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What to do with soi dog family inside my condo ?

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If my girlfriend were there, she'd be feeding them and I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. God's creatures and all that. She would see it as the compassion of Buddhism. That's fine by me...


Good fortune will bless her! ... ahhh sure, then it already has... she found you. hahahahaha

Good on her!

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There are quick, painless and humane ways to end life - using poisons that are not instant and cause lingering death, those that suggest doing so just show what poor quality people they are who create bad-karma in their sad lives.

May their rebirth see them on the soi fishing in bins.

There are nearly 7 billion humans on the planet, The UN has decided decades ago the human population should be reduced to a sustainable 500 million to 1 billion.

You ain't one of their loved ones.

Good thing to know you and your loved ones will be so understanding when the hammer finally comes down (and it will).

... and the 6 Billion 'undesired' their lives will be as 'worthless' as those dogs to those in charge who will see YOU as nothing but a nuisance.

Karma's a bitch in the end. cheesy.gif

BahBahBoBo, I have read all your posts and admit that I agree with some of your beliefs. On the other hand, Soi dogs are not ALL pleasant cuddly creatures, they can be aggressive, especially dangerous to children and the elderly, and also be disease riddled!! Please note, I make no comment regarding a bit of noise, that is a much more trivial matter IMHO, and should not be a reason for anyone to want to kill an animal!

I just want to say you are ruining your earlier good work by posting nonsense such as the above, the UN have nothing to do with this, and neither does world human population figures, if world human population was relevant then the topic would be addressing something along the the lines of, "Illuminati"!!! (PS, I doubt whether that subject would be of been much interest in the Pattaya Forum!)

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LOOK at that photo, look at that beautiful family.

You could embrace them, learn each ones individual personality and have some new beautiful loyal friends who NEVER JUDGE YOU like humans do.

And the same comment applies to mosquitoes, snakes and tigers, for which there are equally good reasons that they are not encouraged around homes where people have their own pets and children that they desire to be in a place of safety.

No fear, they. the human race, will get rid off the Tigers in the wild - soon,

Snakes - time will come also,

but the Mosquitoes will still roam the planet and sting and deliver deadly sickness - much more than Snakes and Tigers do or did.

Your comparison of a insect, a reptile and a mammal, is a bit far fetched. blink.png

Has not much to do with the subject. rolleyes.gif

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How anybody can live by all this Buddhist (and any other religion) propaganda is way past my comprehension. Soi dogs are a health hazard in many different ways. If the bleeding heart with the ridiculous nom de plume had his way we'd be up to our armpits in mangy mutts. Even the Thai authorities recognise that and in the past have mounted sterilisation operations.

I understand that many US communities employ a dog catcher who rounds up dogs without a collar with the owners ID. After a week or so, unless claimed, the dogs are put down. Thailand should follow suit.

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We Thaivisa members should come up with names for them !

May I kick off with: Soda, Lola, Diesel, Biscuit and Bam-Bam.

Do you have 3,000b/month ready for 20kilo bags of Alpo ?

You work for that company? Is one of the more expensive dog foods! rolleyes.gif


We Thaivisa members should come up with names for them !

May I kick off with: Soda, Lola, Diesel, Biscuit and Bam-Bam.

Do you have 3,000b/month ready for 20kilo bags of Alpo ?

Hi RD...Good idea the names. Scraps from vendors are cheaper!

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There are nearly 7 billion humans on the planet, The UN has decided decades ago the human population should be reduced to a sustainable 500 million to 1 billion.

You ain't one of their loved ones.

Good thing to know you and your loved ones will be so understanding when the hammer finally comes down (and it will).

... and the 6 Billion 'undesired' their lives will be as 'worthless' as those dogs to those in charge who will see YOU as nothing but a nuisance.

Karma's a bitch in the end. cheesy.gif

Oh no! don't misunderstand me. I have written before on this and other forums about over human population and the unsustainable demands that is places on resources, food supply and ever increasingly portable water supplies.

