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One Born Every Minute ?


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I've been on dating sites in the past and have never been asked for money.

True, there are scammers, good ones, usually with sob stories, but on the whole most are honest.

WOW, MOST are honest, lol

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As far as massage parlours go, I haven't seen too many young, attractive women working at them. I only have the occasional massage, but the few places I've visited didn't have one woman that was remotely attractive. The times I've walked down Loi Kroh road in Chiang Mai and passed by the many massage parlours the women working there were all older (40s), very plain looking women. The same was true the few times I visited Pattaya, Krabi, Phuket and Koh Samui. I don't know where these pretty Thai women are working in massage parlours and have multiple men willing to send them money. I guess I would have to be a man to find these hidden massage parlours.

Those are all tourist places mainly populated by girls that had done 10 years in Thai customer massage shops by the time they hit their mid twenties ( and boy those years have taken their toll) and rough Esarn girls that no Thai man would touch.

Sex tourists have a much lower standard when they hop down Cowboy , Nana, Phuket, Chiang Mahi and Pattaya than Thai men so the ugly girls head there to find their mug as no Thai man is interested. And over the last couple of years or so , my god have girls got ugly in tourist bars. Most ST just want younger(than them) and slim although most just seem to want anybody.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !

Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif

Same thing can be said for hair dressers. Some girls deliberately work in a salon because it gives them a hook without being an outright hooker. But a hooker all the same. And I'm not putting them down for that. It just is.

Hotel staff, waitresses, beer promo girls, English language program mothers, fake hi-so girls etc etc .

Edited by arthurwait
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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.
What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif

Same thing can be said for hair dressers. Some girls deliberately work in a salon because it gives them a hook without being an outright hooker. But a hooker all the same. And I'm not putting them down for that. It just is.

Hotel staff, waitresses, beer promo girls, English language program mothers, fake hi-so girls etc etc .

You have had them all ?

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.
What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif

Same thing can be said for hair dressers. Some girls deliberately work in a salon because it gives them a hook without being an outright hooker. But a hooker all the same. And I'm not putting them down for that. It just is.

Hotel staff, waitresses, beer promo girls, English language program mothers, fake hi-so girls etc etc .

You have had them all ?

Yes every single one. Millions of notches on my bedpost. I'm a stud.

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I thought this thread was going to be about Thai Massage, (even though the actual title has the word 'burned' in it.. .)

The only Thai Massage I have is from those who have been trained in it. Wat Po etc. It is an art form. (And please, no schoolboy snickering asides zzzzzzzzz). If I merely wanted a wank, I could do it myself. For free.

Christ there are some sad buggers about.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Cola? :(

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I can feel the love in this thread!

I see things this way....

  • If an guy is happy to sponsor some girl wiht out doing any checking of his own either he has to much money or likes to chat and make himself feel like a big man. Others just have no clue and believe anything a girl in a short skirt tells them.
  • If a girl is willing to lie and cheat a guy for his money she is never going to find happyness. Life will be come a game and no matter what it is all she will ever see it as. How to get something from a guy. When she is old and the looks fade she will be bitter and shallow. If she has daughters she will try to push her principles onto her. Sad but true cycle.
  • If people want to get bitter and post that such and such is a pimp because they jump to a conclusion from a post. Well then you are just ignorant.
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I can't see why you haven't done the obvious and started taxing them. They're using your internet, your meeting room, etc. You should be getting 40% of the proceeds.

He only wants sincere, hardworking, ethical, honest and loyal employees. Salvation Army ??

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I can't see why you haven't done the obvious and started taxing them. They're using your internet, your meeting room, etc. You should be getting 40% of the proceeds.

He only wants sincere, hardworking, ethical, honest and loyal employees. Salvation Army ??

Posts like this makes me wonder, if Chalerms father ever travelled abroad ? whistling.gif

@jake. Please stay on "happy in Thailand" threads, where you can earn a few "likes" by telling over and over again about your pigs, the little one and not to forget, your profitsharing with MIL! coffee1.gif

The replies I have got on this thread, have made it very clear to me, one is born every minute!

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So you've actually convinced us. Yes there are stupid people in this world. Wow! What a discovery!

Oh, and men think through their little head rather than the one on their shoulders when under the influence of us women. Wow! Another new discovery!

Maybe it should be written up in some scientific journal.

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Oh, and men think through their little head rather than the one on their shoulders when under the influence of us women. Wow! Another new discovery!

