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What to do with soi dog family inside my condo ?

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Dogs, like every other living thing belong on this earth, and deserve respect to their life.

All living things have souls and feelings.

Only the ignorant do not recognise these facts.

Respect for all life great and small.

Our WHOLE PLANET is just a grain of sand inside a whole living thing beyond even our universe (which contains BILLIONS of galaxies and untold planets full of life) .

May i ask, what are you doing in a Buddhist country in the first place if you do not recognise these most basic of facts.

If you want the clean sterilised all life has no f---in value lifestyle of the west, then go to the west.

The reason those security guards, who earn so LITTLE in comparisson to your wealth, feed those dogs, is because they recogise the beauty and sanctitiy of all life.

LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

Yet you turn your back to the very beauty of our world and embrace your own destructive sterile view of reality.


There is a whole world of good and love out there, do not fear it, or hate it.

Embrace it.

My advice? Give the dogs some love and food, buy a set of headphones, and when you go to bed, listen to some Bhuddist chants to fall asleep.

Take care of yourself and your life, open your eyes and heart.

Count your good fortune you have the life you do.

I neither had a problem with dogs barking while I was in my room, It was every time I left or entered and walked past the security post I would be mobbed by these flea ridden diseased mutts, barking and at times trying to bye my ankles, only when the security guard woke up enough to came to his senses that he would call them off.

I think BahBahBoBo should give out his address so everybody who has a problem with stray dogs should just ship them round to his place.

Another solution would be get yourself a can of Bite Back, works wonders.

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silly boll-ox still didnt tell me what a soul looked like,i think hes just trolling....come on bah bah

WinstonC, sometimes a statement is so full of factual ignorance it just doesn't rate a response.

Are you saying because you can't see or percieve of something it does not exist?

Are you living in the world where its conciebved the planet is still flat?

Tell me what megnetic lines of force look like? Or dark matter?

What holds all the planets and stars and galaxies in place and moving like clockwork, oh enlightened one, I await your knowledge.

After much scientific arguement and debate it has been mathematically agreed that there is 11 dimensions, we can only percieve of what? 3 or 4?

There could be other living things all around you, passing right through you, this is not opinion but scientific fact.

Only those who stay in the dark, remain in the cave.

mankind makes great strides, not because of ignorance but because of a thrist for knowledge and an open-minded atitude towards possibilities.

Scientific 'knowledge' is constantly proven wrong again and again, as our learning progresses.

Surely, as I stated, on this 'grain of sand' in a vast ocean of existence you don't actually believe your own BS you tell yourself? that you know all these things? and if you cant see, smell, or touch it, it doesn't exist?

Crawl back into your cave my trolling friend, you egging on for a response, you have one.

I forget more in just one day that you have probably learned in your whole lifetime pal.

cheesy.gif That last sentence was killer wasn't it? clap2.giflaugh.png

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After reading the posts, I guess I agree with the people saying that you should talk to management of some kind to see if the guard can stop encouraging the dogs there. Sadly, you're not likely to get far with that and such is life here. If you're concerned for the litter, then contact a dog rescue organization (there are plenty) and they'll take the puppies and even the mom if you ask them to. But that's really only something if you're concerned for them and want to find a good home for them. It wont solve the problem as a new dog will move in the next day unless the staff are told otherwise (which I don't think you'll have much luck).

Sure, you can go the passive aggressive way and "feed them" to remove yourself of the issue, but I don't think it solves your problem for long.


Dogs, like every other living thing belong on this earth, and deserve respect to their life.

All living things have souls and feelings.

Only the ignorant do not recognise these facts.

Respect for all life great and small.

Our WHOLE PLANET is just a grain of sand inside a whole living thing beyond even our universe (which contains BILLIONS of galaxies and untold planets full of life) .

May i ask, what are you doing in a Buddhist country in the first place if you do not recognise these most basic of facts.

If you want the clean sterilised all life has no f---in value lifestyle of the west, then go to the west.

The reason those security guards, who earn so LITTLE in comparisson to your wealth, feed those dogs, is because they recogise the beauty and sanctitiy of all life.

LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

Yet you turn your back to the very beauty of our world and embrace your own destructive sterile view of reality.


There is a whole world of good and love out there, do not fear it, or hate it.

Embrace it.

My advice? Give the dogs some love and food, buy a set of headphones, and when you go to bed, listen to some Bhuddist chants to fall asleep.

Take care of yourself and your life, open your eyes and heart.

Count your good fortune you have the life you do.

