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Thai Foreign Minister Surapong: Iraq suspends Thai rice imports


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I was surprised that the Economist would not do more research on it. They opened up with

"This week an opinion poll carried out by Bangkok University"

In other words about 1,500 people in about 27 provinces were talked to. Some poll. Has the Economist standards of reporting sunk to the level of The Nation?

The whole article was just rehash of commonly known facts.coffee1.gif

Common sense would tell me that what is written in The Economist has far more credibility than most of the sh1t written on the TVF - and yes, that includes you. coffee1.gif

Common sense would tell me that what is written in the Economist would be more than what is written here on Thai Visa and that includes you.

If you had read the whole post you would have seen where I said it was just a rehash. Now you answer my question has there reporting sunk down to the level of the Nation?coffee1.gif

But most bankers economists don't even register Thailand at all. Putting the economist into the mix spreads the word very far and very wide.

Lest we forget they hailed thaksinomics.

Point taken

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PTP xxxxx up the country's rice industry because of their corruption and incompetence. Even the Iraqis don't want our rice now.

But hey, it's important Thaksin is thanked for the information! Thanks Thaksin!

Thailand the hub of Ricebergs clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Thaitanic watch out for the riceberg.

That could be....

1. Funny,

2. Prophetic.

3. Ironic.

4. A bit slow.

Well done Thailand anyway, always at the forefront of breaking

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I find it kind of amusing.......well in fact frakking hilarious, that these MP's and Ministers who could resist wild horses trying to drag them on a visit to the deep south of their own country are going to go on a trade mission to..Iraq! They need to know, there is no opportunity for shopping or watching football matches, or photo shoots at famous touristy spots and that they will need several changes of underwear....per day just from the Tok Jai moments driving around the city! As for the rice...good luck with that one, start practicing crawling on your knees!

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So, we all agree that the situation becomes more serious, it seems.

Now, what should be done?

1) sort out the rice by quality.

2) sell lower qualities for low price, as animal feed or for making alcohol....

3) sell higher qualities to the highest bidder, even if the price is far lower then the cost. I recon at $300/ton Iraq would continue buying

4) keep reasonable government reserve of high quality rice in best possible storage for emergencies.

5) stop pledging at prices that are too high, rather help farmers with straight forward incentives, like help changing crops, payments for land that is not used etc.

CUT LOSSES NOW, STOP loosing money in the future.

The sales price of anything has nothing to do with its cost, but only with how much the buyer is willing and able to pay.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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So, we all agree that the situation becomes more serious, it seems.

Now, what should be done?

1) sort out the rice by quality.

2) sell lower qualities for low price, as animal feed or for making alcohol....

3) sell higher qualities to the highest bidder, even if the price is far lower then the cost. I recon at $300/ton Iraq would continue buying

4) keep reasonable government reserve of high quality rice in best possible storage for emergencies.

5) stop pledging at prices that are too high, rather help farmers with straight forward incentives, like help changing crops, payments for land that is not used etc.

CUT LOSSES NOW, STOP loosing money in the future.

The sales price of anything has nothing to do with its cost, but only with how much the buyer is willing and able to pay.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If they realise the loss, they will have to refinance baac instantly.

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Well look at the bright side. The Thai agricultural segment is only 8.4 percent

of GDP. That is roughly the same as tourism. In the past Thailand has seemed to

take a sort of nonchalant attitude towards tourism, implying that they are the amazing

and powerful Thailand, and we do not really need these crazy farangs coming here

and making problems... So if tourism is not that important, maybe they are taking the same view towards agriculture..

On a side note, I just saw a Swedish university paper talking about Thailand and

rice. It noted to my amazement that the Thaksin toady Samak instituted rice pledging in 2008, with unfortunate results of course. So either the current government did not

learn from Samak's stupidity, or they know exactly what they are doing which is to

destroy the Thai economy....


"When the Samak government reintroduced the

price policy for the crops in 2008, the pledging price was the highest ever. This had a

negative effect on the domestic rice market and also consequences for the rice trade. Due to

the high prices, export orders went down as the importers decided to wait for rice from

cheaper producer countries."

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Mr Surapong said he immediately consulted Deputy Prime Minister/Commerce Minister Niwatthumrong Boonsongpaisarn to find a solution to the problem.

