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Medication for arthritis


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Back to what the OP is asking....

Omneprazole is sold as brand name "Miracid" and costs 80 baht for 14 capsules.

Naproxen is sold as brand name "Sonap Forte" and costs 55 baht for 10.

Both are available in almost any pharmacy.

I take both daily with no problems.

If people are so worried about being ripped off, they should shop around more.

An BTW, I pay 40 THB for 14 Omneprazole 20 mg capsules. There are no less than 20 different manufactureres of Omneprazole sold in Thailand; maybe more. I buy a Thai brand but one pharmacy I go to sometimes sells a brand imported from Switzerland; surprisingly only 50 THB for 14 X 20 mg. capsules. So shop around. Chain pharmacies tend to be the most expensive.

You don't need a Thai person to buy your medicines from a pharmacy! That is laughable!

If you take a lot of medicines each day you should seek out a wholesale pharmacy or wholesale supplier where you can save as much as 50%.

Edited by elektrified
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My wife and I both use Naproxen, lots of it, for years. It is available here at almost any pharmacy. However, it's not cheap. Naproxen is the same as ALEVE. We get it from the states as we stock up when we visit or friends come to visit us. Look up Naproxen Sodium at the Walmart website. You can buy a 200 or 220 count (possibly 300 count) for around $12-$14. The brand name ALEVE cost a bit more, but exactly the same ingredients.

I buy Naproxen 500mg tablets in CM, I dont haggle about the listed price which is 50 baht for 10 tablets, 150 baht for a month supply. This is cheaper than a subsidised "age pension script" in Oz. I am happy.

I live in the UK so I'm unable to stock up at Walmart. I take two Naproxen daily so that would be 300 baht a month for me. They're free here at home but they're prescribed only a month in advance so unable to stock up. 300 baht is fine though to relieve the pain.

I've tried loads of herbal medication but, apart from Glucosamine, nothing has touched it. Unfortunately the sulphate they add to Glucosamine gave me major stomach problems so Naproxen and Omeprazole it is for me.

Thanks for all your advice about the alternative names, it'll be very useful.

Unfortunately I'm in the UK so not able to get them from Walmart. I use 2 a day so it would be 300 baht a month for me and they're free at home and I can only get one month at a time prescribed so can't stock up!

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I took naproxen, as well as glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid for quite a while and only got moderate relief from my arthritis. I am so happy that ZMA works for me and I have been able to stop taking the other drugs. After car and motorcycle accidents about twelve years ago, I was also put on Celebrex and heavier pain killers including Vicodin. Nothing seemed to relieve my pain very well but then to my amazement, physical therapy and ZMA worked for me. Now, so long as I work out several times a week, I am mostly pain free although exercise does sometimes irritate my shattered right shoulder. When that happens I put Voltaren gel on it and the pain soon goes away.

One word of caution to those who buy their own drugs at a pharmacy - there is a tipping point after which your system becomes overloaded with too many side effects from various drugs. I once had a complete hearing loss in my left ear from which I recovered after treatment. I now do careful research on the Web to see if a new drug I am prescribed will be ototoxic (cause damage to the ears) and stop taking it at the first sign that it is affecting my hearing. With my heart disease, prostate problems, hiatal hernia and high cholesterol I am on a lot of drugs so I must be careful about their side effects. As Clint Eastwood said: "Getting old is not for sissies." I am still in pretty good health overall though and get around just fine. The doctors at Bumrungrad manage my condition well and my cardiologist is super. I always leave his office feeling better because he is so positive.

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In Chiang Mai at least, any farang, except a handful of really stupid ones, can walk into any pharmacy and buy any medication at the same price anyone else in the country would pay, even the indigenous population.

Yes, at the pharmacy I use (not in Chiang Mai) the invoice showing prices & total is printed out by the computer/cash register. Many things are read from bar codes. It's the same price whether you're Thai or farang.

"the Thais just love to over charge the farang"

Some "the farangs" just love to demonize "the Thais" in an attempt to compensate for their own inadequacies.

I hope you have a nice stay in CM and don't let the bitter old farangs poison your view of Thailand or " the Thais."

