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The last day at The Olde Bell


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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, thats it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.


I don't know if you are guessing or have valid info, but I see no signs of your argument that authorities will not issue any new licenses. I first heard that about 5 years ago, but have seen no evidence to back it up, quite the reverse in fact. As regards to your "struggling, on borrowed time" statement, if you are talking about the remnants of Loi Kroh rd, you may be right, but there are plenty of expat bars have survived for many years and continue to do so - The Pub, Mad Dog, O'Malley's, UN Irish etc.

In fact, even the struggling bars keep going because they get sold on to a new mug. One born every minute, as they say. Are there more or less bars on Loi Kroh now, than there were last year?

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, thats it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.


I don't know if you are guessing or have valid info, but I see no signs of your argument that authorities will not issue any new licenses. I first heard that about 5 years ago, but have seen no evidence to back it up, quite the reverse in fact. As regards to your "struggling, on borrowed time" statement, if you are talking about the remnants of Loi Kroh rd, you may be right, but there are plenty of expat bars have survived for many years and continue to do so - The Pub, Mad Dog, O'Malley's, UN Irish etc.

In fact, even the struggling bars keep going because they get sold on to a new mug. One born every minute, as they say. Are there more or less bars on Loi Kroh now, than there were last year?

Agreed. There are new restaurants and pubs springing up all the time. There is a section in Citylife that reviews them every month.

The main problem Chiang Mai's tourism industry has right now is that many less middle class middle class tourists are coming here than a few years ago due to the financial downturn in Western countries.

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Apart from having enough room for a party now and then, what exactly does The Home of Thai Visa need to have?

Somebody willing to post on Thaivisa then stand there as people shoot them down.

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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, that’s it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.

Good luck with finding another venue for a Thai visa member hangout, I cannot think of anywhere suitable, most of the good stuff has long gone.

Be prepared to spend a lot more time looking round the stores, having the occasional grandma massage, in the garden, on your computers or become a monk, because there is very little else to do in Chiang Mai these days for us expats.

Sad but true.

Does a British Pub closing really put that much of a crimp in the social life of Chiang Mai?

Edited by AngelsLariat
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It does if your stuck in a rut and never venture outside town....

Takes more than that, like never having ventured outside that particular bar. I can think of 4 other places without about a 1 km walk of the former Olde Bell that attract a similar demographic. Don't know if those places are better or worse than the Olde Bell but they are not hard to find.

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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, that’s it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.

Good luck with finding another venue for a Thai visa member hangout, I cannot think of anywhere suitable, most of the good stuff has long gone.

Be prepared to spend a lot more time looking round the stores, having the occasional grandma massage, in the garden, on your computers or become a monk, because there is very little else to do in Chiang Mai these days for us expats.

Sad but true.

The Pub, the first and will probably be the last. And as said years ago (but nobody listened) a great venue for a Thai Visa party. Plenty of room, plenty of car parking, etc. But the powers that be chose ones that were paying sponsors. fair enough too, but none of them had any car parks....Not great logistics for a big do...

I agree the perfect venue IF it does not run out of Guinness and Bitter again whistling.gif

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there is very little else to do in Chiang Mai these days for us expats.
Does a British Pub closing really put that much of a crimp in the social life of Chiang Mai?


Question: What was there to do in the "old" days aside from going to this one pub, that people cannot do now?

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Question: What was there to do in the "old" days aside from going to this one pub, that people cannot do now?

Well, nothing. But that may be a little too easy. If you have a 'local' where you feel comfortable, and "where everyone knows your name", as the song goes, then having it closed is a little bit like walking downstairs in the morning and finding your living room missing.

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Since there is no answer as to why a certain place would be called The Home of Thai Visa, I'll just base my own conclusions.

Based on Tuskers & Olde Bell, I would imagine they would be looking for a place that is welcoming to everyone, particularly TV members. You can just stroll in when you like, find a seat at the bar or table (or stand) and have a beer, wine or something to eat, nothing fancy. They would have a good selection of beers and spirits plus an OK menu at reasonable prices and they would play music to suit all tastes. Sports viewing would be very much available as both previous TV Homes had good sports coverage. Both previous homes ran evening quizzes that were very popular for a lot of people. It would be located somewhere in town, preferably with parking, sadly lacking with the previous two. Tuskers gave you a discount card, The Olde Bell also gave you one, both gave discounts. Open for breakfast British and American perhaps.

A lot of people have said River Market. Would it fit the above description......somehow I can't see it.

Any criteria to add to the above anyone?

