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Should I Move To Pattaya?


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Hi. I've been to Pattaya one time about 6 months ago and loved it. My plan is to quit my job and move to Pattaya. Women, beer, beaches, weather, and cheap cost of living are some of the reasons why. I'd like to just have some fun. Maybe, I can meet a Thai girl and establish a home in Thailand. I'm 39 years old and I work as a bus driver for the city. I hope/think I have enough money saved to last 2 to 5 years. Then I will be broke and I'll have to go back to America to make more money. This is a big decision for me. I'd appreciate any advice on "if I should move to Pattaya" and "what to expect when I get there". Thanks!

Take care... :o

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At least you're honest and admit you just want to blow your life savings and then go back to work :o

Most others have high hopes of starting that ever elusive big money making business!

Unfortunately most blokes seem to jump of high buildings after blowing their loot instead of going back to pick up working again...

It's close to impossible for most people to go back and work after a couple of years of mindless debauchery.

Unless you plan to do (or at least try) something constructive over here, you're probably just going to selfdestruct...

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Hi. I've been to Pattaya one time about 6 months ago and loved it. My plan is to quit my job and move to Pattaya. Women, beer, beaches, weather, and cheap cost of living are some of the reasons why. I'd like to just have some fun. Maybe, I can meet a Thai girl and establish a home in Thailand. I'm 39 years old and I work as a bus driver for the city. I hope/think I have enough money saved to last 2 to 5 years. Then I will be broke and I'll have to go back to America to make more money. This is a big decision for me. I'd appreciate any advice on "if I should move to Pattaya" and "what to expect when I get there". Thanks!

Take care... :o

Tell you what, I'll do the rounds of the bars tomorrow with your posting and make a short list of likely young female candidates to play the role of wifey. (I'll even throw in a couple of katoeys and lady boys to give you a wider choice)

Then I'll send you their names and bank account details and you can make your selection and transfer your life savings to your chosen sweetheart.

That'll save you all the trouble and expense of buying a ticket and you can go back to work a happy and contented punter. :D:D (or maybe a troll??)

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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The man just needs some advice, I am sure he doesn't give a <deleted> about the numbers of postings and all that stuff, maybe the man just needs to take a break and have some fun, is this forum for you guys a place to run a contest on who's having more postings?

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The man just needs some advice, I am sure he doesn't give a <deleted> about the numbers of postings and all that stuff, maybe the man just needs to take a break and have some fun, is this forum for you guys a place to run a contest on who's having more postings?

Back to your normal charming self, I see. :o

Methink thou doest protest too much

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Hi. I've been to Pattaya one time about 6 months ago and loved it. My plan is to quit my job and move to Pattaya. Women, beer, beaches, weather, and cheap cost of living are some of the reasons why. I'd like to just have some fun. Maybe, I can meet a Thai girl and establish a home in Thailand. I'm 39 years old and I work as a bus driver for the city. I hope/think I have enough money saved to last 2 to 5 years. Then I will be broke and I'll have to go back to America to make more money. This is a big decision for me. I'd appreciate any advice on "if I should move to Pattaya" and "what to expect when I get there". Thanks!

Take care... :o

The man just needs some advice, I am sure he doesn't give a <deleted> about the numbers of postings and all that stuff, maybe the man just needs to take a break and have some fun, is this forum for you guys a place to run a contest on who's having more postings?

'The man' seems terribly stereotyped. <deleted>, i'd bet my last satang - troll.

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The man just needs some advice, I am sure he doesn't give a <deleted> about the numbers of postings and all that stuff, maybe the man just needs to take a break and have some fun, is this forum for you guys a place to run a contest on who's having more postings?

Oh is there a contest for the number of postings, would never have thought it from all the good one line content that regulaly gets posted.

I would never mention any names you understand :o

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Nah he's not trolling!! He is just confused.

You see so many young guys with no money and no brains that come here with what money they have made in 10 years working, thinking it will keep them in beer and ladies until they die.

They simply don't realize Pattaya is not cheap I spend 70k to 100k a month and that's not a lot. But what they don't realize is that I, and a lot of people like me have worked in the deserts of the Middle East and the Jungles of South East Asia for 45 years to stay here and do nothing all day except chat on TV.

If you aint got a pension or 1m US$ in cash then don't live here until you have.

The condo blocks are littered with the bodies of people who thought they could make it here.

Oh and in addition to cash you need a lot of self discipline to live here.

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I say; 'Go ahead do it' come over enjoy yourself for nine months, make sure that you have a return ticket and see how you feel after 9 months here in Pattaya.

