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The last day at The Olde Bell


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Geko Bar anyone?

Had a couple of jars in there last night..or was it night before..? and not bad.

Looked like a good selection of beers (price wise) food and had a pretty full crowd

There is also a large tank of trop fish on the bar so if anyone gets really bored could always spend an enjoyable hour or 2..... counting them.

Things you do....

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I was down that way last week and I noticed this bus bar next to the Iron Bridge.......has it been there a while?

they moved there in late october 12

the toilets were built and they were up and running

a few weeks later smile.png



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My suggestion would be the Gymkana Club. It has lots of farang history, indoor and outdoor seating, parking, great Thai food and reasonable prices. It's lacking a giant TV screen for the sports and a menu of popular farang heart-attack specials, but I see this as another positive.

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take care TB. Thailand and Buddhism are about concentric circles.

even the bar girls know this.

Smiley guy doing a wai.

No point giving me a like TB. Only works if strange does it.

Newton's third law of motion.

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take care TB. Thailand and Buddhism are about concentric circles.

even the bar girls know this.

Smiley guy doing a wai.

No point giving me a like TB. Only works if strange does it.

Newton's third law of motion.

Read that aloud backwards and you'll hear "The Illuminati killed JFK because he signed executive order 11110 which would strip the Federal Reserve of its power to print and loan money with interest to the US Government"

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take care TB. Thailand and Buddhism are about concentric circles.

even the bar girls know this.

Smiley guy doing a wai.

No point giving me a like TB. Only works if strange does it.

Newton's third law of motion.

Read that aloud backwards and you'll hear "The Illuminati killed JFK because he signed executive order 11110 which would strip the Federal Reserve of its power to print and loan money with interest to the US Government"

Yeh. Thanks.


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Well I'm late in so it's not that surprising that you Chiang Mai lot have been off topic for the last 3 pages.

I have only been to the Old Bell in CM about 20-30 times in the last decade or so- several for each time I was in the locale. Pedr was always a charming host. For me it seems like the end of an era.

Shame the landlord was such a ...

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Just shows how quick Pedre is forgotten..

people cannot wait to start a new thread to suggest the new home of TV they have to use his goodbye thread.

Goodbye Pedre and good luck.

He's sitting down in Hang Dong quaffing a box of red wine, he's not bothered about us. coffee1.gif

Edited by theblether
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Just shows how quick Pedre is forgotten..

people cannot wait to start a new thread to suggest the new home of TV they have to use his goodbye thread.

Goodbye Pedre and good luck.

He's sitting down in Hang Dong quaffing a box of red wine, he's not bothered about us. coffee1.gif

I thought he wasn't running the pub anymore

- just joking

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The last time I was asked not to reveal the location of a beer buffet, the place eventually closed down due to lack of customers.

If you like a place, spread the word. Yes, prices may go up to 120 baht. But that's a lot better than not having anything at all.

I'll check in on the place later this week, and continue to check in the months ahead. If it looks like it's hurting for business I'll spread the word.

In the meantime it occurs to me that the 6 to 8 p.m. buffet times should make them easy to find--just wonder along promising sois during this time and look for inexplicably popular restaurant/bars. This should work around Nimmanhamin, Canal road, Santitham, the university part of Suthap, and many other places. It may seem old fashioned, using legwork instead of the internet, but sometimes the old ways work well.

I took my own advice and walked around Nimmanhamin between 7 and 8 p.m. It is pretty quiet during this time on a Tuesday night in July. My "three minute walk from my condo beer buffet" was the only place with a decent crowd, so I'll hold off on adverstising it for now. I'll give a hint and tell you it is in a central location and a lot of TV members go by it routinely, no doubt during the buffet on occasion.

However I don't want to leave everyone high and dry, or at least not dry. I did verify that Monkey Club has a beer buffet every night of the week from 6 to 9 p.m., all you can drink Chang for 99 baht, Feder-something for 129 baht, or Heineken for 139 baht. Surprisingly there were only 15 to 20 customers taking advantage of this a little after 7, so they had lots of room for more business. It is probably busier closer to the weekend, there may be quite a party on Saturday. So for those looking for a cheap drunk, it's hard to beat three hours of drinking for 99 baht.

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Well I'm late in so it's not that surprising that you Chiang Mai lot have been off topic for the last 3 pages.

I have only been to the Old Bell in CM about 20-30 times in the last decade or so- several for each time I was in the locale. Pedr was always a charming host. For me it seems like the end of an era.

Shame the landlord was such a ...

Pedr was the Landlord. I think you mean 'shame the landlady was such a...'. Confusing isn't it?

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However I don't want to leave everyone high and dry, or at least not dry. I did verify that Monkey Club has a beer buffet every night of the week from 6 to 9 p.m., all you can drink Chang for 99 baht, Feder-something for 129 baht, or Heineken for 139 baht. Surprisingly there were only 15 to 20 customers taking advantage of this a little after 7, so they had lots of room for more business. It is probably busier closer to the weekend, there may be quite a party on Saturday. So for those looking for a cheap drunk, it's hard to beat three hours of drinking for 99 baht.

