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Apple requires credit card to use device NOT impressed

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Mooris7 wrote: "The option to register a new apple ID with no credit card by selecting the none option is only available when creating an Apple ID or changing the payment information of an apple ID on your PC or MAC using iTunes. So your answer is to use your PC and iTunes to do it!"

Hmm, changing payment info? Check

Hmm, on PC or Mac? Check

Hmm, using itunes? Check

Cannot do it.

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Mike45 wrote: "Using your computer go and download the itunes program and install."


"When setting it up use your new apple Id."

As in I have to make a new one? What is wrong with my old one I registered at the Canadian store to a bogus address in another nation? BTW, I do not view this as fraud. Fraud is giving false information to decieve someone *who has a right to know*. Apple does NOT have a right to know. They have unreasionable expectations and I will not play by their rules.

"You can then choose to select "none" as a payment option."

No 'none' option.

"Because both devices are linked to your apple id your apple devices will accept your new choice."

How would the internet device and my own iphone be linked?


Australia same. Apple either changed the rules to track people (even though we pay $1300 for the frigging phone!) or they are monitoring my many nation website access attempts.

If anyone has a step-by-step solution that works I am all ears.


Ah finally some progress... In the ITUNES store rather than that other Apple site, Apple Store I think it is, I sign in and lo and behold...

It won't even take me to the correct page to change billing info. I keep getting change orders (Canada) page though I didn't click on change order option nor did I specify Canada (maybe fifteen minutes ago i did by I have since moved on in the globe.

Sri Lanka, Geermany... the list goes one, same BS

What am I doing wrong that 'none' never appears?


This is completely creepy. Apparently one has to move around from computer to computer like a criminal if you want anonymity. The computer never forgets, so although I found an email service that does not require verification by mobile SMS, and I successfully registered a new AppleID (just in case that solves the problem) when I go to itunes (downloaded to net cafe PC) and open the itunes store I keep getting one nation I once logged into twenty minutes ago. And that itunes store requires an address in that nation. I have to go to an entirely different net cafe to continue I suppose. And I probably blew it by connecting the old and new AppleIDs in this way. This is a HUGE effort to keep their sticky fingers out of my identity.

It is tempting to dump all my computer stuiff in a landfill and go completely unwired. It appears to be either impossible or takes so much work it's not worth it unless privacy is an obssession. I have spent three hours just trying to accomplish this little task. And this is going to continue every step of the way no doubt. Computers are a great tool for Big Brother. Big change for the worse since 1997.


It schould be possible without the need to use a computer or iTunes to create a user ID without cc details and be pretty anonymous. But you need to create the new ID while trying to install the required free app. To go step by step;

1 create or use a new email address no yet known to Apple. A free gmail is an option.

2 go to settings on your iPad, fund the menu tab called 'iTunes and AppStores'

3 click your Apple ID name. A popup appears

4 click 'Sign Out'

5 goto App Store on your iPad via the button/icon (not the browser) it will probably show your last used country's AppStore but that doesn't matter.

6 use the search function to find your free app you'd like to download.

Click the 'FREE' link, then it changes to 'INSTALL APP'. Click that.

7 you get a popup asking you to sign in or create a new ID. Ick 'Create a New Apple ID'

8 choose your required store. Not all stores offer the same apps, but generally the US store offers the most. US is at the top

9 you get terms and conditions popup. Scroll down and click agree.

10 Sign up for new account using a new email address (to Apple). Rest of personal data can be faked. Just use a birthdate making you older than thirteen.

11 select subscribe options bith to off. And click next.

12 you arrive in billing information. There you can select 'None'. Fake your billing info and telephone number.

13 click 'Done' and verify your new account by checking your email address.

14 goto AppStore on iPad again via the icon and your store should now be in the country earlier selected. Install your free app!!!

Good luck!!


This is completely creepy. Apparently one has to move around from computer to computer like a criminal if you want anonymity. The computer never forgets, so although I found an email service that does not require verification by mobile SMS, and I successfully registered a new AppleID (just in case that solves the problem) when I go to itunes (downloaded to net cafe PC) and open the itunes store I keep getting one nation I once logged into twenty minutes ago. And that itunes store requires an address in that nation. I have to go to an entirely different net cafe to continue I suppose. And I probably blew it by connecting the old and new AppleIDs in this way. This is a HUGE effort to keep their sticky fingers out of my identity.

