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The Cost of my Life in Thailand.


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Just out of curiosity, what did you have for dinner?

Wife cooked Khao Kai Jeaow, Tom Yam Gung, Pik Gai Tod. Last two days were Chili Con Carne topped with cheddar and a lot of lightly toasted baguette.

Not sure if your question was a pisstake or not. :D

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if you are enjoying a simple life in Bangkok, that is about right !


We used to live downtown and used to get a lot of food delivered from Chefsxp instead of cooking, lots more going out too. Was probably double what we spent now and the missus was also renting a business unit.

IMO BKK on less than 60k would not be an enjoyable existence.

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฿42 000.- would give you a good life here in Isaan. Everyone is in a particular situation, but I think you are doing ok. It's the unexpected that you can't budget for...


The things listed that total 42k are not actually all our expenses. They usually run to about 60k. Absolutely right about unexpected things. The rest of our income is saved as it is one of my main beliefs - Save for the future and the rainy day. I would not recommend anyone in their 30's or 40's to be living a life where they are not putting money away every month.

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Ho Hum...A "my monthly budget" thread number 43,00000

They should make a subforum of stickies then. smile.png

Would be great for both people planning on moving over, and those with nothing at all to say but still need to post, to post on. smile.png

And by the way, there's nothing about 'my monthly budget' in it. :)

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School fees etc will soon cut into that

As will weekend breaks once we get them going again. :)

School fees won't be a lot in fairness. I have no confidence in any Thai school so will be mainly educating her myself. :) But that's just my peronal opinion and belief.

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I would not recommend anyone in their 30's or 40's to be living a life where they are not putting money away every month.

Would hazard a guess and say greater than 70% of farangs living in Thailand dont follow this sensible advice, and one suspects most wouldnt even have the equivilant of 1 months expenses in the bank in reserve

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I would not recommend anyone in their 30's or 40's to be living a life where they are not putting money away every month.

Would hazard a guess and say greater than 70% of farangs living in Thailand dont follow this sensible advice, and one suspects most wouldnt even have the equivilant of 1 months expenses in the bank in reserve

Quite possibly true.

However, some probably call that 'Living!' some call it 'Madness'. Each to their own. I personally lived enough in my 20s, some grow up, some stay young and free of responsibility forever. :)

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Honestly, who cares ?!?

I thought some people who are thinking of coming over here to live might. smile.png

Perhaps ask a mod to delete it if it's better for the forum and your mental state. smile.png


Me things you've just been confronted with the "no good deed goes unpunished" concept.

I agree with you that providing the information you have can now or will be of value to some in he future.

My congratulations to you for saving and not spending all you earn. Having a nest egg for tomorrow's just smart. One day you'll wake up knowing you're about to retire and think "where'd the last 30 years go?"

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if you are enjoying a simple life in Bangkok, that is about right !


We used to live downtown and used to get a lot of food delivered from Chefsxp instead of cooking, lots more going out too. Was probably double what we spent now and the missus was also renting a business unit.

IMO BKK on less than 60k would not be an enjoyable existence.

seems you just moved in to a new house out town ? that happens to us as well, now we rarely dine out, not even once a week. we both enjoy cooking and of course the best place is our kitchen, and that is not really about food, isn't it ?

good thing about living in Thailand, you have choices of different lifestyles. someone enjoy clubbing every night, someone prefer living 2km away from the road. having a simple life even in Bangkok, is good enough at a decent cost too.

well, having said that, the cost of living is also inflating, prepare for it.

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if you are enjoying a simple life in Bangkok, that is about right !


We used to live downtown and used to get a lot of food delivered from Chefsxp instead of cooking, lots more going out too. Was probably double what we spent now and the missus was also renting a business unit.

IMO BKK on less than 60k would not be an enjoyable existence.

seems you just moved in to a new house out town ? that happens to us as well, now we rarely dine out, not even once a week. we both enjoy cooking and of course the best place is our kitchen, and that is not really about food, isn't it ?

good thing about living in Thailand, you have choices of different lifestyles. someone enjoy clubbing every night, someone prefer living 2km away from the road. having a simple life even in Bangkok, is good enough at a decent cost too.

