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Extortion....or scam...same same as = loss of money.


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You do not have to look as far as the aunt or the ex(?) husband to see who is scamming you. It is your wife.

thank you....i will investigate on my arrival and possible departure.

Listen Boss, it's up to her to protect you, and so far she has shown that she is useless at it.

You are offering her a fabulous new start in Australia for her and her daughter and she is either

1. Ripping the p*ss out of you or

2. Allowing the p*ss to be ripped out of you.

It's time for you treat this family with the same brutality they are treating you with.

Over to you.

thanks buddy...thats the type of reply i want to hear not some of the s**t people are saying like 15,000 net with all else paid and a good future etc etc is nothing and suggesting that i am being tight etc etc.

really appreciate your advice as in my brain thats what i feel but i am a good hearted man and feel guilt to leave a baby and a little girl back to a s++t hole life.

and besides a good future in australia we have a lovely apartment in southern spain on the beach and i am semi retired and run my own show so its not even a life like i see when ladies come to farang land and then have to work.

life for all of us is all planned to be enjoyed while we can as thats why i have worked hard,have no debt, am young at heart and not so old and well travelled.

but if people are going to be as you put it...then obviously something isnt right and it will be up to my fiance to correct things.

thanks champ.

try getting the visas for oz in the first place and get youre facts right ,because you will still need to apply for visas for spain/eu to enjoy that appartment by the beach in spain for holidays pointdexter.And apparently after the cash flow they got from you they are not leading a shit life in Thailand remember i-pads flat screen tv bicycle ,toys etc....

Youre a lost cause .

Have a nice life.

Edited by Kudel
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You do not have to look as far as the aunt or the ex(?) husband to see who is scamming you. It is your wife.

thank you....i will investigate on my arrival and possible departure.

Listen Boss, it's up to her to protect you, and so far she has shown that she is useless at it.

You are offering her a fabulous new start in Australia for her and her daughter and she is either

1. Ripping the p*ss out of you or

2. Allowing the p*ss to be ripped out of you.

It's time for you treat this family with the same brutality they are treating you with.

Over to you.

thanks buddy...thats the type of reply i want to hear not some of the s**t people are saying like 15,000 net with all else paid and a good future etc etc is nothing and suggesting that i am being tight etc etc.

really appreciate your advice as in my brain thats what i feel but i am a good hearted man and feel guilt to leave a baby and a little girl back to a s++t hole life.

and besides a good future in australia we have a lovely apartment in southern spain on the beach and i am semi retired and run my own show so its not even a life like i see when ladies come to farang land and then have to work.

life for all of us is all planned to be enjoyed while we can as thats why i have worked hard,have no debt, am young at heart and not so old and well travelled.

but if people are going to be as you put it...then obviously something isnt right and it will be up to my fiance to correct things.

thanks champ.

Hope your new BGF/Fiance can enjoy the delights of southern Spain with you - should be a blast eating fish and chips and evenings at Charlie Chaplin bar etc etc during the southern Winter - sounds idyllic!!!

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wow, what a train wreck.

Your engaged to and empregnated another mans wife, how did you think it was going to work out ?

sorry to say...cant you read....he left 6 years ago.

besides no wedding papers only the old sinsod stuff.

so...no legal marriage.

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sorry for you , but we all on T.V have heard stories like this and if you have been reading this site for years then why ask us now .? you would have known all about the ways of some Thai girls and their desire for money , and to have a farang husband.

to me it does not make sense about the part you have been reading this forum for years , and now you are posting something you would have read many times before .

i accept your comment.

to be honest i mainly read about other topics not ones i coulnt advise people on...but never the less your comment is valid.

i should of read ALL posts and topics.

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your story reminds me some of the problems I've had but managed to evade in the last ten years, but there are two big differences between my situation and yours.

1. I live mostly with my wife in Thailand.

2. I do not have a child with my wife.

the first advice I would give to any farang getting involved with a thai lady is you have to be strong

when I started getting the "what she gets/has" I replied if your not happy go,and tell your family +

friends that I don't want to listen to gossip about what people spend/have. I know several proper millionair's and they are not happy not content, in fact most are still driven by a desire that impedes

their happiness.