Jai Yen Yen!

not everything has bar codes, they usually check prices of medications on the computer, then input that price into a till

In response to the posts about there not being farang pricing-

On a monthly basis I purchase Omega 3, Ibuprofen, and low dose Aspirin from a chain pharmacy located towards the inside SE corner of the moat, large sign in front, blue and white, next to a restaurant with middle eastern cuisine. The total of my items come to just under 500baht. One day I went in, found all of the old staff had been replaced, and when I took my items to check out the scanned total was just under 900baht. I told the staff what I usually pay, she pushed one key, and the price came down to the usual price.

The next month I went in to purchase just the Omega 3, which is 300baht a bottle. The same pharmacist scanned it and told me 350baht. I refused to pay that, she didn't budge, so I went to a branch of the same pharmacy outside of the tourist area, and the same Omega 3 scanned for 300baht.

this happened to me but the other way round!

I asked for an item, she took it to the check out and said that's 250 baht, then she went all silent and pushed 1 button and said no sorry that's 500 baht!?

I walked out went to another pharmacy, asked for the same product, and they said it was 500 baht

buyer of medicines beware, shop around or ask a Thai person to buy for you!

Absolutely Positively no chance the first clerk hit the wrong button. Made a correction that you didn't like so you went else where and right of the bat they overcharged the exact same amount.

We now have incontrovertible facts that Thais always overcharge farangs by 100%


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Both Omeprazole (Prilosec) and Naproxen Sodium (Alleve) have side effects but some people don't suffer from them. I have a severe allergic reaction to Omeprazole and have to take Lansoprazole (Prevacid) instead. Since I discovered ZMA, which is available from almost any supplement store, I don't take Naproxen any longer but didn't suffer any side effects when I did for several years. Acid reflux and stomach bleeding are possible side effects of any NSAID so it's worth having your doctor do an endoscopic examination of your stomach if you experience any discomfort while taking them. For me, ZMA is a wonderful and side-effect free remedy for arthritis and muscle aches. I invite TVers to Google it.

DogNo1, I Googled the ZMA and definitely get contrasting reviews. The sellers seem to really tout the item, but Wikipedia has the following comments (I haven't seen anything mentioning ZMA as a reliever of arthritic pain):

In 2004, a study funded by a research grant from Cytodyne (another supplement producing company) with 42 resistance trained males showed that ZMA supplementation had no significant effects on total and free testosterone, IGF-1, growth hormone, cortisol, the ratio of cortisol to testosterone, or muscle and liver enzymes in response to training. No significant effects were observed in changes in strength, upper or lower body muscle endurance, or anaerobic sprint capacity.[11]

In another study done in 2006, a team of German scientists conducted a study on the effect of ZMA and testosterone levels in the body.[12] The result showed an increase in zinc secretions in urine making it much darker like blood, but no effect on the level of testosterone in the body.

Sounds like "snake oil" to me, but if it works for you then good on you!

Yes I to went through the same experience. It came across to me more as a muscle builder.

I have been trying to find out more about my arthritis and there are apparently many kinds maybe it works on one of them.

ZMA has worked well for me and for my daughter and its effectiveness is dramatic. The body chemistry of various individuals varies widely and no doubt ZMA is not effective for everyone. I am not taking it for any increase in testosterone, just to relax my muscles and relieve my arthritis symptoms. I find it especially helpful because the Lansoprazole (Prevacid) that I must take twice daily interferes with the absorption of magnesium, apparently leaving me with a magnesium deficiency.

What type arthritis do you have. If your daughter has it also it could be one of the rarer types.

I have a friend in the States who has arthritis in both big knuckles of his thumbs and they really hurt. Once every six months he gets a shot in those joints and they are pain free for that six months. I have no idea what the med is called.

Is there a limit on how often he can do that. I have heard of some things shot into the knee but two or three times is all you can do it.

Hi everyone,

I have just returned from my latest visit to hospital today for a review of my dual problems, protracted gout flares and osteoarticular disease in various joints, particularly both knees.

