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Nightmare island where traffickers imprison Burma's Rohingya

Lite Beer

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A report in one of the other English language newspapers says that around 30 of these Rohingya refugees have escaped from police custody.

Apparently all efforts are being made to recapture these dangerous animals and the Police Chief says he's afraid in their desperation they may commit crimes and may damage Phuket's reputation.


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Just another day in Amazing Thailand. Criminals commit crimes, police get paid off and keep coming back for more until there is nothing left to give then they may arrest the bad guys eventually, everybody is happy except the victims who are foreigners so they don't matter to anyone in Thailand.... Same same no different, just normal corruption. The government keeps complaining about people damaging the image of this country, if you are that damned worried then do something to reduce corruption and crime and clean up your mess ! Once again foreigners have shown Thailand how they should do things, some decent investigative reporting which has exposed the true face of Thailand...

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Same response to this as my other post about human trafficking - simple,deploy the Navy to get the job done - and why not ? - bcoz we all know their are many upper hierarchy benefiting from the free labor of the refugees within their own companies both within the fishing industries and also construction industries.

There should be a zero tolerance employed to correct this and simply send the military to clean up this island and not allow these beasts to get comfy in one location for any length of time - Thai National Park my a**.

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This once beautiful country is getting sicker by the day, caused by bathism!

What does Bathism have to do with human trafficking of which some are Muslim refugees ?

This post is about human trafficking and how the Thai hierarchy and government / police involvement has been totally cohesive allowing such atrocities to continually operate unaffected by the many years of outright b*llsh*t that has been spewed about initiatives to correct it.

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I took this description of working practices at Tarutao Island to Somkuan Khampeera, the Police Major-General of regional Satun provincial police. He denied his officers take bribes. "I am strict – myself. That sort of thing doesn’t happen here."

However, he was frank when I asked whether he knew about the use of Taruato and other islands as hotbeds for trafficking. "I know, but we don’t have the resources we need to keep an eye on them all the time. The provincial police don’t have a boat for example."

Don't have a boat?


I guess he could always ask the Royal Thai Navy to help out. I imagine they have one.

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This once beautiful country is getting sicker by the day, caused by bathism!

What does Bathism have to do with human trafficking of which some are Muslim refugees ?

This post is about human trafficking and how the Thai hierarchy and government / police involvement has been totally cohesive allowing such atrocities to continually operate unaffected by the many years of outright b*llsh*t that has been spewed about initiatives to correct it.

"The would-be passengers are then gathered in secret locations near the Burmese or Bangladesh coast and hand over the equivalent of £200 for their journey."

Sorry for being so naive to assume that at least some of the money ended in Thai pockets...

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This once beautiful country is getting sicker by the day, caused by bathism!

What does Bathism have to do with human trafficking of which some are Muslim refugees ?

This post is about human trafficking and how the Thai hierarchy and government / police involvement has been totally cohesive allowing such atrocities to continually operate unaffected by the many years of outright b*llsh*t that has been spewed about initiatives to correct it.

"The would-be passengers are then gathered in secret locations near the Burmese or Bangladesh coast and hand over the equivalent of £200 for their journey."

Sorry for being so naive to assume that at least some of the money ended in Thai pockets...

Unsure what you are trying to say, but the report goes on, in part, to state:

"the vessels stopped and disgorged their passengers in remote locations on the Thai coast. They were about to become prisoners in a number of secret jails - and there was only one way to earn their release - their relatives were required to pay a ransom of around £1,500. He told us he was a member of a trafficking operation with personal responsibility for "security at Tarutao" - and he told me his group had paid off 10 police and military units (Thai) in the last four months"

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If they had to pay off 10 military and police units, how did those units get there? They must have had a boat. So they have boats to collect the bribes, but no boats that can be used for enforcing the law?

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When I saw the title, but before i read the byline with the reporter's name, I knew it was a farang who broke the story. Why is it Asians can't find the story, even in their own back yard? Oh, excuse me, some know about such things, but they can't break the news because they're .......well, because they're Asian(?) and/or there's face to lose or jobs to lose, or whatever.

Another reason: newspaper reporters for Asian papers are too busy investigating such things as; kissing marathons in Pattaya or a guy who puts on a cardboard headdress and fries bananas to sell (an actual front page headline in the Nation, a couple weeks ago), or another katoy beauty contest.

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SO Sad these things r allowed to happen in todays world!!

Anybody ever read "The Beach" by Alex Garland... written in 1996 about a secret island in Thailand .... It's fiction of course but not too far from reality ..sad.png

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