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Thailand's public transport issues to be solved in 2 months

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such as passengers being rejected by taxi drivers

Not always taxi drivers are able to pick passengers.

On the other hand, as I found after 15-20 hrs. of duty, they want to head back to home and thus they reject most often.

This is not applicables to other (pimp) taxi drivers.


If a taxi doesn't want to bring me where I want or wants a fixed price, I leave the back door open and walk away to the next taxi smile.png

Works well, especially in rain cos they get soaked hehe

Sounds a little dangerous

I do the same but I don't leave it fully open, just on the half catch. Usually they have pulled away by the time they realise.


Any updates on the plan to use helicopters to airlift slow moving vehicles out of the way. If you have been living here for a while you will remember this great idea from the gifted one.

They could trade rice for helicopters.wai2.gif

LOL... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


This Theerapong Rodpraser is a smart one. He has figured out that 2 months, not 3 months, is the length of time the Thai public need to forget ridiculous promises.

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The Ministry of Transport is expected to improve the entire public transport system within two months as several issues, such as passengers being rejected by taxi drivers and illegal parking, remain unresolved.

Oh really?

What about the violence dished out by taxi and tuk tuk drivers? What about the buses driving on the wrong side of the road? Or the song-teaws overloaded and almost falling apart??? The list is endless and one department alone wouldn't resolve these issues in a year, let alone 2 months!


How quickly a whole year can pass - it is April, 1st again. Guess they meant 2 decades? 2 months must be a typo... I'm always in total awe when they come up with this completely crazy statements... If I remember correctly, Phuket was to be a worldwide internet hub by the year 2000 and the announcement was made by some communications "official" in 1998. Look what we got...

If one of those official announcements would say something like: Taxi and mini van drivers Thailand-wide will get licenses to kill uncooperative complainer passengers without getting proscecuted before end of July, I would believe that straight away. But announced changes to the better with a fixed time frame? Forget it. And those borrowed billions? They will simmer into the sand without a trace and Thailand's coming generations will have to pay dearly for it.

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"Thailand's public transport issues to be solved in 2 months"

Chalerm? Is that you?

No, your timetable for solving problems is 90 days.

This guy, Mr. Theerapong, is trying to outdo you.

Maybe this is part of Ms. Yingluck's push to get better publicity for her government.

A 90 day promise is always better; it gives the public lots of time to forget you made the promise.

I guess, considering the lack of public interest in what the government says and the press' inability

to 'follow up' on stories, maybe two months is enough time for he public to forget.

Just more sound bytes!


I worry about this. Not so much from what is being said but the fact that a supposedly high ranking person is saying this and expecting people to believe it.

We all know this is unachievable and in reality getting taxi's to stop refusing fares and buses to pick up at designated stops will be as effective to overall traffic congestion and chaos as what swabbing the decks on the titanic was afternoon before they hit the iceberg.

In fact the analogy of iceberg seems to fit the Ministry of Transport except they are all tip and no berg....

If they had of come out and said right new plan.. even plates allowed in CBD M/W/F/Sat , odd plates T/ T/ Sat/ Sun great but they cant do that as other countries have done as they don't have the public transport infrastructure in place to handle this.... BKK has one of the lowest rail density figures for any capital city worldwide.

I am also curious as to how a taxi not refusing a fare actually assist traffic congestion... think about it.. you are standing on Sukhumvit, you flag a taxi , he pulls in, you open the door and say airport, he says no and he drives off... if he had of said OK and you got in then what actual time or reduction on congestive traffic flow has been achieved.

Id actually rather hear the statements that they would like to do something but alas powerless to really change anything.

or what about new transport plan involving all the idle lorries that used to ferry the rice to the ports for export now carrying people....

No wonder the rice isnt selling when the populations seems to be very content with a government feed of continual bs.


The Ministry of Transport is expected to improve the entire public transport system within two months as several issues, such as passengers being rejected by taxi drivers and illegal parking, remain unresolved.

Oh really?

What about the violence dished out by taxi and tuk tuk drivers? What about the buses driving on the wrong side of the road? Or the song-teaws overloaded and almost falling apart??? The list is endless and one department alone wouldn't resolve these issues in a year, let alone 2 months!

Your rite this looks like a fob for Super Chalerm

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The govt really needs to cut back on the medication it's taking...makes it say and do really crazy things.


If they'd said that public transport issues would be solved within 20 years, I would have believed them. Maybe. Or enough for an each-way bet. At good odds.

Ahh, c'mon. LOL In twenty years it will be at least twenty times worse, at least. Can you imagine BKK in twenty years. Haa, Infastructure. Ha

You've forgotten that in 20 years the only problem will be boat congestion as the place will have sunk by then !


The Guy may has well have said fixed in 2 days as most of the Thai's i know never watch the news, read the news, or are interested in the news. Besides; they normally don't recall anything much that was said more than 2 minutes ago.


Considering the Thai attitude about Hitler lately, maybe they can also resurrect Mussolini...didn't he make the trains run on time?


So the government must be improving as the time line for everything is usually 3

I was thinking the same.

Putting such short time frames on things is just a little silly and it will come back to slap them in the face. Chalerm promised to clean up the mafia and scams in three months, that was about 15 months ago and these thing are still flourishing the same as they ever were.

Knock yourself out I say because it is going to take them 3 months to set up a committee then another month to get the 500 million for the dinner bill for the committee members. I'll check back in 2020 and see how the progress is going.

They have already had the crackdown on the taxi mafia and they (BIB) were filmed taking tea money from the drivers.

I think the reduction in the time frame from 90 to 60 days reflects concerns within the government that they may not last another 90 days....!!

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Saw the headline and spat coffee all over the front of my shirt. Now I'm going to have to race home to change.

Oh well, it was worth it for the laugh.


It has to be a matter for concern that there are people in the government SO STUPID as to put out a statement like this.

at best any "improvement" will be minuscule and ephemeral.

.................although I suppose it will fool some who are even more stupid than them into thinking the government is "doing something"

What a scam!


If a taxi doesn't want to bring me where I want or wants a fixed price, I leave the back door open and walk away to the next taxi smile.png

Works well, especially in rain cos they get soaked hehe

An ill-conceived idea that accomplishes absolutely nothing of any positive value.


Thailand ( L O S ) is to be renamed Fairyland, as all the politicians seem to be in Fairyland with their wild dreams and even wilder statements.

What's next How we won WW2 all by ourselves Or we were the first on the moon wai2.gif


If a taxi doesn't want to bring me where I want or wants a fixed price, I leave the back door open and walk away to the next taxi :)

Works well, especially in rain cos they get soaked hehe

Good! I do the same, and I've never had one brave enough to come yet. But I'm also not scared of a scuffle! Keep up the good work!


Does this mean sidewalks will be officially designated thoroughfares for motorbike taxis? If that's the case cars can't park on sidewalks anymore.


Fix public transport woes? Yeah right. BTS has been stumbling along for 13 years, and their level of service and incompetency keeps reaching new heights.

Pigs will fly and shoot monkeys out of their asses before ANY issues get fixed in this country.

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2 weeks ago Transport Minister took a bus ride, one week ago he took a motocy ride. In 2 months he will shut public transport down. Problem solved.

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