I have taken various combinations of Arcoxia, Naproxen, Voltaren and Colchicine in the past, and my doctor was very concerned to hear this. He advised me that such protracted use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), taken over periods of just a few weeks, can cause severe damage to the kidneys.

These drugs are designed for short-term use, and when the major symptoms subside, but patients continue to suffer from mild pains, paracetamol, aspirin or codeine should be used instead.

My doctor is western educated and seems to be very knowledgeable on this subject; he has given me a clear warning that protracted use of any single NSAID or combination of NSAIDs can lead to kidney failure.

I have just flushed my remaining stocks of Naproxen and Voltaren down the toilet...!!

Edited by GeorgeO
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Cant understand why there are so many sad and lonely "Thai haters" still living here. If you hate the Thais , (Ive found them to be as wonderful to you , as you are to them) why dont you just crawl back to your own country (if your allowed back in).Absolutely NO-ONE will miss you , or notice your return !If you dont "want" to go back because you failed there ,and by the sounds of it youve failed here , the only common weak link in the chain - IS YOU. Deal with it , otherwise clear off - your taking up space "wanted" by a decent human being.

sorry but I have to reply to this post...

NJ, what are you talking about? who said anything about hating thais?

what you say in your post is complete nonsense, please think before you post!

OP, hope you find what you are looking for wai2.gif

Stick around Thai Visa you are new you will learn what he is talking about.

I think the word haters was a bit strong but yes there are lot's of people who just bash Thais every chance they get.

Maybe some of them hate them

Maybe some of them just don't like them

Maybe some of them do it because it makes them feel superior.

For what ever reason they are here on Thai Visa. Some of them no longer live here.

They made the mistake of marring the first Thai they met or they met them on the internet and got burned.

For myself I like them and have many happy experiences with them. Particularly my wife of 7 years and her family. In an earlier post I related an incident that happened yesterday where I lost my wallet and didn't even know it until they tracked me down.

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Living in Bangkok, I have never been overcharged in a Pharmacy. I always use the wholesale Pharmacies, which there is a few of in Bangkok. They are not marked as wholesale pharmacies, so you have to find the right one, where the prices usually are 30-35% cheaper. In Bangkok there is "South East Asia Pharmacy" on Sukhumvit Road near soi 15 and another one located in Sukhumvit soi On Nut, ringt in the middle between Sukhumvit road and Big C On nut (normally always very crowded). They happily sell both larger and smaller quantities and always at the same price as for Thai´s.

Edited by Xonax
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I took naproxen, as well as glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid for quite a while and only got moderate relief from my arthritis. I am so happy that ZMA works for me and I have been able to stop taking the other drugs. After car and motorcycle accidents about twelve years ago, I was also put on Celebrex and heavier pain killers including Vicodin. Nothing seemed to relieve my pain very well but then to my amazement, physical therapy and ZMA worked for me. Now, so long as I work out several times a week, I am mostly pain free although exercise does sometimes irritate my shattered right shoulder. When that happens I put Voltaren gel on it and the pain soon goes away.

One word of caution to those who buy their own drugs at a pharmacy - there is a tipping point after which your system becomes overloaded with too many side effects from various drugs. I once had a complete hearing loss in my left ear from which I recovered after treatment. I now do careful research on the Web to see if a new drug I am prescribed will be ototoxic (cause damage to the ears) and stop taking it at the first sign that it is affecting my hearing. With my heart disease, prostate problems, hiatal hernia and high cholesterol I am on a lot of drugs so I must be careful about their side effects. As Clint Eastwood said: "Getting old is not for sissies." I am still in pretty good health overall though and get around just fine. The doctors at Bumrungrad manage my condition well and my cardiologist is super. I always leave his office feeling better because he is so positive.

So, DogNo1, if one wanted to try this ZMA, where would he buy it and how much does it cost per day to take. I'll try anything once to rid myself of the pain of Fibromyalgia. If magnesium is what you are lacking, why don't you just try straight mag supplements? It's got to be much less expensive if it works.