The novelty, changes after 6-9 months; you will need to find something more in your life than beer and bar-girls; what about hobbies? Playing sport?

Choose your condo carefully, beware of 'so called' friends and have an emergency stash of cash for when the bad times come.

It would be far better to set yourself a 6-9 month 'holiday' in Pattaya then see how you feel.

Good luck!

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I have seen many guys come to Pattaya with a few Million Baht and think it will last them a lifetime, sure they have a good time when they first get there, they don't worry about how much they are spending at first.

After a while they realise that they can't keep living the way they are and try to economise, eventually they have to economise even further then even further after that, eventually they become just another jaded shabby Farang sitting outside a local shop at 10 am drinking the first of his Chang beers for the day, waiting for his new buddies to awaken from their drunken sleeps to join him in the daily slagging off of Thailand and all things Thai.

The Traffic, the Pollution, Thai drivers, Thai men, Thai women, Thai intelligence, Thai politicians, Thai Police, Thai immigration laws, dumb Farangs that send money to bar girls ( secretly wishing someone would be stupid enough to send it to them instead ), Farang tourists that throw money around and give girls too much money, ( Fcuks it up for the rest of us! )....etc etc....

Many come here as fun loving guys that think they have found paradise, many end up jaded, cynical and suicidal.

Welcome to Pattaya. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Hi. I've been to Pattaya one time about 6 months ago and loved it. My plan is to quit my job and move to Pattaya. Women, beer, beaches, weather, and cheap cost of living are some of the reasons why. I'd like to just have some fun. Maybe, I can meet a Thai girl and establish a home in Thailand. I'm 39 years old and I work as a bus driver for the city. I hope/think I have enough money saved to last 2 to 5 years. Then I will be broke and I'll have to go back to America to make more money. This is a big decision for me. I'd appreciate any advice on "if I should move to Pattaya" and "what to expect when I get there". Thanks!

Take care... :D

You`ve only been once to Pattaya and you are now considering a permanent move.

The best advice that I can give you is that you should not make your mind up to go and live anywhere if you have only been there once, and that includes Pattaya.

You obviously have fallen in love with the place and been dazzled by the most amazing city in the world as many of us have been, but you should enter some caution into your plans and maybe come to Pattaya for a longer vacation next time.

It is an advantage to you that you have not mentioned that you have fallen head over heals in love with the first bar girl that you met and that you are exporting your hard earned cash into her bank account in order to take care of her sick buffalo and pay the hospital bills for her very ill mother.

So get on the plane enjoy Pattaya and find out more about the place when you are here.

You will be able to rent an apartment or a reasonable hotel room for 500 dollars or less per month.

Excercise caution and common sense, take everything that is said to you with `a pinch of salt` and remember that it is very easy to blow your money if you are not prudent.

Having said all that you should have a he*ll of as time. :o

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I say; 'Go ahead do it' come over enjoy yourself for nine months, make sure that you have a return ticket and see how you feel after 9 months here in Pattaya.

The novelty, changes after 6-9 months; you will need to find something more in your life than beer and bar-girls; what about hobbies? Playing sport?

Choose your condo carefully, beware of 'so called' friends and have an emergency stash of cash for when the bad times come.

It would be far better to set yourself a 6-9 month 'holiday' in Pattaya then see how you feel.

Good luck!

Yes you will get board of the beer and bar girls if your 45 plus !!!!!!!!!

You could even move on to more exciting things like a game of golf every day !!!!!!!!

I did here when they get board of golf they play dominos. reverting stuff.

Beer and birds for me, you know it makes sence.

Look man don?t listen to all the the old boys here come over and enjoy.

just make sure you have the cash to last.

Don?t let anyone get a hold on your finances falang or Thai.

Have a nice life in Pattaya.


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Just do it mate! I spent 12 months in Pattaya when I was 27 and had a great time. Went back to IT contracting on return to blighty. The type of person who would commit suicide rather than return to life in the West will probably end up topping themselves at a later date IMO. There are too many people who like to berate this type of post without perhaps realising that a break away from modern life sometimes serves a beneficial purpose. On a personal note I would suggest to stay away from shady characters with business proposals ( except for BG's :o )

And perhaps limit your stay to 12 months.

Edited by chonabot
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Just do it mate! I spent 12 months in Pattaya when I was 27 and had a great time. Went back to IT contracting on return to blighty. The type of person who would commit suicide rather than return to life in the West will probably end up topping themselves at a later date IMO. There are too many people who like to berate this type of post without perhaps realising that a break away from modern life sometimes serves a beneficial purpose. On a personal note I would suggest to stay away from shady characters with business proposals ( except for BG's :o )

And perhaps limit your stay to 12 months.