I also had the ex-husband thing phoning demanding money(she was still married) so it was not

straight forward as this can be a problem in Thailand,i told my lady if this fella thought he was

gonna get one satang from me=her he would be waiting a loooong time.

my girlfiend went to solicitors and payed around 7/8k bht for a thai decree nisi as he had abandoned

his wife and children and never helped them in any way for 8 years or more there was not a lot of sympathy for him in either the thai justice system or from her extended family of about 100+.

so it went away very quickly and quietly.

you talk very good about your fiancée, and there are some great girls in Thailand, but you have

to be careful of family because they can have a lot of influence, I find time is a great tool in thailand

I told my girlfriend we might marry after 3 years together (36 months living together)

and when I did just that it made her trust+believe in me, but I needed that time to really get to know

her and her me.

if your lady has lost/given 200k its not the end of the world, but you need to explain to her it has to

be the end of this matter. if there's one major problem with a lot of thai ladies its them and money

you need to be in charge 24/7 best of luck.

thank you very much for your time and your advice.

all the best to you,your wife and families.

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A very interesting and entertaining tale.

Allow me to tell you how the story ends: You get married and if you do not suffer an unfortunate fatal accident or survive, will lose much of your savings such that you don't have a pot to piss in, She will leave you and you will sustain a broken heart that renders you bitter and unable to trust women. Over time, you eventually find a room to stay in Pattaya and commiserate with the other elderly retirees down at the local beer bar.

Then you will adopt a name like geriatrickid2

And become a partner with him in his Pattaya bar !

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So your waiting for her visa right? Then her 1st daughter and your daughter will be moving to Australia right?

I'd say once approved get them away from that greedy family of hers. Why you felt the need to build an extension on her aunts is silly. Perhaps an air con but not everything else. They are Thai, they're used to hot weather. I'd wait for the visa then say stick all those car bills and extortion money up your bum I'm not paying anymore.

Another thing, is she officially divorced? No visa if not official from the courts. Then how's it gonna work with the new baby, like passport etc? Mate sounds messy, sort it out for God's sake.

yes.to leave asap after the visa is approved is the plan.

my fiance wanted to have comfort and bathroom to care for baby until visa approved.

was only married in thai ceremony,sinsod and bahts of gold paid to aunty who kept even the gold jewelery after they broke up and he left with his mistress.

court papers all have aunty and uncle as guardians.

i feel maybe this is part of the scam as possibly within a few months the visas will be granted.

the baby cant be put on visa until she is born.

thank you for your advice.

Aunt & uncle are guardians of your GF's child? If so, how are you planning to get their permission for the child to depart Thailand and legally transfer the care of the child back to the mother.

they had told my fiance that they would sign documents.

this was said would be done when i arrive.

possibly the 200,000 bht may be some form of masked payment for this permission.

i honestly dont know but it would of been better and clearer if this was just said as i would go get it done at a lawyers and pay then rather than the worry of someone threatening to take,kidnap or not leave the little girl in peace.

my worry is that since its supposedly been paid already once...what guarantee is there that the person will not come again next month and demand more.

this is why i thought the police would of been of help.

Sorry, but you are not making any sense whatsoever. You stated the father was paid 200k baht, but he does not have legal guardianship. Now you're saying you do have not have the legal documents from the Aunt and uncle transferring custody of the child back to the mother, yet you have submitted visa applications. Visas will be rejected or at a minimum delayed until you have satisfied Australian immigration as to the status of the GF and the children. If you are for real you have a long hard road ahead of you getting the visas authorised.

I assume you did not review the DIAC conditions/criteria for sponsoring the GF and children?

Edited by simple1
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dont pay the 200,000 baht its a bamboozle story to help pay towards the new car

they picked a heart wrenching story that uou will never be able to unprove unless you hired a private detective without their knowlege

i am sorry it sounds a negative response but just reading uour original post that is what screams out to me

you are being too kind and fair in your thinking just tell them outright stop lying you are not paying and dont listen to any story telling on the subject with so called family backing the story up

spot on the money....thats what i feel is happening.

thanks for your time.


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Sorry, but you are not making any sense whatsoever.

You got that right. Either a troll or a lost cause.

Every guy has had problems with women, but this is a remarkable display of ignorance for a man in his 40's. Sorry if that's too curt a thing to write, but ask yourself what you'd do if an Australian woman tried pulling this kind of nonsense: for example, a new truck is bought, then suddenly an ex shows up demanding money he isn't entitled to, which equates to a large payment you need to make. How coincidental bah.gif

I don't even want to write anymore. Being cruel to be kind isn't even justified here. Absolute <deleted> this is.

