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Fire Hydrant in Phuket , managed to find one , well the motor did :-)


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In 12 years of living in this wonderfull country I have managed to find a fire hydrant !

How ? Well ,.....

Finding a parking space between two cars , I carefully reverse into the space between , being dark with no street lighting im going pretty carefull and thinking the sensors will alert me if I get to close to either car , I proceed with the manouver .

Bang!!! <deleted> !!! not near either car , no alarm from the cars sensors , what did I hit ??????

A bloody Fire Hydrant blink.pngblink.png <deleted> !

They placed the damn thing so close to the edge of the curb that the T section on top was actually sticking out into the road around 5 inches .

Got out of the car , Tail Light gone , side panel creased .

Maybe I should start going round on a pushbike after this week ,. tongue.png

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I can beat you all. Day before yesterday I, against my usual judgement, followed the instructions of the "Parking Attendant" at BKK Phuket Hospital. Reversing a bit blind he directed me staright into a barrier around a tree. Luckily travelling very slowly so no damage done.

Another lesson learned!! sad.png

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You know it's illegal to park next to a fire hydrant? whistling.gif Yeah, I know: TIT, who cares, everyone else does it, etc.

This one's in Bangkok road near GC Huat. I can see why people don't like to park near it...


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