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WOW, just got home last night after spending the weekend in Bangkok and here is the road toll I saw, on the way up 6 accident with one body still lying in the middle of the road, bike rider of course. First one was a car that had left the road into the centre ditch, snapped a 15" wide tree off 18" above the ground, motor in front seat and roof was flattened so you could not see if there were anyone inside, if there was they would definitely be dead, the car was not recognizable. The next 4 were all trucks that had obviously had the drivers fall asleep and they had just run straight into the centre ditch on straight sections of road. The bike accident was just as we got to the Bangkok outskirts, pitch black, 3 lanes, luckily we were in the centre lane and saw the bike directly in front of us so we swerved, the body was in the outside lane but with a wall of cars/trucks coming up behind us at 100 k plus there was no way we were going to stop(no shoulders on road) so we called the police then saw a truck with a pipe sticking out of the side of it into the next lane a bit further along, pretty well guessed what had happened as it was chest height for a bike rider. On the trip back only saw 2 accidents, one truck and another bike with the body in the middle of the road with a cover over it and all the boys standing around having a smoke, guess they are used to dead people. The car that hit him was the same one that had come flying up behind me earlier flashing his lights so I was not surprised to see the damage where he had hit the rider, typical idiot driver.

I am amazed at the lack of respect thais have for other peoples lives, no one cares, it is simply a matter of get out of my way or you will suffer. The last trip I made there a few weeks ago I had a driver coming behind me in the outside lane, a good several hundred metres behind and I indicated to pull out to pass a slow bus , the other car flashed his lights at me trying to get me to pull back in but I was doing 110k and there was no way I was going to brake hard to do so. The car must have been doing closer to 150/160k as he caught up to me as I just passed the bus and pulled back in so he only needed to slow down slightly yet he was so offended that some one had not done as he wanted he swerved in front of me and slammed on his brakes trying to make me crash. After over 40 years of driving I soon made him look the idiot he was by simply tapping the brakes & slipping back out and leaving him sliding around on the road onto the verge then back onto the road almost being cleaned up by the bus. These people are bloody idiots., why in the hell do they drive so badly?


All what you have described above, will soon be a distant memory. Because Thailand is going to introduce a no drinking day!! (if sanctioned by ty the Pope and the UN)cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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