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After reading this man's story, put out there for all to see and majority have served him right up with backhanders, which takes lots of guts to do, it's tricky when your partners from another country, pregnant with your child and probably no one back home really understands, that's most likely why he's asked for advice on here. Mate I wish you well. Things will sort themselves out. Good luck with the visa. Not to hard to get. Enjoy your new life in Australia without the bs in the village and congratulations on becoming a father!

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Sorry, but you are not making any sense whatsoever.

You got that right. Either a troll or a lost cause.

Every guy has had problems with women, but this is a remarkable display of ignorance for a man in his 40's. Sorry if that's too curt a thing to write, but ask yourself what you'd do if an Australian woman tried pulling this kind of nonsense: for example, a new truck is bought, then suddenly an ex shows up demanding money he isn't entitled to, which equates to a large payment you need to make. How coincidental bah.gif

I don't even want to write anymore. Being cruel to be kind isn't even justified here. Absolute <deleted> this is.

thank you ....dont bother to write anymore...if you didnt want to write anything you neednt of......your point is respected but you have gone a little overboard.

sounds like you have been scammed in the past....getting so angry.....clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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First I wasn't sure whether the OP is for real, but since he has replied, I now believe he is.

The GF would have left the auntie a long time ago if she had wanted to. I don't think she is under her influence but rather agreeing with her, or maybe even using her as an excuse. I believe the GF speaks English and the auntie doesn't? Everything the OP knows is what he hears from the GF?

If the father of the first child really showed up (we don't know that), why not sell the new car to pay him? Anyway, up to them, nothing to do with you. I mean it, it's not your problem. Let the Thais deal with the Thais.

I have met many Thai people who left their families because of such greed. Not only those with enough exposure to foreigners to speak English. Nobody works 16 hours a day for free any more, just because the aunt says so. If they do, you have lost anyway, you can't break the family ties, only she could - if she wanted to. Obviously, this is not the case.

I have met enough foreigners who spent millions of Baht because they were "good persons" and were dropped the moment they were broke. On the other hand, we expats used to say: "Have you bought a house yet? If not, you have not really arrived", making fun of most of us who got scammed. Including yours truly, but I was lucky to get my money back (don't count on it though, I was lucky).

I think you've been had, buddy. Cut your losses and run.

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After reading this man's story, put out there for all to see and majority have served him right up with backhanders, which takes lots of guts to do, it's tricky when your partners from another country, pregnant with your child and probably no one back home really understands, that's most likely why he's asked for advice on here. Mate I wish you well. Things will sort themselves out. Good luck with the visa. Not to hard to get. Enjoy your new life in Australia without the bs in the village and congratulations on becoming a father!

thank you very much.

i really appreciate your comments.

some people have gone completely overboard with their comments and insults.

i feel that some of these may have been victims in the past thus resulting in their anger.

i sincerely wish you and your loved ones the best of luck for the future.

you are a true gentleman.( or gentlelady....if i got the man wrong.)

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First I wasn't sure whether the OP is for real, but since he has replied, I now believe he is.

The GF would have left the auntie a long time ago if she had wanted to. I don't think she is under her influence but rather agreeing with her, or maybe even using her as an excuse. I believe the GF speaks English and the auntie doesn't? Everything the OP knows is what he hears from the GF?

If the father of the first child really showed up (we don't know that), why not sell the new car to pay him? Anyway, up to them, nothing to do with you. I mean it, it's not your problem. Let the Thais deal with the Thais.

I have met many Thai people who left their families because of such greed. Not only those with enough exposure to foreigners to speak English. Nobody works 16 hours a day for free any more, just because the aunt says so. If they do, you have lost anyway, you can't break the family ties, only she could - if she wanted to. Obviously, this is not the case.

I have met enough foreigners who spent millions of Baht because they were "good persons" and were dropped the moment they were broke. On the other hand, we expats used to say: "Have you bought a house yet? If not, you have not really arrived", making fun of most of us who got scammed. Including yours truly, but I was lucky to get my money back (don't count on it though, I was lucky).

I think you've been had, buddy. Cut your losses and run.

thank you for your sincere reply and advice.

