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Waking up with weak hands


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Hi all, this has been happening for about ten years but in the last year it has got worse and I'm becoming a little concerned. I don't use my hands much at work so there's no stress or strain injury involved but often when I wake up my hands are so weak I can barely use them, so that even opening a door is difficult but sometimes they are so weak that even opening a door is impossible. One day last week I couldn't even turn the kettle on. Sometimes there is a numbness when that happens but not always. I've noticed that sometimes if I go back to sleep the problem doesn't go away. It's rare that I will happen on consecutive days but I am getting a bit worried as its happening much more these days. I'm in my 40's so not so old yet.

Does anyone know why this keeps happening?

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maybe just low blood sugar.

Eat some fats like coconut oils and nuts or grass fed butter before bed. That will provide some energy for extended time.

I would suspect low blood sugar or neurological issues related to insufficient fats. Eat soybeans, egg yolk, butter, peanuts, potatoes, cauliflower, lentils, oats, sesame seeds, grass-fed beef, and flax seeds for good sources of Choline.

Choline is precursor for Acetylcholine which is key neurotransmitter.

Try that first and report back.

Could be so many issues but start with the basics.

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To be honest I have quite a poor diet and often eat late at night. The thing that's becoming a concern is not just the increased regularity but that there are times where I can't open a door or even hold a toothbrush. I have to use my knuckles and push with my body-weight to do anything, that's the only thing I can do when its like that.

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To be honest I have quite a poor diet and often eat late at night. The thing that's becoming a concern is not just the increased regularity but that there are times where I can't open a door or even hold a toothbrush. I have to use my knuckles and push with my body-weight to do anything, that's the only thing I can do when its like that.

what work have you done all your life,my hands are very weak with numbness and most times cant even undo a screw bottle top.but i worked with hydrolic hand machines down the coal mines and was diagnosed with v.w.f.[known as white finger] this problem also effects people who do a lot of typing[known as r.s.i.]i always found it worse in the mornings expecially when the weather is cold.since living in thailand i am able to do jobs which i couldnt do in the uk.painting for an example is one although when the numbness takes over i have to stop.have you had any tests on them like,hot and cold,grip and pin pricking.
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Yeah, thanks. I only use my hands for typing a few hours a day if that so it's not work related and I don't do heavy lifting. I don't know what it is but I have noticed that when numb it goes up into the wrists and lower arms. I think I will seek medical advice because I don't understand why it would be both hands.

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Yeah, thanks. I only use my hands for typing a few hours a day if that so it's not work related and I don't do heavy lifting. I don't know what it is but I have noticed that when numb it goes up into the wrists and lower arms. I think I will seek medical advice because I don't understand why it would be both hands.

You should get a combination tablet of Vitamin B1, B6, B12. 3 a day for some month.

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Your typing work could very well be the reason for your hands' weakness and numbness. I won't advise you to quit your job of course but maybe something can be done with your sitting position, keyboard/mouse/chair/desk ergonomics? Frequent breaks are a must and some physical exercise, like weight lifting and cardio exercises won't hurt you either.

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There are a number if possible causes, some of them rather serious.

You should consult a neurologist, look for one whose sub-specialty is peripheral neuritis/movement disorders (as opposed to say vascular/stroke).

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Hi, no not diabetic or on medication. Health has always been fine. I've wondered if it's related to typing but 3 hours a day 5 days a week is as much as it gets so I don't know if that's the cause. I will look into arthritis.

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I had it when I was a kid, remember it was taking me like 1/2 hour to fully wake up, during that time wasn't able to even hold a tooth brush... Had no numbness though.

How long ago have you had a vacation? A real vacation, no sitting on a computer at all and going to the beach or for a walk into a park, splashing in a lake, etc... I'm not denying there are many things that could be wrong but still thinking it it work related. If you got some sort of injury because of sitting on a computer for 3 hrs every day, you're not letting it heal up and instead continue to worsen the damage.

I've been at a b-day party 3 month back, got drunk and my friend and I decided to arm wrestle, someone pulled out a glass top coffee table and we without thinking went to it but before we could even start, the glass shattered... My friend has got a few minor scratches, I've got about 2" long gash on my elbow, I was taken to an emergency where I've been cleaned up stitched up, got some bandages and was let go. In my drunken state I didn't realized the dressing was too tight and I woke up the next day with numb and purple arm. Changed the dressing, normal color returned right away but it took over a month for the numbness to go away.

Basically what I want to say is take a looong brake from work and computers, if not possible, change your work environment (keyboard, mouse, sitting position, etc) take frequent breaks, (at my company on work computers breaks are enforced - computer just locks out and nothing you can do about it).

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Hi all, I have spent time looking into all suggestions. Given that its wrists and the base of the fingers that are usually worst affected, I am beginning to wonder if it is due to typing. It's hard for me to believe that a few hours of typing a day could cause it but it is certainly true that it must be at least 7 years since I have had any sort of break from it. I shall seek advice.

