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Consulates no longer issuing Non Imm O Visas?

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Did a quick search in the forum and could not find anything about this. So here goes. Used to get my Non Imm 'O' at Liverpool, but they now advise Consulates can no longer issue multiple non immigrant O visas: http://www.royalthaiconsul.com/.

Can I still get a multiple entry non immigrant O visa at Hull? I am under 50 and am married to a Thai (I have a copy of the wifes ID card and Thai passport and have our marriage visa).


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I suspect the same regulations would apply to Hull if this indeed is current policy but you should be able to confirm with a phone call or email - nothing has been reported here that I am aware of. Official Consulates, such as London seem to be able to issue (thus the send to them notice) but reports in Asia are starting to appear this may be getting much harder to justify for those actually living in Thailand.

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The link given in the Liverpool Consulate website is not for the Thai embassy.It says Thai embassy.co .uk The real embassy address

is http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/

Perhaps somehow the Liverpool website has been got at, not a computer person so don't know the proper name for it.

You are right, the link is for a fake/link site - I would say the Thai Consulate Liverpool website has been hacked and compromised or It could of course be an error on their part and they have used the wrong website address. Someone should contact them and let them know.

totster smile.png

Edited by Totster
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The link given in the Liverpool Consulate website is not for the Thai embassy.It says Thai embassy.co .uk The real embassy address

is http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/

Perhaps somehow the Liverpool website has been got at, not a computer person so don't know the proper name for it.

You are right, the link is for a fake/link site - I would say the Thai Consulate Liverpool website has been hacked and compromised or It could of course be an error on their part and they have used the wrong website address. Someone should contact them and let them know.

totster smile.png

I get a security warning for an uncertified application from the Liverpool website too.

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The link given in the Liverpool Consulate website is not for the Thai embassy.It says Thai embassy.co .uk The real embassy address

is http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/

Perhaps somehow the Liverpool website has been got at, not a computer person so don't know the proper name for it.

You are right, the link is for a fake/link site - I would say the Thai Consulate Liverpool website has been hacked and compromised or It could of course be an error on their part and they have used the wrong website address. Someone should contact them and let them know.

totster smile.png

I get a security warning for an uncertified application from the Liverpool website too.

Having also accessed the fake/link Liverpool site, I have just conducted a virus scan of my laptop to see whether the presumed hacker also left a rather more sinister calling card. Fortunately this does not appear to have been the case.

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Birmingham consulate received my non imigrant o application on the 15th july, then contacted me the next day saying that they can no longer process these. This seems to have been inforced by the Thai embassy london as from the 14th july. The consulate had no further information to give me.

My application has been forwarded to the Thai embassy in london. It would appear that this could take a lot longer than the 48hr postal servive that the consulate were giving. Apply with plenty of time before your flight departure. I am still waiting with no news of my visa being issued.

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Birmingham consulate received my non imigrant o application on the 15th july, then contacted me the next day saying that they can no longer process these. This  seems to have been inforced by the Thai embassy london as from the 14th july. The consulate had no further information to give me.

My application has been forwarded to the Thai embassy in london.  It would appear that this could take a lot longer than the 48hr postal servive that the consulate were giving. Apply with plenty of time before your flight departure. I am still waiting with no news of my visa being issued.

In the field "Purpose of this visit" on the application form, what did you indicate and what documents did you enclose?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This is interesting news about the Thai consulate in Birmingham no longer being allowed to issue the multiple-entry non-O visa to visit Thai wife. Thank you for posting it.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Will be keeping my eye on this.. looks like I may have to bite the bullet and organise yearly extensions in country instead - Hull was awesome in terms of speed and reliability and a couple of weeks back in blighty every 15 months wasn't so bad so it's a shame! Good luck those applying to London, please do update with turnaround times.

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I got my multi 0 from Birmingham less than 1 month ago,so its still ok.U are under 50 so u will need a marriage visa,it staes 900gbp per month for a multi 0 now,and proof too.

Where does it state this ?