It is tempting to dump all my computer stuiff in a landfill and go completely unwired. It appears to be either impossible or takes so much work it's not worth it unless privacy is an obssession. I have spent three hours just trying to accomplish this little task. And this is going to continue every step of the way no doubt. Computers are a great tool for Big Brother. Big change for the worse since 1997.

It doesn't take a huge amount of effort. Use a secure Linux distribution and never give out your personal details online. That was the rule of the internet until the mid-00s, when Facebook and Google exploded onto the scene.


Good idea. Thank you!

Have Linnex developers invented any portable devices to compete with Apple's ipad and Google's Android? I live out of a suitcase and even laptops are too big.


Gulf sailor-- Thanks for your step-by-step proposed solution. I will try that. But I think using one's Apple device to start over is not a 100% solution, as it is an elephant and never forgets ISPs and the memory on the device itself. My goal is this - they have absolutely no idea who is using 'their' device because it is mine, not theirs.

The challenge is whenever I use email with my real name or any financial details any high school detective can track me. Again, it's not like I am a nuclear bomb exporting heroin dealer planning a submarine attack on New York I just resent, pn principle, intrusions into privacy that didn 't exist on such a broad scale in 1976 without a very good reason. But I also find the TOR etc mentality paranoid and complicated. I am looking for simple solutions to fight the beast.


Good idea. Thank you!

Have Linnex developers invented any portable devices to compete with Apple's ipad and Google's Android? I live out of a suitcase and even laptops are too big.

Android is Linux-based, but it's a version of Linux that's been modified by Android developers and mobile carriers, and you can't entirely trust what they've done. A step in the right direction is to gain root over your device and install a custom ROM and kernel designed with privacy in mind:


This is a little more complicated, but Google's Nexus tablets are relatively very easy to root, and the Barnes and Noble Nook is easier still (but not really a full-blooded tablet).

It takes a bit of effort to get your privacy back because most computing devices are specifically designed to deprive you of it.


After week of pulling my haif out tryinv to use rhis so-called user friendly computer system alternative to IBM. and its clones, I FINALLY was able to reguster a new AppleID. Previous posters were right. it *can.* be done, but hardly a painless experience and in order to keep my privacy I had to lie. Very pleased wigh myself after what seems like 6000 deadends I finally got a new Apple ID , verified and sll the bs that Apple demands that was never required fof my Sony Viao laptop.

Anyway, I am not out of the woods yet. Despite writing fown all my lies (birthday, zodiac, religion and favourite sexual position - nothing at all personal) verifying with my no mobile verification email address - guess what? It doesn't work. Myiphone tells me The password doesn't match. This is complete donkey doo. A huge waste of time. Apple products are supposed to work seamlesly with the problems of PCs. FALSE. They are supposed to be for creative types who loathed DOS snd just want to get on with their lives. FALSE

i read that there are hundreds of others having the same problem with this buggy OS version locking them out of their iPhone use due to this lunatic OS.


Mike45 wrote: "Using your computer go and download the itunes program and install."


"When setting it up use your new apple Id."

As in I have to make a new one? What is wrong with my old one I registered at the Canadian store to a bogus address in another nation? BTW, I do not view this as fraud. Fraud is giving false information to decieve someone *who has a right to know*. Apple does NOT have a right to know. They have unreasionable expectations and I will not play by their rules.

"You can then choose to select "none" as a payment option."

No 'none' option.

"Because both devices are linked to your apple id your apple devices will accept your new choice."

How would the internet device and my own iphone be linked?

Call Apple Support and have them walk you through it step by step. Possibly they can change it to none for you on there system.

Another issue I have with Apple is how they divide the world up into separate markets. With Sony camcorders (15 years ago anyway, maybe this has changed) warranty and service was international. I like low frequency of problems with global service. and am willing to pay for it. Seems to me companies used to be so concerned about their reputation they would bend over backwards to in post-sales service to keep you as a customer. A friend who is an audio professional says this ending in the 1980s corporate pride mentality is over and now is museum history. We all know the story of the Rolls Royce breaking down in the desert and how a mechanic is dispatched at no charge. Bug it is worse thsn that - one can't even get phone support. Customers flounder in peer to peer trouble shooting.

Actually I am still within my 90 (?) day warranty period and even bought the extended Apple Care service bug that is for Canada only. I like to be able to walk into an official shop and get service. I could call Apple I suppose after registering some more Skype credit.


Update: After a week of on and off efforts I finally got a new AppleID registered. The keys might have been using a net cafe, signing out of old apple ID and the moon being in the third phase and my facing south.

Apple does not make it easy for non-techies to fly under the radar.

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