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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, that’s it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.

Good luck with finding another venue for a Thai visa member hangout, I cannot think of anywhere suitable, most of the good stuff has long gone.

Be prepared to spend a lot more time looking round the stores, having the occasional grandma massage, in the garden, on your computers or become a monk, because there is very little else to do in Chiang Mai these days for us expats.

Sad but true.

How to put this politely?....If losing your favorite bar leaves you that much at a loss, it's possible you are in a bit of a rut.

Nah, he's just playing his one broken record again. smile.png

Never mind that every single year there are MORE bars with a tourist / expat focus.

Let's take 2009, four years ago. There was no Dragonfly, Carnival, One O One, Som's Place, Wild Boar, Sassy, Paradise, Full Moon 2, My Place Lounge, Fish Spa Bar (or whatever it's called, but it's pretty good), and several smaller ones, one of which only opened a week or two ago. And that's Loi Kroh. Ratwithi / Boon Yoo would be a similar list.

Tell us more how we should all join you in feeling sad and miserable, pining for a past that never existed, other than right now in aging minds. rolleyes.gif

Tell you what, the folks who are concerned about a Pattayafication of Chiang Mai have a lot more cause for concern!

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, that’s it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.

Good luck with finding another venue for a Thai visa member hangout, I cannot think of anywhere suitable, most of the good stuff has long gone.

Be prepared to spend a lot more time looking round the stores, having the occasional grandma massage, in the garden, on your computers or become a monk, because there is very little else to do in Chiang Mai these days for us expats.

Sad but true.

How to put this politely?....If losing your favorite bar leaves you that much at a loss, it's possible you are in a bit of a rut. There are so many bars in Chiang Mai that a thorough pub crawl would kill a man many times over. Find a good guide and do some exploring. Granted most places won't be to your taste, but you may find some that are surprisingly appealing. A Thai friend showed me a 99 baht all-you-can-drink beer buffet that was only a three minute walk from the entrance to my condo. Another friend told me the Monkey Club has a similar buffet on Monday through Thursday (I haven't checked that one out yet). It's good to have Thai friends.

As far as a place that all, or most, TV member agree is a wonderful hangout, I doubt if such a place ever has or will exist. I don't think the Church Social crowd would approve of my beer buffet.

Where is your condo cause I want to find this 99 baht beer buffet.... I imagine getting 'tanked up' wouldnt be such a problem for you as it would be easy staggering distance to get home!

But there is more to life, Ill remember what it is one day. Im gonna check out the monkey bar too...once I find where it is. Cheers for the heads up

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Monkey Club is on Nimman. Bit of a poseur place (like most on that road) but it's worthwhile later at night when all the girls are sufficiently drunk.

Be careful though, because many will have jealous boyfriends who own guns. :/

I'd rather take my chances at Loy Kroh / Zoe / Spicy. Safer. And Funner.

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Monkey Club is on Nimman. Bit of a poseur place (like most on that road) but it's worthwhile later at night when all the girls are sufficiently drunk.

Be careful though, because many will have jealous boyfriends who own guns. :/

I'd rather take my chances at Loy Kroh / Zoe / Spicy. Safer. And Funner.

Yup, I agree with your take on Nimman. Been there only a few times and noted its mainly for the Thai wannabes.... hell hope I dont get acussed of being a racist! wai2.gif

Zoe I found to be ok, havent done Spicy but have been advised to steer clear as it can get nasty. But then again any place could get nasty when booze is involved.

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I agree River Market would be the ideal venue for a TV get together, and it's only logical that TV supports it's sponsors.

Here's a thing though, Pedr was disappointed that very few of the Chiang Mai TV heavy hitters attended the 10th Anniversary Party last year. A lot of you guys are the back bone of this community and when it comes to get together's you go missing.

We don't need to live out of each others pockets however it is quite anti-social to not attend these rare functions. Excuses can pour forth but at the end of the day they are only excuses.

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Chiang Mai has become a social wasteland, certainly not spoiled for choice.

Now that the Olde Bell has gone, I very much doubt there will be a New Bell opening up to replace it.

I know that the authorities will not issue any new licenses for large Western style restaurants or beerbars, once closed, that’s it, no other options available. Even the remnants what is left, are struggling and maybe on borrowed time.

Good luck with finding another venue for a Thai visa member hangout, I cannot think of anywhere suitable, most of the good stuff has long gone.

Be prepared to spend a lot more time looking round the stores, having the occasional grandma massage, in the garden, on your computers or become a monk, because there is very little else to do in Chiang Mai these days for us expats.