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Ok, so apparently I have quite a serious strain injury in both hands and wrists, and have inflammation on my middle finger on my right hand. Amongst other things, the doctor I spoke to said I should try to use my left hand as much as possible for a while. I wasn't entirely sure if he was being serious or not but I think he was. Does anyone know if/or how its possible to go from being right to left handed. Finding it really difficult.

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No, if it is numbness and weakness in the hands, then it must be compression of the nerve root in the cervical spine.

You say numbness, but you do not say where, if it affects the thumb and first finger, or the other side of the hand, the little finger and the ring finger, and whether the numbness extends up the arm.

Just one guess and possible solution is that you may be sleeping in some strange position which will cause numbness prickly feeling for some time before feeling and strength returns to the hand.

How long does the weakness last.

Of course, you need to go to a neurologist, there are plenty of them in Thailand, and not costly.

I was almost tempted to crack a few jokes about sleeping positions, but won't because this is not a funny matter.

Therefore, if it is not simple sleeping position, the altering of which might cure it, then you need to see a neurologist, or also maybe get yourself a good old EMG, those are cheap and have been around for decades.

But do not just sit there, stew, and worry about it needlessly.

Get up and go to the hospital and find out what is causing it.

It is probably only a very simple thing that, once explained, will make you feel comparatively, fit as a fiddle.

So good luck

And take my advice.

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Numbness and weakness in the hands is not always (or even necessarily usually) due to a problem in the cervical spine. It can have a large number of causes, including local nerve compression (usually from repetitive stress injury) and various neurological conditions.

From his last post, the OP has already seen a doctor who has diagnosed a repetitive stress injury.

OP, you may find that wearing wrist splints is helpful, especially at night and when typing, Can buy in a pharmacy.

Antiinflammatory drugs may also be helpful, presumably the doctor prescribed some.

In some cases steroid injections also help.

Should you want another opinion the best hand specialist in Thailand is Dr. Panupan who has private hours at Phyathai 2 Hospital once a week (call to verify).

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"Does anyone know if/or how its possible to go from being right to left handed. Finding it really difficult."

The brain is very adaptable as we know from vision experiments where for example one wears mirror glasses which inverts the field of vision for a few weeks or days.

Initially, the wearer has a very difficult time walking or doing anything because his total field of vision is completely inverted.

A few days later the wearer sees the world normally, even though still wearing the glasses which invert the field of vision.

Be patient and if you really do begin using a different hand as your dominant hand, you will gradually adjust.


sorry,I did not see that last post of yours stating that you saw a medical doctor, but go see another one if you are still not satisfied and get a 2nd opinion.

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First thing to exclude would be severe carpal tunnel syndrome. A physical/neuro exam by a good orthopedic surgeon followed by an EMG would reliably confirm the diagnosis.

Most patients suffering from this usually presents with a complaint that they can not wring out a washcloth due to weakness in the hands; with or without numbness.

If so, carpal tunnel release surgery would be effective treatment.

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Hi, well as mentioned the doctor I saw said it was clearly an RSI, which he argues comes from using a keyboard to much. He said to rest, I have anti-inflammatory medication and advice to use my right hand less. There are tutorials on line I found that are helpful but its difficult, until you change you don't realize how hard it is.

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Do look for the wrist braces, I think places like Bots and Watsons will have them. They help a lot.You wear them at night and also whenever doing something that strains the hands like typing. They keep your hand in the best position to avoid nerve compression.

They look like this only usually shorter in length


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Do look for the wrist braces, I think places like Bots and Watsons will have them. They help a lot.You wear them at night and also whenever doing something that strains the hands like typing. They keep your hand in the best position to avoid nerve compression.

They look like this only usually shorter in length


Thanks, will do that later today

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I had it when I was a kid, remember it was taking me like 1/2 hour to fully wake up, during that time wasn't able to even hold a tooth brush... Had no numbness though.

How long ago have you had a vacation? A real vacation, no sitting on a computer at all and going to the beach or for a walk into a park, splashing in a lake, etc... I'm not denying there are many things that could be wrong but still thinking it it work related. If you got some sort of injury because of sitting on a computer for 3 hrs every day, you're not letting it heal up and instead continue to worsen the damage.

I've been at a b-day party 3 month back, got drunk and my friend and I decided to arm wrestle, someone pulled out a glass top coffee table and we without thinking went to it but before we could even start, the glass shattered... My friend has got a few minor scratches, I've got about 2" long gash on my elbow, I was taken to an emergency where I've been cleaned up stitched up, got some bandages and was let go. In my drunken state I didn't realized the dressing was too tight and I woke up the next day with numb and purple arm. Changed the dressing, normal color returned right away but it took over a month for the numbness to go away.

Basically what I want to say is take a looong brake from work and computers, if not possible, change your work environment (keyboard, mouse, sitting position, etc) take frequent breaks, (at my company on work computers breaks are enforced - computer just locks out and nothing you can do about it).

Possibly advisable not to arm wrestle when inebriated too. Just sayin'

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