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PM Yingluck dismisses rumor of possible 'Egypt-Style' coup


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Can you please elaborate on what exactly you mean by slaughtering?

For starters, 1973, 1976, 1992 and 2010. Anyone who knows what the word means will agree that those were slaughters.

Read some history.

I do. And regulalry, thanks. That's why I almost never bother with this forum; it's possibly escaped your notice but having an informed opinion and regular posting on this forum are not so much uncomfortable bedfellows as absolute polar opposites.

Good that you have an ‘informed opinion’.

Who slaughtered in 2010?

The (back then) government and the army did a very good job in not hurting more of the red terrorists and their dumb followers. It could have been much worse giving that the 'demonstrators' were heavily armed. There was no other option to restore the order after months of anarchy in Bangkok.

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Can you please elaborate on what exactly you mean by slaughtering?

For starters, 1973, 1976, 1992 and 2010. Anyone who knows what the word means will agree that those were slaughters.

Read some history.

I do. And regulalry, thanks. That's why I almost never bother with this forum; it's possibly escaped your notice but having an informed opinion and regular posting on this forum are not so much uncomfortable bedfellows as absolute polar opposites.

I can make a useless list of dates also.

the only one I know any thing about is 2010 and I don't see how you could possably call that a slaughter.

A slaughter would have been thousands of deaths.

Get real

90 killed out of thousands in the open over a month and a half time span by an army. Slaughter give me a break.

You neglect to mention that it was their choice to do it this way. They made a proposal to end it and the government agreed to accept it. They then changed their mind and decided to keep on with the terrorism route.

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Yingluck said

"Asked if she had talked to Gen. Yuthasak Sasiprapa, the Deputy Minister of Defense, about the rumor, the Prime Minister said she and Gen. Yuthasak have indeed consulted with each other, but only on official matters."

In other words she knows nothing.

I didn't follow Egypt that close but it seemed to me the people were out in huge numbers supporting the existing Government and the ones opposing them were out in huge numbers. Neither side was armed and the army had given the president notice that he had so long to step down.

Not even closely relating the attempt in 2010 or

the one in 2006 where the army just said we are taking over not a shot fired. No hospitals invaded. Nothing. I arrived back in Thailand a week later and can't say as I heard a big public out cry to bring Thaksin back. In fact it looked to me like the people were happy.

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The Thai army's main responsibility (almost its only significant one) is supressing any threats to the existing power structure. As it has shown time after time after time, it has no qualms whatsoever about slaughtering large numbers of Thai citizens in pursuit of this goal so to the extent that Yingluck threatens the exisitng power structure, she faces the reciprocal threat of (yet another) coup. It's a very simple, straightforward relationship.

I think you got it backwards dude. It is the Shinawatra clan and the extremist communist factions that they have aligned with that have no qualms in murdering Thai citizens to further their goals. Can you please elaborate on what exactly you mean by slaughtering? If you are going to reference the legal control of a private army set up to deny Thai citizens of their rights then it is a non-starter. So go ahead and give us the details.

hahahaha Communists? Seriously, have you seen ever a communist, or any other person with leftist ideas here in Thailand? Oh, I get it… you tell by the red color of the "red-shirts". Perhaps you are too influenced by the education given by your government or Disney cartoons against all red, or Cuban or Russian accent… cheesy.gif
Don't know why you all distress so with Yingluck. It does not matter who's the puppet in power. They are all garbage, here or anywhere in the world ...
When you were a kid at school, and talking to other kids about "when I grow up I want to be…" have you ever heard any of them say "I want to be a politician or president"? anyone…
Anyways, if here, or anywhere, had any government sympathizer with something like Communists, simmer down man, the CIA would had eliminated them surreptitiously, as they come doing throughout their brief history… whistling.gif
I do not sympathize with Yingluck, but I see here on TV a blind rage against "Shinawatra clan," as if the alternative to them, were to be the panacea to all our concerns as "guests" in their country. Here commands only one (or two) and got an army at his disposal, trained by whom we all know. Everything else is just makeup to everyone thinks that they are "playing to democracy".
I like Yingluck… from my condition as a man, I mean tongue.png . To my rights as a citizen be stolen by a ugly guy, I'd rather be stolen by a beautiful female giggle.gif
Edited by ImNotaGuiri
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Fascinating as it would be to discuss Thai politics with people who don't know the most elementary facts about the country's history (Really? You're posting about politics and you don't know what happened in 73 and 76?), my blood pressure is peculiarly sensitive to the presence of ill-educated fascists so, under doctor's orders, I must say goodbye.