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My wife and I both use Naproxen, lots of it, for years. It is available here at almost any pharmacy. However, it's not cheap. Naproxen is the same as ALEVE. We get it from the states as we stock up when we visit or friends come to visit us. Look up Naproxen Sodium at the Walmart website. You can buy a 200 or 220 count (possibly 300 count) for around $12-$14. The brand name ALEVE cost a bit more, but exactly the same ingredients.

I buy Naproxen 500mg tablets in CM, I dont haggle about the listed price which is 50 baht for 10 tablets, 150 baht for a month supply. This is cheaper than a subsidised "age pension script" in Oz. I am happy.

I would be very interested to know where you buy Naproxen 500 mg. for 50 bahts for 10 tablets. All the pharmacies I go to sell me 275 mg and charge 150 bahts for 10 tablets.

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I took naproxen, as well as glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid for quite a while and only got moderate relief from my arthritis. I am so happy that ZMA works for me and I have been able to stop taking the other drugs. After car and motorcycle accidents about twelve years ago, I was also put on Celebrex and heavier pain killers including Vicodin. Nothing seemed to relieve my pain very well but then to my amazement, physical therapy and ZMA worked for me. Now, so long as I work out several times a week, I am mostly pain free although exercise does sometimes irritate my shattered right shoulder. When that happens I put Voltaren gel on it and the pain soon goes away.

One word of caution to those who buy their own drugs at a pharmacy - there is a tipping point after which your system becomes overloaded with too many side effects from various drugs. I once had a complete hearing loss in my left ear from which I recovered after treatment. I now do careful research on the Web to see if a new drug I am prescribed will be ototoxic (cause damage to the ears) and stop taking it at the first sign that it is affecting my hearing. With my heart disease, prostate problems, hiatal hernia and high cholesterol I am on a lot of drugs so I must be careful about their side effects. As Clint Eastwood said: "Getting old is not for sissies." I am still in pretty good health overall though and get around just fine. The doctors at Bumrungrad manage my condition well and my cardiologist is super. I always leave his office feeling better because he is so positive.

So, DogNo1, if one wanted to try this ZMA, where would he buy it and how much does it cost per day to take. I'll try anything once to rid myself of the pain of Fibromyalgia. If magnesium is what you are lacking, why don't you just try straight mag supplements? It's got to be much less expensive if it works.

I don't know how it fits in here but I used to get muscle cramps and I would take Calcium Magnesium tablets and they did help a little bit.

Finaly my Chiropratpr recomended getting Calcium Magnesium tablets with citrate in them. Worked like a charm.

I know we all have different metabolism's but for me the Citrate worked wonders. I no longer work but I was still subject to cramps from the fan Now I eat a lot of Bananas and that problem is gone and my doctor say's my potassium level is fine.

I now also use Tiger Balm as part of my daily routine on my knee and it does help with the arthritis.

Plus I take 2,250mg of Glucosamine sulphate and 600 mg of Chondroitin a day and it seems to help out with the arthritis in knee.

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omprazole are 1 baht each but are you aware of thr risks associated with this drug ? and also withdrawl problems. My dr tells me it should never be used on a regular basis. I used it only when having a severe attack ( rhumatoid ) however I started on Ibuprofin 400mg and have not had a serious attack since I take one ibu per day.

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omprazole are 1 baht each but are you aware of thr risks associated with this drug ? and also withdrawl problems. My dr tells me it should never be used on a regular basis. I used it only when having a severe attack ( rhumatoid ) however I started on Ibuprofin 400mg and have not had a serious attack since I take one ibu per day.

Nowhere can you buy Omeprazole for 1 THB each. Withdrawal from Omeprazole?whistling.gif Come on. You have this confused with something else.

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omprazole are 1 baht each but are you aware of thr risks associated with this drug ? and also withdrawl problems. My dr tells me it should never be used on a regular basis. I used it only when having a severe attack ( rhumatoid ) however I started on Ibuprofin 400mg and have not had a serious attack since I take one ibu per day.

Nowhere can you buy Omeprazole for 1 THB each. Withdrawal from Omeprazole?whistling.gif Come on. You have this confused with something else.

Omeprazole is intended as a short term treatment, perhaps anything other than that does lead to withdrawl symptoms, dunno for sure. I do recall being told specifically not to take it for more than three weeks however.