Sad but true.

How to put this politely?....If losing your favorite bar leaves you that much at a loss, it's possible you are in a bit of a rut. There are so many bars in Chiang Mai that a thorough pub crawl would kill a man many times over. Find a good guide and do some exploring. Granted most places won't be to your taste, but you may find some that are surprisingly appealing. A Thai friend showed me a 99 baht all-you-can-drink beer buffet that was only a three minute walk from the entrance to my condo. Another friend told me the Monkey Club has a similar buffet on Monday through Thursday (I haven't checked that one out yet). It's good to have Thai friends.

As far as a place that all, or most, TV member agree is a wonderful hangout, I doubt if such a place ever has or will exist. I don't think the Church Social crowd would approve of my beer buffet.

Where is your condo cause I want to find this 99 baht beer buffet.... I imagine getting 'tanked up' wouldnt be such a problem for you as it would be easy staggering distance to get home!

But there is more to life, Ill remember what it is one day. Im gonna check out the monkey bar too...once I find where it is. Cheers for the heads up

The good news is that tuk tuk's know where it is so you won't have any problem finding it. You need to book a table for a meal at the weekends or you'll find yourself squeezed into a corner. The current band playing inside the night club part of the venue is excellent, try to get down soon.

Definite smart casual location, and you won't see many farangs in there, enjoy.

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Monkey Club is on Nimman. Bit of a poseur place (like most on that road) but it's worthwhile later at night when all the girls are sufficiently drunk.

Be careful though, because many will have jealous boyfriends who own guns. :/

I'd rather take my chances at Loy Kroh / Zoe / Spicy. Safer. And Funner.

Yup, I agree with your take on Nimman. Been there only a few times and noted its mainly for the Thai wannabes.... hell hope I dont get acussed of being a racist! wai2.gif

Zoe I found to be ok, havent done Spicy but have been advised to steer clear as it can get nasty. But then again any place could get nasty when booze is involved.

Behave Winnie........Zoe is a rough pitch compared to the Monkey Club, there's no comparison on that regard. You may feel a bit out of place at Monkey Club but the place is tightly managed, boxing matches are rare. Old Spicy on the moat was a war zone, I've not heard of the same level of trouble in this new one. so far.

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I agree River Market would be the ideal venue for a TV get together, and it's only logical that TV supports it's sponsors.

Here's a thing though, Pedr was disappointed that very few of the Chiang Mai TV heavy hitters attended the 10th Anniversary Party last year. A lot of you guys are the back bone of this community and when it comes to get together's you go missing.

We don't need to live out of each others pockets however it is quite anti-social to not attend these rare functions. Excuses can pour forth but at the end of the day they are only excuses.

This doesn't sound too disappointed. smile.png

Posted 2012-11-04 22:29:51



Many thanks to all the members who came along. Everyone I spoke to had a great evening and made big holes in Thai Visa's Beer Lao and Carlsberg supplies! as Bottledwater says, a lot of people were introduced to Lao Dark which most pronounced to be a fine beverage. Again thanks to all of you who came along and thanks to Raro for his hard work in organising things from Thai Visa's side and to my darling wife, Beer, who worked like a Trojan to get the food organised. Hope to see you all again soon!
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^^ That was the public pronouncement, you know, as in PR. Pedr was disappointed at the lack of heavy hitters at the party, he put a lot of work in to the party, his lovely wife Beer slaved away all day in the kitchen to provide an excellent buffet, and come the night?

The Heavy Hitters were noticeable by their absence.

That doesn't mean that he wasn't delighted to see the members that did turn up, of course he was. He was just disappointed that many of the high profile members were missing in action.

In my opinion he's entitled to express that disappointment.

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^^ That was the public pronouncement, you know, as in PR. Pedr was disappointed at the lack of heavy hitters at the party, he put a lot of work in to the party, his lovely wife Beer slaved away all day in the kitchen to provide an excellent buffet, and come the night?

The Heavy Hitters were noticeable by their absence.

That doesn't mean that he wasn't delighted to see the members that did turn up, of course he was. He was just disappointed that many of the high profile members were missing in action.

In my opinion he's entitled to express that disappointment.

Any idea why the heavy hitters didn't show TB?

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^^ That was the public pronouncement, you know, as in PR. Pedr was disappointed at the lack of heavy hitters at the party, he put a lot of work in to the party, his lovely wife Beer slaved away all day in the kitchen to provide an excellent buffet, and come the night?