Totster :)

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Does anyone know if Hull is still issuing these visas? Does anyone know how much longer it takes having them sent to London? (Am under 50, married to a Thai, with daughter)



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From Hull Website:

1) Married to a Thai national.

Evidence required:

a) If married in Thailand:

Copies of Original Thai Marriage Certificate and Thai ID Card or Thai Passport.

b If married in UK:

Copies of Original UK Marriage Certificate and Thai ID Card or Thai Passport.

Either a single or multiple entry visa can be granted in these circumstances.


2) Visiting Thai child living in Thailand.

Evidence required

a) Birth Certificate of child showing relationship.

b Proof of having Legal Custody of the child. Please note that this document can be in Thai language if submitted to either the Royal Thai Consulate at Hull or the Royal Thai Embassy.

Please note that a child ceases to be regarded as a child for these purposes when attaining 20 years of age.

Either a single or multiple entry visa can be granted in these circumstances.

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I got my multi 0 from Birmingham less than 1 month ago,so its still ok.U are under 50 so u will need a marriage visa,it staes 900gbp per month for a multi 0 now,and proof too.

Where does it state this ?

Totster smile.png

Go on the website,2 years now they require the info.I have been getting multi 0 for 10 years and they wanted proof from me too

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I got my multi 0 from Birmingham less than 1 month ago,so its still ok.U are under 50 so u will need a marriage visa,it staes 900gbp per month for a multi 0 now,and proof too.

Where does it state this ?

Totster smile.png

Go on the website,2 years now they require the info.I have been getting multi 0 for 10 years and they wanted proof from me too

I have been getting an O visa based on marriage for the same timescale, including twice from Birmingham and have NEVER had to prove an income...

The only think I can think of is if you are getting a an O visa based on visiting friends and family then I believe they ask for self certification that you have enough funds to cover your stay

totster :)

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Have just phoned Birmingham consulate and they told me that No consulate in England is allowed to issue multi 0 any more. Only a 1 entry they can do it for you but it will take several day's via Embassy in London so if you want a multi you now have to go to the Embassy in London they want 48 hour's to process.

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Just spoke to the Birmingham consulate and to add to what fredob43 stated,

they will forward all non imm multi O applications to the embassy in London.

So it would be better to apply directly to them instead of any consulates.

They also said that they are checking applicants financial status and are

issuing strictly to only those who meet all the criteria at the embassy.

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Were currently in the process of applying for a multi entry Non Immigrant O visa from Hull. It's correct that they can't issue them from there any more and everything is sent to London though I presume it's by email as we're getting replies the same day.

My husband's occupational pension is short by £11 a month of the £1200 required. Fair enough - we've got savings of £20,000 each but we're having a nightmare with them as £35,000 is in a joint account and we've got cash ISAs of £16,000 each in individual accounts. It appears they want it all in one account.

They also require that the evidence of this should be shown in a bank account in which the following needs to be shown:

Name and address of bank

Name and address of account number

Sort code and account number

Total credit balance in account at time of application for visa

Unfortunately, our bank (Co-operative) doesn't show their address on their statement and will not issue anything in order to satisfy the demands of the Thai Consulate.

It looks like our solution is to open a new joint bank account (ensuring that they show their address on their statement!), transfer from the Co-op and release some money (at expense) from one of the ISA's in order to show a credit joint balance of £40,000 despite the applications are as individuals.

To be honest, if we knew it was going to be this much trouble we wouldn't have bothered. Feel very frustrated as we have everything required financially and more but not in the format they require. Flights are booked now so need to complete the process one way or another.

Be warned ....

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This will probably put the consulates out of business - they are run as going concerns (live of the profits from selling visas). I would think there will be a lot of pressure on the embassy now from consulates.

This will probably make a lot of people who can not prove their income so easily move off from legitimate non-imm visas to find other dodgier ways of doing it: Tourists visas, Ed Visas, Non-Imm 'B'. Way to go forcing people to do the wrong thing!