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ZMA is easily obtained online from iherb.com or vitacost.com. I don't know offhand of any Bangkok pharmacies that carry it since I haven't looked. Iherbs' shipping costs are pretty low and their supplements are pretty cheap. The problem sometimes is with Thai customs. There's a thread on here somewhere about getting things through Thai Customs.

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I also have arthritis. I was wondering how affective Naproxen is for you.

Not sure how bad I have it as the pain is all in one hip and one knee both on the left side. Radiologists said I had level 2 arthritis in both hips and level 3 in the knee. I have looked and can not find out how serious the levels are. is there 4 or 10 levels which is the worst 1 or 4. All I know is it is painful and if I am not doing any thing it for the most part is not painful unless I am moving and I have to be very careful about how I do that. The knee seems to need no reason it will just start up with out any movement. So far I don't take much as I can stand a quarter mile walk before it becomes to painful I of course need a crutch.When I do take some thing I have found that 800 MG of Ibuprofen manufactured here using the name Nurofen works good. But it is not good for the stomach and liver used regularly.

I've been taking Naproxen to ease the arthritic pain for a few years now. The Omeprazole is to counteract the gastric problems that the Naproxen (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - very much like a strong version of Ibuprofen) can create.

I stopped taking them once because I still felt a lot of pain, which was when I realised just how much they actually worked! For me, they're the best option. I've also been prescribed a paracetamol/codeine combination but they made me very tired.

I've not been told what level of arthritis I have, just that it's osteo and that in the future I'll need knee replacements. For the moment at least, my current medication suits me well and I'm pleased to know that I'll have no problems getting it in Chiang Mai.

Esameprozale [branded Nexium] works better than the older Omeprazole for me. It costs more. It also assists in eradication of Helicobactor Pyloris, which is widespread here. If you are worried about the gastric effects of Naproxyn, or Brufen on the stomach, maybe you could give Meloxicam [Mobic] a try. It's less damaging to the stomach, and I settled on it after years of trying everything else available. It works well on my neck and lower back arthiritis. I wish something cheaper worked for me!

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I wasn't able to post on ThaiVisa last night for some reason but to answer the question of where you can buy ZMA a little better, I seem to remember that I saw it for sale in GNC. I think it was the one located in the huge Central World shopping center. GNC is much too expensive in Thailand but it's a handy place to buy western supplements if you don't want to go through the hassle of ordering online and then possibly having to pay customs on your supplements. So far as online supplement stores, I have found iherb.com to be the fastest and cheapest shipper. Good luck to all of you arthritis sufferers. I hope you find drugs or supplements that work for you.

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I suffer from osteo-arthritus, in the fingers, and have tried many things to relieve the symptoms. I am physically very active and finding this is affecting my quality of life.

I have been taking MSM for the past few months and noticed an almost immediate improvement, whereas it obviously will not cure the condition and I can not say it will even retard its advancement all I can say is that whilst it has not improved the stiffness or lack of movement in the joints, it has reduced the swelling and pain enormously.

Previously the slightest tap on some of my fingers would make my eyes water, now I can play 'rough house' with my little boy and rarely have a problem. It has been something of a Godsend for me.

I started on a brand from a pharmacy specialising in supplements as it was located near a gym, this contained Glucosamine and Chondrotin along with the MSM and it worked well.

By the way I have previously tried G and C alone for a long time with no discernible benefit.

I have now sourced 99% pure MSM (Jacobs Creek brand) and take that every morning.

Well if you're like me you will probably try anything to find some relief from your symptoms, MSM is worth a try, it is definitely helping me.

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I suffer from osteo-arthritus, in the fingers, and have tried many things to relieve the symptoms. I am physically very active and finding this is affecting my quality of life.

I have been taking MSM for the past few months and noticed an almost immediate improvement, whereas it obviously will not cure the condition and I can not say it will even retard its advancement all I can say is that whilst it has not improved the stiffness or lack of movement in the joints, it has reduced the swelling and pain enormously.

Previously the slightest tap on some of my fingers would make my eyes water, now I can play 'rough house' with my little boy and rarely have a problem. It has been something of a Godsend for me.