This is a problem of our own making with the failing of the UN in the past not stepping in and by withholding food-aid and development for countries with high birth rates yet no sustainable food/water supplies you create a bigger problem generation on generation. It is this lack of non-intervention that has created world oil price rises, economic migration and much of the violence in the world today. We are too many rats in the cage fighting for space, water and food.

In nature over the long term this evens out, a species will bloom and then die back. Mankind's failing is to believe that everyone must be saved, every time we encounter a mass virus outbreak I expect it will be the one that wipes out 25% of the human population, if me and mine have the "right" genetic make-up to survive so be it, if not it's only nature playing the numbers game.

For humans our balance with nature was screwed when we invented soap and hygiene, nature kept our numbers in check until that point in history. For those that depend on medication to live it's a sign that you are amoung those that are defying nature's plan. I don't wish you ill-will in the same breath that I'm happy to read the works of Stephen Hawking, but from nature's point of view A Brief History Of Time was not to be written by him.

Whenever antibiotics are deployed and misused we are a day closer to the one when we die from a mutated common infection that can no longer be treated, nature playing the numbers game.

We survive because we can, but this thread is about a noisy family of dogs.

The dogs that live with us as pets are not evolved to live wild, they are a domesticated species and more pet than wolf even after a few generations on the street.

I would rather they were not abandoned at all but I'm a realist that a litter of six pups is nature's dice throw that couple will die from disease, maybe two more under a car/motorbike, if the two remaining pups breed together and create a closed gene pool litter with birth defects seen in many so called pedigree dogs where the bloodlines are a straight line, again it will just be nature following a dead end.

For the OP removal of the problem dogs is the cure.

No one wants the pups otherwise they would have already been taken.

A lucky soi dog may live 3-5 years, if you neuter the pups are you prepared to feed and inoculate them while waiting 5 years? We will probably be much longer waiting for BahBahBoBo to provide funds or alternate housing.

Catching and releasing elsewhere solves your problem but just gives it to another, solving the problem involves humanely putting them to sleep, not the best option - but in a human urban world where we have seen many problem soi dogs attacking people and spreading disease to pets that are cared for and loved I see no one offering an alternate cure.

If there were such soi-dogs near me, my family and my dogs that posed a threat of spreading Parvovirus which is airborne I would not hesitate to protect me and mine.

How? See the current thread on gun ownership in Thailand.

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Take the dogs to the vet, get them sterilized if you want to be a part of a long term solution. Problem with soi dogs is that they breed like rats. At least you'd have broken a part of the chain.

I is difficult to find a Thai vet who will sterilize a pet. Buhddist thing.


Study the wisdom of Buddha - or go back to whatever "soi do free place" from whence you came and reassess your life?

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As for me - the best suggestion is getting them spayed and neutered - on the sly if possible. I did this with cats once and it worked wonders over the long haul ... I also suggest grinding up meat and putting the contents of Benadryl capsules - Diphenhydramine ... common allergy medicine. You can get cheap generic. Sprinkle heavily onto the meat - make meatballs bite size - extend with rice or bread to make more meatballs... toss them to the dogs just before bed time ... making sure that each dog gets some of meatballs Diphenhydramine makes people and dogs very sleepy...


I happy, bloody butcher -Keesters- and his pack, did not smell that thread until now. blink.png

OP, call the SOI DOG people, maybe the can relocate the Puppies, Puppies could be more easy adopted.


Oh right, -OMGImInPattaya- (Seems yo are a -Keesters- to, seeing you follow up postingwhistling.gif )

I over looked, over read - maybe better, the Post of -Pattaya28- bah.gif

Please, go to the Web Site. Please, help. Great merit to be found here!

How you know? coffee1.gif


Take the dogs to the vet, get them sterilized if you want to be a part of a long term solution. Problem with soi dogs is that they breed like rats. At least you'd have broken a part of the chain.

I is difficult to find a Thai vet who will sterilize a pet. Buhddist thing.

Bullshit, most vets are doing it all the time.

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We Thaivisa members should come up with names for them !

May I kick off with: Soda, Lola, Diesel, Biscuit and Bam-Bam.

Do you have 3,000b/month ready for 20kilo bags of Alpo ?