Edited by wolf5370
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A crackdown on UK consulates issuing multiple non-O (Thai wife) without proof of financials (THB 400K) ... the consulates can now only issue tourist visas ... maybe the consulates will soon be discarded and all handled by London. My experience of the London office was unwelcoming, to put it mildly! The only remaining source for multiple Non-O without financials now seems to be Savvanakhet, Laos ... don't hold your breath! Is this the same for other countries ??

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Were currently in the process of applying for a multi entry Non Immigrant O visa from Hull. It's correct that they can't issue them from there any more and everything is sent to London though I presume it's by email as we're getting replies the same day.

My husband's occupational pension is short by £11 a month of the £1200 required. Fair enough - we've got savings of £20,000 each but we're having a nightmare with them as £35,000 is in a joint account and we've got cash ISAs of £16,000 each in individual accounts. It appears they want it all in one account.

They also require that the evidence of this should be shown in a bank account in which the following needs to be shown:

Name and address of bank

Name and address of account number

Sort code and account number

Total credit balance in account at time of application for visa

Unfortunately, our bank (Co-operative) doesn't show their address on their statement and will not issue anything in order to satisfy the demands of the Thai Consulate.

It looks like our solution is to open a new joint bank account (ensuring that they show their address on their statement!), transfer from the Co-op and release some money (at expense) from one of the ISA's in order to show a credit joint balance of £40,000 despite the applications are as individuals.

To be honest, if we knew it was going to be this much trouble we wouldn't have bothered. Feel very frustrated as we have everything required financially and more but not in the format they require. Flights are booked now so need to complete the process one way or another.

Be warned ....

I got my Non-Imm 'O' (based on an over 50 visiting Thailand and evidencing GBP 1,200 p.m.) from Hull on 5th July. I evidenced internet bank statements (showing name and bank account sort code/account number) with income over a 3 month period. I had other back-up info but this was not required.

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Were currently in the process of applying for a multi entry Non Immigrant O visa from Hull. It's correct that they can't issue them from there any more and everything is sent to London though I presume it's by email as we're getting replies the same day.

My husband's occupational pension is short by £11 a month of the £1200 required. Fair enough - we've got savings of £20,000 each but we're having a nightmare with them as £35,000 is in a joint account and we've got cash ISAs of £16,000 each in individual accounts. It appears they want it all in one account.

They also require that the evidence of this should be shown in a bank account in which the following needs to be shown:

Name and address of bank

Name and address of account number

Sort code and account number

Total credit balance in account at time of application for visa

Unfortunately, our bank (Co-operative) doesn't show their address on their statement and will not issue anything in order to satisfy the demands of the Thai Consulate.

It looks like our solution is to open a new joint bank account (ensuring that they show their address on their statement!), transfer from the Co-op and release some money (at expense) from one of the ISA's in order to show a credit joint balance of £40,000 despite the applications are as individuals.

To be honest, if we knew it was going to be this much trouble we wouldn't have bothered. Feel very frustrated as we have everything required financially and more but not in the format they require. Flights are booked now so need to complete the process one way or another.

Be warned ....

I got my Non-Imm 'O' (based on an over 50 visiting Thailand and evidencing GBP 1,200 p.m.) from Hull on 5th July. I evidenced internet bank statements (showing name and bank account sort code/account number) with income over a 3 month period. I had other back-up info but this was not required.

I wish we had! Things changed on 14th July apparently.

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A crackdown on UK consulates issuing multiple non-O (Thai wife) without proof of financials (THB 400K) ... the consulates can now only issue tourist visas ... maybe the consulates will soon be discarded and all handled by London. My experience of the London office was unwelcoming, to put it mildly! The only remaining source for multiple Non-O without financials now seems to be Savvanakhet, Laos ... don't hold your breath! Is this the same for other countries ??

The lady that i spoke to at the Birmingham consulate earlier today, told me that the current

crackdown applies to all consulates world wide.

She also said that this would raise the workload for the embassy in London by threefold.

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