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condominiums-commitee-jutsitic person-sometimes the good guys win


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having a flawless legal team representing the building and the staff running the building is crucial. one misstep and the bad guys descend. they ruthless don't give up. why would they with the prospect of milking the cow dry for another couple of decades. we can call our legal team whenever there are questions and we meet with them regularly for routine policy and procedure guidelines.

have a dedicated and tireless chairman certain less helps as well

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having a flawless legal team representing the building and the staff running the building is crucial. one misstep and the bad guys descend. they ruthless don't give up. why would they with the prospect of milking the cow dry for another couple of decades. we can call our legal team whenever there are questions and we meet with them regularly for routine policy and procedure guidelines.

have a dedicated and tireless chairman certain less helps as well

may I who this team is? (genuine inquiry) PM if you don't feel comfortable posting here


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having a flawless legal team representing the building and the staff running the building is crucial. one misstep and the bad guys descend. they ruthless don't give up. why would they with the prospect of milking the cow dry for another couple of decades. we can call our legal team whenever there are questions and we meet with them regularly for routine policy and procedure guidelines.

have a dedicated and tireless chairman certain less helps as well

may I who this team is? (genuine inquiry) PM if you don't feel comfortable posting here


why do you want to know are you on a condominium committee. or are you just curious. I would be happy to share that with you however I don't know how to pm somebody
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Very interesting story, and possibly something for others to learn from this.

I have always believed that the Manager acts on behalf of the Committee. So if the Manager make some "strange" moves the Committee can meet and draw up new regulations (or clarifications) that the Manager has to follow. If the Manager doesn't follow these new regulations the Manager can be fired (without compensation).

Why didn't your Committee step in earlier to correct the situation?

And how could the Manager sue for trespassing? I thought that the whole office was owned by the juristic person, which in turn is managed by the Committee, and not the private space of the Manager.

Well she was gone within 10 days.

It took several days to be able to get enough committee members together to discuss the matter and most of the committee were quite concerned about the legal ramifications of dismissing her and pushed to get a legal opinion, again a few days. All done 10 days.

'Trespassing', not sure why you mention this word.

The reason I mentioned "trespassing" was that OP wrote "The first month the juristic manager filed a police report charging committee with trespassing in the office (of the committee)".

I'm not sure you got the "10 days" correct. OP wrote that "For one year the building was hijacked".

The 10 days was in regard to a situation in my old condo in Bkk, not the building that the OP was discussing.

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Very interesting story, and possibly something for others to learn from this.

I have always believed that the Manager acts on behalf of the Committee. So if the Manager make some "strange" moves the Committee can meet and draw up new regulations (or clarifications) that the Manager has to follow. If the Manager doesn't follow these new regulations the Manager can be fired (without compensation).

Why didn't your Committee step in earlier to correct the situation?

And how could the Manager sue for trespassing? I thought that the whole office was owned by the juristic person, which in turn is managed by the Committee, and not the private space of the Manager.

Well she was gone within 10 days.

It took several days to be able to get enough committee members together to discuss the matter and most of the committee were quite concerned about the legal ramifications of dismissing her and pushed to get a legal opinion, again a few days. All done 10 days.

'Trespassing', not sure why you mention this word.

The reason I mentioned "trespassing" was that OP wrote "The first month the juristic manager filed a police report charging committee with trespassing in the office (of the committee)".

I'm not sure you got the "10 days" correct. OP wrote that "For one year the building was hijacked".

The 10 days was in regard to a situation in my old condo in Bkk, not the building that the OP was discussing.

OK, thanks.

