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Let The Buyer Beware


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thanks for sharing the original story... regrettably, the same thing could happen in the U.S., where you might be paying $500 PER MONTH just to have basic coverage, then another $50 co-payment to see a doctor, after waiting 3 weeks for the "RUSH" appointment, then be "seen" by the doctor for about ten seconds, then a whole bunch of prescriptions for co-payments of $50 per medication, even if some of them are available "over the counter", simply paying retail for like $8 each. And after all of that, you may not even get better. Oh, and you might pay $12 just to park your car for the appointment, cause doctor's don't validate for parking anymore.

i like the suggestion of going to a cheaper clinic, for more simple things like a plugged up ear.

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:o..................................... :D

I'm confuzzled :D

How can an Original Post be "Off Topic" ?

(or was the poster trying to reply to another post, and pressed "New Topic" instead of "Reply" ?)

But the big question is, Why do I care ? Do I care ? Do you care ? Who cares if you care that I don't care ?

I need more coffee........... :D

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I'm confuzzled :o

Makes two of us Kerryd.

There didnt seem to be a topic......................methinks Weho somehow replied here to a thread located elsewhere "Health / Body " Forum maybe.

Await Weho's return............. :D

I wonder what the original story was all about? :D

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I'm confuzzled :o

Makes two of us Kerryd.

There didnt seem to be a topic......................methinks Weho somehow replied here to a thread located elsewhere "Health / Body " Forum maybe.

Await Weho's return............. :D

I suspect you guys are right... Weho... where are you? :D

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I'm confuzzled :D

Makes two of us Kerryd.

There didnt seem to be a topic......................methinks Weho somehow replied here to a thread located elsewhere "Health / Body " Forum maybe.

Await Weho's return............. :D

I suspect you guys are right... Weho... where are you? :D

Who gives a <deleted>!!!!!


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He was most likely replying to the discussions about Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and the cost of treatment there...He`s right about the car parking charges. In the UK one hospital trust grossed over £1.25M from car parking charges alone.......

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He was most likely replying to the discussions about Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and the cost of treatment there...He`s right about the car parking charges. In the UK one hospital trust grossed over £1.25M from car parking charges alone.......

The confused poster may well have been referring to the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital, but he was certainly not talking about car parking charges at that hospital (no charge for parking, yet...).

I may post of my recent experience as a customer there... :o

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Sorry, i did press "new topic" instead of "reply"... I was replying to the posting about the person with the plugged up ear, complaining about costs at the hospital here. Guilty as charged.

And by the way, I was being generous about the $12 parking fee to see some doctors... in some places in the U.S., it could easily be closer to $20.

And a friend recently told me his HMO ("managed healtcare") wouldn't let him even make an appointment with a doctor, until he gave a credit card deposit fee to cover their "costs" in case he missed his appointment... My friend chooses NOT to have any credit card, and offered to come by with cash... they refused. He couldn't make an appointment to see the doctor with his OWN HMO.

He found another doctor in the HMO plan that didn't require prepayment of a deposit to cover "lost appointment". How absurd.

And to those in the U.S. that don't have insurance, you could easily pay $400 for an "initial appointment" just to see a doctor in the office. And the alternative, if you don't have the $400 is to go and wait at a "free clinic", for about 12 hours, maybe longer. Often overnight, outside, as their policy may be to only take the first ten people waiting in line at 7 in the morning... you might have to get there the day before at 5 PM to start waiting. yes, this is true.

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The health care costs in the states is definately out of control. Ten years ago, it cost me $100 USD just to take a whiz quiz. That's one main reason that I choose not to live in the states. I voted with my feet.

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