This is entirely dependent on the age and shape of the woman, and to some extent the age and shape of the man.

Slim 20something woman = big head asleep.

Larger 40something woman = little head asleep.

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So you've actually convinced us. Yes there are stupid people in this world. Wow! What a discovery!

Oh, and men think through their little head rather than the one on their shoulders when under the influence of us women. Wow! Another new discovery!

Maybe it should be written up in some scientific journal.

"when under the influence of us women"

Yes we all came here with a dream of meeting a middleaged farang woman! whistling.gif Yes we are stupid but not that stupid!

Who visits the candystore giggle.gif to buy cabbage??

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So you've actually convinced us. Yes there are stupid people in this world. Wow! What a discovery!

Oh, and men think through their little head rather than the one on their shoulders when under the influence of us women. Wow! Another new discovery!

Maybe it should be written up in some scientific journal.

"when under the influence of us women"

Yes we all came here with a dream of meeting a middleaged farang woman! whistling.gif Yes we are stupid but not that stupid!

Who visits the candystore giggle.gif to buy cabbage??

Very unkind!

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

The bar girl get's dressed up and the massage lady gets greased up? whistling.gif

Edited by Sayonarax
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So you've actually convinced us. Yes there are stupid people in this world. Wow! What a discovery!

Oh, and men think through their little head rather than the one on their shoulders when under the influence of us women. Wow! Another new discovery!

Maybe it should be written up in some scientific journal.

"when under the influence of us women"

Yes we all came here with a dream of meeting a middleaged farang woman! whistling.gif Yes we are stupid but not that stupid!

Who visits the candystore giggle.gif to buy cabbage??

Thanks for the laugh, Soi1. Having seen the obvious comparisons I tend to agree with you.

I enjoy the verbal bantering and don't take offence at anything. If people are actually being nasty then that is a reflection on them.

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The first mug I ever met.

Sex Tourism as we know it today. Where it all started in SE Asia. Philippines. Mail Order Brides.

Only a couple of years into Martial Law and Marcos' Kilusan Bagong Lipunan, 'The New Society'. Marcos was actively promoting tourism, declaring the PI was now 'safe'. Even though the Martial Law and the Nationwide Curfew were in effect. (SEP 72)

Prior to the opening up of Ermita in the mid 70s Pasay (Peso) City was where the bars and cat houses were located. Old, shabby, dirty, smally, run down wooden structures, where all firearms and lethal weapons were to be checked at the door.

Then by 1974 the shutters came off the windows and doors, and bars began springing up throughout the Ermita Area, namely Mabini and M H Del Pilar Streets. I was just 21 YO at this time. and had been visiting the PI since I was 16.

Manila, PI XMAS 1975. One evening in 1975 just before XMAS my 3 mates and I walked into the 'Spider's Web' Bar. There sitting on a stool at the bar was an 'Old Man'. An Australian. His name was Doug Mason, a cashed up Real Estate Business owner from Sydney's affluent North Shore. He was in his early 50's. This was pretty unique. You didn't come across blokes like this in a place like this. Naturally there were some older American 'Veterans' kicking around but not blokes like Doug Mason. In fact he was only on a brief stopover from Hong Kong to Australia.

Sitting on Doug's lap, at the bar was a 19 YO Filippina by the name of Mary-Lou. Doug was smitten. It really was Xmas. In the days where flights were fewer and it was difficult and punative to alter your flight itinerary Doug managed to get a doctor's certficate declaring he was ill and unable to travel. So Doug extended his stay in Manila. Deeply in love with Mary-Lou.

He returned to Sydney in the New Year, told his wife and two teenage sons he was leaving them - and the business and moving to Manila. Christmas Night 1976, Spider's Web Bar. My mates and I walked in. Doug was sitting on a stool at the bar. Head in hands. Mary-Lou was standing behind him screaming obscenities at him in Tagalog, kicking him up the arse and slapping the back of his head as she did so. Humiliating him. Abusing him. He looked 10 years older. Broken.

I immediately lunged for her and grabbed her around the throat and pinned her against the wall. I was furious. My mates pulled me away. I sat down with Doug and wanted to know why he was allowing this to happen. But really, we all knew why. The furry magnet.