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After reading this man's story, put out there for all to see and majority have served him right up with backhanders, which takes lots of guts to do, it's tricky when your partners from another country, pregnant with your child and probably no one back home really understands, that's most likely why he's asked for advice on here. Mate I wish you well. Things will sort themselves out. Good luck with the visa. Not to hard to get. Enjoy your new life in Australia without the bs in the village and congratulations on becoming a father!

I met this European in a village in northern Thailand. He was a nice guy. He built a house for them to live in, and then some smaller bungalows for the aunts, uncles, cousins... Of course he also paid for the living expenses for the whole extended family. He was a happy man.

His wife was friends with the wife of another friend of mine. Well, the wife of the European told the wife of my other friend: "He has 12 million Baht. I already have 9 million, I'll get the rest too".

It didn't take long (maybe another year) for him to run out of money. The wife (oh, they were not legally married but only in a Buddhist ceremony) then explained to him that it is her house (the documents proved that) and if he wants to continue to live there, he would have to pay rent.

He went back to Europe to do some odd jobs for 6 months and then returned to her and paid the rent. You are right, nobody in his home country understood him, but neither did I. I have lost contact with him since. I believe he is still happy.

Just saying, as you mentioned "things will sort themselves out".

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I think you've been had, buddy. Cut your losses and run.

thank you for your sincere reply and advice.

You are welcome. Whether you'll take the advice or not is up to you, I won't judge. But I do appreciate that you read all these postings in order to make up your mind. Once you do, please let us know.

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Sorry, but you are not making any sense whatsoever.

You got that right. Either a troll or a lost cause.

Every guy has had problems with women, but this is a remarkable display of ignorance for a man in his 40's. Sorry if that's too curt a thing to write, but ask yourself what you'd do if an Australian woman tried pulling this kind of nonsense: for example, a new truck is bought, then suddenly an ex shows up demanding money he isn't entitled to, which equates to a large payment you need to make. How coincidental bah.gif

I don't even want to write anymore. Being cruel to be kind isn't even justified here. Absolute <deleted> this is.

thank you ....dont bother to write anymore...if you didnt want to write anything you neednt of......your point is respected but you have gone a little overboard.

sounds like you have been scammed in the past....getting so angry.....clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Not angry, just at a loss for words, hence my want to quit writing. Never been scammed. Been put through the emotional wringer for sure, like men all over the world when dealing with women. But once money is involved, all becomes clear. Thais aren't from another planet, although some like to pretend they are: they know they're taking the piss. People like this hope you're dumb enough to believe they're dumb, if you can follow my point. If not, oh well.

Be safe out there.

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I think you've been had, buddy. Cut your losses and run.

thank you for your sincere reply and advice.

You are welcome. Whether you'll take the advice or not is up to you, I won't judge. But I do appreciate that you read all these postings in order to make up your mind. Once you do, please let us know.

thanks,i am reading them all,some are a little overboard and insulting but i have to accept everyones opinion as i wrote the post.

i expected more insults to be honest so i am very happy with the number of members who have shown a caring and compassionate nature.

i have only tried to do my best for someone who i have found during our 6 months ( approx 5 weeks at a time ) together to be a nice,honest and lovely caring lady.

from all i have seen and talked etc etc. she has had a life with little love as her mother died when she was young and father left and then father of her daughter left.

i have only tried to help and give the love shown to me back and to plan and give her a chance to have a goodlife away from the control of the aunty.

unfortunately it looks like the more i have given the more that is wanted and i feel it is by the aunty and her control.

i have not tried to buy love.

i see many who buy houses and cars for bargirls which is their business.

i will be there in 2 weeks time.

what was supposed to be one of the best days of my life with the birth of our daughter looks like the real begining of heartbreak and a nightmare.

anyway,worse things can happen in life and at the end of the day all i would of lost is money and nearly 3 yrs of time.

i will let you know what happens.

i am new to this forum in regards to posting etc.

can private messages be sent in this forum ?

cheers and thanks for your time.

i appreciate it very much.

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Try to ignore the simple ass replies. As you should know by now this site is filled with many losers who have nothing else to do other then post hurtful and of course unhelpful replies. Good luck. I hope your situation ends happily.

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I think you've been had, buddy. Cut your losses and run.

thank you for your sincere reply and advice.

