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Residence certificate (For buying vehicle)

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The certificate is free. You don't believe me? OK, ask them for a receipt. You wont get one. Or look for the cost of the certificate on the official list of fees. You wont find it.

The sum you pay is tea money. I pay 200B and get it the next day or within a few minutes if they aren't busy.

Either way, any amount you pay is 100% unofficial and as such is both negotiable and a rip-off. It should be 0B.

Welcome to Thailand.

Here was my experience. I was dropped off at the Chaeng Wattana Immigration in Bangkok. Went to the Information desk.

Me: "I need a residence certificate for a driver's license"

Officer: "go to window J2"

(First I went to the ticket line to get my que number)

Waiting at J2, my number is called.

Me: "I need a residence certificate for a driver's license"

Officer: "Passport please" Looks at passport. "Oh sorry sir, your VISA extension is from Chamchuri Square office. You must go there. Very sorry sir."

Off I go to the Chamchuri Square "one stop" office. Went directly to the Information desk. She gave me the forms to fill out. I filled them out, made copies of my passort, VISA extension page, and Departure Card. I returned the form and copies to her. She then walked me over to another staff lady and was asked to wait in the lobby. 15 minutes later I had my Residence Certificate.

Taxi -Chaeng Wattana to Morchit MRT: 135 baht

MRT to Sam Yan (Chamchuri Square): 40 baht

MRT to home: 25 baht

Residence Certificate: FREE!!

Total Cost: 200 baht

Smiles all around. Everyone spoke basic Engish. You read that correctly. The Residence Certificate was FREE.

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