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Thai judge to face judicial discipline after going berserk


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and she's in a position of power! Stupid fat arse John Wayne walk and driving away with metal barricades under the car, probably due to being too embarrassed to stop and remove them. I think she should be known as the right honourable stupid cow.

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tut tut tut did nobody tell her that tantrums get you into serious trouble after about the age of 6? This will likely ruin her career, or make it lol. I'm sure there are lots of people on her side.

Any news on the diplomat after her fisticuffs in Egypt?

I wait for her to have to make a grovelling apology and pay to wash the car, and fix the railings. What an advert for "the system".

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A Thai being criticized by their perceived inferiors. The petty, childish, embarrassing reaction is never a pretty sight. Though it does highlight their true nature for those foreigners who may not be aware of Thai culture and society.

The reaction would be the same for almost any Thai that is criticized by someone they see as lower than them. (remember that you are lower than all of them)

Lucky she didn't have a samurai sword in the boot. whistling.gif

(remember that you are lower than all of them)

Yeah, but it's not often that Thais will show that side to a farang. I don't know if we are really perceived as "lower". I think it's more like they are not sure what rung of the hierarchy ladder to hang us on. Culturally, we confuse them, so it takes a real self-centered, power-tripping Thai to break out with that level of disdain in front of a farang, because the farang may not look very special, but may have 10 times more money than that Puuyai. And for the most part, we farang really don't care. A hi-so Thai can strut their stuff in front of me all they like. All it will elicit from me is a smile and a laugh. Maybe the brighter hi-so Amart understand that most farang don't give a rat's behind about social status, so when Hi-so Somchai or Amart Ann start a-strutin', they are more likely to be laughed at by us as we compared them to the local barnyard chickens. Baarrakkk! Lmfao clap2.gif

I will never forget the day I met a friend of a friend who regaled me with how wonderful her time was at University in the Uk, how rich she was, and how connected she was, only to see her face drop when it co-incidentally turned out that she had attended the exact same University course as myself, paid through the nose for the privelege, and had beyond that, actually rented a room from my uncle for the time she was there.

She was a little quiet after that.

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and she's in a position of power! Stupid fat arse John Wayne walk and driving away with metal barricades under the car, probably due to being too embarrassed to stop and remove them. I think she should be known as the right honourable stupid cow.

I wonder how she explains the barricade damage to the front end of the car to the insurance company. I'd like to hear that.

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"it was found illegally parked and blocking a Road causing a huge traffic jam during a “red shirts” rally"

I wonder who caused more of a traffic jam, the car or the red shirt rally? But of course, the law (PTP) cannot stop or move the red shirt rally, as that would lose alot of votes. Easier to move a car whose owner likely does not vote PTP anyway.

YEP! I guess she was "born to rule" like all Yellow shirts. rolleyes.gif

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"it was found illegally parked and blocking a Road causing a huge traffic jam during a “red shirts” rally"

I wonder who caused more of a traffic jam, the car or the red shirt rally? But of course, the law (PTP) cannot stop or move the red shirt rally, as that would lose alot of votes. Easier to move a car whose owner likely does not vote PTP anyway.

YEP! I guess she was "born to rule" like all Yellow shirts. rolleyes.gif

I wish she had bought one that wasn't quite so figure hugging, or presumably the maid shrunk it......

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A Thai being criticized by their perceived inferiors. The petty, childish, embarrassing reaction is never a pretty sight. Though it does highlight their true nature for those foreigners who may not be aware of Thai culture and society.

The reaction would be the same for almost any Thai that is criticized by someone they see as lower than them. (remember that you are lower than all of them)

Lucky she didn't have a samurai sword in the boot. whistling.gif

This post and that of EyesWideOpen say it all. I have to smile when I hear first time tourists say how quiet and respectful Thais are then look disbelieving when you warn of the temper bubbling away underneath and very little can be need to spark it off.

I'm sure the Thais speak highly of me too.

It was a very perceptive post and all the more compelling for being concise.The rage and hysteria many privileged Thais feel when challenged by those lower down on the status ladder explains much of the country's recent political experience.

no the feeling mate my g/f a 4 star general in municipality revenue she talks to me like shit sometimes i said to her do you talk to your big boss that way she said no he not my b/f or subordinate shes had a few verbal smacks off me lol i dont take that shitof no1 but your right 1zgarz5.gifangry.png this hi so attitude some thais have

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she hurled abuse at many officers before she threw an omelette and rice dish at the car of Police Lieutenant General Khamronnawit Thupkrachang.

Way to go girl...clap2.gif

blocking a Road causing a huge traffic jam during a “red shirts” rally

Well at least she can claim her actions were politically motived so she should get off scott free...thumbsup.gif

Is this another case of BIB, not allowing a judge perform their job, and support the PT storm troopers instead?

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This is another example of Thainess that they are trying to teach us un-human dumb ass farangs who have no manners.

I doubt that "they" are too interested in teaching us farangs anything, the average Thai holds little interest in us. Although, after reading thousands of comments and opinions on TV over the years I would say they would probably agree with your colorful description of "some" foreigners, especially the bit about no manners. biggrin.png

And if the cops were so concerned with a vehicle blocking traffic, did they not notice that there was a redshirt terrorist rally happening ???

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The police were obviously very scared of her because they did not react. Funny. But then again, do the police ever react? I think only to brown envelops.

Ask Leo Del Pinto's father and the karaoke girl in Kanchanaburi who had her arms hacked off with a machete by one for turning him down.

Edited by Salapoo
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