The Heavy Hitters were noticeable by their absence.

That doesn't mean that he wasn't delighted to see the members that did turn up, of course he was. He was just disappointed that many of the high profile members were missing in action.

In my opinion he's entitled to express that disappointment.

I thought that about 160 signed up, many for two persons.

I gather the place was packed and everyone had a really great time.

Why do high profile members have to show up, if the place is swinging without them?

How high a profile did these missing people have?

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^^ That was the public pronouncement, you know, as in PR. Pedr was disappointed at the lack of heavy hitters at the party, he put a lot of work in to the party, his lovely wife Beer slaved away all day in the kitchen to provide an excellent buffet, and come the night?

The Heavy Hitters were noticeable by their absence.

That doesn't mean that he wasn't delighted to see the members that did turn up, of course he was. He was just disappointed that many of the high profile members were missing in action.

In my opinion he's entitled to express that disappointment.

I thought that about 160 signed up, many for two persons.

I gather the place was packed and everyone had a really great time.

Why do high profile members have to show up, if the place is swinging without them?

Less than half of those that signed up turned up, which was to be expected.

As for your second point, you're just trying to annoy me. I'm not falling for it. coffee1.gif

edit......I'm not falling for your third point either.......next? smile.png

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Monkey Club is on Nimman. Bit of a poseur place (like most on that road) but it's worthwhile later at night when all the girls are sufficiently drunk.

Be careful though, because many will have jealous boyfriends who own guns. :/

I'd rather take my chances at Loy Kroh / Zoe / Spicy. Safer. And Funner.

Yup, I agree with your take on Nimman. Been there only a few times and noted its mainly for the Thai wannabes.... hell hope I dont get acussed of being a racist! wai2.gif

Zoe I found to be ok, havent done Spicy but have been advised to steer clear as it can get nasty. But then again any place could get nasty when booze is involved.

Behave Winnie........Zoe is a rough pitch compared to the Monkey Club, there's no comparison on that regard. You may feel a bit out of place at Monkey Club but the place is tightly managed, boxing matches are rare. Old Spicy on the moat was a war zone, I've not heard of the same level of trouble in this new one. so far.

Right, I don't like tightly managed places. :) And I like diversity. BTW, the new Spicy is once again located on the moat. Keep up! ;)

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Monkey Club is on Nimman. Bit of a poseur place (like most on that road) but it's worthwhile later at night when all the girls are sufficiently drunk.

Be careful though, because many will have jealous boyfriends who own guns. :/

I'd rather take my chances at Loy Kroh / Zoe / Spicy. Safer. And Funner.

Yup, I agree with your take on Nimman. Been there only a few times and noted its mainly for the Thai wannabes.... hell hope I dont get acussed of being a racist! wai2.gif

Zoe I found to be ok, havent done Spicy but have been advised to steer clear as it can get nasty. But then again any place could get nasty when booze is involved.

Behave Winnie........Zoe is a rough pitch compared to the Monkey Club, there's no comparison on that regard. You may feel a bit out of place at Monkey Club but the place is tightly managed, boxing matches are rare. Old Spicy on the moat was a war zone, I've not heard of the same level of trouble in this new one. so far.

Right, I don't like tightly managed places. smile.png And I like diversity. BTW, the new Spicy is once again located on the moat. Keep up! wink.png

Tut tut, I started a thread declaring that two months ago, I was there last week. Over to you smile.png

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^^ That was the public pronouncement, you know, as in PR. Pedr was disappointed at the lack of heavy hitters at the party, he put a lot of work in to the party, his lovely wife Beer slaved away all day in the kitchen to provide an excellent buffet, and come the night?

The Heavy Hitters were noticeable by their absence.

That doesn't mean that he wasn't delighted to see the members that did turn up, of course he was. He was just disappointed that many of the high profile members were missing in action.

In my opinion he's entitled to express that disappointment.

I thought that about 160 signed up, many for two persons.

I gather the place was packed and everyone had a really great time.

Why do high profile members have to show up, if the place is swinging without them?

Less than half of those that signed up turned up, which was to be expected.

As for your second point, you're just trying to annoy me. I'm not falling for it. coffee1.gif

edit......I'm not falling for your third point either.......next? smile.png

That's perfectly OK......now you'll have people wondering if they're high profile or not. biggrin.png

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That's perfectly OK......now you'll have people wondering if they're high profile or not. biggrin.png

... and getting a little concerned at the realization that they do probably qualify as "high profile on Thaivisa".

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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