I would second the idea...just stay away from the biz men...concentrate on bgs or whatever you fancy.

Don't commit to much, have your job back home ready when or if you want to do it agan.

Enjoy Pattaya, the place has the heart and welcomes anyone who wants it.

I would do what you are contemplating.

No "Good luck" phrase. In Pattaya, any foreigner is entitled to it. Enjoy.

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I have seen many guys come to Pattaya with a few Million Baht and think it will last them a lifetime, sure they have a good time when they first get there, they don't worry about how much they are spending at first.

After a while they realise that they can't keep living the way they are and try to economise, eventually they have to economise even further then even further after that, eventually they become just another jaded shabby Farang sitting outside a local shop at 10 am drinking the first of his Chang beers for the day, waiting for his new buddies to awaken from their drunken sleeps to join him in the daily slagging off of Thailand and all things Thai.

The Traffic, the Pollution, Thai drivers, Thai men, Thai women, Thai intelligence, Thai politicians, Thai Police, Thai immigration laws, dumb Farangs that send money to bar girls ( secretly wishing someone would be stupid enough to send it to them instead ), Farang tourists that throw money around and give girls too much money, ( Fcuks it up for the rest of us! )....etc etc....

Many come here as fun loving guys that think they have found paradise, many end up jaded, cynical and suicidal.

Welcome to Pattaya. :o

Regarding suicide, I really don't think you can blame the high rates on Pattaya. Pattaya is a nice place with lots of amusements. There are many suicides because Pattaya is seen as the END OF THE ROAD for many people who have sought a geographical cure for seeking happiness. And lets face it, NO place on earth can ultimately live up to all hopes and expectations.

Also to mention, there is a higher rate of suicide everywhere for OLDER people and also homosexuals (both groups enjoy a higher than average rate in Pattaya).

The last I heard SAN FRANCISCO was the suicide capital of the USA, and that is no bad reflection on the great city of San Francisco. I would go so far as to applaud free choice suicide as another basic human freedom that we all should enjoy, just another option in life, but it really is more polite not to leave a big mess.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Hi. Yes, it's me, the troll. I didn't know what a troll was until I looked it up in the dictiontary. I saw a picture of me. You guys, girls, ladyboys, and old geezers (who can't get it up anymore) don't know who I am, so I feel I can be completely honest with you (as I hope you are with me). I'm a blue collar worker from America who has been working for the last 20 years. I need a mid-life break is all. I had a blast in Thailand, and I'd like to spend more time there (not just a 3 week holiday). I'm not stupid and naive. I am realistic and practical. Like I said before, I have enough money to last 2 - 5 years and then I will go back to America and go back to work (although, I will lose my seniority and have to start back at bottom pay at my union job). I'm not "burning any bridges" here. I feel I've been working hard and I'm "stuck in a rut". Life is getting boring (or maybe I"m boring), whatever. I'm sick of American girls. I don't have much luck with them (I'll be waiting for your funny comments and name calling on this sentence). I just want to have some fun. I also want to learn. At the moment, I'm studying the Thai language, learning Muay Thai, getting travel ideas, making budgets, and getting ideas from you guys. I'm 39 years old and I think of this as a midlife-short-retirement (then back to work). Why should I wait until I'm rich, old, grey, and in poor health, to come to Thailand? I'm pretty tight with money so I won't be falling for any business scams and I won't be helping any Thai girls pay the medical expenses for their sick elephant. It will just be a very long vacation in the land of smiles (America is the land of work and I need a break). You guys are great and thanks for your time and your comments (even the negative ones). It's all good.

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Hi. Yes, it's me, the troll. I didn't know what a troll was until I looked it up in the dictiontary. I saw a picture of me. You guys, girls, ladyboys, and old geezers (who can't get it up anymore) don't know who I am, so I feel I can be completely honest with you (as I hope you are with me). I'm a blue collar worker from America who has been working for the last 20 years. I need a mid-life break is all. I had a blast in Thailand, and I'd like to spend more time there (not just a 3 week holiday). I'm not stupid and naive. I am realistic and practical. Like I said before, I have enough money to last 2 - 5 years and then I will go back to America and go back to work (although, I will lose my seniority and have to start back at bottom pay at my union job). I'm not "burning any bridges" here. I feel I've been working hard and I'm "stuck in a rut". Life is getting boring (or maybe I"m boring), whatever. I'm sick of American girls. I don't have much luck with them (I'll be waiting for your funny comments and name calling on this sentence). I just want to have some fun. I also want to learn. At the moment, I'm studying the Thai language, learning Muay Thai, getting travel ideas, making budgets, and getting ideas from you guys. I'm 39 years old and I think of this as a midlife-short-retirement (then back to work). Why should I wait until I'm rich, old, grey, and in poor health, to come to Thailand? I'm pretty tight with money so I won't be falling for any business scams and I won't be helping any Thai girls pay the medical expenses for their sick elephant. It will just be a very long vacation in the land of smiles (America is the land of work and I need a break). You guys are great and thanks for your time and your comments (even the negative ones). It's all good.