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Fascinating as it would be to discuss Thai politics with people who don't know the most elementary facts about the country's history (Really? You're posting about politics and you don't know what happened in 73 and 76?), my blood pressure is peculiarly sensitive to the presence of ill-educated fascists so, under doctor's orders, I must say goodbye.

As my profile suggests, I would argue that fascism has its pros. Of course it has its cons too (as does democracy).

What's interesting is: your unwillingness to discuss is a fascist trait.


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The Thai army's main responsibility (almost its only significant one) is supressing any threats to the existing power structure. As it has shown time after time after time, it has no qualms whatsoever about slaughtering large numbers of Thai citizens in pursuit of this goal so to the extent that Yingluck threatens the exisitng power structure, she faces the reciprocal threat of (yet another) coup. It's a very simple, straightforward relationship.

I think you got it backwards dude. It is the Shinawatra clan and the extremist communist factions that they have aligned with that have no qualms in murdering Thai citizens to further their goals. Can you please elaborate on what exactly you mean by slaughtering? If you are going to reference the legal control of a private army set up to deny Thai citizens of their rights then it is a non-starter. So go ahead and give us the details.

hahahaha Communists? Seriously, have you seen ever a communist, or any other person with leftist ideas here in Thailand? Oh, I get it… you tell by the red color of the "red-shirts". Perhaps you are too influenced by the education given by your government or Disney cartoons against all red, or Cuban or Russian accent… cheesy.gif
Don't know why you all distress so with Yingluck. It does not matter who's the puppet in power. They are all garbage, here or anywhere in the world ...
When you were a kid at school, and talking to other kids about "when I grow up I want to be…" have you ever heard any of them say "I want to be a politician or president"? anyone…
Anyways, if here, or anywhere, had any government sympathizer with something like Communists, simmer down man, the CIA would had eliminated them surreptitiously, as they come doing throughout their brief history… whistling.gif
I do not sympathize with Yingluck, but I see here on TV a blind rage against "Shinawatra clan," as if the alternative to them, were to be the panacea to all our concerns as "guests" in their country. Here commands only one (or two) and got an army at his disposal, trained by whom we all know. Everything else is just makeup to everyone thinks that they are "playing to democracy".
I like Yingluck… from my condition as a man, I mean tongue.png . To my rights as a citizen be stolen by a ugly guy, I'd rather be stolen by a beautiful female giggle.gif

Whilst I agree with you that "communism", which in its purest form is actually quite a nice concept, has been unfairly demonised by the West... there are Communist thinkers (e.g. Dr. Weng Tojirakarn) within the Shinawatras' camp. There are also leftist thinkers (e.g. Sombat Boonngamanong), but they are mostly the ones who side with the Red Shirt ideology rather than with the Shinawatras themselves.

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Yingluck said

"Asked if she had talked to Gen. Yuthasak Sasiprapa, the Deputy Minister of Defense, about the rumor, the Prime Minister said she and Gen. Yuthasak have indeed consulted with each other, but only on official matters."

In other words she knows nothing.

I didn't follow Egypt that close but it seemed to me the people were out in huge numbers supporting the existing Government and the ones opposing them were out in huge numbers. Neither side was armed and the army had given the president notice that he had so long to step down.

Not even closely relating the attempt in 2010 or

the one in 2006 where the army just said we are taking over not a shot fired. No hospitals invaded. Nothing. I arrived back in Thailand a week later and can't say as I heard a big public out cry to bring Thaksin back. In fact it looked to me like the people were happy.