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the former Juristic manager brought us to court claiming our meeting to expel her was illegal and our proxies were flawed. SHE LOST the judge met with us privately and we were allowed to talk about the real issues. we refused any compromises or negotiations and held our ground. our strategy was perfect our proxies were legal and after a day in court (8:45-7:00pm) we went home. we have forensic accounting firms going through our books now to see where we stand. our bank books are unfrozen (thawed). more units are being sold and renovated. whew

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having a flawless legal team representing the building and the staff running the building is crucial. one misstep and the bad guys descend. they ruthless don't give up. why would they with the prospect of milking the cow dry for another couple of decades. we can call our legal team whenever there are questions and we meet with them regularly for routine policy and procedure guidelines.

have a dedicated and tireless chairman certain less helps as well

may I who this team is? (genuine inquiry) PM if you don't feel comfortable posting here


why do you want to know are you on a condominium committee. or are you just curious. I would be happy to share that with you however I don't know how to pm somebody

to PM somebody you just click on their name above their avatar (picture)

that will take you to another page where it shows that you can email someone

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Our legal team consists of three young lawyers specialising in

(1) condominium law

(2) litigation

(3) Various forms of visas

(4) family law

Cabiore law firm

Knathip Phuwasitteeranun--- ---Khun Royce 086-448-5712

Edited by onthedarkside
email removed as per forum rules
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Thank you for this and hats off to your condo crew for finding them, and even more so for having the guts to hire them.

Property law in relation to condos is a real challenge and knowing the practicalities of committee behavior is a real key.

May I also ask who is your outside property management company?

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Our legal team consists of three young lawyers specialising in

(1) condominium law

(2) litigation

(3) Various forms of visas

(4) family law

Cabiore law firm

Knathip Phuwasitteeranun--- ---Khun Royce 086-448-5712

I'm confused - what's the condo name? as far as i know there is only one condo management co. in chiang mai at the moment and we all know them - does the law firm have a name? I Googled 'Carbiore' and got nothing - many thanks

Edited by binjalin
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They have a website (of sorts) at http://cabiore.wordpress.com/title/

thanks - but i must be missing something??? these are the legal experts on condo law? let's see if he answers 'what's the condo name' post

and the OP mentions "my management team and my legal teams" it sounds kinda naive? let's get some hard facts:

* name of condo

* name of "my management team and my legal teams"

* name of management company (JPM co.)

I asked for PM but OP says "I don't know how to do it"???

is this a troll??? or just what?

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They have a website (of sorts) at http://cabiore.wordpress.com/title/

thanks - but i must be missing something??? these are the legal experts on condo law? let's see if he answers 'what's the condo name' post

and the OP mentions "my management team and my legal teams" it sounds kinda naive? let's get some hard facts:

* name of condo

* name of "my management team and my legal teams"

* name of management company (JPM co.)

I asked for PM but OP says "I don't know how to do it"???

is this a troll??? or just what?

I was sharing my experiences with condo management and the problems which arise trying to navigate through the various systems in place. It's not an advertisement for the condo management company nor the legal team. I feel no need to share their names with other members.

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They have a website (of sorts) at http://cabiore.wordpress.com/title/

thanks - but i must be missing something??? these are the legal experts on condo law? let's see if he answers 'what's the condo name' post

and the OP mentions "my management team and my legal teams" it sounds kinda naive? let's get some hard facts:

* name of condo

* name of "my management team and my legal teams"

* name of management company (JPM co.)

I asked for PM but OP says "I don't know how to do it"???

is this a troll??? or just what?

I was sharing my experiences with condo management and the problems which arise trying to navigate through the various systems in place. It's not an advertisement for the condo management company nor the legal team. I feel no need to share their names with other members.

but to give your experiences validity why not share your condo name? why is it a secret? why hide the management co. name? why not tell us the lawyer company name (I can't find their details anywhere - through Google etc.)

it's not about advertising as people are genuinely interested why not send a Personal Message (PM) if you don't want everyone to know? just click on my name and 'send message'

PS I have just sent you a PM - thank you

Edited by binjalin
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Our legal team consists of three young lawyers specialising in

(1) condominium law

(2) litigation

(3) Various forms of visas

(4) family law

Cabiore law firm

Knathip Phuwasitteeranun--- ---Khun Royce 086-448-5712

I tried calling the phone given for Cabiore but it was showing not in service.

Does anyone have a land-line number for their office? What is their office location in Chiang Mai?

