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Where in Bangkok for Hiv test less than a week after exposure?


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I hope someone can help me please.

I received unprotected oral sex (I am male)from a sex worker a few days ago. I'm now very worried, I have already been to Bumungrad Hospital and they said I had to wait at least 15 days before a test would show anything.

The Dr gave me PEP which I have started but is making me feel terrible.

Is there anywhere in Bangkok I can get an accurate test such a short time after the risk? I thought that there would be a test available now, but it didn't seem to be available at Bumngrad Hospital, Bangkok.

Please any help would be great, don't know what to do and not sleeping and feeling sick.

Please I know I have been stupid so please no posts telling me this.

Thank you for your replies.

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Calm down and don't panic! Transmission whilst receiving oral sex is close to nil. Read up on it, sites like medhelp might inform you more on the risk perventages, experiences etc... You are just feeling anxiety and/or guilt. If, it puts you in such a stressful condition, you might want to pursue a commited monogamous relationship.

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Thanks Pluto, I realise that transmission risk is fairly low but think I'm freaked out by a combination of things.

The incident was with a ladyboy, who I bumped into on the way out of Climax. I was 150% drunk off my head.

The other things are that the mobile number I got from him/her is 1 number short and doesn't work. Also why would the Dr at Bumungrad give me PEP, if he didn't think it was necessary?

Although I guess that could be because TIT and if you have money all choices are yours. So the Dr just let me buy it or not up to me.

Sorry about rambling and sounding like an idiot.

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how many hours between exposure and receiving the PEP? Was he cute? If the ladyboy did not insert anything into you, you will be fine. you may have some other types of STD's on your penis from his throat. Just wait a few days for common symptoms. HIV takes much longer to show up and it does not matter because there is no cure. I will be interested to see if you come down with any flu like symptoms. you should get tested again for HIV in 6 months. DON'T HAVE SEX WITH OTHERS UNTIL YOU GET A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH.

Edited by NCC1701A
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Read this page: http://www.aidsmap.com/Oral-sex/page/1044877/

Particularly this paragraph:

HIV transmission through 'insertive fellatio', which means an HIV-negative man receiving oral sex from a person with HIV, is very low risk and may be impossible.

But do consider that other STD's CAN be transmitted via saliva.

Follow NCC1701A's advice, wait a week or so and get a full STD screening, there are many places cheaper than Bumrungrad.

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If you can remember what the ladyboy looked like, go and try to find him wherever you met him last time. It probably is his usual place of business.

If you find him, ask him to let you pay for a test for him (plus probably some tip).

Otherwise, you can try dialing phone numbers, using the given incomplete one, +1 more number from 0 to 9 in each position, starting from the end.

If the numbers you have are right, with just one missing in whatever position, 90 phone calls should do it (the first one has to be a 0). Although

I would love to see the faces of 89 people - if all the numbers exist - being asked if they are the katoey who blew a farang without condom a couple

of days ago biggrin.png . If he just gave you an imaginary number on purpose, then waste of time (still fun).

Being as worried as you seem to be, the first suggestion, going to his place of business, makes sense to me (but remember the protection this time!).

If you can't find him, don't let the worry/guilt overwhelm you, Wait your time and most likely you'll be able to see that you are fine.

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Thanks NCC1701A, nothing inserted into me only me receiving oral. No STD symptoms yet, but its only been 4 days.

Will wait till Wednesday so its been a full week Crossy and get full STD screening , maybe Thai red cross.

Besth thanks for your reply, I was hoping just to call and pay for STD test for with a tip. I might try the telephone numbers thing, just seems a long shot. Best thing would be to go out and check place of work (don't really know where though because met at Climax) then went to katoey bar on lower sukhumvit. Might work Nana maybe as very kind of Japanese cute style kind of. The other problem is I'm due to go back home very soon. Also hard o get opportunity to get out at night here.

Thanks Steve and JD I think hope your right, these Pep meds are making me sick. Really don't want to keep taking if I don't have too.

So is there no test for HIV after such a short time?

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Cheers Jrtmedic just read Sheryl piece.

So there is a test for HIV that can be taken 2 weeks after exposure. More complicated and expensive but worth it at 1500bht. Takes longer for results.

Too long for me as due to go back to farrangland for a bit.

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Thanks NCC1701A, nothing inserted into me only me receiving oral. No STD symptoms yet, but its only been 4 days.

Will wait till Wednesday so its been a full week Crossy and get full STD screening , maybe Thai red cross.

Besth thanks for your reply, I was hoping just to call and pay for STD test for with a tip. I might try the telephone numbers thing, just seems a long shot. Best thing would be to go out and check place of work (don't really know where though because met at Climax) then went to katoey bar on lower sukhumvit. Might work Nana maybe as very kind of Japanese cute style kind of. The other problem is I'm due to go back home for 2 months in a week or so. Also hard o get opportunity to get out at night here.

Thanks Steve and JD I think hope your right, these Pep meds are making me sick. Really don't want to keep taking if I don't have too.

So is there no test for HIV after such a short time?

the test will determine if you have been exposed to HIV.