The latest Egyptian spring has some similarities, the government by the Muslim Brotherhood were pushing a religious agenda which the Christians, seculars and army believe benefitted themselves and not Egypt as a whole. Where as the PTP government is pushing a pro Thaksin agenda which benefits one man at the cost of the mainstream Thais

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Ms. Yingluck appeared to be aware of such comparison as she said in the press conference that "The lesson can be learned from other countries. I believe no one wants to do harm to their own country."

If she really believes that statement to be true, i wonder what she thought of her brother threatening to spend millions at arms dealers. I wonder what she thought of Nattawut telling people to burn the country to the ground.

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Can you please elaborate on what exactly you mean by slaughtering?

For starters, 1973, 1976, 1992 and 2010. Anyone who knows what the word means will agree that those were slaughters.

Read some history.

I do. And regulalry, thanks. That's why I almost never bother with this forum; it's possibly escaped your notice but having an informed opinion and regular posting on this forum are not so much uncomfortable bedfellows as absolute polar opposites.

I'll wager that there are hundreds of thousands who understand what the word 'slaughter' means but would not deem what went on in BKK in 2010 as slaughter. The fact that people are literate does not logically mean that they will all share the same opinion about momentous events.

My definition is :- killing of great numbers of human beings (as in battle or a massacre) i.e. the time span is relevant.

Although many people died in the events of 2010 the numbers built up on a trickle basis, 2 or 3 here, 3 or 4 the next day. A more apposite use of the word 'slaughter' might well apply to the daily toll of life extracted on the roads of Thailand.

Your expressed implication that this forum is a waste of your valuable time would indicate to many that you lack diplomatic skills and will offend many who come here. I interpret such sentiments as a 'put down'. I accept that there are mounds of dross amongst the content here, but occasionally there are nuggets of gold to be found. I consider it useful to read the varying opinions of others before arriving at a more balanced opinion myself after reading and taking onboard the input of others.

Yingluck can't buy a break on the Thai Visa Forums. Just remember, she is the Prime Minister, and we are all guests of the Kingdom, with no vote. All of you vicious 'experts" can just sit and spin.

If she just made a start on making a fist of the job she was maneuvred into she may cut herself some slack. She is without doubt a liability to her supporters and has yet to display an ounce of nous in what the job entails. Thailand needs a strong, committed person to avoid the chasm that it is currently looking into, but what does she do? Ask her a relevant question and she runs away. I share the view of many others that she is a puppet of a gutless, melagomaniac, corrupt convicted criminal on the run. She fully deserves the ordure that is heaped upon her here.

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Fascinating as it would be to discuss Thai politics with people who don't know the most elementary facts about the country's history (Really? You're posting about politics and you don't know what happened in 73 and 76?), my blood pressure is peculiarly sensitive to the presence of ill-educated fascists so, under doctor's orders, I must say goodbye.

Thank God for that. On the way home call in at a pharmacy and buy a supply of Fortzaar. It does wonders in reducing blood pressure.

As a student of history you may recognise the following. You have sat here too long for any good you are doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!

Hint. It wasn't an entreaty by Leo Amery. He just borrowed it .

If your estimation of your depth of knowledge and the value of your opinions has any basis in reality, then leadership of the free world should be yours for the asking.

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When a reporter asked her if she had talked to Mr. Thaksin recently at all, Ms. Yingluck simply smiled and left the press conference.

That's nauseating.

Hate to say this, but if the leader of your country runs and hides when confronted with controversial issue/questions what example does that set for the rest of the country? This behavior kind of explains why many Thais tend to hit and run on the highways especially during deadly accidents.

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I am impressed that Ms Yingluck even knows were Egypt is...

You give her too much credit even though you do it in jest - however, she is probably a little better informed now after asking big Bro' or some other lackey to brief her.

And I wonder if she can connect Egypt as a country with Egyptian cotton which she surely has in her extensive wardrobe.

