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all that jing jok poop people complain about are what's left of the insects they ate. They are not like cockroaches, btw. They don't eat your food (tho I did have one in Phuket who would lick cinnamon roll icing from my finger!). I was very happy when a couple moved into my 7th floor condo. And I clean my own place, btw. I don't like bug spray, and don't want to poison my little friends besides myself. This isn't the international space station, this is earth, and on this part of earth they are a part of nature. Accept it and clean up after them, like other pets.


Why would you want to kill something that is so helpfull.

I don't understand.

Strange behaviour.

We are having problems with Tokay poo but I still would not kill them.

they shit everywhere.

pease tell me another solution that will allow me to leave the house 3 weeks unattended and not find it shat full when I return.

I have 3 Tookay in the garage, but they don't disturb there.

housekeeper -- i cant understand why you would want your house unattended

If you can coax the Tookay into the house, they eat Chink Choks and will keep them under control


It should be everyones duty to kill all living things that come within 5 metres of them.

Everyone should be responsible for clearing at least 1 Rai of forest and burn it.

Everywhere should be planted with Gen' Mod' Crops

Everyone should drive a 6 litre gaoline car, minimum 30 kilometres a day.

Please feel free to add to the list.


Emmdog, your little cockroach buddies. Some species of cockroaches carry up to 33 different kinds of pathogens including E.Colli, Typhus and parasitic worms. Yes, there job in this world is to be cleaners. But us humans should keep a clean home so that these little critters do not crawl all over your food preparation areas and crap everywhere.

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OP sounds like one of the folks that went on vacation in a hygienic, generic resort - so it really doesn't matter where you are in the world, your experience is exactly the same. Completely divorced from the ecosystem is not that healthy - a little moderation [compromise in this case] won't hurt you. If you have so many geckos, it means there are a LOT of insects - I'd rather have the geckos.


Jinjoks are pests. Anyone who enjoys having jinjok shit in their silverware tray, coffee cups and plates, fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar & creamer containers, in the underware drawers and on their toothbrushes must be unaware of health hazards. Shit is shit...it goes through the body and is waste material full of bacteria. I'd bet that most of the posters here do not clean their own house. They also crawl into electronic devices and cause shorts which could lead to fire. No difference between them and a mouse. Any that enter the house are subject to the death penalty. Those that stay outside are spared.

I never have occured jingjok shit in my coffe plate or tooth brush. They only walk on walls and shit on walls, windows.


sorry, I've got a house, I cannot remove their food supply and if I leave the house 3 weeks, when I come back I find about 40 to 50 droppings per door-window (7 of them on the ground floor) and more everywhere.

it just looks filthy.

the few months where I had the poison in action were a relief.

....Get a small vacuum cleaner and put the small brush on the end if the poo sticks to the cills. U can whizz around and suck it all up in no time at all without even getting your hands dirty. Or pay a cleaner to come in to do just do that and get a big toothy Thai smile for just 50/100 baht.


Why would you want to kill something that is so helpfull.

I don't understand.

Strange behaviour.

We are having problems with Tokay poo but I still would not kill them.

.....Now Tokays poo a ton, and are extremely noisy at night. As soon as one moves in I just chase it out, careful not to harm it, with a long handled brush. They soon get the message.


I can think of a host of things, other than geckos, I would rather eradicate. Rednecks and PTP fans (same thing in Thailand) come to mind.

If you really must get rid of them and don't necessarily want to kill them try some mothballs (made from naphthalene) the strong smell seems to deter most things that like to creep around the house. I know my mother-in-law is not keen on the smell.

Yes, this is a working solution; but I will not apply it myself as I prefer the little monsters to insects crawling around in the house; the insect level is low, but the poop is high - it's a choice. So really try mothballs. They repel geckos/jingjoks. But this is a last resort, as mothballs smell a lot worse than geckos, but these do not poop. Place a mothball on a piece of tape near door entry or window ledges. Mothballs disintegrate in water, so placing them outside does no good. No luck as well on the mother-in-law and she loves the jing joks...


they're excellent lodgers in and around the home.. give me these useful creatures over a dog or cat that craps all over the place anyday.