Although this has nothing to do with The Olde Bell, there is a connection because it may well explain part of the reason for it's demise - too many Cheap Drunks in Chieng Mai looking to drink as much as they can in 3 hours for 99 baht. Me? I wouldn't be caught dead in such places.

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My suggestion would be the Gymkana Club. It has lots of farang history, indoor and outdoor seating, parking, great Thai food and reasonable prices. It's lacking a giant TV screen for the sports and a menu of popular farang heart-attack specials, but I see this as another positive.

Not to mention a cheap 9 holes of golf. I can play 9 holes have lunch and 3 big Changs for under 800 baht. OK the course might be a tad rinky dink but I still have to pinch myself after one of these afternoons. Sorry just realized somewhat off topic.

Edited by habfan
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However I don't want to leave everyone high and dry, or at least not dry. I did verify that Monkey Club has a beer buffet every night of the week from 6 to 9 p.m., all you can drink Chang for 99 baht, Feder-something for 129 baht, or Heineken for 139 baht. Surprisingly there were only 15 to 20 customers taking advantage of this a little after 7, so they had lots of room for more business. It is probably busier closer to the weekend, there may be quite a party on Saturday. So for those looking for a cheap drunk, it's hard to beat three hours of drinking for 99 baht.

Although this has nothing to do with The Olde Bell, there is a connection because it may well explain part of the reason for it's demise - too many Cheap Drunks in Chieng Mai looking to drink as much as they can in 3 hours for 99 baht. Me? I wouldn't be caught dead in such places.

Not an unreasonable analysis!

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Rush bar, Nimanheaman Soi 9 daily beerbuffet 6-9pm 99 baht.

Heineken. Cheers.

Is that one of the new bars that have opened near the SriMangkhla end of soi 9, or is it closer to Nimmanhamin?

Never mind, I found it, it's one of the new places about 50 meters east of Monkey Club on soi 9. I did a drive by around 7 p.m., it had about 15 to 20 people, almost all in the courtyard, and room for twice as many. It looked like a more pleasant and cheerful place for a beer buffet than Monkey Club.

The subject of beer buffets came up in response to questions about alternatives to the Olde Bell, but it has strayed far from the original topic. However after discovering there are three beer buffets in close proximity on the Nimmanhamin sois I'm curious what else may be out there, so I'll start a separate topic. This should make Chiengmaijoe happy, he seems to think we're cheap drunks.

BTW, since I now know of two under capacity beer buffets on Nimmanhamin I don't mind revealing the popular one I was reluctant to advertise. Unfortunately I don't know the name of the place, I just know it as the sushi place between PowerHouse Gym and Wawee Coffee on Nimmanhamin soi 8. The people in Punna condo who have a montain view also have a beer buffet view. The buffet is from 6 to 8 p.m. with all you can drink Chang, Heineken, or Asahi beer. Occasionally one of these brands will be warm and flat, if that happens just switch to another. Ths sushi isn't great but it's not bad. You can probably get a seat after 6 but it's a good idea to arrive early.

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Well I'm late in so it's not that surprising that you Chiang Mai lot have been off topic for the last 3 pages.

I have only been to the Old Bell in CM about 20-30 times in the last decade or so- several for each time I was in the locale. Pedr was always a charming host. For me it seems like the end of an era.

Shame the landlord was such a ...

Pedr was the Landlord. I think you mean 'shame the landlady was such a...'. Confusing isn't it?

Yes- I meant the owner of the building. Was it a woman?- sorry missed that.

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Sadly another case of greedy landlords making running a business near impossible in C.M. I do however feel that the trend in town is to pass high overheads to the customer via prices rises and food quality cuts. This leads to loss of your steady revenue flow and a downward spiral. Bar and restaurant owners should communicate and try to set a level of rents that can be sustained.

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Just shows how quick Pedre is forgotten..

people cannot wait to start a new thread to suggest the new home of TV they have to use his goodbye thread.

Goodbye Pedre and good luck.

He's sitting down in Hang Dong quaffing a box of red wine, he's not bothered about us. coffee1.gif

Believe me, he is! You guys were his friends and customers for 7 years. He's desperately upset and scared and not sure what to do next. (He is quaffing the remnants of the red wine though!)

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Just shows how quick Pedre is forgotten..

people cannot wait to start a new thread to suggest the new home of TV they have to use his goodbye thread.

Goodbye Pedre and good luck.

He's sitting down in Hang Dong quaffing a box of red wine, he's not bothered about us. coffee1.gif

Believe me, he is! You guys were his friends and customers for 7 years. He's desperately upset and scared and not sure what to do next. (He is quaffing the remnants of the red wine though!)

We've never been friends on TV, but we met a few times in your pub. It was always us that were sinking that last pint and literally having to sprint for our crazy tuk-tuk run to the train station. I suppose that could be many of your punters, lol. All the best mate- make sure to post details of your next venture here?

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