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What are the things that annoy you about living in Thailand?


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I could provide a top 10 list, but then I would be a whinger, so here is my top annoyance. Loud music, 24/7. Thais really do not seem to have concept of volume control or empathy for their neighbors. From vendors driving around in trucks with speakers to announce their arrival, to advertising trucks blasting at full volume. I've had to leave clubs before because to the volume of the music. Thais seem to have zero concept of "too loud".

There is nothing wrong in whinging or complaining about the place or country where you are residing, there is not a perfect place on this planet, everyone has concerns or moans!!

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going to a video shop and automatically being shown the porn from under the counter.

( even with my daughter with me)

well I guess you chose the shop with your doughter right handed, didn't you.

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My number one gripe is that Thais always think the grass is always greener in the west, higher salaries etc.

They don't account for higher costs in the west and the crappy rules and regulations that you have to follow. They are freer than we could ever imagine. Better weather and closer kinship are worth more than all the material gains that you can make in the west.

Just before moving here I was offered a 100, 000 pound a year job but I was far happier on 30,000 a month as I escaped the tyranny of the UK. Sometimes I feel that I was a fool but 99% of the time I have enjoyed my time here.

Another gripe I have is plastic bags. Far too much wastage for my liking. Even an African country (Tanzania?) has banned most of the them but Thailand still has this awful love affair with the plastic bag. My regular veg seller in my local market now understands that I like everything I buy in one bag instead of putting each thing in separate bags.

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Double pricing..Price for Thais and a Very Unfair Price for X Pats that live here....

Not everyone lives in Pattaya or Phuket. Never been falang priced...where I live but then it's worth knowing what things are worth.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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The whinging "pommies" (Brits) who complain about everything and compare everything with their home country

Australians always complaining about "whinging pommies" chip on shoulders or what :)

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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Double pricing..Price for Thais and a Very Unfair Price for X Pats that live here....

Not everyone lives in Pattaya or Phuket. Never been falang priced...where I live but then it's worth knowing what things are worth.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

While it's obviously true that not everyone lives in Phuket or Pattaya, this is the Phuket forum and dual pricing exists all over Thailand (unless you have a Thai driver's license which makes it generally a non-issue). smile.png

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the thing that really annoys me about here is, toilets, yes toilets, the water flushes out the bottom, not the back, the water out of the conveniently placed water fountain found next to the loo is not sparkling water, it always taste shitty, the doors in the stores are automatic, the escalators sneakily start when you get on them, moo is for pig, Thai blokes always wear shoes that are to big, supercheap is truly super and cheap, sorry but i'm annoyed with that, the roads will finally get finished and repaired, how dare they, monks without a jet each is unacceptable, explaining the UK welfare system, as in you put more in then you get out and then you die, trying to remove the super clue from your girl friends face as you've glued the phone there permanently, when shopping, thai assistance are trained by the SAS, they follow, observe, but say nothing, no cross eyed Thai people, why!!!!!, i want to see them, are they locked away, all bumping into each other, why no pearly kings and queens, annoying ah, how can a thai girl brought up in a shack with only a goat as a friend know so much about interior decorating, how can thais eat 12 times there body weight in one day?????, why have a licence????, a thai girl told me earwigs make chutney because bee's make honey!!!!!, anyway i've no complaints coffee1.gif

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Double pricing..Price for Thais and a Very Unfair Price for X Pats that live here....

Not everyone lives in Pattaya or Phuket. Never been falang priced...where I live but then it's worth knowing what things are worth.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6


While it's obviously true that not everyone lives in Phuket or Pattaya, this is the Phuket forum and dual pricing exists all over Thailand (unless you have a Thai driver's license which makes it generally a non-issue). Posted Image

While dual pricing occurs at national Parks etc. General dual pricing for services is generally at the main tourist area's not all over Thailand. Also due to the inexact nature of the Android app I didn't know at 1st this was the Phuket sub forum.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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Double pricing..Price for Thais and a Very Unfair Price for X Pats that live here....

For what? Example please? Most prices at most places here are clearly marked and are the same for me or my wife. The few places we know that may not be, I just don't go in. Plus most all the shops I go to, I have gone to for years and give me their best price so I will continue to shop there...