The following year he purchased Trixie's Bar (formerly owned by an Australian woman married to a Filippino, another rare occurrence at the time). Tourism was still getting underway at this time, so Doug found himself with a bar, filled nightly with relatives and the extended family of the bride, Mary Lou. He finshed up with a bar full of cheap watches and other trinkets as payment from the Filippinos who availed themselves of his hospitality and alcohol. Of course the bar went broke and they moved out to a house Doug bought in Paranaque. I went out there for a party, but my relationship with Mary Lou was never that good after that night I hauled her off him.

Later that year my mate pulled into Manila serving in an Australian Warship. He walked up to the Waltzing Matilda Bar. There, employed as the 'Day Manager' was Doug. 300 Pesos per day, plus all you could drink. Playing host to the increasing numbers of Sex Tourists from Australia. he was a broken man. As he related to my mate. In a fight with Mary-Lou he had smacked her girlfriend over with head with an ash tray. She had taken his passport and headed to the Police Station and had him charged with assault, He was now on, what the Filippinos called 'Legal Hold', not allowed to leave the country, whilst they milked him dry.

He was desperate and asked my mate to smuggle him onboard his ship and get him out of there. Naturally my mate said now way could he do that. besides they were off to HK after Manila, not going back to Oz for months yet, Doug didn't care. HK was OK by him. Just get me out of the PI. It was a no can do. My mate refused.

I never saw Doug again after that. Although I did hear he made it back to Aust. After losing everything he had and those he loved.

I watched Ermita grow until it became the Sex Capital and Party town of SE Asia. Farang owned bars and businesses proliferated at lightning speed. I remember one night standing outside the Spiders Web, with my good friend, 'Boy' Mecado, the Night Manager of the group of three bars - Eagles Nest, Spiders Web and China Coast. Looking up and down the now busy M H Del Pilar Street. Boy turned to me and said. Look at all these foreigners, they come here and buy up everything and treat us like dirt. One day when the Filippino people want it back, we will take it back. And a decade or so later, along with Mayor Lim - They did.

We used to reckon that a mug got off the plane every minute in Manila. Not a lot has changed since then really. it's just gone digital.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !

Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif

by many? ok please do tell.. I'd really like to know....

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The first mug I ever met.

Sex Tourism as we know it today. Where it all started in SE Asia. Philippines. Mail Order Brides.

Only a couple of years into Martial Law and Marcos' Kilusan Bagong Lipunan, 'The New Society'. Marcos was actively promoting tourism, declaring the PI was now 'safe'. Even though the Martial Law and the Nationwide Curfew were in effect. (SEP 72)

Prior to the opening up of Ermita in the mid 70s Pasay (Peso) City was where the bars and cat houses were located. Old, shabby, dirty, smally, run down wooden structures, where all firearms and lethal weapons were to be checked at the door.

Then by 1974 the shutters came off the windows and doors, and bars began springing up throughout the Ermita Area, namely Mabini and M H Del Pilar Streets. I was just 21 YO at this time. and had been visiting the PI since I was 16.

Manila, PI XMAS 1975. One evening in 1975 just before XMAS my 3 mates and I walked into the 'Spider's Web' Bar. There sitting on a stool at the bar was an 'Old Man'. An Australian. His name was Doug Mason, a cashed up Real Estate Business owner from Sydney's affluent North Shore. He was in his early 50's. This was pretty unique. You didn't come across blokes like this in a place like this. Naturally there were some older American 'Veterans' kicking around but not blokes like Doug Mason. In fact he was only on a brief stopover from Hong Kong to Australia.

Sitting on Doug's lap, at the bar was a 19 YO Filippina by the name of Mary-Lou. Doug was smitten. It really was Xmas. In the days where flights were fewer and it was difficult and punative to alter your flight itinerary Doug managed to get a doctor's certficate declaring he was ill and unable to travel. So Doug extended his stay in Manila. Deeply in love with Mary-Lou.

He returned to Sydney in the New Year, told his wife and two teenage sons he was leaving them - and the business and moving to Manila. Christmas Night 1976, Spider's Web Bar. My mates and I walked in. Doug was sitting on a stool at the bar. Head in hands. Mary-Lou was standing behind him screaming obscenities at him in Tagalog, kicking him up the arse and slapping the back of his head as she did so. Humiliating him. Abusing him. He looked 10 years older. Broken.

I immediately lunged for her and grabbed her around the throat and pinned her against the wall. I was furious. My mates pulled me away. I sat down with Doug and wanted to know why he was allowing this to happen. But really, we all knew why. The furry magnet.

