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Lost It's Smiles?


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Arrived in Bangkok for the 7th time this year and am greeted at the airport by the mst surly looking and mannered immigration officer. :o Welcome to Thailand.

Customs people in their crispy whites who look like they should be at the yacht club instead of a grubby airport just stare at you as you walk past - - then smiles!!!!!

Of course, the smiles are from people who want to sell you something, in this case taxis, limos etc . . .

Hotel this time - - - smiles? Only after I mention the lack thereof.

If for the first-time visitor this is the welcome they receive what must their impression be?

I know Thais can be very friendly and happy, smiley even, so why are the customs and immigration people who form the gateway to this beatiful country so miserable?

Land of Smiles? Hardly.

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Yep, most in the tourism industry, like anywhere in the world, are fakes and you usually spot it only after several visits. Travel around a bit outside the main areas and you'll notice a difference.

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Are not 'all' Immigration Officers in 'every' country miserable?

I think they have to pass a 'miserable barstewards test' to get the job. If they even hint a smile or friendliness they fail the selection procedure!

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The cost of the smile in Land of Smiles has risen steadily over the years...

I think at sits at around the B1000 mark these days.

Immgration anywhere are not the smiliest people around though. I think the standard attitude they are taught all over the world is '<deleted> are you doing here, criminal'.

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I returned to the US in March from Thailand to feel like a piece of dirt in my own country. Geez, the greeting here is frightening :o

The lady who checked my passport had never smiled in her life. When she saw that I, a single man had spent 2 months in Thailand, she scribbled something on the customs form, and sent me to the next level. They randsacked my bag and wanted to know if I had porn on my computer. Had to turn it on, pull up files etc;. Can't even get a visa for the GF as immigration is certain she is a hooker. She actually has a degree in microbiology but apparently that's just a cover for the Thai hooker invasion. So, in short, I'll take the Thai immigration folks.

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I returned to the US in March from Thailand to feel like a piece of dirt in my own country. Geez, the greeting here is frightening :o

The lady who checked my passport had never smiled in her life. When she saw that I, a single man had spent 2 months in Thailand, she scribbled something on the customs form, and sent me to the next level. They randsacked my bag and wanted to know if I had porn on my computer. Had to turn it on, pull up files etc;. Can't even get a visa for the GF as immigration is certain she is a hooker. She actually has a degree in microbiology but apparently that's just a cover for the Thai hooker invasion. So, in short, I'll take the Thai immigration folks.

Scary story - sorry to hear of your troubles. Just proves though, miserable people everywhere!!!

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my wife has just returned from thailand,and the australian customs made her stay behind after her bags were checked,to interprit for another thai lady who could not speak english.the misses had never met this thai lady before,not sure if customs were smileing or not,but after one hour i can assure you the misses wasnt her usual self.

customs and imigration offices are just dirty on the world because they failed to get into the police force.

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am truly not looking forward to going back to the USA for a visit this year (after 2.5 years) Will probably leave my laptop etc at home here in Thailand :-) And probably only bring gifts and a carryon for me when I go :-)

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I returned to the US in March from Thailand to feel like a piece of dirt in my own country. Geez, the greeting here is frightening :o

The lady who checked my passport had never smiled in her life. When she saw that I, a single man had spent 2 months in Thailand, she scribbled something on the customs form, and sent me to the next level. They randsacked my bag and wanted to know if I had porn on my computer. Had to turn it on, pull up files etc;. Can't even get a visa for the GF as immigration is certain she is a hooker. She actually has a degree in microbiology but apparently that's just a cover for the Thai hooker invasion. So, in short, I'll take the Thai immigration folks.

Of all the countries I've visited, I've found US immigration to be the worst; land and air. Three times and all pre-911. Would hate to think what they're like now. Great driving country though, outside the cities that is :D

Never had a problem with immigration in Muang Thai. Try smiling first, it works wonders. Imagine all the stern-faced, bad-mannered farangs they have to look at day-in, day-out...enough to put you off for life!