Edited by tropic1000
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Our legal team consists of three young lawyers specialising in

(1) condominium law

(2) litigation

(3) Various forms of visas

(4) family law

Cabiore law firm

Knathip Phuwasitteeranun--- ---Khun Royce 086-448-5712

I tried calling the phone given for Cabiore but it was showing not in service.

Does anyone have a land-line number for their office? What is their office location in Chiang Mai?

sorry ----081-724-9207

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As mentioned before, i am happy for you that the good guys have won, and that your legal and management teams were an integral part of this. In fact, i think you were lucky to find them, and would appreciate knowing how you found them. Can you share this?

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As mentioned before, i am happy for you that the good guys have won, and that your legal and management teams were an integral part of this. In fact, i think you were lucky to find them, and would appreciate knowing how you found them. Can you share this?

I am fairly well immersed in the property business in Chiang Mai and have condominiums in four different buildings. Chatting with various owners and managers pointed me in the right direction to become acquainted with them. That's how I found them.

I've been around the block a few times in my life and faced some serious challenges, however this ongoing battle is one of the most daunting. Sometimes we feel like Don Quixote

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As mentioned before, i am happy for you that the good guys have won, and that your legal and management teams were an integral part of this. In fact, i think you were lucky to find them, and would appreciate knowing how you found them. Can you share this?

I am fairly well immersed in the property business in Chiang Mai and have condominiums in four different buildings. Chatting with various owners and managers pointed me in the right direction to become acquainted with them. That's how I found them.

I've been around the block a few times in my life and faced some serious challenges, however this ongoing battle is one of the most daunting. Sometimes we feel like Don Quixote

and you still don't supply the information (even though we have corresponded via PM and several posters have asked) and so how can anyone take your claims seriously?

PS you can't even spell COMMITTEE or JURISTIC correctly yet claim in your PM you are 'on another intellectual plane than me'

condominiums-commitee-jutsitic Edited by binjalin
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today for the first time we posted a positive cash flow. 650,000 received and 310,000 out


May I suggest something?

Usually there are a lot of back fees owing when things haven't been run right.

Sometimes just a stiff letter is enough to bring in cheques, especially given the fairly new swingeing penalties which you can remind them of.

Did anyone get in touch with the law firm?

Edited by cheeryble
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today for the first time we posted a positive cash flow. 650,000 received and 310,000 out


May I suggest something?

Usually there are a lot of back fees owing when things haven't been run right.

Sometimes just a stiff letter is enough to bring in cheques, especially given the fairly new swingeing penalties which you can remind them of.

Did anyone get in touch with the law firm?

i agree a letter on a lawyers stationary goes a long way
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Just to keep people up to date. The slow payer of cam fees are starting to pay as are a few people who have not paid for over 5 years. We have an enormous parking garage which is filled with bikes and cars and trucks and we had no idea who the owners are or if in face they lived in the building. We are issuing permits and people living in the building can of course continue parking there. We will offer non residents the choice of paying monthly or leaving. The office is bright and staffed with young and profession people. There is a 30 camera CCTV system which can be seen from the lobby. We have new security guars who stand at attention when you enter and salute. They are courteous and helpful with women carrying packages and rush to help.

We are requiring advanced notice for renovations and the committee has to approve the plans. We also require potential damage deposits which will be refundable.

There is always somebody in the office to unravel problems and assuage fears

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See also the June 30, 2013 article in the Bangkok Post:

The lowdown on commercial operations at condo developments


Frankly, the revenues would seem to be pretty minor. To me, the bigger issue would be the liability and security risk of not knowing who was parking and what unit they are associated with. There could be issues as to appearance, damage, injury or some usage of the vehicle that is inappropriate, and the owner of the vehicle and unit need to be contacted. Some owners park and leave town for months and no one knows how to contact them.

One way to keep track is to ask owners and residents to keep their contact info updated by creating a condo page on either FaceBook or www.AddressTalk.com.

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I also think you may risk being sued by a condo owner for insisting on plans of renovations. The Committee may if it is in its by laws require access notice and require noise and nuisance abatement for the work but what is done in the private property of the owner remains his right.

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