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I have been in Chiang rai for a long time now and after reading this page for years I thought I would join in and ask a few questions of what people really think?

Why when you go out for a beer and a bit of food do you get moan after moan from xpats who have a fantastic life compared to people living on the bread line in US, UK Aus, and many places world wide.. Example.

It is too hot, too cold, the foods not western enough, the beers not as good as back home, the traffic is too busy, Chiang rai is not what it was, the bars are empty, no night life, nothing to do, I hate him over there and her over there, the Thai people are cheats, they just don't understand what I want(after 15 small beers), quality of everything I buy is not as good as back home, It is just so boring and horrible to here this not all the time but you get it 1 or 2 times a week off people who have been here YEARS, Please go home and stop moaning on and on about a place where you live and most of us LOVE... Rant over...

Thats nothing

u want here some on a forum called thaivisa,they are incredible,so funny too


I think some people over react to people on here WISHING things were different or better. Nothing wrong with that as I see it. I have a number of things I have on that list but it does not mean I am not quite content with the overall situation. Quite different from complaining or whining. I think writing it in a forum amplifies the meaning somewhat. Not that there are not a few sourpusses on here occasionally.

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Have you ever tried asking your wife

"Why do they do it that way?"

Why did they put the road there/here/?

Etc etc

There is often no rhyme or reason.

Being intellectually curious and being bemused as to why, leads to moaning.

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I've stopped trying to convert the moaners and whingers whether on TV or face to face.

If I come across somebody new who wants to bend my ear and start listing the 47,000 things they see wrong with Thailand/Thais/home/life/wife/beer/infrastructure/politics, ad infinitum, I vote with my feet and tell them I have to be somewhere else.

Unless they're buying the beer......but even then it's just too depressing for words!whistling.gif

The worse ones are those that forget that many of the Thai people within earshot can understand what they're saying, and don't even try and be discreet in their criticism. Often I can see that the Thais can understand what's being said, and believe me, they don't like it and will talk to each other about what the Falang is saying.

It's bad enough in a bar or restaurant - the staff have been exposed to it and are more tolerant. But to see the reactions from ordinary Thais at the golf course or somewhere like that - they are clearly unimpressed and any negative stereotypes they may have of Europeans living in Thailand are just reinforced.

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I waited 30 years before I could retire and move to Chiang Rai. I fell in love with the place the first time I came here 25 years ago. After having worked and lived in 9 provinces in Thailand and worked in 30 countries there is no better quality of life for me than here. The only time I complain is to the cook for putting too much wonderful food on my plate.

For the cry babies and bellyachers here, they have never had it so good. You don't have to worry about them going home because with their pensions they would starve at home but here eat like a king..

'eat like a king..' Don't know 'where you eat OR what you eat' or whether your name is Carlos Slim but if your diet is other than rice, noodles, som tam, the realm is not a cheap place for food.

And other than complain to the cook for your blossoming waistline change your watering hole.

Other than that be willing to listen to people who want to sound off and, have not got their collective heads in the sand.


Valid topic, OP. However, and you may not be aware of this, there actually are people living in the US, UK, Australia, and the rest of the western world who are in good financial shape and are happy with their lives.


As is well known many people have different opinions on their residential quality matters and it is a bit silly when those matters are discussed in bars.

Individuals hearing those matters should not worry about it, they should analyze the contents of the discussion and then reach their own opinion on those matters, and no advice is needed.


I've been here 15 years and do not associate or listen to moaners. Easily avoided, and easily ignored. Some people don't know how good they've got it and even those who do sometimes moan. Some people are born moaners. F them

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................That sounds like a Moan to Me.cheesy.gif .Some Moaners are quite funny.


talk to optimistic people.

Whose glasses are half full, as opposed to half empty!xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.CwSpBGGvqN.png Seriously there are always people who WANT to find fault - they will often be the ones who are never happy but also never prepared to change - you get them everywhere - even in Paradise!

To paraphrase Wilbur Smith "Avoid the company of losers, for their despair is contagious"

I heartily endorse the punch line. Most of the moaners and whiners are more angry with themselves than Thailand, but cannot face up and admit to themselves that this is so. Maybe they incessantly moan to bolster the lack of self esteem which they have for making a complete cods of their lives.

Playing the devil's advocate, it is worth bearing in mind that we'd all be living in caves and wearing animal skins unless the dissatisfied had voiced their opinions and reservations about the status quo. Unfortunately the vast majority of the less than enchanted do not address themselves to finding and pointing out better alternatives.

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I have lived in a few different places ; I find that wherever you are people complain about something , the weather is a very popular subject .
In Britain , it rains too much , in thailand it's too hot . Complaining is the most customary way of starting a conversation .
There is indeed much that one could complain about ; so why not go back to one's own country , or could it be that there is even more to complain about there .
When I make an adverse remark about Thailand ; my wife say " Go back to your own country ". I say " I will " ; then she recall that there won't be my pension to draw on , so she tells me how much she loves me and please don't go . I am very selective of my friends , I don't drink in bars , so I rarely meet falangs .
Of those I do meet with hard luck stories , they are often very naive and have brought their troubles on themselves .
At 76 years my experience is that it doesn't matter where you live , life is pretty much the same , there are good aspects and bad ones , you just have to go with the flow and make the best of it .

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Over the years I have found that people seem to bring whatever it was about their original place with them. Were your neighbors a surly lot? Did they gossip cheat and steal? Well, then that is what you will find here. Were your neighbors kind considerate and helpful? Ditto. Everyone brings their notions with them. Complaining and being negative are the easiest things to do in the world. No effort required. Want to make a positive difference? Then you will have to work at it. For once that phrase " up to you" is pointedly correct.

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Some will say that being negative and moaning helps to relieve their stress and helps them unwind. I am of the opinion that it does the opposite and winds you up even tighter. The pathways in our brains are reinforced through repetition. The more anger you express the better your brain gets at being angry.

The old adage about the power of positive thought, according to modern neuroscience and notions of brain plasticity, doesn’t seem to be far off. Smiling may feel uncomfortable at first but give it a try and you may end up liking it.thumbsup.gifsmile.png
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I don't get it. If you don't like moaners, go back to your own country if you think people there don't moan.

Moaning is what makes Thailand and TV so great (and there may even be a sexual pun hidden here). Why don't you just focus on your good things in life instead of moaning about moaners (calling something a rant is still just moaning in an angry fashion.

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Not much of a bar/pub person so I don't experience much of this and if I go to one it's more about the atmosphere & watching the pretty gals - which I deem a positve pastime.......

I've rarely seen it happen when going out to eat.

I don't waste my time around negative people...they are energy leaks that get comfort somehow spreading the ministry of misery.....

Life is too short...

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A lot of 'moaning Xpats' are complaining about life...period. It doen't matter where they live; there will be things to be dissatisfied with anywhere. It seems some people subconsciously think that moving to Thailand will solve all the things they don't like about life in general. Doesn't work as nowhere is perfect and problems are part of life. The only real answer is to concentrate on the upside and minimize the downside. Happiness is not an accident or a necessary function of where you live...it's mostly a matter of choice.

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