Yup, we actually moved here 18 months ago after living downtown for 5 years. After a few years of that is out of your systems moving to the burbs is great.

well, having said that, the cost of living is also inflating, prepare for it.

You better believe it! haha.

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In actual fact the cost of your life here is about 10b and 5k baht for someone to use it.

Haha, I woulda valued that at the promise of 1000b to a local junkie. Isn't it 5k baht for a .22 to the head of a politician out running in the park?

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does not even touch on cable tv (apparently the tv is on all day), generally around 2k, i have 30/3 true hispeed (2k with taxes etc) telephone and data packages for 2 2K

add 6 k minimum to the fixed costs you state.

should you go in to the city, 200-300 thb each way for taxis, otherwise same amount expended on gas and parking.

i think if you were honest you would admit your simple life costs you much closer to 100k pm than the 42 you describe here.

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does not even touch on cable tv (apparently the tv is on all day), generally around 2k, i have 30/3 true hispeed (2k with taxes etc) telephone and data packages for 2 2K

add 6 k minimum to the fixed costs you state.

should you go in to the city, 200-300 thb each way for taxis, otherwise same amount expended on gas and parking.

Actually we don't have cable. We had it in our condo down town and when moving knew we wouldn't miss it. smile.png The only thing I watch on TV is the live Saturday night football. We actually have free internet from our landlord as part of the rent and I stream it for free in English off Sopcast.... Otherwise it would be around 1000b (10mbps). Or class our rent as 14k and internet bill 1k . biggrin.png TV is mainly playing Baby Einstein, Dream English or Aerobic DVD's nowadays. :)

We actually don't go into the city at all anymore. Surprising how once you move out you really find there is very little pulling you back in. smile.png If I do need to I take my bike or ride to the closest BTS (Morchit).

i think if you were honest you would admit your simple life costs you much closer to 100k pm than the 42 you describe here.

Sure it does, more than actually if including our savings. The cost of our basic living as described = about 42k p/m for amenities etc. We actually go through between 50-60k in reality. Then add savings on top. I thought it was all posted already, sorry you missed it. smile.png

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Yeah, insurance, hows them nappies going? nanny/maid ? Doctors costs for that baby over last 12 months, car rego and insurance, repairs, services....and the list goes on

All added under the extra column. :)

Nappies and baby stuff is fine. Twice weekly shopping averages 2k a go and includes all the little one needs.

The extra money as listed (50-60k pm) includes things like the little one's Vaccination and Check-Up Program at a top private hospital which was about 10k for the first 12 months. Insurance and service etc. were already discussed.... Some of you guys seem angry and can't read too well. :)

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I really like the idea of starting a thread like this to help people who might think about moving to Thailand get an idea of costs, so good on you 1020 - I'm sure many people will find your thread via a Google search.
However,just to give you an example of how complex it can get....

'Vehicle: Bought for cash. Gas approx 500 p/w.'

It would be possible to calculate a monthly cost for running a car, if you wanted to, but it's a lot more than just gas. As you know there's the annual road tax, insurance, and servicing costs - I have a little Honda City and just paid 14,000baht for the 60,000km service - that's quite hard to budget for. You've then got tires, batteries, cleaning costs. Some people might also factor in depreciation.

Where you'll really lose track is health care and education costs...

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Yeah, insurance, hows them nappies going? nanny/maid ? Doctors costs for that baby over last 12 months, car rego and insurance, repairs, services....and the list goes on

All added under the extra column. smile.png

Nappies and baby stuff is fine. Twice weekly shopping averages 2k a go and includes all the little one needs.

The extra money as listed (50-60k pm) includes things like the little one's Vaccination and Check-Up Program at a top private hospital which was about 10k for the first 12 months. Insurance and service etc. were already discussed.... Some of you guys seem angry and can't read too well. smile.png

Damn right I'm angry that my life costs 3 times yours.

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