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I cant stand the fact that I cant buy a beer between 2 and 5 pm at 7-11s, now I just carry an eskie in the car. It sucks when I forget though. I hate the fact that large beer bottles arent twist top, this can be tricky to use my ciggarette lighter and popping the top off while driving. I'll have to come up with a better system

No parking annoys me more than anything. I dont know why people complain about the driving standards. I just drive around everyone

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My only "REAL" annoyance

is the Thai (feigned)

Superiority Complex.

Most Thais see us as

personally undesireable-

but necessary, ATM machines.

The majority of the Thai

population have never

travelled abroad so have

an absolute myopic worldview.

Thais (90+%) believe the

nationalistic propaganda

that they're fed from birth.

Farangs are afforded the

gold-diggers, skanks, and

bargirls with very few


Still, I continue choosing to

stay here- for now.

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plastic bags. if Thailand is truly the hub of anything, its over bagging in 7/11, the markets, everywhere. i say put a 1 bhat tax on each plastic bag, the government will make billions and the streets will be clean of plastic bags in a week.

Nothing wrong with plastic bags. It's the people. And the problem is called littering.

With that king of logic, you might as well ban cars and pick-ups for the bad driving.

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plastic bags. if Thailand is truly the hub of anything, its over bagging in 7/11, the markets, everywhere. i say put a 1 bhat tax on each plastic bag, the government will make billions and the streets will be clean of plastic bags in a week.

Nothing wrong with plastic bags. It's the people. And the problem is called littering.

With that king of logic, you might as well ban cars and pick-ups for the bad driving.

Littering Is a big problem everywhere, if people were considerate plastic bags would pose no problem!

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Whining about not enough money but still have money for golf ? Don't get it.

Not in Phuket but the course where I used to play (Chonburi Century, currently closed for renovation) the golf cost only 100 baht but the caddie cost 400baht (including tip). At that price golf was easily affordable to anyone but the unwanted caddy fee at 4x the golf very annoying.

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People that focus on negative aspects of life in Thailand ...

The people that still manage to hang on to their rose tinted glasses. I wish I could find mine.

Rose tinted glasses are completely different to being positive.. There are negative issues in every country, choosing to not let them ruin your stay is up to you :)

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In general the Thais fail to realise that "actions have consequences" and this makes it easy for corruption to flourish.

At the basic level, not wearing a crash helmet, and up the scale (on Phuket anyway), "if I steal the money given to improve roads, then they won't get finished".

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Useless Farang who contribute absolutely nothing to society or the community. These types are the most likely to demonstrate a lack of integrity, low morals and perhaps veer towards petty criminal activity. They have done little in terms of achievement in life and arrive in Thai with little or no money intent of having a great time perhaps at the expense of others. My father always taught me there are 'givers' and 'takers' in this life. Well the 'takers' here splash the tar all around. If you are unfortunate enough to be co-located with such you have two choices, either put up with it, or you move on and start again. One thing is certain you will always be judged by the company you keep.

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Useless Farang who contribute absolutely nothing to society or the community. These types are the most likely to demonstrate a lack of integrity, low morals and perhaps veer towards petty criminal activity. They have done little in terms of achievement in life and arrive in Thai with little or no money intent of having a great time perhaps at the expense of others. My father always taught me there are 'givers' and 'takers' in this life. Well the 'takers' here splash the tar all around. If you are unfortunate enough to be co-located with such you have two choices, either put up with it, or you move on and start again. One thing is certain you will always be judged by the company you keep.

Hmm.....can`t see the "givers" for the "takers" biggrin.png

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Useless Farang who contribute absolutely nothing to society or the community. These types are the most likely to demonstrate a lack of integrity, low morals and perhaps veer towards petty criminal activity. They have done little in terms of achievement in life and arrive in Thai with little or no money intent of having a great time perhaps at the expense of others. My father always taught me there are 'givers' and 'takers' in this life. Well the 'takers' here splash the tar all around. If you are unfortunate enough to be co-located with such you have two choices, either put up with it, or you move on and start again. One thing is certain you will always be judged by the company you keep.

Can you define, "contribute absolutely nothing to society or the community?"

The majority of expats do not work, therefore do not pay tax, and you need a work permit to do volunteer work here.

Just by my presence here, I am contributing to the local economy, and through visas, exit taxes and paying VAT, I contibute to the Thai economy. I suppose I am creating employment, on a small scale.

I don't think I contribute to society or the community, but, I'm certainly not one of the people you describe.

How do you contribute to society and the community?

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