The following year he purchased Trixie's Bar (formerly owned by an Australian woman married to a Filippino, another rare occurrence at the time). Tourism was still getting underway at this time, so Doug found himself with a bar, filled nightly with relatives and the extended family of the bride, Mary Lou. He finshed up with a bar full of cheap watches and other trinkets as payment from the Filippinos who availed themselves of his hospitality and alcohol. Of course the bar went broke and they moved out to a house Doug bought in Paranaque. I went out there for a party, but my relationship with Mary Lou was never that good after that night I hauled her off him.

Later that year my mate pulled into Manila serving in an Australian Warship. He walked up to the Waltzing Matilda Bar. There, employed as the 'Day Manager' was Doug. 300 Pesos per day, plus all you could drink. Playing host to the increasing numbers of Sex Tourists from Australia. he was a broken man. As he related to my mate. In a fight with Mary-Lou he had smacked her girlfriend over with head with an ash tray. She had taken his passport and headed to the Police Station and had him charged with assault, He was now on, what the Filippinos called 'Legal Hold', not allowed to leave the country, whilst they milked him dry.

He was desperate and asked my mate to smuggle him onboard his ship and get him out of there. Naturally my mate said now way could he do that. besides they were off to HK after Manila, not going back to Oz for months yet, Doug didn't care. HK was OK by him. Just get me out of the PI. It was a no can do. My mate refused.

I never saw Doug again after that. Although I did hear he made it back to Aust. After losing everything he had and those he loved.

I watched Ermita grow until it became the Sex Capital and Party town of SE Asia. Farang owned bars and businesses proliferated at lightning speed. I remember one night standing outside the Spiders Web, with my good friend, 'Boy' Mecado, the Night Manager of the group of three bars - Eagles Nest, Spiders Web and China Coast. Looking up and down the now busy M H Del Pilar Street. Boy turned to me and said. Look at all these foreigners, they come here and buy up everything and treat us like dirt. One day when the Filippino people want it back, we will take it back. And a decade or so later, along with Mayor Lim - They did.

We used to reckon that a mug got off the plane every minute in Manila. Not a lot has changed since then really. it's just gone digital.

i think the japanese now a lot more than you about chagging /raping the local females during the second world war when marcos was a wee young lad .

Nice could be a stickmanbangkok submission but.......

I remeber when marcos had to flee the country with his emelda but she had a nice shoe collection she had to leave behind most fashion designers and models in europe would want a shoe collection like that and most of the people in that country where eating of of the garbage dumps outside of manila and the catholic church ,and american missionaries really destroyed that country and helped to stay marcos in power for many years against communism in that region.

Edited by Kudel
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As far as massage parlours go, I haven't seen too many young, attractive women working at them. I only have the occasional massage, but the few places I've visited didn't have one woman that was remotely attractive. The times I've walked down Loi Kroh road in Chiang Mai and passed by the many massage parlours the women working there were all older (40s), very plain looking women. The same was true the few times I visited Pattaya, Krabi, Phuket and Koh Samui. I don't know where these pretty Thai women are working in massage parlours and have multiple men willing to send them money. I guess I would have to be a man to find these hidden massage parlours.

I have certainly seen attractive young women in massage parlors, but none of the that have given me a massage, in my limited experience, were very good at massage. Now, my usual masseuse is a 40-something, rather overweight woman. She's as strong as an ox and after 20+ years of giving massages, her skill level is really quite high.

If someone is really interested in the massage and not any of the possible extracurricular activities, then get a more experienced, strong masseuse.

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The first mug I ever met.

Sex Tourism as we know it today. Where it all started in SE Asia. Philippines. Mail Order Brides.

Only a couple of years into Martial Law and Marcos' Kilusan Bagong Lipunan, 'The New Society'. Marcos was actively promoting tourism, declaring the PI was now 'safe'. Even though the Martial Law and the Nationwide Curfew were in effect. (SEP 72)

Prior to the opening up of Ermita in the mid 70s Pasay (Peso) City was where the bars and cat houses were located. Old, shabby, dirty, smally, run down wooden structures, where all firearms and lethal weapons were to be checked at the door.

Then by 1974 the shutters came off the windows and doors, and bars began springing up throughout the Ermita Area, namely Mabini and M H Del Pilar Streets. I was just 21 YO at this time. and had been visiting the PI since I was 16.

