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Indonesian engineer busted at Suvarnabhumi with 15m baht of crystal meth


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they give up one mule and 15-20 others passed probably with 30 kg each

Quite a common method according to a police friend.

Maybe not 15 - 20 but it certainly distracts customs from others they should be looking at.

On the other point what is wrong with a life sentence without parole, probably worse than death in a Thai (or any other) prison.

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Some Thai bars I go to in CM.

I look at their eyes and I begin to wonder if anyone in the bar, except me, isn't taking yaa ice.

Freaks me out!

You must have a great nose for different kind of drugs.

I can look at people and say "he's probably on something" but not pin it down to the specific poison.

What do people with meth eyes look like? tongue.png

Thai drug of choice in CM, not many taking anything else, cheap and available everywhere, use is incredibly widespread.

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As Indonesia is a Muslim nation, this could be considered terrorism - carrying a poison substances that will help destroy a non-muslim nation. Rather why so much Opium is grown in Afghanistan and Iran - to destroy non-muslims.


Mixed with a large dose of farce.

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Former engineer...... These stories confuse me. I thought crystal meth

was made at labs in Northern Thailand and in Burma, and then smuggled

OUT of Thailand. Have the Indian labs somehow undercut the local labs ??

Hard to believe with the cost of production so low relative to the sales


Hey the dude is Indian what do you expect facepalm.gif

Have you actually read the headline???

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Former engineer...... These stories confuse me. I thought crystal meth

was made at labs in Northern Thailand and in Burma, and then smuggled

OUT of Thailand. Have the Indian labs somehow undercut the local labs ??

Hard to believe with the cost of production so low relative to the sales


Hey the dude is Indian what do you expect facepalm.gif

Have you actually read the headline???

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Why not execute him and make an example out of him, this is what you get if you smuggle drugs to Thailand ! Mind you some ppl are just so greedy it will probobly still happen !!

Probably because he was set up, and made a fall guy while 30 kilo's came in behind him.

That's why you don't execute him.

Also, when has 2 wrongs every made a right? When has execution ever made a problem go away??

Execution at the drop of a hat is just something to satisfy the lip lickers of hatred such as yourself.

What if your son one day was fooled into doing the same thing??? So would execution be the first thing to spew from your lips????

Sorry, but you are a shallow guy.

There are often posters like this, who have come from countries which dropped the death penalty decades ago, and call for it in another country.

They either have no brains, no ethics or no knowledge of human social evolution and probably lost sight of where there hearts once used to be.

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Former engineer...... These stories confuse me. I thought crystal meth

was made at labs in Northern Thailand and in Burma, and then smuggled

OUT of Thailand. Have the Indian labs somehow undercut the local labs ??

Hard to believe with the cost of production so low relative to the sales


Hey the dude is Indian what do you expect facepalm.gif

Indonesian not Indian. Read the header. It gives you a really good tip on his nationality.

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The death penalty should be applied.

no it shouldn't

While I don't rule out the death penalty, in this country the rules of evidence should be tightened considerably before it is applied. I have personal knowledge of 8 persons awarded 12 years each for a single bag of drugs because no-one would admit ownership, and with zero other evidence of ownership other than they were in the same pick-up. This is called "simple possession'; if nothing else, it is simple.

This was not a criminal conspiracy, they were unknown to each other, having paid for a cheap ride, and (strangely?) the only person not charged was the driver.

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The death penalty should be applied.

For homemade chemical drugs? 'overkill' .Are you related to Chalerm or Thaksin, or Mao Zse Tung?

You make it sound like this guy was caught with a home made chocolate cake in his possession! Crystal meths is easily made but it is very a harmful and highly addictive mind changing drug, it turns normal "usually kids & teens" into raving junkies who will do anything to continue the habit including thieving and will even turn to murder.

I am not related to any of the names you quoted but the question is are you related to this slime bag or someone else like him?

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Why not execute him and make an example out of him, this is what you get if you smuggle drugs to Thailand ! Mind you some ppl are just so greedy it will probobly still happen !!