Don't tell me the brown envelope was empty when it arrived?????

Brown Bag, envelops are to small. coffee1.gif

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Well look at the bright side. The Thai agricultural segment is only 8.4 percent

of GDP. That is roughly the same as tourism. In the past Thailand has seemed to

take a sort of nonchalant attitude towards tourism, implying that they are the amazing

and powerful Thailand, and we do not really need these crazy farangs coming here

and making problems... So if tourism is not that important, maybe they are taking the same view towards agriculture..

On a side note, I just saw a Swedish university paper talking about Thailand and

rice. It noted to my amazement that the Thaksin toady Samak instituted rice pledging in 2008, with unfortunate results of course. So either the current government did not

learn from Samak's stupidity, or they know exactly what they are doing which is to

destroy the Thai economy....


"When the Samak government reintroduced the

price policy for the crops in 2008, the pledging price was the highest ever. This had a

negative effect on the domestic rice market and also consequences for the rice trade. Due to

the high prices, export orders went down as the importers decided to wait for rice from

cheaper producer countries."

Like everything here it's undervalued. Rice farmers keep a portion for their own consumption for example. Also, much of the final product is transfer priced out of the country via Hong Kong and Singapore.

It employs and feeds a huge amount of people, so in the end this stupid desire to become number 1 exporter, when it keeps so many people living hand to mouth, may be extremely romantic and quaint, but the model was bust years ago.

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I guess the Iraqis know who the real boss is.

Doesn't everyone?

Actually no. They seem to think it is the de-facto PM living in Dubai.

A good guess, but ultimately wrong.

Not "the mysterious hand" again - you know, nudge nudge wink wink. Only certain Farangs can be privy to such secret info coffee1.gif

Look around you, see who is making all the decisions, moving the "chess pieces" - right people in right places.

We shall see if you are right - I really hope you are.

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Thanks Thaksin for reporting this information. I don't know what we would do without you!


Everyone will be rich in 6 months when the boss is back. Champagne, luxury cars, home ownership - in huge quantities. People will never have had it so good!

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I would truly like to think this government will go down in flames the next election over the mind boggling stupidity of the rice scam, but I am fairly certain at the next election there will be a new raft of idiotic promises, 500 baht notes will be handed out to the red buffaloes, and we will get another incarnation of a Thaksin run government. For god's sake, will this madness ever end ???????????????????

According to some government research institute (can't remember the name) the rice scheme alone is increasing public debt by 4%/year, so the poor will not know the difference at the time of the next election. Unfortunately it will take 10-20 years before the debt is at a critical level and the poor will start feeling the pain.

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Perhaps Iraq prefers to buy direct-from-the-source, rather than via an intermediary, so is now getting their cheap rice from Cambodia ? wink.png

Thailand clearly needs a Gulf-based high-powered intermediary, with good connections and up-to-date market-info, to represent them in their efforts to restore their former level of sales to Iraq, perhaps the FM might know of a suitable person ? whistling.gif

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I remember many years ago buying a bag of Hom Mali, it was fantastic. this was the one and only time in all my years here I'd ever actually eaten real Hom Mali, most of the other stuff being sold pales in comparison. And now it's of even more inferior quality? huh.png

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I remember many years ago buying a bag of Hom Mali, it was fantastic. this was the one and only time in all my years here I'd ever actually eaten real Hom Mali, most of the other stuff being sold pales in comparison. And now it's of even more inferior quality? Posted Image

Just yesterday we had dinner at a Thai friends home. I had to say to her that the rice she served was the best I had ever tasted. She said she had started buying only the best Hom Mali as she's worried by the stories of contamination and inferior quality.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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What's wrong with this story? Answer: the only source we have for it so far is Thaksin.

Alternative scenario....

1. Iraq casually drops to Thaksin that it's about to double its annual order for Thai rice because it's superb and cheap.

2. Thaksin says, Wait a mo, I can use this.

3.Thaksin spreads his rumour via his cousin or whoever.

4. Iraq puts on a big outraged face, doubles its order, goes ballistic about troublemakers in Thailand who ought to be treated 'the Iraq way.'

