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Retired CIA Agent Stabbed By Two Teenagers In Pattaya

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...two on one.....and on a seventy-four year old.....

...that is primitive....barbaric... animalistic....not human......

If he is ex-CIA then I would say it was more than fair !


There are indeed genuine retired ex-CIA agents in Thailand just as there are retired ex-Scotland Yard and ex-MI5 or MI6 officers. I know some in all those categories and while they never talk openly about their past in detail, I am convinced of their bona-fides and some have been used by their respective Embassies for training Thai police or Army in various ways. We can say what we want about their governments' policies but the individual guys that once did the dirty jobs they were asked to do were generally unsung heroes in one way or another. Those that boast of it were probably the ones that did it badly and were dismissed. I have no idea if the man in question was what is claimed but wanted to establish that such people have indeed retired here just as many ex-plumbers, business execs, bank managers etc. have done.

I have worked at New Scotland Yard, But I do not brag about it...

(OK as a technician on a day pass commissioning equipment that I can not talk about).

Obviously Petercool does not know what he is talking about as NSY is just an administrative building to which a few top brass have offices and the occasional press statement is made, obviously been watching to much Monty Python, (A long running gag to end skits in Monty Python's Flying Circus is a policeman in a tan raincoat and a fedora bursting in, and announcing himself as so-and-so "of the Yard" ).


Perhaps the people I referred to are retired NSY top brass.

In any event, I know more than you might think about the "Yard" or the "Met" or the "Box" and who operate(d) from there. But all that is a digression from the topic here.


"and the Police Immediately rushed to the scene'....I would love to see that

Me too, but it wont happen. They are too busy writing out tickets to falang with no "diving lisen".


"Mr. Nicho Laji Dikiy" ?? Doesn't appear to be the name you would expect if the person was a former CIA agent. KGB perhaps?

Mr. Nickolas Dickey probably.. Amazing sometimes how they screw up the names.

Reminds me of the recent accident with Asiana Flight 214.

Announced at KTVU with the following crew, Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow.

The producer of KTVU is probably Luk Fo Wok too.

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I have a feeling a certain alphabet agency will be getting payback soon.

well your keeping your theme of the sick and disturbed Ann knifed CIA agent stabbed good work dexter

farang got stabbed, axe wielding maniac, Brit falls through roof, farang dies of overdose. you seem to thrive on the macabre

  • Like 1

I have a feeling a certain alphabet agency will be getting payback soon.

well your keeping your theme of the sick and disturbed Ann knifed CIA agent stabbed good work dexter

farang got stabbed, axe wielding maniac, Brit falls through roof, farang dies of overdose. you seem to thrive on the macabre

Nice to know I have an internet thread stalker. BTW, yes, I do thrive on the macabre. I am a horror writer and a Muay Thai coach, so violence, gore, and dystopian worlds are my mindscape. To each their own right?


"the biggest hideout" In the world? In Thailand? In Fantasy Land? Why are they hiding out?

I've always been amazed at the number of people on TV who seem to believe they have all sorts of information on how the Thai Police operate. Now we find out TV posters are receiving inside information on where "spooks" are hiding ... although I guess their hiding skills are pretty poor if all sorts of "storys" are making the headlines in the Bar Stool Bulletin.

sorry that was a bit of irony, that you may have over-looked, if you sign the national secrets act, or whatsoever gobbledygook the us is doing a real "spy" even a retired one, will not sit in a local bar and say he where one.

if someone does that, turn around and look at a bird. or watch burn notice, whatever you like best.laugh.png

Jake...actually, a few years back I was outside a pool-bar having a ciggie with an American woman (GF of a chap I vaguely knew). When I asked what she did for a living, she replied "I work for the American secret service"...the mind boggles.

I did no more than put my index finger to my lips, say shhhh, and remind her it isn't much of a secret now. ROFL


"Mr. Nicho Laji Dikiy" ?? Doesn't appear to be the name you would expect if the person was a former CIA agent. KGB perhaps?

Mr. Nickolas Dickey probably.. Amazing sometimes how they screw up the names.

Reminds me of the recent accident with Asiana Flight 214.

Announced at KTVU with the following crew, Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow.

The producer of KTVU is probably Luk Fo Wok too.

A more intellengent person would probably have looked at the photo of Mr. Nicholaji Dikiy's passport on PattayaOne. The passport also says he was born in Russia. The USA is a destination for people from all over the world to become naturalized citizens and anyone born there is automatically a citizen. Do these TV morons think every American has a name like Smith or Jones?


If they were Ladyboys who did this, the US could of sent the men in black over here !!

Another worthwhile comment from ThaiVisa's very own Forrest Gump.


Fact : a man has been stabbed & the stabbing was carried out by two males on the street.

Therefore it is a GBH offence at least or an attempted killing & they allegedly stole items from the victim.