I started on a brand from a pharmacy specialising in supplements as it was located near a gym, this contained Glucosamine and Chondrotin along with the MSM and it worked well.

By the way I have previously tried G and C alone for a long time with no discernible benefit.

I have now sourced 99% pure MSM (Jacobs Creek brand) and take that every morning.

Well if you're like me you will probably try anything to find some relief from your symptoms, MSM is worth a try, it is definitely helping me.

I am willing to try anything that will give me some relief. I know I am only staving off the inevitable hip and knee replacements which will give me matching pairs. So I would like to know if there is a supplier of MSM in Thailand,

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Quite a strong statement, NancyL. I don't agree with most of it.

If someone is inept at handling daily transactions, they would be in trouble no matter what country they are in or what language they are using.

For banking, numbers are pretty much the same all over the world. Even though Thai language, as you well know, has its own characters for numbers, banking is done with the same ciphers used in Western countries.

Pharmacists know English? I agree many in Chiang Mai do. In some smaller villages I think many do not or are too shy to use English. I was in Chiang Rai once and forgot my medicine and I had to rely on a Thai to get my medication. I have my wife get medications for me occasionally.

People being separated from their savings and/or income here are probably just as likely to be as gullible in any other country.

My guess is that most people living in rural Thailand could not handle their daily routine transactions in a rural setting until they have been in that setting for some time. On a side note, immersion is, in my estimation, the best way to learn Thai language and culture. Still many people that moved into a rural setting did so without any knowledge of Thai language or culture and surely relied on Thais for their daily transactions and necessities. Of course many also did have some knowledge of Thai language and culture.

My point is it just depends on who someone relies on, whether that person is Thai or not, and wherever they may be.

How many English speaking people work with customers at the Provincial Electric Authority? If you have never been in there, go and just sit and watch some time.


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As someone who assists elderly expats in need, I find many of the, yes, men, in need of assistance are those who have turned over the daily responsibilities of living to a Thai partner who is deliberately keeping them in the dark about how to get things done. These men have never learned Thai and often have partners who don't want them to learn Thai. I think there's two reasons the partner doesn't want them learning Thai. First, they want the man kept in the dark about what's going on and secondly they don't want the man to learn proper Thai from an educated teacher and, thus, discover his partner is a country bumpkin who can't speak proper Thai.

You see these couples frequently in places like pharmacies, banks, internet providers, etc, where the guy just stands there while the partner handles the transaction. These businesses all have staffers who can speak English, but of course, they'd rather speak Thai. They have long, involved conversations with the Thai partner which are translated as "sign here", "you pay XXX baht". No more detail than that. The guy lets the partner handle banking transactions, including knowing the PIN number for the ATM card.

You won't believe how often some hapless elderly man is dropped off at the emergency room of the government hospital and then the Thai partner goes and cleans out the bank account, sells valuables like watches and motorcycles, etc. Some even have the gall to return to the hospital a week or two later and act all surprised because the guy is still alive!

Yes, I've certainly been to the EGAT office, first time was to set up direct withdrawal for our bills shortly after we arrived here. I didn't speak a word of Thai at the time, but somehow managed to get it done, with pantomime and visual aids, like our first electric bill and our bank book. I also had a Thai person write on a slip of paper that I wanted to set up direct payment -- but that person didn't come with me and I had another Thai person read and translate that note before I went to the office just to make sure it didn't say something like "this farang wants to pay my electric bill each month".

You can use the same pantomime and visual aids technique to buy medications. Simply bring your medication, or at least the packages, with you to the pharmacy and ask about the price. Maybe have a Thai person write down that generic substitutes would be acceptable. How hard can that be?

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Oh, in getting back to the OP's original subject, I, too have arthritis. I went to CM Ram, considered one of the best hospitals in CM after I found my right knee and right shoulder hurt if I swam laps every day for more than 1/2 hr each time. The doc ordered X-rays, looked at the joints and said, yes I have arthritis. What to do? "you're getting old. Don't swim so much!" I asked about meds or nutritional supplements and he thought I was asking for narcotics, which of course I wasn't. No mention of most of the products mentioned in this thread.