You have no soi dogs problem eh. coffee1.gif

Are the dogs the problem? or your outlook and attitude?

No doubt the OP's life would be much improved if he could adopt the Dalai Lama type outlook you're advocating. As could all of ours. Bloody difficult thing to do if you're not getting a good night's sleep though.

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Put them in your car and drive them to a temple. The guards probably won't mind as long as you mention the temple part.

Somebody should put you in a car and drive you to Afghanistan so you can realise the coldness of your own heart.

Quite a lot of temples have a variety of animals running around.

We got our last pet dog (as a puppy) from the temple.

Why do you think taking the dog to the temple is a bad thing? It's not like the animals won't get fed there, and they're far less likely to get fed rat poison by someone annoyed with the barking.

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silly boll-ox still didnt tell me what a soul looked like,i think hes just trolling....come on bah bah

WinstonC, sometimes a statement is so full of factual ignorance it just doesn't rate a response.

Are you saying because you can't see or percieve of something it does not exist?

Are you living in the world where its conciebved the planet is still flat?

Tell me what megnetic lines of force look like? Or dark matter?

What holds all the planets and stars and galaxies in place and moving like clockwork, oh enlightened one, I await your knowledge.

After much scientific arguement and debate it has been mathematically agreed that there is 11 dimensions, we can only percieve of what? 3 or 4?

There could be other living things all around you, passing right through you, this is not opinion but scientific fact.

Only those who stay in the dark, remain in the cave.

mankind makes great strides, not because of ignorance but because of a thrist for knowledge and an open-minded atitude towards possibilities.

Scientific 'knowledge' is constantly proven wrong again and again, as our learning progresses.

Surely, as I stated, on this 'grain of sand' in a vast ocean of existence you don't actually believe your own BS you tell yourself? that you know all these things? and if you cant see, smell, or touch it, it doesn't exist?

Crawl back into your cave my trolling friend, you egging on for a response, you have one.

I forget more in just one day that you have probably learned in your whole lifetime pal.

cheesy.gif That last sentence was killer wasn't it? clap2.giflaugh.png

You have valid points, but they are overshadowed by sarcasm and personal attacks. Maybe one thing you should NOT forget in a day.

There - constructive criticism as diplomatically as I could put it.

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Export them to Vietnam, a much appreciated delicacy there, and expensive. Thousands of Thai dogs end on Vietnamese tables, so a few more will nothing change.

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Dogs, like every other living thing belong on this earth, and deserve respect to their life.

All living things have souls and feelings.

Only the ignorant do not recognise these facts.

Respect for all life great and small.

Our WHOLE PLANET is just a grain of sand inside a whole living thing beyond even our universe (which contains BILLIONS of galaxies and untold planets full of life) .

May i ask, what are you doing in a Buddhist country in the first place if you do not recognise these most basic of facts.

If you want the clean sterilised all life has no f---in value lifestyle of the west, then go to the west.

The reason those security guards, who earn so LITTLE in comparisson to your wealth, feed those dogs, is because they recogise the beauty and sanctitiy of all life.

LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

Yet you turn your back to the very beauty of our world and embrace your own destructive sterile view of reality.


There is a whole world of good and love out there, do not fear it, or hate it.

Embrace it.

My advice? Give the dogs some love and food, buy a set of headphones, and when you go to bed, listen to some Bhuddist chants to fall asleep.

Take care of yourself and your life, open your eyes and heart.

Count your good fortune you have the life you do.

Joking right?

I'm sure you don't believe your own BS !

I'm not joking, surely YOU are joking right?

I mean, in this day and age of information and enlightenment only the absolutley ignorant would not have a respect for the sanctity of ALL life,

surely you are not that ignorant so I am assuming you are joking, right?

20x20xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka. width=20 alt=laugh.png> facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif width=24 alt=facepalm.gif> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

Call his bluff - PM him and offer to drop the dogs off - then he can reggae to - WHO LET THE DOGS OUT - WOOF - WOOF - WA - WOOF and play with his new family......bahbahbobo - time to man up to your statements and relieve this poor other SOUL (he's got one too) that is oppressed by these animals - innocent so they may be - - - - - - - - then the universe will be aligned and a much better place - you'll be happilygiving meaning and life to these poor creatures - and so will the OP - you can be the ying to his yang..........good luck with that

  • Like 1

Dogs, like every other living thing belong on this earth, and deserve respect to their life.

All living things have souls and feelings.

Only the ignorant do not recognise these facts.