It would appear to me to be an extraneous matter where the Victim was born , who issued his Passport or what his previous occupation was.

He has been knifed in the street & his possessions stolen by at least two males in company so both are just as liable.

The rest of the diatribe on here is of no importance except the entertainment value of the Hypothetical CSI 'experts'.

I am not ex anything yet so I hope that doesn't preclude me from an opinion.


  • Like 1

"and the Police Immediately rushed to the scene'....I would love to see that

Me too, but it wont happen. They are too busy writing out tickets to falang with no "diving lisen".

And if stupid falang would refrain from driving without a valid driving licence, the police would not be writing out so many tickets and there would be less bitching about the BiB.coffee1.gif


Fact : a man has been stabbed & the stabbing was carried out by two males on the street.

Therefore it is a GBH offence at least or an attempted killing & they allegedly stole items from the victim.

It would appear to me to be an extraneous matter where the Victim was born , who issued his Passport or what his previous occupation was.

He has been knifed in the street & his possessions stolen by at least two males in company so both are just as liable.

The rest of the diatribe on here is of no importance except the entertainment value of the Hypothetical CSI 'experts'.

I am not ex anything yet so I hope that doesn't preclude me from an opinion.


Totally agree. Lots of irrelevant speculation!

I have talked a few times to the person in question, he was a friendly, elderly, chain smoking gentleman, who would have been a very easy target when walking alone on a street.

Wherever he hails from or whatever his previous occupation was is pretty irrelevant. At his age he was a fairly long time retired anyway.


So why do they think he is CIA? What is the source of the information? He sure did not tell them. That is the last thing he would do. He might say he is with the State Department if he was trying to get help from the US consulate. He is just a guy.


Now it get's interesting as Nick had a Thai ex-wife with whom he lived in the US and ripped him off for a many millions when they both returned to live in Thailand.

And he had a low life living with him for the past 7-8 years but with who he wasn't legally married.

Wonder which one is the subject of the latest article.


I dont know why ya all are so pre occupied with what this guys previous occupation was - actually the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard of. When - hello - the real issue is too many problem Thai males in Pattaya



Wife Of Former CIA Agent Hires Assassins To Assault Husband

The wife of a former CIA agent was arrested after she hired an assassin to assault her husband. She reportedly hired the assassins in order to handicap her husband, hoping that they could live together again.

PATTAYA – July 25,2013 [PDN]; Pattaya Police officers announced the arrest of 4 suspects who were suspected of trying to kill Mr. Diki Nicholaji, a former CIA agent.

The 4 suspects admitted that the wife of the victim hired them to assault but not kill Mr. Diki. It was reported that the wife of the American was upset due to the lack of attention she was receiving from husband, as he was in love with another woman.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/07/25/wife-of-former-cia-agent-hires-assassins-to-assault-husband/


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf



Wife Of Former CIA Agent Hires Assassins To Assault Husband

The wife of a former CIA agent was arrested after she hired an assassin to assault her husband. She reportedly hired the assassins in order to handicap her husband, hoping that they could live together again.

PATTAYA – July 25,2013 [PDN]; Pattaya Police officers announced the arrest of 4 suspects who were suspected of trying to kill Mr. Diki Nicholaji, a former CIA agent.

The 4 suspects admitted that the wife of the victim hired them to assault but not kill Mr. Diki. It was reported that the wife of the American was upset due to the lack of attention she was receiving from husband, as he was in love with another woman.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/07/25/wife-of-former-cia-agent-hires-assassins-to-assault-husband/


I assume it was arrested, given a slap on the wrist and released again, as the house of Nick was occupied last night and it wasn't him being back home.

Where are the pictures pointing at the accused ?


I trust these 4 teenagers paid careful attention to the position of important arteries and major organs when they thrust that large knife into him. In accordance with wifey's instructions, they had to handicap him and not kill him. She is not going to get much attention from a corpse, is she?

p.s. Is "attention" a euphemism for money?


I trust these 4 teenagers paid careful attention to the position of important arteries and major organs when they thrust that large knife into him. In accordance with wifey's instructions, they had to handicap him and not kill him. She is not going to get much attention from a corpse, is she?

p.s. Is "attention" a euphemism for money?

Shades of Roman Polanski's "Bitter Moon".?


I have a feeling a certain alphabet agency will be getting payback soon.

well your keeping your theme of the sick and disturbed Ann knifed CIA agent stabbed good work dexter

farang got stabbed, axe wielding maniac, Brit falls through roof, farang dies of overdose. you seem to thrive on the macabre

Nice to know I have an internet thread stalker. BTW, yes, I do thrive on the macabre. I am a horror writer and a Muay Thai coach, so violence, gore, and dystopian worlds are my mindscape. To each their own right?

noble pedigree

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