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The day you are no longer anonymous on the web


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Imagine one day you log on to your favorite forum and instead of seeing your username and avatar, they have been replaced with your real photo, real name and internet user ID number.

Your Facebook account and all social media and dating sites now have the same photo, real name and internet user ID number.

Your horror grows as you realize this change has been applied retroactively to every post, photo and comment your have made from the first day you used the internet.

Imagine a website that displays all your posts and comments by entering your internet user ID number to anyone, anywhere.

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Lets assume you have heard of an IP address and host. This tells every website you visit where you are and you supplies you with internet services. The Internet Service Providers also know your name and address or mobile phone number. All of which can be traced instantly.

Assume also, that you write a post saying that you were a millionaire and that you had not paid the tax in your home country, then it would be safe to assume also, that this information would be logged and sifted through a computer system, whereby it would be in an persons inbox. They would analyse your tax returns, bank statements etc to see if your claim could be substantiated. If everything was above board, then case closed move on, but what if you were lying, then what, it would be also safe to assume that you are either a pathological liar or that you have not paid the tax.

The only way the authorities would be able to tell is by investigating further.

I have heard of programs whereby the human characteristics can be analysed to put you into a category profile.

This profile would be tell the authorities how likely you are to commit a crime, cheat on your wife, move home frequently, take drugs or abuse alcohol, abuse children on animals etc.

You can be assured there is a computer that contains data, that knows far too much about you based on what you write online.

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Lets assume you have heard of an IP address and host. This tells every website you visit where you are and you supplies you with internet services. The Internet Service Providers also know your name and address or mobile phone number. All of which can be traced instantly.

Assume also, that you write a post saying that you were a millionaire and that you had not paid the tax in your home country, then it would be safe to assume also, that this information would be logged and sifted through a computer system, whereby it would be in an persons inbox. They would analyse your tax returns, bank statements etc to see if your claim could be substantiated. If everything was above board, then case closed move on, but what if you were lying, then what, it would be also safe to assume that you are either a pathological liar or that you have not paid the tax.

The only way the authorities would be able to tell is by investigating further.

I have heard of programs whereby the human characteristics can be analysed to put you into a category profile.

This profile would be tell the authorities how likely you are to commit a crime, cheat on your wife, move home frequently, take drugs or abuse alcohol, abuse children on animals etc.

You can be assured there is a computer that contains data, that knows far too much about you based on what you write online.

For your IP address (on your computer), it really depends if you are using dynamic or static...............wink.png

Dynamic + good proxy = fairly safe surfing. Of course, there are 3rd party software programs available which will hide your IP on the net, but generally not from your ISP, as they provide your protocol............

Edited by chrisinth
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And that is why my pictures are fake ,my e mail address is set up in a fake name and everything i put about myself is not true on the internet. however the things i say on here i mean and are true ,just my id is not, what you put on the internet ,stays on the internet. be afraid ,be very afraid.

Edited by i claudius
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I would have an concern with the invasion of my privacy, but I post what I think and believe, I would have no problem if anyone knew who I am, that having been said, I would want to know the identity of those who answered my post to.

Once I posted an opinion on the lack of quality of the US educational system, by the information I posted the city I was from and my elected office I held. One poster answered my post and stated my full name in the post, I never acknowledge that the information was factual, as I did not know who he was.

Most posters hid behind the fact they can not be ID-ed by most users and become very brave in the responses and fabricated issues.

You have to much time on your hands and a very wild imagination.


Edited by kikoman
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There are websites including Twitter where your ability to rank high on Search Engine results is tied to your providing your real name and affiliation. Plus, there are many circumstances where you will lose any potential gain that will accrue to your -- in my case -- NGO if you choose to be anonymous.

However, on this site, I once divulged on my Profile page my actual circumstances and will not make that mistake again.

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same as in our physical world too, in the digital world everything is traceable too. while you are not doing anything illegal, you won't be targeted, and why bother ?

from day one, I knew there is no such thing called - privacy, in this digital world. just feel free and sabai sabai . . .

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