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I Got My Satellite Dish, How Legal Am I Now?


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I Hate UBC. And I hate the alternative I've got now!

I was planning to trash my UBC subscription @ 1,700 Baht per month, and went for a 32,000 Baht Angel Box one-time-pay thingie with all bells and whistels. Now I have over 600 channels. The installed one huge 7.5 foot parabole satellite dish for the programmes, and one 1.20m dish for the "communication".


I have now been trying to look at all channels for over a week. What a bunch of <deleted>. Most of them.

Now I've got my news, I got CNN and BBC, Movie channels, Thai channels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and are apparently connected to some sort of update service via the small dish.

How does this work? What do I need to do now?

How can I get my "UBC feeling" back when I surf my TV??. I want to store mabye 20 "favourites" channels. How do i do that?

This system is motor driven, so all movements to a new satellite bird means a new move and another 10-20 sec waiting before I see the channel listings.

How do you guys solve this satellite problem?

/George with 600 channels


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I Hate UBC. And I hate the alternative I've got now!

I was planning to trash my UBC subscription @ 1,700 Baht per month, and went for a 32,000 Baht Angel Box one-time-pay thingie with all bells and whistels. Now I have over 600 channels. The installed one huge 7.5 foot parabole satellite dish for the programmes, and one 1.20m dish for the "communication".


I have now been trying to look at all channels for over a week. What a bunch of <deleted>. Most of them.

Now I've got my news, I got CNN and BBC, Movie channels, Thai channels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and are apparently connected to some sort of update service via the small dish.

How does this work? What do I need to do now?

How can I get my "UBC feeling" back when I surf my TV??. I want to store mabye 20 "favourites" channels. How do i do that?

This system is motor driven, so all movements to a new satellite bird means a new move and another 10-20 sec waiting before I see the channel listings.

How do you guys solve this satellite problem?

/George with 600 channels


As someone once said to me about the guy who built my house: "he's the best of bad bunch"

Everytime I say something positive about UBC I get shot down in flames. But from what I hear,

UBC is probably the best of a bad bunch - and its legal, and the wife and all her friends and relations can watch and read the sub-titles when they come to visit. (I've got 3 independant boxes)

I pay 2,000 baht a month for every channel they've got, and I can surf and stay happy. :D

Hope your new set up works out for you. george.:o

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How do you guys solve this satellite problem?

Subscribe to UBC, or the Malaysian system. :o

Sat dish is probably good for a bar or such but for home use by other than geeks don't believe it has that much use.

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Now I've got my news, I got CNN and BBC, Movie channels, Thai channels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
The only ch missing from that lot is THE ABC .

You get all those you listed with UBC, don't you? :o

32,000 Bt...........!

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/George with 600 channels


I have a similar system George... although it sounds like you paid for a Rolls Royce version... my installation was only 24,000 baht, and that included 2 receivers. My receivers are the SilverBox 2 type... it sounds like you've got something else?

How can I get my "UBC feeling" back when I surf my TV??. I want to store mabye 20 "favourites" channels. How do i do that?

Your receiver and the remote control can store favourite sat/channel combinations... the trick is to get your UBC-like channels (I assume from Astro or Dream sats) consecutively listed say from 1-15 as they are all broadcast from 1 bird, then to keep the missus happy, you program the remaining 5 favourites with the Thai channels from ThaiCom3.

This system is motor driven, so all movements to a new satellite bird means a new move and another 10-20 sec waiting before I see the channel listings.

Unfortunately this is the only drawback to the system.

You have to take your time surfing each bird and reviewing all the available channels to find what you like... there are some sats up there that broadcast only rubbish IMO, and you have to check them all. Pssst: There used to be some good free-to-air porn a couple of months ago... :o

The Dream and Astro broadcasts are similar in programme content as UBC, without the Thai subtitles. They also broadcast ABC Asia Pacific, so you can watch the greatest game on Earth... Australian Rules Football.


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Years ago UBC really stunk. I bought a satellite dish and for a while it was pretty good. Then they got smart and started scrambling signals. Eventually it got to the point that it became a yard ornament. Good luck with yours.

I'm actually quite happy with UBC now although for 1,600 baht a month I think it is overpriced. It is certainly MUCH better than my Ipstar Internet. :o

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i would personally love to have what george has. astro has some excellent programming. cept without the thai subs. i would have the same set up except that astro doesnt come up to chiang mai well.

i don't think its worth paying ubc what they charge. i have other ways of watching whatever i want with my THB1000 internet set up without constrait of what time the "show" would be showing.

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i would personally love to have what george has. astro has some excellent programming. cept without the thai subs. i would have the same set up except that astro doesnt come up to chiang mai well.

i don't think its worth paying ubc what they charge. i have other ways of watching whatever i want with my THB1000 internet set up without constrait of what time the "show" would be showing.

The AGILA KU satellite can be easily viewed from Chiang Mai.All you need is a fixed dish and a decoader.Has most of the UBC channels plus a few more including ABC Asia Pacific.(i can now watch Super 14,NRL and aerial ping pong :o )

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I Hate UBC. And I hate the alternative I've got now!


