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What Other Forums Can I Be A Member Of?


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I use a couple of other THailand based forums and other forums on the net.,

Recently I have been reading about people from Thai Visa being banned for being a member of other forums in THailand.

I am not sure if this is true or not, however if it is I would like to know what forums are acceptable for me to be a member of without causing a conflict of interest here.

Anybody shed some light onto this?

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I dont think there is an offical line on this one. I have posted on several forums, without any problems. The problems arise when posters go round slating TV and tryng to poach members by using TV as an advertisng tool for other forums.

There are lots of members here that are also members of other forums, me included, and have never had problems with bannings. All that you hear about that is bullshit sour grapes on the part of banned members. They would rather cry into their beers and moan rather than just get on with life in their new forums :o

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I use a couple of other THailand based forums and other forums on the net.,

Recently I have been reading about people from Thai Visa being banned for being a member of other forums in THailand.

I am not sure if this is true or not, however if it is I would like to know what forums are acceptable for me to be a member of without causing a conflict of interest here.

Anybody shed some light onto this?

As far as I know, you can belong to what ever forum you'd like, without it affecting your ThaiVisa status. Many members here are on other Thailand related forums, some even have the same knicknames and avatars.

The problems usually occur when people from other boards come here and try to get away with the same crap they did on other sites. Or, when people from here go to another site that is run by people that don't like TV (or some of it's members). I've heard of TV members getting banned on other sites when it was found out they were members here.

From what I've seen, it is what a person does here on TV that usually gets them banned, not what they do on other sites.

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I don't know but I assume that following the common decency of not advertising/promoting the other forums would be all that is required.

It gets a bit of a thin line if, for example, someone asks a specific question for which a specialist answer is available elsewhere - Posting the link seems sensible but may cross the line on advertising the other site. (after all, copying from elsewhere and pasting into TV would be contravening copyright)

That said, I come across a lot of references to TV elsewhere.

I guess common courtesy of not deliberately advertising is all that matters and common sense on the part of poster/moderator.

The real offenders are usually easily spotted.

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It's just an internet forum, not a Mafia Family,

I doubt very much that George is an Internet Tony Soprano, Dr Pat Pong is a cyberspace Godfather, and the Mods are all ' Made Men ', who will whack you if you join another Forum. :o

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I think you'll find that the posters on other wesites that slag off thai visa were banned first which is why they spend their life complaining about TV on other forums. :o Not the other way around. Thai visa has no problem with posters belonging to other sites but will not tolerate them trolling on thai visa or attampting to poach posters. :D

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