Respect for all life great and small.

Our WHOLE PLANET is just a grain of sand inside a whole living thing beyond even our universe (which contains BILLIONS of galaxies and untold planets full of life) .

May i ask, what are you doing in a Buddhist country in the first place if you do not recognise these most basic of facts.

If you want the clean sterilised all life has no f---in value lifestyle of the west, then go to the west.

The reason those security guards, who earn so LITTLE in comparisson to your wealth, feed those dogs, is because they recogise the beauty and sanctitiy of all life.

LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

Yet you turn your back to the very beauty of our world and embrace your own destructive sterile view of reality.


There is a whole world of good and love out there, do not fear it, or hate it.

Embrace it.

My advice? Give the dogs some love and food, buy a set of headphones, and when you go to bed, listen to some Bhuddist chants to fall asleep.

Take care of yourself and your life, open your eyes and heart.

Count your good fortune you have the life you do.

Joking right?

I'm sure you don't believe your own BS !

I'm not joking, surely YOU are joking right?

I mean, in this day and age of information and enlightenment only the absolutley ignorant would not have a respect for the sanctity of ALL life,

surely you are not that ignorant so I am assuming you are joking, right?

20x20xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka. width=20 alt=laugh.png> facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif width=24 alt=facepalm.gif> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

Call his bluff - PM him and offer to drop the dogs off - then he can reggae to - WHO LET THE DOGS OUT - WOOF - WOOF - WA - WOOF and play with his new family......bahbahbobo - time to man up to your statements and relieve this poor other SOUL (he's got one too) that is oppressed by these animals - innocent so they may be - - - - - - - - then the universe will be aligned and a much better place - you'll be happilygiving meaning and life to these poor creatures - and so will the OP - you can be the ying to his yang..........good luck with that

You just don't get it do you?

What the hell would that accomplish when my point in the first place is


Perhaps, as imperfect as WE ALL ARE, there are things about YOU that annoy many of the Thais you interact with,

perhaps in your mentality THEY should have the right to 'relocate YOU' or put poison in YOUR meat??????????

Thailand is as Thailand is, you are a guest and a visitor, the Thai dogs are there, and just like you and me, they are a living extension of life, a living extension of life that reaches back right to the beginnings of life itself, just like you and me.

And we ALL have the right of existence, if you feel that YOU have the right to decide that another life can be ended with poison or sterilisation because of inconvenience to yourself, then by the laws/principles of KARMA you also advocate that a GREATER POWER THAN YOU can do the same to YOU and your offspring.

Too philosophical for you?

Too much value of life for you?

What makes you think your life or my life is any more valuable or sacred than that dogs?

And anyone who can look at that photo of that mother and her pups and see anything else but beauty is sick in the head.

Don't like the noise at night and inconvenience? Hey, lets smother all the babies in eveyones homes while we are at it?

Perhaps when you were a crying teething baby keeping everyone awake at night somebody should have 'relocated you' or put poison in your meat?


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Export them to Vietnam, a much appreciated delicacy there, and expensive. Thousands of Thai dogs end on Vietnamese tables, so a few more will nothing change.

I live part time in Vietnam - they won't eat just 'any dog' the dogs they eat are specially bred for eating, just like cattle and pigs - anyway, you don;t havbe to ship them all the way to Vietnam, Cambodia will take all you can ship them, China as well. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif


Dogs, like every other living thing belong on this earth, and deserve respect to their life.

All living things have souls and feelings.

Only the ignorant do not recognise these facts.

Respect for all life great and small.

Our WHOLE PLANET is just a grain of sand inside a whole living thing beyond even our universe (which contains BILLIONS of galaxies and untold planets full of life) .

May i ask, what are you doing in a Buddhist country in the first place if you do not recognise these most basic of facts.

If you want the clean sterilised all life has no f---in value lifestyle of the west, then go to the west.

The reason those security guards, who earn so LITTLE in comparisson to your wealth, feed those dogs, is because they recogise the beauty and sanctitiy of all life.

LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

Yet you turn your back to the very beauty of our world and embrace your own destructive sterile view of reality.


There is a whole world of good and love out there, do not fear it, or hate it.

Embrace it.

My advice? Give the dogs some love and food, buy a set of headphones, and when you go to bed, listen to some Bhuddist chants to fall asleep.

Take care of yourself and your life, open your eyes and heart.

Count your good fortune you have the life you do.