Everytime I say something positive about UBC I get shot down in flames. But from what I hear,

UBC is probably the best of a bad bunch - and its legal, and the wife and all her friends and relations can watch and read the sub-titles when they come to visit. (I've got 3 independant boxes)

I pay 2,000 baht a month for every channel they've got, and I can surf and stay happy. :D

Hope your new set up works out for you. george.:o

Sorry Mobi, I don't understand, you pay 2,000 baht a month for every channel they have got and have 3 independant boxes.

I need more viewing points with individual channel options but how does that work?

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Not sure I follow Mobi either.

Normally for every extra viewing point you pay an additional 470 Baht/month.

So in his case I thought it should be 1680 Baht (first point) + 470 Baht (second point) + 470 Baht (third point) or a total of around 2600 Baht/month.

This does give you 3 decoders, so at all three points you can choose whatever you like...

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i would personally love to have what george has. astro has some excellent programming. cept without the thai subs. i would have the same set up except that astro doesnt come up to chiang mai well.

i don't think its worth paying ubc what they charge. i have other ways of watching whatever i want with my THB1000 internet set up without constrait of what time the "show" would be showing.

The AGILA KU satellite can be easily viewed from Chiang Mai.All you need is a fixed dish and a decoader.Has most of the UBC channels plus a few more including ABC Asia Pacific.(i can now watch Super 14,NRL and aerial ping pong :o )

yeah chuchok, my bro in law has a separate moveable dish, he got Agila KU on it too but at a lot of times, can hardly get the transmission. seems as thought the dish is about to fall over when its pointed that ways. its just that no other place in the house to get the transmission properly unless he puts it up the roof. quite a tricky set up.

but george's setup of the A-box is awesome though.

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Not sure I follow Mobi either.

Normally for every extra viewing point you pay an additional 470 Baht/month.

So in his case I thought it should be 1680 Baht (first point) + 470 Baht (second point) + 470 Baht (third point) or a total of around 2600 Baht/month.

This does give you 3 decoders, so at all three points you can choose whatever you like...

Platinum package : 2,000 baht per month.

I purchased the 3 decoders outright - so no monthly rental.

I can look up how much they cost if you're interested.

All installed by the local UBC engineer last year. - one on the pool terrace, one in the lounge and one in the master bedroom. Grrrrreat! :o

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Not sure I follow Mobi either.

Normally for every extra viewing point you pay an additional 470 Baht/month.

So in his case I thought it should be 1680 Baht (first point) + 470 Baht (second point) + 470 Baht (third point) or a total of around 2600 Baht/month.

This does give you 3 decoders, so at all three points you can choose whatever you like...

Platinum package : 2,000 baht per month.

I purchased the 3 decoders outright - so no monthly rental.

I can look up how much they cost if you're interested.

All installed by the local UBC engineer last year. - one on the pool terrace, one in the lounge and one in the master bedroom. Grrrrreat! :o

Eee lad I'd give my eye teeth for a pool terrace, a lounge and a master bedroom.

Still don't understand though, you got three UBC cards to buy and three subscriptions right?

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Eee lad I'd give my eye teeth for a pool terrace, a lounge and a master bedroom.

Still don't understand though, you got three UBC cards to buy and three subscriptions right?

Wrong. One subscription, 3 decoder boxes with 3 cards, and one splitter box. The cards are all lnked in to each other via phone cables (which were in the walls with jack points in each room when I had the house built). I paid cash for the boxes, splitter box, cables etc, and I only pay a single subscrition to UBC. If I used UBC boxes, I would have to pay rent on each one. Each box can tune to different programmes. really handy, as I can record movies and other stuff on the bedroom box, while we are downstairs watching other programmes.

Are we clear now? :o

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i would personally love to have what george has. astro has some excellent programming. cept without the thai subs. i would have the same set up except that astro doesnt come up to chiang mai well.

i don't think its worth paying ubc what they charge. i have other ways of watching whatever i want with my THB1000 internet set up without constrait of what time the "show" would be showing.

so MR clever geezer,,,are you not going to share your little secret with us as to what you can and cant watch with ur 1000thb set up????? go onnn,,,share your secret mate!!!!!! :o:D

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Got a similar set-up to you George. The moveable 7.5ft monster and the smaller "comms" dish and 3 Angel boxes. We've also kept UBC for the Thai audio/subtitles (mother-in-law would lynch me if she lost Animal Planet in Thai when she visits). So a total of 3 dishes (so far)!

I tend to keep the dish on Panamsat 7,10. The selection of sports channels on Multichoice (the South African network) is awesome, and I can still get most of the other stuff that UBC does...Disco, BBC etc.

I only tend to move the dish if I want to see the cricket in India (Insat) or TOC (NSS6 - excellent Thai news in English!). I haven't had the time yet to fully explore what's out there yet either.

Generally not had too many problems with the Angel Box. You can move your favourite channels up to the top of each satellite's programme menu so you don't have to go hunting round too much, although as you say, you do have to wait for the dish to move if switching sats, so try and find one sat with most of your programming needs.

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