "or some guys say they come from their mother (eggs or chicken I could argue?) . then I answer" if there is nothing before and after life, you don't suppose to be here as there is nothing and your mother should not exist as well. right? " most will answer by ," yes but my mother exist and I exist" and I reply "you just told me you are nothing... so what you do here?" then they don't know what to answer... i just look at their reaction, they start to scratch their head or they go away... or change conversation...

Some interesting points, Charly, but don't you mix up the origin of the universe with evolution?

It is indeed an interesting question why is there something (in the universe) rather than nothing? I don't know, nobody knows. But Einstein showed us that energy and matter are the two sides of the same. In that sense, when we die, will will not vanish. The molecules that made our body are still there, but they disintegrate, change into some different molecules or compounds. So, indeed, there is not nothing after death.

But what we are talking about here is life. Life is usually defined as having DNA. And our DNA disintegrates after death, hence "nothing", i.e. no life. I am not buying the concept of "soul" and even less the concept of migrating souls or souls that travel to other fictive place (heaven, nirvana, hell, whatever).

The concept of life after death with eternal justice or the possibility to reach such a state (after several go rounds), is in my conviction an attempt to console people about the inherent injustice in nature. The concept of Karma goes in the same direction. But the concept of "justice" pre-supposes someone or something deciding what is right and wrong, what is fair and what is not fair. That something doesn't exist. Justice and fairness are concepts of the human mind, not of nature. Nature is inherently unfair. Or is it fair that the lion kills the young gazelle?

We are a product of evolution and evolution is possible because of the nature of DNA.

About the egg and the chicken: could it be that the chicken is just the egg's way of making a new egg?

Someone mentioned "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkings, read it. It's fascinating.

And perhaps I may also recommend "The God Delusion" by the same author.

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At 1715 Saturday 8th June, the night of my 60th Birthday, a friend rang me and offered his apologies, he said that he felt really crook and would not to be able to attend. He would catch up later.

He died the following Tuesday. Alone. In a hotel room in Thong Lor.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

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Seems to be a few morbid people about at this time of year starting topics about death. A little bit of advice to these OPs, if you can, get out and about and take in what is happening around you...........wink.png

Death is one of life's certainties, it is going to happen, no exceptions. This is the law of nature.

How an individual deals with this is up to them, mostly different in every case. You have some people who have advance notice and have a good guess when it is going to happen. These are the people who have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses.

There are those that are religious, absolutely nothing wrong with this. They will live their lives believing in the majority of cases, that there is something more to follow death. This is their belief, how they deal with the inevitable.

And then there are the others who live life, believing that when death comes, that is it, the end. No worries about what will happen next, what we will come back to this earth as. No worries that there may have been a transcript error and 72 virgins turns out to be a 72 year old virgin.

Me? When the time comes, I am happy to embrace it, no fears of it. I have lead a life that has opened my eyes to a lot of the ways of the world. I have fulfilled my purpose and have left children to continue the existence of mankind.

But, until the day comes, whether it is tomorrow or in 20 years, I intend to enjoy life to the best of my means 'til the end...............thumbsup.gif


You don't need Nembutal - I firmly maintain that a bathtub full of water and a bottle or two of Mehkong will do the job. For those who aren't enamoured of that option, the exit bag with a bottle of nitrogen will also work - I just think the bathtub option might be preferable in cases where an obvious suicide could cause undue hardship for surviving relatives. Saw a doco a while back on the unfortunates who have to take bodies back to the morgue after suicides (NYC, but I doubt that the job is any different elsewhere). They claimed that men usually choose something graphically violent (high dives are big, apparently...) while women usually go with pills - my main concern with pills would be the possibility that I might survive the dose - at least, my body might survive .....

As for 'near death experiences', I would be surprised if any TVer over the age of 50 hasn't already had one or two. I know I'm not the only one here who has woken up on the floor after a big night and wondered how the hell they survived the previous night - you only need to replace those floorboards with water and it's game over. We're all adults here (apparently) - this isn't some sort of 'teen angst' or whatever - but I think it makes sense to plan for every eventuality. That said, I have no dependents - completely different ball game for those who do.


I know this is not the book section....but I find it relevant here.

I stumbled across this book with an open mind from a very sceptical background.

" Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander, M.D. A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife.

An amazing story from a highly educated person who also did not only disbelieve religion and everything that goes with it.....but he had hard core belief that there is no soul and what we think of ourselves is just the brain doing its job.

After his personal experience of being on life support and virtually "brain dead" he recalls his experiences in this book.

Now I have doubts.

Worth the read.......don't knock it 'till you try it.


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All this reminds me of conversations i used to have with my Father many years ago about life and death. His theory was that the difference between heaven and hell, is that hell is what you are living, so you shouldn't worry about death...because that's heaven. Takes some thinking about.

He also said he thought that Jesus was a Space Man sent from a World in another Galaxy. His reasoning was that we Humans were probably a very bad lot bounced out of this other World and dumped on the nearest usable Planet. Again; takes some thinking about.


I know this is not the book section....but I find it relevant here.

I stumbled across this book with an open mind from a very sceptical background.

" Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander, M.D. A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife.

An amazing story from a highly educated person who also did not only disbelieve religion and everything that goes with it.....but he had hard core belief that there is no soul and what we think of ourselves is just the brain doing its job.

After his personal experience of being on life support and virtually "brain dead" he recalls his experiences in this book.

Now I have doubts.

Worth the read.......don't knock it 'till you try it.


I've had two friends in my lifetime that have had near death experiences; one so close to apparent death that his wife was told to gather the family at his Hospital bed because he would not last the night. However; he pulled through and some months later i just had to ask him if he knew what was going on at the time, or if there were any silver lined stairways, or doors with his passed relatives standing waiting for him, or was he up in the corner of the ceiling looking down on himself, yada yada. He told me he knew absolutely nothing and that it was all a blank until he woke up 30 odd hours later, so he would not have known he was dying, or even dead. The other person told me the same and from their personal experiences they were pretty sure there is nothing there 'on the other side'. I guess there is only one way we will ever know for sure....or not know !!

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