5. Reds use this to show, yet again, how mendacious rumours spread by the Yellow faction cause nothing but grief.

6. Thaksin's sympathy quota doubles to match the new Iraqi order. And by sheer coincidence, this all happens while a certain bill is being introduced to parliament.

Fantasy? La-la land? Just remember ... the source so far is Thaksin.

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I remember many years ago buying a bag of Hom Mali, it was fantastic. this was the one and only time in all my years here I'd ever actually eaten real Hom Mali, most of the other stuff being sold pales in comparison. And now it's of even more inferior quality? huh.png

Just yesterday we had dinner at a Thai friends home. I had to say to her that the rice she served was the best I had ever tasted. She said she had started buying only the best Hom Mali as she's worried by the stories of contamination and inferior quality.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Always buying what it says on the price label doesn't necessarily ensure the best quality, I can assure you. And no, I don't skimp on inferior staples either.

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I would truly like to think this government will go down in flames the next election over the mind boggling stupidity of the rice scam, but I am fairly certain at the next election there will be a new raft of idiotic promises, 500 baht notes will be handed out to the red buffaloes, and we will get another incarnation of a Thaksin run government. For god's sake, will this madness ever end ???????????????????

According to some government research institute (can't remember the name) the rice scheme alone is increasing public debt by 4%/year, so the poor will not know the difference at the time of the next election. Unfortunately it will take 10-20 years before the debt is at a critical level and the poor will start feeling the pain.

At 4% a year that would present a big problem. It's too much to sustain.

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What's wrong with this story? Answer: the only source we have for it so far is Thaksin.

Alternative scenario....

1. Iraq casually drops to Thaksin that it's about to double its annual order for Thai rice because it's superb and cheap.

2. Thaksin says, Wait a mo, I can use this.

3.Thaksin spreads his rumour via his cousin or whoever.

4. Iraq puts on a big outraged face, doubles its order, goes ballistic about troublemakers in Thailand who ought to be treated 'the Iraq way.'

5. Reds use this to show, yet again, how mendacious rumours spread by the Yellow faction cause nothing but grief.

6. Thaksin's sympathy quota doubles to match the new Iraqi order. And by sheer coincidence, this all happens while a certain bill is being introduced to parliament.

Fantasy? La-la land? Just remember ... the source so far is Thaksin.

I can spot at least one flaw in that scenario

Regardless - most import countries, if not all, have their own QA inspectors at the ports. It may be random, but if LOS is now exporting inferior quality or contaminated rice, it will be found out

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Thai FM: Iraq suspends Thai rice imports

BANGKOK, Aug 9 – A Thai delegation will visit Iraq soon to make an inquiry on rice trading with the Middle Eastern country following a report that it would suspend rice imports from Thailand for three years due to low quality, a senior cabinet member said today.


Even the Iraqees are that smart,...

"We're gonna buy your rice,... juuuuust kidding!!!!" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You are so, so cruel, but I like it anyway clap2.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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What's wrong with this story? Answer: the only source we have for it so far is Thaksin.

Alternative scenario....

1. Iraq casually drops to Thaksin that it's about to double its annual order for Thai rice because it's superb and cheap.

2. Thaksin says, Wait a mo, I can use this.

3.Thaksin spreads his rumour via his cousin or whoever.

4. Iraq puts on a big outraged face, doubles its order, goes ballistic about troublemakers in Thailand who ought to be treated 'the Iraq way.'

5. Reds use this to show, yet again, how mendacious rumours spread by the Yellow faction cause nothing but grief.

6. Thaksin's sympathy quota doubles to match the new Iraqi order. And by sheer coincidence, this all happens while a certain bill is being introduced to parliament.

Fantasy? La-la land? Just remember ... the source so far is Thaksin.

I can spot at least one flaw in that scenario

Regardless - most import countries, if not all, have their own QA inspectors at the ports. It may be random, but if LOS is now exporting inferior quality or contaminated rice, it will be found out

It already has been found out. The Ivory Coast was not amused.

The only way Thailand can export large quantities of rice now is with secret G-to-G deals, some of them barter deals. They cannot drop the price below cost because of WTO rules but they can sell at cost by including under the table compensation.

Thaksin is the right man for those sort of deals.

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