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Arrived in Bangkok for the 7th time this year and am greeted at the airport by the mst surly looking and mannered immigration officer. :o Welcome to Thailand.

Customs people in their crispy whites who look like they should be at the yacht club instead of a grubby airport just stare at you as you walk past - - then smiles!!!!!

Of course, the smiles are from people who want to sell you something, in this case taxis, limos etc . . .

Hotel this time - - - smiles? Only after I mention the lack thereof.

If for the first-time visitor this is the welcome they receive what must their impression be?

I know Thais can be very friendly and happy, smiley even, so why are the customs and immigration people who form the gateway to this beatiful country so miserable?

Land of Smiles? Hardly.

Officers of the Kingdom - New Decree - Smile only when you screw money out of the Farang

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I think the Customs in bangkok are good guys, I had a litre of Spirits already that I had bought in Hong kong, that's my limit I know. When I got to Bangkok after I passed immigration I went to go through Customs and asked a guy in White at the desk if I could buy another bottle, he said " OK, Just One more, no problem "

I went to buy just one more bottle was told by the staff in the duty free that I could take 2 or 3 " No Problem ", I just took the one , went back past the Officer, indicated to my litre of Spitits thanked him, he smiled and said, " you're welcome". :o

Try that in UK or USA!!

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I would imagine smiling and being pleasant to someone behind a counter who has to deal with literally thousands of tired, jet-lagged people every day might go far.

Just a thought. :o

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Before arriving in the LOS, I knew nothing of the LOS. I'm very aquainted with the fact that most airport personnel (all over the world) seem to be unemotional, if not, annoyed. I simply don't acknowledge this attitude. These people do not necessarily represent the 'face' of their country.

Upon my arrival at Don Muang in Nov 2004, I went through the 'arrivals' ordeal without a major hitch. Then, when I went to the point (as previously instructed) where I expected my 'lift', he could not be found. I waited for about half an hour & then decided to do something. I approached a Thai lady, whom I'd been monitoring & she helped me without question or cost. I did not know her name or her job but she WAS a great representation of the way that a lot of people are in the LOS & she was an airport employee. She used her mobile phone to contact my 'lift' (who was at a different location at the airport) & told him that I was at a different location. I offered her money for the call but she emphatically refused to accept. All I got was a big smile & lots of help. I'll never forget her.

I don't think it's very sensible to judge a whole country upon the greeting you receive from any airport officials. Oh, here's a thought..."never judge a book by it's cover".

Try remembering the good things & not the bad.

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The same reason no one smiles at the Post office, the job sucks, they see thousands of dorks who aren't smiling either, dead-end job, what's to smile about ... an endless stream of ungrateful, disrespective, smelly foreigners, who could buy and sell them , even the Pantip Sony girls can't keep smiling constantly, not natural nor typical human behavior, :D

Still, you'll have to admit, still a little more warm and friendly than New York. ... hey, fa gid a bowd it ... :o

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One question: is it illegal to have adult movies in your own laptop in USA? I mean adult, not kid porn? Sound weird to me, also sound weird they asked you to run the laptop and that you did so. I am assuming you are born US citizen.

I do not think a french immigration officer could ask me to run my laptop just to check if I have some porn inside. Nothing to deal with immigration, nor state security.

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One question: is it illegal to have adult movies in your own laptop in USA? I mean adult, not kid porn? Sound weird to me, also sound weird they asked you to run the laptop and that you did so. I am assuming you are born US citizen.

I do not think a french immigration officer could ask me to run my laptop just to check if I have some porn inside. Nothing to deal with immigration, nor state security.

Forget the legality of it. Back up your 'questionable' data onto DVD & carry it in your personal luggage. Also, delete all questionable (& previously backed up) data from your hard drive. All of this must be done before you travel.

