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Thais are some of the least rude people in the world - Int'l travel site


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true thais are not rude ,but best dont upset them ,worst i have even seen on thai airways flight 3 brit ladies about 30 returning to the uk ,in the end hostess told them put there head down cover them up with a blanket ,uk police where waiting for them ,then they kicked of again

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I have never employed Thai people, but I also don't drink alcohol, and always mind my own business, and this is a great country to live in if your like that, but I do question the mentality of Thai people in general.

What a coincidence. I have been questioning your mentality ever since I first read one of your posts. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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All in the eye of the beholder. I blow my nose with a tissue, my wife tells me to go and do it in private. She picks her nose to the knuckle in public no problem.

I've lived and worked in a few countries - Europe, Middle East and Asia. For me the Indians just manage to edge out the East Europeans for rudeness, but pretty close, although rude in different ways.

Newark NJ airport seems to specialize in recruiting rude people and most service sectors I've experienced in the US really don't understand the concept of service - despite all the Tom Peters videos! They just can't speak politely to customers.

Chinese are like animals at any kind of buffet, and in my experience so are the Israelis.

My wife, ranked the politeness of the Europeans she's encountered as (i.e. least rude first) : Dutch, Scots, Germans, English, Italians, East Europeans, British Asians.

She hasn't met many Dutch people then. They can be very abrupt and blunt. They remind me of Yorkshiremen, among whom I grew up.

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Skyscanner is an Edinburgh based website, we Glasgwegian's think people from Edinburgh are rude. I bet you can think of example's of people in your own country that have a reputation for being rude.

Some people take delight in being rude, like Yorkshiremen. They will tell you straight how it is, even if they haven't got a clue what they are talking about. Then they'll beam with pride when they tell you that Yorkshiremen are straight talkers.

Payboy makes a valid point, you can only be truly rude if you know what manners are.

Part of international travel, to gain exposure to more culture's, to learn how to get along with people. Too

many people only export ignorance and bigotry.

It's embarrassing to behold.

How right you are about Yorkshiremen Blether, I have known two here in Thailand, and ruder people you

would never meet, not even in Edinburgh.

And this from two skirt wearers. theblether mentions Yorkshire folk not knowing what they are talking about, this is the same tourist who is always lecturing ex-pats about how much more, he knows about Thailand than the people who actually live here. OK point taken.

I would say the Blethers posts are very interesting, you don't need to live in Thailand to know a lot about the country, also. I would not be seen dead in a skirt (kilt).

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After 30 years in hotel industry, the worst guests for me are, in no particular order: Israelis, Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Indians.

The best: Australians, Japanese, Thai, Americans (obnoxious at times but not rude), Kiwis.

Agreed, also after 35 yrs. in the industry. Would however add the Germans, who expect everything for free and already at check-in tell you how to run your business. O.c. not all of them, but many....MS>

I don't know that Germans expect everything to be free (you have to pay for everything in Germany). It's more a matter of "I bought my Pauschal, now tell me why everything isn't included in it"

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Thais are some of the least rude people... <deleted>? I guess that doesnt include the short-tempers, road rage, line cutting, and murdering americans for singing too much eh?

Amen, this OP was definitely written from abroad, where it is not possible to see the effects of having doors let close in your face or experience the rudeness of Thais on golf courses and practice tees.

The post was about international tourists....I swear sometimes people just use this as a place to straight up bash Thailand...I'm not saying I don't agree with some of it, but you are not "referring to the OP" obviously, because the OP is about, for the most part, rich, "civilized" Thais, who understand how to be extremely deferential when being a tourist. This does not count Thais who have immigrated to a certain country, nor does it count Thais living in Thailand. Learn to read....people on here complaining about Thais having all this pent-up emotion...you sure it is just the Thais? Seems like all it took was a little tourism poll to get everyone to blow up about how rude Thais are.

The nose-picking thing is a funny little quirk, but try and catch a Thai tourist in Europe picking their nose.

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After reading the article, it seems the headline is rather contradictory. The article is about the 30 rudest nationalities of tourists, and Thai tourists are ranked near the bottom of that list. So, even as the 30th rudest, they would not be the rudest, but they are quite a stretch from being considered the least rude.

Each culture has its own view on what is considered proper etiquette. What is polite in one country may seem rude in others. I think Thai people generally make an effort to be polite, but like many tourists, they often fail to learn about other cultures before visiting a foreign country.

Edited by Kabayo66
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Thais are not the "least rude", they are simply trained from birth to be deferential - (as ordained by the "powers that be" in the amazing and premier land of face-saving Kleptocracy).

Further, it is this social restraint and training that is responsible for the pent-up emotions that result in the frequent explosive reaction by many Thai males which clearly demonstrates just how erroneous and superficial this survey is.

True but the survey is about "on the surface, superficial appearances"

They are not measuring to what degree Thais are cheating and/or stealing whilst smiling and appearing polite.

Edited by atyclb
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I as doing a 90 day report last week and when my number was called an American jumped in front of me and said, Do you mind if I go 1st I am in a hurry, thanks buddy. Didn't even give me the option to answer with a Yes I do mind because I have things to do also. To me that was pinnacle of rudeness. Then my wife and I go to the airport plaza for lunch and who is sitting in the dining area, the rude obnoxious yank. I guess he was hungrier than us.

Every country has it's share of rude people and when they are in a place like Thailand they stand out more and represent their country. I find the Thai's to be very polite and I am yet to find a rude one.