Edited by Artisi
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would it be the first time if it happens?

I can't tell if you are serious or joking. No, it would not be the first time. There have been many many coups in Thailand. Her brother, a former PM, was taken out of power in a coup.

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Fascinating as it would be to discuss Thai politics with people who don't know the most elementary facts about the country's history (Really? You're posting about politics and you don't know what happened in 73 and 76?), my blood pressure is peculiarly sensitive to the presence of ill-educated fascists so, under doctor's orders, I must say goodbye.

One wonders whether you have a poster in your bedroom of Chalerm and his pink Bentley leading the revolutionary masses to overthrow the forces of reaction. And talking of fascism Thaksin's playing of the anti-gay card in 2010 was straight out of the smelly socks box. Not that you would care to notice. Yes, you must say goodbye...

Edited by yoshiwara
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Fascinating as it would be to discuss Thai politics with people who don't know the most elementary facts about the country's history (Really? You're posting about politics and you don't know what happened in 73 and 76?), my blood pressure is peculiarly sensitive to the presence of ill-educated fascists so, under doctor's orders, I must say goodbye.

Have to leave in such a hurry. From the tone of your posts I was wondering if you had ever considered writing Thai Soaps?

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Yingluck can't buy a break on the Thai Visa Forums. Just remember, she is the Prime Minister, and we are all guests of the Kingdom, with no vote. All of you vicious 'experts" can just sit and spin.

Maybe if she would stop buying votes she could buy a break here on TV.

Heck how much is she offering I Would consider it if the price was right.wai.gif

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The Egypt has no comparison whatsoever with Thailand. Their coup came about because the Muslim brotherhood have proceeded along the path of destroying other religions and persecuting non Muslims to the point that the people of that country can bear it no longer. This is how muslims behave once they gain power. The coup was the only way to stop it.

If we have a coup here it will be because the Democrat party think that they are "born to rule" but cannot achieve it through the ballot box. Right now, they are beginning to think that it is their right to be the government, so another coup is their only chance of getting there. coffee1.gifrolleyes.gif

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.

Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

We are merely analyzing the results of leaving Thai politics to the Thai people. So far it looks like a recipe for disaster.

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The Egypt has no comparison whatsoever with Thailand. Their coup came about because the Muslim brotherhood have proceeded along the path of destroying other religions and persecuting non Muslims to the point that the people of that country can bear it no longer. This is how muslims behave once they gain power. The coup was the only way to stop it.

If we have a coup here it will be because the Democrat party think that they are "born to rule" but cannot achieve it through the ballot box. Right now, they are beginning to think that it is their right to be the government, so another coup is their only chance of getting there. coffee1.gifrolleyes.gif

I think the reds did a coup in 2010.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.

Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

We are merely analyzing the results of leaving Thai politics to the Thai people. So far it looks like a recipe for disaster.

So I guess the Thai people should just forget about elections and let the TV keyboard experts tell them exactly what to do and how to run Thailand. This should work really well as so many of "we" farangs come from countries where all our politicians are extremely honest, brilliant, unselfish, moral, and always handle every situation with such competence.....or NOT.

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  • Here we go again. Yingluck was elected PM by the votes of the Thai people. Whether TV keyboard experts like it or not that is a fact.
Whine and complain and come up with a zillion conspiracy theories and "insider info"......or leave Thai politics to the Thai people and go for a nice lunch.

We are merely analyzing the results of leaving Thai politics to the Thai people. So far it looks like a recipe for disaster.

So I guess the Thai people should just forget about elections and let the TV keyboard experts tell them exactly what to do and how to run Thailand. This should work really well as so many of "we" farangs come from countries where all our politicians are extremely honest, brilliant, unselfish, moral, and always handle every situation with such competence.....or NOT.

And yet we have here a self-proclaimed 'keyboard expert' hoist by his own petard just dying to proclaim his love for the Shinawatra clan. His main objection is to those who point out that the crooked Thaksin shouldn't be given a clean run and instead should roll over in supplication. Walks Like an Egyptian.
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