Edited by elkangorito
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If for the first-time visitor this is the welcome they receive what must their impression be?

I know Thais can be very friendly and happy, smiley even, so why are the customs and immigration people who form the gateway to this beatiful country so miserable?

Land of Smiles? Hardly.

:o as English Noodles said, why would they be happy!?

they're at work seeing hundreds of well-off tourists starting their holiday while they stamp passports all day!! day in, day out.

what did you expect? a flowery necklace and a bucks fizz :D . Its a big city airport not a holiday resort. :D

im often a miserable git when im at work and I dont understand people who put on this sickly fake happiness......

....unless your job is oiling down chicks at lads mag photoshoots of course. :D

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I would imagine smiling and being pleasant to someone behind a counter who has to deal with literally thousands of tired, jet-lagged people every day might go far.

Just a thought. :o

Exactly !

Whenever I stand before someone that could make my life not worth living I am full of smiles and wai before and after and never had a problem .

I have also seen westerners trying to be a smartass with them and get what they deserve . Then they really get mad . It's always a good laugh for the both of us .

So let's sum up , Be nice . It gets you farther and doesnt cost anything extra .

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customs officers at sydney and Bkk airport alwas seem to go through my bag.

When i go to bkk my bags were searched 2 out of 3 times, when returning to Sydney they were searched every time.

My last trip back to Syd i was looking for my bag and an officer came right up to me asking me questions on why i went to Thailand and was questioning me for about 10 miins, then he wanted my passport then said my passport looks tampered with and took me into a little room.

Then they gave it back to me about 30 mins later and let me off.

I think they all justdont like the look of me

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I've usually found the immigration quite friendly, especially towards my daughter and I when they find that I speak their language.

The problem starts outside with the taxi touts. Last year I came back from Oz nearly penniless. You should have heard what one female tout said when I told her this, and what I said to her. I really thought she was going to hit me. Some tourists near me certainly got a view of that changing smile to a piece of shit shouting obscenities.

Tourists can't see through these plastic smiles, and quite often the Thai people are laughing at them. Took me a few years to really see what the smile was all about.

I don't think Thailand has lost it's smile - I've come to see it as it is.

But there are still lots of genuine smiles when away from the tourist areas, and these are special.

You can't blame the Thais for treating farang tourists the way they do.

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WHen I read posts like this I wonder what people expect when they come here. Do they expect to be kowtowed to at every turn.

The sooner people realise that Thailand is a living breathing country exactly like any other, with happy people, sad people, bored people, people who hate their jobs, people who love their jobs etc, the sooner we will cease to see such negative posts from the disillusioned.

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WHen I read posts like this I wonder what people expect when they come here. Do they expect to be kowtowed to at every turn.

The sooner people realise that Thailand is a living breathing country exactly like any other, with happy people, sad people, bored people, people who hate their jobs, people who love their jobs etc, the sooner we will cease to see such negative posts from the disillusioned.

Too true.

Seems like people are picking at little things too much.

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The same reason no one smiles at the Post office, the job sucks, they see thousands of dorks who aren't smiling either, dead-end job, what's to smile about ... an endless stream of ungrateful, disrespective, smelly foreigners, who could buy and sell them , even the Pantip Sony girls can't keep smiling constantly, not natural nor typical human behavior, :D

Still, you'll have to admit, still a little more warm and friendly than New York. ... hey, fa gid a bowd it ... :o

Now hold on a minute, working for immigration is not the same as working in post office. In fact I know for a fact that working as an immigration official is quite a sort after position. In the west working as an air hostess is seen as a job for tarts or if you're male gay. This is not the case here and this is a highly sort after position as well.

I'm sure if you suggested to them that they are in a "dead end job" they would be insulted. And as for the other negative posts, perhaps these people should get themselves Thailand gold cards and then they can get the submissive behaviour they feel they deserve. Oh, what you can't afford one?

Never mind, here's your stamp now f&%k off!

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