Good attitude and sounds like you are sorted for a couple of fun-tastic years , worry about the rest of the world when you re-orbit.



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Hello, "troll"

Your first post sounded 100 percent troll.

Your new post sounds very sincere.

So, we will take you at your word, because even if you are not real, there are so many real people in similar situations.

Excuse me, but HOW MUCH money do you have exactly for this adventure? If you tell us, you will get opinions on how long your "sentence" will be in FantasyLandia.

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Hi. Yes, it's me, the troll. I didn't know what a troll was until I looked it up in the dictiontary. I saw a picture of me. You guys, girls, ladyboys, and old geezers (who can't get it up anymore) don't know who I am, so I feel I can be completely honest with you (as I hope you are with me). I'm a blue collar worker from America who has been working for the last 20 years. I need a mid-life break is all. I had a blast in Thailand, and I'd like to spend more time there (not just a 3 week holiday). I'm not stupid and naive. I am realistic and practical. Like I said before, I have enough money to last 2 - 5 years and then I will go back to America and go back to work (although, I will lose my seniority and have to start back at bottom pay at my union job). I'm not "burning any bridges" here. I feel I've been working hard and I'm "stuck in a rut". Life is getting boring (or maybe I"m boring), whatever. I'm sick of American girls. I don't have much luck with them (I'll be waiting for your funny comments and name calling on this sentence). I just want to have some fun. I also want to learn. At the moment, I'm studying the Thai language, learning Muay Thai, getting travel ideas, making budgets, and getting ideas from you guys. I'm 39 years old and I think of this as a midlife-short-retirement (then back to work). Why should I wait until I'm rich, old, grey, and in poor health, to come to Thailand? I'm pretty tight with money so I won't be falling for any business scams and I won't be helping any Thai girls pay the medical expenses for their sick elephant. It will just be a very long vacation in the land of smiles (America is the land of work and I need a break). You guys are great and thanks for your time and your comments (even the negative ones). It's all good.

OK, I lose my last satang. Mai pen rai, it's happened before :o I apologize.

What you're feeling is pretty common. I would suggest thinking hard about the going back and starting all over again bit. Why not try and find another route to the same goal?

Use the money you saved to start some kind of business in the USA that can be run from here. There are plenty different options to explore. May take you a year or somthing to get it off the ground, but it will be time well spent, believe me. I've been there, as have many others.

PM me if you need some ideas.

Best of luck.

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Like I said before, I have enough money to last 2 - 5 years and then I will go back to America and go back to work (although, I will lose my seniority and have to start back at bottom pay at my union job). I'm not "burning any bridges" here.

To my way of thinking you will in fact be burning bridges if you do as you plan. If you manage to stretch your savings for five years, you will be about 45 when you come back. Starting at the bottom pay with no savings at 45 will most likely seriously hurt your prospects for a reasonable retirement life.

That said I totally understand where you are coming from. I quit my job myself when I was 40 and moved to Bangkok for 14 months. The difference being that I only spent part of my savings, and that I was able to get my old job back with the same seniority when I came back. I have been back now almost three years, and can tell you that it's not easy going back to work again after being "retired' for a while. Having been out of the working environment for five years, would make it almost impossible - at least it would for me. I m now saving every penny I can in order to be able to retire early (at 50).

I guess what I am trying to say is, if you decide to go, it would probably be better to limit yourself to a year or so. Also consider if maybe biting the bullet and saving towards early retirement instead might be a better way to go (if that is a realistic alternative). Most importantly, don't think that all the things you now think is wrong with your life will be any better when you come back - they will just be harder to deal with having lived the easy life for a while.

Whatever you decide, good luck to you.


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I'm pretty tight with money so I won't be falling for any business scams and I won't be helping any Thai girls pay the medical expenses for their sick elephant.

Haha...........Classic :D

Buffalo yes, Elephants, No way!! :o

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