You are welcome. Whether you'll take the advice or not is up to you, I won't judge. But I do appreciate that you read all these postings in order to make up your mind. Once you do, please let us know.

thanks,i am reading them all,some are a little overboard and insulting but i have to accept everyones opinion as i wrote the post.

i expected more insults to be honest so i am very happy with the number of members who have shown a caring and compassionate nature.

i have only tried to do my best for someone who i have found during our 6 months ( approx 5 weeks at a time ) together to be a nice,honest and lovely caring lady.

from all i have seen and talked etc etc. she has had a life with little love as her mother died when she was young and father left and then father of her daughter left.

i have only tried to help and give the love shown to me back and to plan and give her a chance to have a goodlife away from the control of the aunty.

unfortunately it looks like the more i have given the more that is wanted and i feel it is by the aunty and her control.

i have not tried to buy love.

i see many who buy houses and cars for bargirls which is their business.

i will be there in 2 weeks time.

what was supposed to be one of the best days of my life with the birth of our daughter looks like the real begining of heartbreak and a nightmare.

anyway,worse things can happen in life and at the end of the day all i would of lost is money and nearly 3 yrs of time.

i will let you know what happens.

i am new to this forum in regards to posting etc.

can private messages be sent in this forum ?

cheers and thanks for your time.

i appreciate it very much.

You are in a utter shambolic situation with a baby on the way and you write; 'anyway worse things can happen' ??? Are you sound ?

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Try to ignore the simple ass replies. As you should know by now this site is filled with many losers who have nothing else to do other then post hurtful and of course unhelpful replies. Good luck. I hope your situation ends happily.

The losers are those who feel it's necessary to throw thousands of dollars at women they barely know. It's your reply that's simple.

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Try to ignore the simple ass replies. As you should know by now this site is filled with many losers who have nothing else to do other then post hurtful and of course unhelpful replies. Good luck. I hope your situation ends happily.

The losers are those who feel it's necessary to throw thousands of dollars at women they barely know. It's your reply that's simple.

I rated you somewhat but this comment was not to be expected from you. Empathy can come though. Time.

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Sorry, but you are not making any sense whatsoever.

You got that right. Either a troll or a lost cause.

Every guy has had problems with women, but this is a remarkable display of ignorance for a man in his 40's. Sorry if that's too curt a thing to write, but ask yourself what you'd do if an Australian woman tried pulling this kind of nonsense: for example, a new truck is bought, then suddenly an ex shows up demanding money he isn't entitled to, which equates to a large payment you need to make. How coincidental bah.gif

I don't even want to write anymore. Being cruel to be kind isn't even justified here. Absolute <deleted> this is.

thank you ....dont bother to write anymore...if you didnt want to write anything you neednt of......your point is respected but you have gone a little overboard.

sounds like you have been scammed in the past....getting so angry.....clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Not angry, just at a loss for words, hence my want to quit writing. Never been scammed. Been put through the emotional wringer for sure, like men all over the world when dealing with women. But once money is involved, all becomes clear. Thais aren't from another planet, although some like to pretend they are: they know they're taking the piss. People like this hope you're dumb enough to believe they're dumb, if you can follow my point. If not, oh well.

Be safe out there.

thanks,sorry i sounded pissed off.

i myself have told so many friends etc. off for doing dumb things like sending huge amounts of money,buying homes,cars etc for asian ladies ( thai and filipinas ) but they did this to ladies that they knew for a month or 2 and fell in love with and who worked as bargirls.

i have even said to some...at least you know about a bargirl and that a lot of the time she is doing it out of need to help a very poor lady.

i have compassion for many from very poor backgrounds who at times appear to have no option than to do what they do.

its when someone is( seems !) so true,loving,caring,respectable etc etc and you know them and see them every few months and talk daily and see on cam daily at the shop

they dont drink,smoke,take drugs,never go or interested in discos etc etc. that one thinks they have found their perfect match and

that you feel secure and in control like that she isnt out with other guys or at a bar or club or disco etc etc.

thats what makes it all so hard to see that ...and i will say...foolishly by giving more and more and more the situation then gets out of control and they go for the jugular.

cheers buddy and thanks for re contacting me and explaining yourself.

much appreciated.

p.s. i have been to asia since 1987 to the philippines in the good old days and kept going there until mid 1990s then changed my focus to thailand as the phils was becoming a bit more dangerous 8 scams and shabu abuse leading to a lot of crime especially towards tourists ) and all the action shifted to angeles and i grew a little older and bored with just go go bar scene although i did travel throughout the islands.

anyway,life goes on,

cheers and good luck in whatever you do.

p.s. like i said i am new to posting on here,

is there a private message area ?

i will now have a look around the site and try to learn more about it.

thanks again.

i thought i was very astute and good at picking the good from the bad but it looks like i let my guard down.