The window period can be from 9 days to 3-6 months, depending on the person's body and on the HIV-test that's used. During that time, you can test HIV negative even though you're HIV infected.

That is why you have to be tested again in about 6 months. No sex or exchange of body fluids during that time except with yourself until you get retested.

Edited by NCC1701A
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As others have told you, the risk of contacting HIV through receipt of oral sex is very low.

Add that to a course of PEP and it becomes virtually nil.

Do not stop the PEP now that you have started it. Complete the course and then if you feel the need, get tested but it would be rare enough to make the medical journals if you were at that point positive (unless positive from prior exposures of course).

If during the course of the PEP however you notice dark urine/light colored stool (indications of liver damage) see a doctor at once.

If you have not been vaccinated against HIV you should be tested for the surface antigen in a few months time. Hep B is far more easily transmitted than HIV.

Most other STDs would soon be symptomatic. Exceptions would be HPV and Herpes.

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If you have not been vaccinated against HIV you should be tested for the surface antigen in a few months time. Hep B is far more easily transmitted than HIV.

Sheryl, did you mean to type: "If you have not been vaccinated against Hep B..." ?

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If you have not been vaccinated against HIV you should be tested for the surface antigen in a few months time. Hep B is far more easily transmitted than HIV.

Sheryl, did you mean to type: "If you have not been vaccinated against Hep B..." ?

Yes, I did, thanks for catching that.

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There's a place on sukhumvit 11, right next to the tapas cafe. I think it's 1500thb and they will email you the results the next day.


That would be a standard HIV antibody test, accurate only 3 months or more after exposure, so noit applicable to OP's inquery. (Not so sure I'd trust a small private place like that for the antibody test either...especially since it can be done at any hospital or Health Center, and free at the Thai Red Cross).

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Thank you to everyone that has replied I appreciate it.

I have now been taking PEP for 5/6 days and frankly feel crap. My head is spinning, its hard to concentrate, my mood is not good, feel tired and suffer from nausea.

I have to go back to the hospital today or tomorrow to pick up the remaining 21 days of PEP. I have a long flight this weekend back home and then next week have to work.

I,m thinking its very unlikely I've picked up HIV as transmission doesn,t really happen through oral sex (receiving). Although then I know although unlikely its probably better to finish the course rather than take any small risk

Sheryl, may I ask why you say now I have started PEP I should finish it?

I have already been vaccinated against Hep B but I am due to go back anytime now to check the vaccination worked.

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  • 4 months later...

Where in BKK can you get a HIV test via saliva, rather than needle point?

If you believe you have put yourself at risk the important thing to do is obtain professional advise/testing rather than seek a method of testing which is as yet not widely used and in fact may not be available in BKK.

All the information needed can be found here


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Where in BKK can you get a HIV test via saliva, rather than needle point?

If you believe you have put yourself at risk the important thing to do is obtain professional advise/testing rather than seek a method of testing which is as yet not widely used and in fact may not be available in BKK.

All the information needed can be found here


I get myself & my partners tested regulary for HIV. When in BKK this is at Bumrungrad hospital & the option of a saliva test has never been presented, nor have i ever inquired there about the possibility.

I've previously read the thread you linked & don't recall it mentioning the subject of my inquiry. A search on it with the word "saliva" moments ago returned no results. Similarly an internet search on Bumrungrad HIV & saliva was fruitless.

While advanced PCR HIV tests claiming positive results for an HIV infection within 7 days or so of said infection are offered at the above hospital & others in BKK, with results w/i about 3 days, like you say it is convievable that saliva testing may not yet be available here.

I suppose even if it were it may not be as accurate or reliable as even the standard HIV testing via blood at Bumrungrad, which is claimed to detect an infection from about 2 weeks beforehand, with results in a mere 1 to 3 hours. So one could go eat at the Japanese restaurant there while waiting & have the result by the time you finished eating. BTW I recommend the terriyaki salmon dish.

So in light of that, even if saliva testing were available, it may be best to keep donating my blood to the vampire nurses of Bumrungrad. But, like some guys in the army, I am not a fan of needles.

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Thanks Sheryl, I will go pick up the rest of the course and complete it in full.

After a full 2 weeks have passed I will go for a full STD check and also ask to check if I need a Hep B booster.

Timely administration of antiHIV medication is known to reduce the risk of contracting the disease but it might cause delay in detection of seroconversion.

For most people seroconversion starts as early as 3 month. I don't remember the number but it's close to 90%. By 6 months it's 95-99%. The most delayed seroconversion occurs about a year after the person contracts the virus. But it is a reported case meaning it rarely happens.

The test you are likely given is PCR which will detect wheather there is the presence of virus in your bloodstream. But what exactly determine whether you have contracted the disease is seroconversion. Just because part of viral RNA is detected doesn't mean you acquire the disease but it is certainly more alarming than no detection.

Because you have taken antiretroviral therapy, your window period might become longer. I'd say 6 months. By then if there is still no seroconversion, I can say with more than 95% degree of confidence that you are free of HIV. If you want more than 99% or close to 100%, it will take at least a year.

And lastly I just wanna say welcome.....to my world. You are definitely not alone.

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