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Study shows PTTGC followed oil spill emergency protocol


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Study shows PTTGC followed protocol

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) had followed through the oil spill emergency protocol, according to a fact-finding study of the Energy Ministry-appointed committee.

The committee chaired by Khunying Thongthip Ratanarat released the finding on Wednesday.

It confirmed the spill of 54,341 litres of crude oil and affirmed that the volume of dispersant used was in line with the contingency plan.

The committee which comprises other four members confirmed the timeline of the incident on July 27 when the flexible hose connected to MT Maran Plato’s pipeline was leaked. It looked into the company’s work process, maintenance, equipment and on-duty officers.

It found that the company properly followed the protocol by using a vessel to spray the dispersant onto the oil spill. For higher efficiency, the spray was also conducted by plane. Officers also laid blooms to contain the oil spill, which could be washed ashore due to the strong wind and high tide.

However, due to the strong wind, partial spill reached Ao Phrao, in Koh Samet.

As the spill spread out, two types of dispersant were deployed - 30,612 litres of slickgone and 6,930 litres of super-dispersant 25. Both are allowed for use in Thailand by the Pollution Control Department, due to low toxic level and fast biodegradable condition.

The committee however suggested the establishment of another committee to investigate into the cause of damage to the flexible hose. Another committee is suggested to assess the environmental impact and draw up the short- and long-term rehabilitation plan.

PTTGC has agreed to set up the two committees as recommended. The technical committee will consist of experts from the Engineering Institute of Thailand and Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Engineering. The committee’s report will then be submitted to the Energy Ministry.

-- The Nation 2013-08-14

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So we have a fact finding comittee set up by the government to make an objective investigation of a partly government owned company? And just to be sure that everything is objective, the company itself sets up two comittees itself. Seems legit.

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The fact that that concentration massively goes beyond the recommended concentration, was presumably overlooked.....

PTT only used 37,500 liters of dispersant on a spill of 54,000 liters of oil. Recommended usage ratio is either 10;1 or 20;1 depending on what paper you read.

All seems to be on the up and up now. T.I.T.

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BANGKOK: -- PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) had followed through the oil spill emergency protocol, according to a fact-finding study of the Energy Ministry-appointed committee.

The committee chaired by Khunying Thongthip Ratanarat released the finding on Wednesday.

No surprise there then whistling.gif

Khunying Thongtip Ratanarat

Current Position: Board of Directors of the Foundation for the Petroleum Institute of Thailand

Work Experience

  • Advisor to the PTT Public Co., Ltd.; 2005 - present


Yep. The fox guarding the chicken coop.clap2.gif

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"...according to a fact-finding study of the Energy Ministry-appointed committee."

WHITEWASH...The appointed committee conducting the study makes as much sense as if they would have let the Nazis conduct the Nuremberg Trials. You don't think any money changed hands. Do you?whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Did anyone really expect any other finding. The whole operation was a joke, as was the reported amount of the spill.

PTT wil now probably get an award for their outstanding efforts

Question: Have you visited the damaged locations and assessed the damage?

Have you taken water samples or seabed samples? Have you checked the residues in the local fish and bird populations?

Is there a remaining oil slick? Is the beach area previously damaged still showing oil damage?

So far, I haven't seen any substantive corroborated damage reports in respect to the aftermath. Although, I am quite certain, and would expect there to be some residual damage, none of the NGOs has provided anything to counter the current reports.

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The fact that that concentration massively goes beyond the recommended concentration, was presumably overlooked.....

How so?

Are you saying that the disperants were not used in accordance with the accepted practices and the

manufacturer's guidelines?

Go read it, concentrated on the sites I posted before is 10% of thick oil on pure form.

So how come they sprayed 30000 litres to disperse 50000 litres?

5 to 6k litres should have been sufficient. Maybe 10k would be acceptable but why so much.

I know why. They have had a stock on hand for a long time, get rid and an opportunity to buy a lot more presents.......

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Did anyone really expect any other finding. The whole operation was a joke, as was the reported amount of the spill.

PTT wil now probably get an award for their outstanding efforts

Question: Have you visited the damaged locations and assessed the damage?

Have you taken water samples or seabed samples? Have you checked the residues in the local fish and bird populations?

Is there a remaining oil slick? Is the beach area previously damaged still showing oil damage?

So far, I haven't seen any substantive corroborated damage reports in respect to the aftermath. Although, I am quite certain, and would expect there to be some residual damage, none of the NGOs has provided anything to counter the current reports.

I think they have done well to clean it up. They will do less well in terms of commitments and damages.

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Did anyone really expect any other finding. The whole operation was a joke, as was the reported amount of the spill.

PTT wil now probably get an award for their outstanding efforts

Question: Have you visited the damaged locations and assessed the damage?

Have you taken water samples or seabed samples? Have you checked the residues in the local fish and bird populations?

Is there a remaining oil slick? Is the beach area previously damaged still showing oil damage?

So far, I haven't seen any substantive corroborated damage reports in respect to the aftermath. Although, I am quite certain, and would expect there to be some residual damage, none of the NGOs has provided anything to counter the current reports.

I think they have done well to clean it up. They will do less well in terms of commitments and damages.

I agree, it seems they have managed to clean up extremely fast. As for compensations etc. I hope they will pay those who can prove or at least substantiate their losses, and disregard all those with invented/exaggerated losses!

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This is total <deleted> - this is my area of expertise for the past 22 years - they no where near followed protocol and ignored the spill hoping it would drift onward out of Thai waters.

The videos of boats in action without oil spill booms and wallowing around in the muck is testament to their lack of control or methodology to contain the spill and collect it.

Subsequent photo opportunities staged on pristine clean beaches, not one Thai worker with an oil glove, not one bit or piece of oil rubbish in empty clear plastic bags being carried by the clean-up crew without showing the truly effected areas.

Yet another Thai way of media masking their real lack of efforts and painting a pretty picture for the world to see. Not the real picture the intelligent community is fully aware of PTT sitting idly by watching the events unfold without mobilizing equipment or contracting professional companies to assist with the clean up of oil.

The media is owned by the same moguls that own PTT and the public is being totally misled about this horrific incident.

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