You can train a cat/dog but doubt you can train a jing jok to crap where you want them to. biggrin.png

To be honest, I cringed at the OP as I just would never harm them. I even get upset if I find one I accidentally closed a door on. Call me a softy, but they are not harming me. Fun to use a laser pointer at night and play chase the dot with them. smile.png


"Fun to use a laser pointer at night and play chase the dot with them.?

I get a kick out of doing this as well. Strangely though the geckos around my house must have a gene that wised them up as to it being useless for them to chase the laser dot.

The house is loaded with them around it but I only recall one interior guest.

I understand the frustration of the OP but I as well would not harm one of them.


Jinjoks are pests. Anyone who enjoys having jinjok shit in their silverware tray, coffee cups and plates, fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar & creamer containers, in the underware drawers and on their toothbrushes must be unaware of health hazards. Shit is shit...it goes through the body and is waste material full of bacteria. I'd bet that most of the posters here do not clean their own house. They also crawl into electronic devices and cause shorts which could lead to fire. No difference between them and a mouse. Any that enter the house are subject to the death penalty. Those that stay outside are spared.

Pretty harsh statement ! So you are for the death penalty ? Comparing jing joks to mices is like comparing my dog to Godzilla, although my dog is a fierce fighter as well... True that they have this habit of getting into the smallest locations, inclusive of air condition systems, but still prefer jing joks invasions to mosquitoes - cockroaches - ants into the same locations they inhabit so will not chase them by a bazooka...


For the lovers of these creatures I assume that you love when they wake you up at night. I don't like to be awaken like this but I don't think you can defy nature. Have to learn to live with being awaken at night. These critters and my wife snoring and smelling like nam prik pla lai all night is wonderful. Don't take me back to civilization I would not know how to handle a full nights sleep. I forgot the bloody neighbors dogs who contribute to the sleepless night.


Animals I got in my house:


  • 1 gecko who lives in the kitchen
  • lotsa lotsa lotsa tjintjoks
  • black scorpion
  • huge spiders, whom I regard as my buddies cuz they help keep the house clean from flies
  • 1 meter long green snake (dogs got really exiting about it and scared it away)
  • colorful little frogs smile.png
  • various medium to huge toads (sometimes I pick them up and keep them in my hands for a moment, they are so cute)
  • sometimes a speeding cockroach, no problem they just live their own life and are harmless, even funny.


  • the gecko who sometimes came peeking in my bedroom
  • sometimes a lost bird
  • a totally upset cat from the neigbours who was chased by my dogs, I needed force to pull it out of the curtain
  • lotsa lotsa lotsa tjintjoks
  • several times a bat (weird when a bat flies silently around your head while you working on your pc)
  • at nighttime lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa insects om my computerscreen especially micro-grasshoppers, 1 huge 3 inch grasshopper who loved sitting near my keyboard, most curious animal ever the way he looked at me.
  • rarely any mosquitos.
  • 3 dogs who always accompanied me in the evening.

I miss it.

The only species I was less happy with were those flying brown objects that appear under a lamp after a heavy rainfall, fall down, lose their wings and keep crawling around. Once the housekeeper left the light in the bathroom on and the result was a 2 inch layer of those things all over the bathroom floor. Holy crap how disgusting !!!!!

Strange enough THIS is the stuff that Thais love very much, even seems to be expensive when for sale........ and they eat them !!!!!!!!!!

Once rented a big Thai house,wood construction upstairs, with bats in the loft. One ceiling tile was missing in the upstairs bathroom, perhaps deliberately, as a bat occasionally used to get into the house through it and fly around. Best mosquito control ever! Except for the usual precautions at sunset, we could leave all the many windows with no screens, and even outside doors, open day and night.............Very rarely had a mosquito in the house. Amazing!