So, I consulted Dr. Google at home and found much discussion of the various products mentioned in this thread. After trying a few, I found that glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM was the best. My trusty pharmacist was more help than the doc. She pointed out I should try each supplement for at least a month to decide if it worked or not. She suggested European-sourced glucosamine first, saying she had doubts about the quality of the Thai product. (She doesn't always say this about Thai-produced product). Her suggestion -- use the European product for a month, if it works, switch to the Thai product and see if I get the same good results.

I don't know if the OP evaluated other treatment options. I do take Aleve from time-to-time (like before I did a 2.5 km swim for a charity event), but I know I'd also need a GERD medication if I had to take Aleve daily. I'm glad that what works for me doesn't seem to have other side effects.

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You should be able to buy an MSM / G & C mix at any health food store or pharmacy that carries a good stock of supplements.

For pure MSM might be worth visiting the local gym and asking who to speak to about buying supplements. The guys who supply bodybuilders can generally get anything!

Definitely worth a go IMO

Good luck

I suffer from osteo-arthritus, in the fingers, and have tried many things to relieve the symptoms. I am physically very active and finding this is affecting my quality of life.

I have been taking MSM for the past few months and noticed an almost immediate improvement, whereas it obviously will not cure the condition and I can not say it will even retard its advancement all I can say is that whilst it has not improved the stiffness or lack of movement in the joints, it has reduced the swelling and pain enormously.

Previously the slightest tap on some of my fingers would make my eyes water, now I can play 'rough house' with my little boy and rarely have a problem. It has been something of a Godsend for me.

I started on a brand from a pharmacy specialising in supplements as it was located near a gym, this contained Glucosamine and Chondrotin along with the MSM and it worked well.

By the way I have previously tried G and C alone for a long time with no discernible benefit.

I have now sourced 99% pure MSM (Jacobs Creek brand) and take that every morning.

Well if you're like me you will probably try anything to find some relief from your symptoms, MSM is worth a try, it is definitely helping me.

I am willing to try anything that will give me some relief. I know I am only staving off the inevitable hip and knee replacements which will give me matching pairs. So I would like to know if there is a supplier of MSM in Thailand,

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As someone who assists elderly expats in need, I find many of the, yes, men, in need of assistance are those who have turned over the daily responsibilities of living to a Thai partner who is deliberately keeping them in the dark about how to get things done. These men have never learned Thai and often have partners who don't want them to learn Thai. I think there's two reasons the partner doesn't want them learning Thai. First, they want the man kept in the dark about what's going on and secondly they don't want the man to learn proper Thai from an educated teacher and, thus, discover his partner is a country bumpkin who can't speak proper Thai.

You see these couples frequently in places like pharmacies, banks, internet providers, etc, where the guy just stands there while the partner handles the transaction. These businesses all have staffers who can speak English, but of course, they'd rather speak Thai. They have long, involved conversations with the Thai partner which are translated as "sign here", "you pay XXX baht". No more detail than that. The guy lets the partner handle banking transactions, including knowing the PIN number for the ATM card.

You won't believe how often some hapless elderly man is dropped off at the emergency room of the government hospital and then the Thai partner goes and cleans out the bank account, sells valuables like watches and motorcycles, etc. Some even have the gall to return to the hospital a week or two later and act all surprised because the guy is still alive!

Yes, I've certainly been to the EGAT office, first time was to set up direct withdrawal for our bills shortly after we arrived here. I didn't speak a word of Thai at the time, but somehow managed to get it done, with pantomime and visual aids, like our first electric bill and our bank book. I also had a Thai person write on a slip of paper that I wanted to set up direct payment -- but that person didn't come with me and I had another Thai person read and translate that note before I went to the office just to make sure it didn't say something like "this farang wants to pay my electric bill each month".

You can use the same pantomime and visual aids technique to buy medications. Simply bring your medication, or at least the packages, with you to the pharmacy and ask about the price. Maybe have a Thai person write down that generic substitutes would be acceptable. How hard can that be?

If that is your atitude to Thais why are you living here?

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