By any chance do you drive (car, truck, motocy?). Spend any time waiting in line? (Both rhetorical questions.) If so. sooner or later, you will find at least one.

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Some of the rudest people I've ever come across seem to post on thaivisa. However, in their defence there are not too many of them, and I have no idea where they come from.

The others are my former Chinese neighbours, the Chinese tourists who crashed luggage carts into me and yelled behind/across/though me at Suvarnibhum Airport, and almost every other mainland Chinese person I have had the displeasure to come across in Thailand. By way of balance I found the Chinese in Beijing and Hong Kong to be loud, but friendly. Chinese Malaysians and Chinese Singaporeans are generally polite and friendly in my opinion.

The Thais on the whole are mostly friendly. Some are fond of scamming, but then they live in a country where that is normal at the highest levels, so what else should we expect.

Although some people would consider Bangkokians to be less friendly, polite or helpful than upcountry, I think it's only fair to compare Bangkok with a city like London where people are in as much of a hurry as here. Throwing your long arms out like wings will help you when trying to exit a bus or train here.

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Some of the rudest people I've ever come across seem to post on thaivisa. However, in their defence there are not too many of them, and I have no idea where they come from.

The others are my former Chinese neighbours, the Chinese tourists who crashed luggage carts into me and yelled behind/across/though me at Suvarnibhum Airport, and almost every other mainland Chinese person I have had the displeasure to come across in Thailand. By way of balance I found the Chinese in Beijing and Hong Kong to be loud, but friendly. Chinese Malaysians and Chinese Singaporeans are generally polite and friendly in my opinion.

The Thais on the whole are mostly friendly. Some are fond of scamming, but then they live in a country where that is normal at the highest levels, so what else should we expect.

Although some people would consider Bangkokians to be less friendly, polite or helpful than upcountry, I think it's only fair to compare Bangkok with a city like London where people are in as much of a hurry as here. Throwing your long arms out like wings will help you when trying to exit a bus or train here.


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Anyone who thinks Thais are the most polite obviously haven't driven on the roads with them; or have them hogging the aisle in the supermarket, or having them push in front of you when you are in a queue....or the numerous 'scams with a smile' smile.png

Ah, you beat me to it! How very true!!! But I still love living here.

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Yesterday, we were slowly walking, because after the rain subside,it left some

water on our way to apartment. The apartment is more than

100 meters away from the road.

A Thai driving a car passed just beside us in a high speed as if he is in hi-way,

Water splashed thatmade us totally wet and my wife shouted that captures the attention of other Thais around who, themselves, hated what they saw. That was a kind of rude

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Thais are like the Borg. (Star Trek) When they are out of the country they are out of the "collective" and feel vulnerable so of course they are not rude. Get them back into Thailand and that all changes.

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Good some made point it is about TOURISTS not the locals that have neither cash nor interest to go elsewhere (unless indicted, I think). Americans can be abrupt, but usually are friendly, unless you run into some Fox brainwashed nut that thinks you have a burning interest in Obama care (I am American, btw). Scandies are usually okay from my experience. Rooskies are clueless arrogant oafs quite often. We are lucky that the Chinese travel in packs: easier to avoid. But the whole problem with generalizations is that they are, well, generalizations. Every country has it's gracious folks, and every has it's share of trolls.

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Thai's are the most polite people in the world. Even when having a disagreement with them, they will smile. Of course they smile to get out of the tight situation, then go to their car and get a gun,

come back and shoot you!

Articles like these are obviously written to get our most pleasant TV members to talk about how much they like the country they spend so much time in.

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Skyscanner is an Edinburgh based website, we Glasgwegian's think people from Edinburgh are rude. I bet you can think of example's of people in your own country that have a reputation for being rude.

Some people take delight in being rude, like Yorkshiremen. They will tell you straight how it is, even if they haven't got a clue what they are talking about. Then they'll beam with pride when they tell you that Yorkshiremen are straight talkers.

Payboy makes a valid point, you can only be truly rude if you know what manners are.

Part of international travel, to gain exposure to more culture's, to learn how to get along with people. Too

many people only export ignorance and bigotry.

It's embarrassing to behold.

How right you are about Yorkshiremen Blether, I have known two here in Thailand, and ruder people you

would never meet, not even in Edinburgh.

And this from two skirt wearers. theblether mentions Yorkshire folk not knowing what they are talking about, this is the same tourist who is always lecturing ex-pats about how much more, he knows about Thailand than the people who actually live here. OK point taken.

I would say the Blethers posts are very interesting, you don't need to live in Thailand to know a lot about the country, also. I would not be seen dead in a skirt (kilt).

True - but you would expect people who have lived here a long time to know more than a regular tourist. Good to hear you're not a wee jessie running around in a skirt.

Yorkshire people are straight talking, to the point and not short on their opinions. Much like Glaswegians. But, IME, some Yorkies take it to far and border on rudeness and bloody mindedness.

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Interesting use of words.

"Least Rude" does not mean polite.

IMHO Thais seem indifferent to other people. When following a Thai who is not known to you through the doors of a mall for example, I can't recall one ever holding the door they have just opened for a fraction of a second longer than they have to to pass through themselves.

I suggest the rudest people tend to be drunks from any nation, Thailand included.

Good point. I was once voted the least disliked senior manager ................................... here hang on a minute thumbsup.gif

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