Manila, PI XMAS 1975. One evening in 1975 just before XMAS my 3 mates and I walked into the 'Spider's Web' Bar. There sitting on a stool at the bar was an 'Old Man'. An Australian. His name was Doug Mason, a cashed up Real Estate Business owner from Sydney's affluent North Shore. He was in his early 50's. This was pretty unique. You didn't come across blokes like this in a place like this. Naturally there were some older American 'Veterans' kicking around but not blokes like Doug Mason. In fact he was only on a brief stopover from Hong Kong to Australia.

Sitting on Doug's lap, at the bar was a 19 YO Filippina by the name of Mary-Lou. Doug was smitten. It really was Xmas. In the days where flights were fewer and it was difficult and punative to alter your flight itinerary Doug managed to get a doctor's certficate declaring he was ill and unable to travel. So Doug extended his stay in Manila. Deeply in love with Mary-Lou.

He returned to Sydney in the New Year, told his wife and two teenage sons he was leaving them - and the business and moving to Manila. Christmas Night 1976, Spider's Web Bar. My mates and I walked in. Doug was sitting on a stool at the bar. Head in hands. Mary-Lou was standing behind him screaming obscenities at him in Tagalog, kicking him up the arse and slapping the back of his head as she did so. Humiliating him. Abusing him. He looked 10 years older. Broken.

I immediately lunged for her and grabbed her around the throat and pinned her against the wall. I was furious. My mates pulled me away. I sat down with Doug and wanted to know why he was allowing this to happen. But really, we all knew why. The furry magnet.

The following year he purchased Trixie's Bar (formerly owned by an Australian woman married to a Filippino, another rare occurrence at the time). Tourism was still getting underway at this time, so Doug found himself with a bar, filled nightly with relatives and the extended family of the bride, Mary Lou. He finshed up with a bar full of cheap watches and other trinkets as payment from the Filippinos who availed themselves of his hospitality and alcohol. Of course the bar went broke and they moved out to a house Doug bought in Paranaque. I went out there for a party, but my relationship with Mary Lou was never that good after that night I hauled her off him.

Later that year my mate pulled into Manila serving in an Australian Warship. He walked up to the Waltzing Matilda Bar. There, employed as the 'Day Manager' was Doug. 300 Pesos per day, plus all you could drink. Playing host to the increasing numbers of Sex Tourists from Australia. he was a broken man. As he related to my mate. In a fight with Mary-Lou he had smacked her girlfriend over with head with an ash tray. She had taken his passport and headed to the Police Station and had him charged with assault, He was now on, what the Filippinos called 'Legal Hold', not allowed to leave the country, whilst they milked him dry.

He was desperate and asked my mate to smuggle him onboard his ship and get him out of there. Naturally my mate said now way could he do that. besides they were off to HK after Manila, not going back to Oz for months yet, Doug didn't care. HK was OK by him. Just get me out of the PI. It was a no can do. My mate refused.

I never saw Doug again after that. Although I did hear he made it back to Aust. After losing everything he had and those he loved.

I watched Ermita grow until it became the Sex Capital and Party town of SE Asia. Farang owned bars and businesses proliferated at lightning speed. I remember one night standing outside the Spiders Web, with my good friend, 'Boy' Mecado, the Night Manager of the group of three bars - Eagles Nest, Spiders Web and China Coast. Looking up and down the now busy M H Del Pilar Street. Boy turned to me and said. Look at all these foreigners, they come here and buy up everything and treat us like dirt. One day when the Filippino people want it back, we will take it back. And a decade or so later, along with Mayor Lim - They did.

We used to reckon that a mug got off the plane every minute in Manila. Not a lot has changed since then really. it's just gone digital.

i think the japanese now a lot more than you about chagging /raping the local females during the second world war when marcos was a wee young lad .

Nice could be a stickmanbangkok submission but.......

I remeber when marcos had to flee the country with his emelda but she had a nice shoe collection she had to leave behind most fashion designers and models in europe would want a shoe collection like that and most of the people in that country where eating of of the garbage dumps outside of manila and the catholic church ,and american missionaries really destroyed that country and helped to stay marcos in power for many years against communism in that region.

Tut tut, get your history right if your going to be pulling up other members, before the Japanese came the Americans, who had a whale of a time banging the Pinoy princesses whether they liked it or not.

They weren't the first. You'll find that cpofc has a greater grasp on the history of the region than you could ever start to comprehend.

Anyway, it's a pathetic thread. There's people getting conned like this all over the world, and there's even reports of Thais falling for it too. So what's the big news of the day?

Some people are gullible.

Whoop de whoo. coffee1.gif

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