You work for that company? Is one of the more expensive dog foods! rolleyes.gif

The vet in Chiangmai told me it's the best affordable one, better then Pedigree which, he said contains too much salt.

Dogs deserve good food, I had also several soi dogs under my care, beside my own 3 little brothers in crime.

When money is scarce any dry dog food brands also the cheaper ones, is better than no food at all and the cheaper food can help more dogs.

When Tim Sharky Ward wrote only about his new young women in Pattaya, he had 30.000 Followers in FACEBOOK, since he mixes that with a crusade for feeding Pattayas street dogs, he has about 50.000 Followers and gets food-money donations. thumbsup.gif

I am still a critic of Tim and he not allows me to comment on his site, but that is how it is! At least a good deed!



The first thing i do when i arrive back in Thailand is have a nice cup of coffee then go and see the street dogs.. Big Maifa and Lucky.. These guys are so cool smile.png


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Put them in your car and drive them to a temple. The guards probably won't mind as long as you mention the temple part.

Somebody should put you in a car and drive you to Afghanistan so you can realise the coldness of your own heart.

Any chance your GF chose your profile name? biggrin.png

Your profile name your home country? wink.png


I had the same problem.

Now I don't.

I gave them food.

Every house I've had there were dogs, we fed them and the puppies no problem with barking.

Tip:- They will not eat tinned dog food but love Beef steak and Chicken 55555555555555


I also suggest grinding up meat and putting the contents of Benadryl capsules - Diphenhydramine ... common allergy medicine.

Human medicines are tested to be safe on humans their use on dogs is not recommended.

Considering sleeping tablets for dogs are readily available and are cheaper than OTC Benadryl why would you do this?

Also exactly how are you measuring and regulating the dose administered to each dog?

Finally, are you aware that most Benadryl (which is a brand name and not the name of the active ingredient drug) sold these days uses acrivastine or cetirizine which do not induce sleep.


This is a condo with hundreds of new visitors every month since most of the rooms are rented out to mostly russian tourists, families with kids.

So the management are in my opinion responsible to keep dogs away from the condo buildings. Pets are not allowed i n here.

But I dont want to confront the security guards , they have been nice to me and helped me when I needed it. But I will send a mail to the office and explain my feelings about this.

I have no problems with pets , I have been a dog owner in the past but please understand that I need to sleep at night and we are not talking about a few barks, its constant barking from midnight until early morning. And my windows are closed but the noise is very loud from 6th floor and outside view to where the dogs stay at night

This puppies maybe looks innocent today , but soon they will join the rest of gang.

I will also check with a soidog organization if they are interested .

Another picture of one of the "cute" puppies.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

There are quick, painless and humane ways to end life - using poisons that are not instant and cause lingering death, those that suggest doing so just show what poor quality people they are who create bad-karma in their sad lives.

May their rebirth see them on the soi fishing in bins.

There are nearly 7 billion humans on the planet, The UN has decided decades ago the human population should be reduced to a sustainable 500 million to 1 billion.

You ain't one of their loved ones.

Good thing to know you and your loved ones will be so understanding when the hammer finally comes down (and it will).

... and the 6 Billion 'undesired' their lives will be as 'worthless' as those dogs to those in charge who will see YOU as nothing but a nuisance.

Karma's a bitch in the end. cheesy.gif

Never read so much sh..e.

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I do not know which condominium you are at Balo, but it is wrong of the security feeding the animals, As I seem to recall there was a similar problem at JBC many years ago, as security were contractors their company were reminded that there were many other companies wanting their contract, the problem soon disappeared.


Why not take the dogs for a drive to Afghanistan ? That way you could remove the dog problem and realize how cold your heart is as at the same time.

My missus is scared of dogs, was bitten by one when she was little. Whenever I want to piss her off I threaten to bring some soi dogs home to live with us in our condo. It works every time.

Her village in Surin province is the soi dog hub of Thailand. The barking goes all night and they knock of when the roosters clock on just before dawn. Last time we were down there it was relatively quiet. She said her mother sold the noisiest dogs to the dog buyer just before we got there so we could sleep at night. Got 100 baht each for them.

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