Thailand has not carried out a judicial execution for ten years. I understand executions are on hold until 2019 when it will be decided on whether to abolish the death sentance & replace with up to life in prison, without parole

Extrajudicial is expedient.

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The death penalty should be applied.

For homemade chemical drugs? 'overkill' .Are you related to Chalerm or Thaksin, or Mao Zse Tung?

You make it sound like this guy was caught with a home made chocolate cake in his possession! Crystal meths is easily made but it is very a harmful and highly addictive mind changing drug, it turns normal "usually kids & teens" into raving junkies who will do anything to continue the habit including thieving and will even turn to murder.

I am not related to any of the names you quoted but the question is are you related to this slime bag or someone else like him?

Methamphetemine was very popular in the 1940s in Germany. Used by the Luftwaffe to keep them awake. The most popular production method is known as the 'Nazi method'. The British only managed to use Amphetemine Sulphate for their Battle of Britain pilots, the Americans had purple hearts. So next time you rant and rave about turning kids into raving junkies etc etc. remember you are including the above categories as well.

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The death penalty should be applied.

Would you also advocate death penalty for purveyors of drugs, at least as dangerous: death penalty for top management at Seagrams? Absolut? Chivas? Johnny Walker? How much harm has been fueled by hard liquor - compared to speed? Not long ago, an Australian tourist woman was stabbed in the heart in southern Thailand. The perpetrator: a guy who was desperate for beer money.

this is what meth does. you want every bar girl in Thailand to look like this?


attachicon.gifFaces of Meth� 2005 F4 300 DPI.jpg

How 'bout dig up some 'before and after' photos of alcoholics, while you're at it. Or better than that, before and after pics of car smash victims of drunk drivers. How many car crashes get caused by meth-heads compared to drunks? Even less (essentially zero) car wrecks are caused by pot-heads, and pot is an illegal drug in Thailand - which can get big fines and get thrown in the slammer.

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Former engineer...... These stories confuse me. I thought crystal meth

was made at labs in Northern Thailand and in Burma, and then smuggled

OUT of Thailand. Have the Indian labs somehow undercut the local labs ??

Hard to believe with the cost of production so low relative to the sales


Hey the dude is Indian what do you expect facepalm.gif

Have you actually read the headline???

I think the 'dude' does not know that india and indonesia are different countries.

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The very highest grade of Crystal Meth comes from Mr Heisenberg...AKA Walter White, so far no one has been able to match that quality.

Its just a pity about the labor problems he had with his last employer. Just got to wish him the best in August

What a strange post. What are you trying to say?

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Why not execute him and make an example out of him, this is what you get if you smuggle drugs to Thailand ! Mind you some ppl are just so greedy it will probobly still happen !!

You're always very quick to want to murder people, aren't you Lee?

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The death penalty should be applied.

Would you also advocate death penalty for purveyors of drugs, at least as dangerous: death penalty for top management at Seagrams? Absolut? Chivas? Johnny Walker? How much harm has been fueled by hard liquor - compared to speed? Not long ago, an Australian tourist woman was stabbed in the heart in southern Thailand. The perpetrator: a guy who was desperate for beer money.

this is what meth does. you want every bar girl in Thailand to look like this?


attachicon.gifFaces of Meth� 2005 F4 300 DPI.jpg

How 'bout dig up some 'before and after' photos of alcoholics, while you're at it. Or better than that, before and after pics of car smash victims of drunk drivers. How many car crashes get caused by meth-heads compared to drunks? Even less (essentially zero) car wrecks are caused by pot-heads, and pot is an illegal drug in Thailand - which can get big fines and get thrown in the slammer.

Off your high horse there tonto...

End of the day, alcohol is a controlled legal substance. Methamphetamine's, canabis and the million and one variants of opium are not.

End of story. You want to change the play book? Petition your legislative member of parliament / House of Representatives / Senator whatever.

Preaching your AA play book to a group of keyboard warriors is about as useful as a corkscrew on a screw cap.

Surprised you didn't mention that other legal drug that is also responsible for millions of deaths...

Now excuse me while I go back to sipping my cognac and smoking my cuban cigar...

Edited by GrantSmith
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