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Jingjoks pest and there poop gets in the food in the pantry and anything left on the counter...GROSS

The big boy the Geckos get there heads whacked off with a big stick i got buy my door outside hate those buggers.....

Educate your wife and tell her leaving food open is far from hygienic, especially in a country like Thailand.

Stop manipulating the world around you and adapt yourself, or go home if this country does not meet your high hygienic standards.

Get a life.

You obviously are showing your ignorance with that post and your know it all tone in general……

Most Thai homes (mine as well) leave some leftovers from the last meal,

out on the table under the plastic Thingy that keeps the flys and the jingjoks away from it to be eaten later between meals.

No manipulation of the world just not wish to eat jingjok poo poo is all.

Life is good

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As GeorgeO wrote, sift through the replies, ignore the irrelevant " save the jingjok " posts -- which are unfortunately the majority. I had hoped to help you out because we have a plastic container of the bright green sticky stuff. The writing on the label is all in Thai ( which for the irrelevant " save the jingjok " posters MUST mean Thais want to rid themselves of the jingjoks ). Cost is 20 baht per container. The wife bought it from a pick-up which tours the villages every few months -- they sell all sorts of pest control and killing substances. Whilst the little pests do not bother me, I do get slightly pi$$ed off when they kee into my drink or food from above. I've suspended some of that black plastic sun shading over our outdoor eating area and they don't like running on this because they cannot grip onto it -- problem solved, they just stay above it in the straw roof.

yes, that is exactly the stuff I am looking for.

Any idea of how it is made or what's inside?


Post a photo of the container, then those who wish to rid themselves of these helpful creatures can.

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I would be very wary of an itinerant salesman peddling "pest controls" - many unregulated, illegal chemicals have unwanted and dangerous side-effects. In most western countries they'll be banned - i thailand many such chemicals either aren't banned or get used illegally.

So if you value the health of your smily, pets and yourself, I'd stay clear of "wonder-treatments' and stick to achieving a natural balance.


People who poison harmless little tjintjoks (and probably have other arrogant habits towards nature) should not live in Thailand but pack there bags and <deleted> off to where they come from.


quite right or just sit them down and give them a stern talking to,and maybe get the wife to translate for you if they dont understand english,,problem solved,,,what harm can they do you,,,,,,bite you and give you rabies ,,,,,,,w00t.gif


Jinjoks are pests. Anyone who enjoys having jinjok shit in their silverware tray, coffee cups and plates, fresh fruits and vegetables, sugar & creamer containers, in the underware drawers and on their toothbrushes must be unaware of health hazards. Shit is shit...it goes through the body and is waste material full of bacteria. I'd bet that most of the posters here do not clean their own house. They also crawl into electronic devices and cause shorts which could lead to fire. No difference between them and a mouse. Any that enter the house are subject to the death penalty. Those that stay outside are spared.

what a nice man you are ,,,,have you any facts regarding the boys and girls here about there cleaning habits,,,,,the answer is NO isnt it,,,,jogon and get a life,,,coffee1.gif


I'd bet that most of the posters here do not clean their own house.

Could be why some have so many of them. wink.png

have you got any stats to back that up,,,?????


they're excellent lodgers in and around the home.. give me these useful creatures over a dog or cat that craps all over the place anyday.

You can train a cat/dog but doubt you can train a jing jok to crap where you want them to. Posted Image

To be honest, I cringed at the OP as I just would never harm them. I even get upset if I find one I accidentally closed a door on. Call me a softy, but they are not harming me. Fun to use a laser pointer at night and play chase the dot with them. Posted Image

Like the lazer game; have to give that a try.

Wife tells me Tookays are very lucky if you have one in the house


Well, i like the little guys, they cute

Luckily and sadly, i have 8 youngish cats who usually catch, play, kill anything that moves around the house, including the little guys, and dogs tails.(also have 3 dogs)

At times, it's simply not safe to move around the house as anything moving comes under heavy attackbiggrin.png

I think Geckos have passed on the message to others not to come to the house, so i hardly see any.

Moral of the story: Get some cats :)

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