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Try to ignore the simple ass replies. As you should know by now this site is filled with many losers who have nothing else to do other then post hurtful and of course unhelpful replies. Good luck. I hope your situation ends happily.

thank you for your compassion and kind words.

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Honestly, i don't want to be crude, but it's actually people like you (and the old fart farang)

who make to "us" nearly impossible to have a healthy relationship in thailand.

After no wonder why the whole population see caucasian like tras...

You just throw throw throw the money... wake up this not true love.

ps: dont want to be more rude, but are you even sure it's your baby. As i have witnessed the same case than yours before.


Try to ignore the simple ass replies. As you should know by now this site is filled with many losers who have nothing else to do other then post hurtful and of course unhelpful replies. Good luck. I hope your situation ends happily.

The losers are those who feel it's necessary to throw thousands of dollars at women they barely know. It's your reply that's simple.

I rated you somewhat but this comment was not to be expected from you. Empathy can come though. Time.

Read the post above by Bender. I'm just echoing it. I have empathy, but it has its limits. If the family wants to wage a war for his money, then he needs to fight, especially since he has a baby on the way. Sorry. I don't wish the OP any harm, just the opposite, actually.

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i thought i was very astute and good at picking the good from the bad but it looks like i let my guard down.

Fair enough, but you need to consider how well you really know this woman, given how far you live from each other and how infrequent your visits are.

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Try to ignore the simple ass replies. As you should know by now this site is filled with many losers who have nothing else to do other then post hurtful and of course unhelpful replies. Good luck. I hope your situation ends happily.

The losers are those who feel it's necessary to throw thousands of dollars at women they barely know. It's your reply that's simple.

barely know...3 years and together over 6 months for nearly 24 hours a day.

a married couple who work spend less actual time together in 3 years and especially if they work different shifts and overtime like some do !!!

your comment meets the criteria of a simple ass reply.

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i thought i was very astute and good at picking the good from the bad but it looks like i let my guard down.

Fair enough, but you need to consider how well you really know this woman, given how far you live from each other and how infrequent your visits are.

Valid point...but i do call 6 months out of around 2 yrs and 9 months is having been together about 20 % of the time.

when together its allday and everyday so its not just 1 or 2 visits for 2 weeks.

also talk on phone daily all the period,emails daily and cam.

i think this is a lot more than many farangs who live away from thailand spend together with g/f or fiance.

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I think you've been had, buddy. Cut your losses and run.

thank you for your sincere reply and advice.

You are welcome. Whether you'll take the advice or not is up to you, I won't judge. But I do appreciate that you read all these postings in order to make up your mind. Once you do, please let us know.

thanks,i am reading them all,some are a little overboard and insulting but i have to accept everyones opinion as i wrote the post.

i expected more insults to be honest so i am very happy with the number of members who have shown a caring and compassionate nature.

i have only tried to do my best for someone who i have found during our 6 months ( approx 5 weeks at a time ) together to be a nice,honest and lovely caring lady.

from all i have seen and talked etc etc. she has had a life with little love as her mother died when she was young and father left and then father of her daughter left.

i have only tried to help and give the love shown to me back and to plan and give her a chance to have a goodlife away from the control of the aunty.

unfortunately it looks like the more i have given the more that is wanted and i feel it is by the aunty and her control.

i have not tried to buy love.

i see many who buy houses and cars for bargirls which is their business.

i will be there in 2 weeks time.

what was supposed to be one of the best days of my life with the birth of our daughter looks like the real begining of heartbreak and a nightmare.

anyway,worse things can happen in life and at the end of the day all i would of lost is money and nearly 3 yrs of time.

i will let you know what happens.

i am new to this forum in regards to posting etc.

can private messages be sent in this forum ?

cheers and thanks for your time.

i appreciate it very much.

To send a private message (PM), hover the mouse over the poster's name. You'll find that a menu pops up, and one of the menu items is "send message".

By the way, the girls (or boys) who get houses paid for by foreigners don't necessarily work in bars. That's just another clichee.

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