Do you think Jesus ever said "thou blessed the soi dogs"

Tell you what, I will go and watch Monty Pythons Life of Brian to see.

Ok Big Nose?

Can I get a lift in your Ark tonight, just drop me of at Soi 23.

Man, you got some issues that need addressed!

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Put them in your car and drive them to a temple. The guards probably won't mind as long as you mention the temple part.

Somebody should put you in a car and drive you to Afghanistan so you can realise the coldness of your own heart.

Only someone with a cold heart would suggest such a thing. Better start doing double shifts on your Buddhist chant MP3s.


I'd dress them with some of your old T-shirts, go for a walk and buy them a bus ticket (one way) to Nakhon Phanom.-wai2.gif

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Export them to Vietnam, a much appreciated delicacy there, and expensive. Thousands of Thai dogs end on Vietnamese tables, so a few more will nothing change.

I live part time in Vietnam - they won't eat just 'any dog' the dogs they eat are specially bred for eating, just like cattle and pigs - anyway, you don;t havbe to ship them all the way to Vietnam, Cambodia will take all you can ship them, China as well. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

You live part time in Vietnam. Then you should know that most Isaan dogs, no matter how skinny they are will make their way to Vietnam through Laos from places like Nakhon Phanom.-wai2.gif


I happy, bloody butcher -Keesters- and his pack, did not smell that thread until now. blink.png

OP, call the SOI DOG people, maybe the can relocate the Puppies, Puppies could be more easy adopted.


Oh right, -OMGImInPattaya- (Seems yo are a -Keesters- to, seeing you follow up postingwhistling.gif )

I over looked, over read - maybe better, the Post of -Pattaya28- bah.gif

Please, go to the Web Site. Please, help. Great merit to be found here!


There are quick, painless and humane ways to end life - using poisons that are not instant and cause lingering death, those that suggest doing so just show what poor quality people they are who create bad-karma in their sad lives.

May their rebirth see them on the soi fishing in bins.

Think about it!

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Security feeding stray dogs, this happens a lot and I suspect it is because the dogs challenge anybody who approaches and this wakes the sleeping security guards, thus no one catches them sleeping on the job.

Stray dogs hanging around entrances can be very intimidating at best and a hazard to cyclists and small children, find out if there is any rule about pets.

If it is true condominium then complain about it to the Juristic Person, if you are a co-owner and not satisfied with action taken by the Juristic person then take it to the managing committee.

I had the same proiblem on my soi and the soi next to me - I just told some kids I knew were hanging around the soi's that if the dogs disappeared I'd pay them a B1,000 each...........after a week, no more dog's, never came back - they took them to a temple so they saywai2.gifwai2.gifcheesy.gif

I hope you stayed away from the Grilled meat and meatballs in spit with spicy sauce, the kids offered in the next days. tongue.png


How much you wanna bet on the Soi Dog Forum there's a "What to do with whiny farang inside my condo?" post? wink.png

I would subscribe to that forum, but every post is the same:

Woof, WooOof, bark, Woof, Bark!


So I have been living with soi dogs barking all night for a while now and I use ear plugs so I dont wake up as much as I used to .

One day I suddenly noticed that one of the dogs had given birth to 6 or 7 puppies , and in the corner inside of my condo building !

And I think the security guards here doesnt care about it , they actually feed the dogs and look at them as pets.

So now I can just wait until they get old enough to start barking as the rest of the dogs in my area .

Any suggestions ?

And here is a picture of the family.......


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You can feed & adopt them if you're so inclined...that's always a good alternative to leaving them

to their own devices. And Soi Dogs make great pets too. On the other hand...you can always contact

Soi Dog.org for further advice. BTW...those pups are cute.

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There are quick, painless and humane ways to end life - using poisons that are not instant and cause lingering death, those that suggest doing so just show what poor quality people they are who create bad-karma in their sad lives.

May their rebirth see them on the soi fishing in bins.

There are nearly 7 billion humans on the planet, The UN has decided decades ago the human population should be reduced to a sustainable 500 million to 1 billion.

You ain't one of their loved ones.

Good thing to know you and your loved ones will be so understanding when the hammer finally comes down (and it will).

... and the 6 Billion 'undesired' their lives will be as 'worthless' as those dogs to those in charge who will see YOU as nothing but a nuisance.

Karma's a bitch in the end. cheesy.gif

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I'd dress them with some of your old T-shirts, go for a walk and buy them a bus ticket (one way) to Nakhon Phanom.-wai2.gif


My old friend, I know you can do better. blink.png

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