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Why Is This Section Of The Forum So Slow ?


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Hmmm, I have almost 1,800 posts in almost 15 months, averaging 4 per day now. My average was quite a bit lower, but I went through periods where I was working, or didn't have internet access.

I now spend a couple hours a day on the net, surfing various sites including TV. Some days I may crack off 20-25 posts. Other days 2-3. Other days I don't even come on the site.

Having large posting numbers doesn't reflect the quality of the posts though. It only takes a couple of seconds to hit "reply", click on a smiley and then click on "add reply".

Large post counts don't mean a person is addicted either. Some people have more time on their hands (like me for instance), and spend it on the internet, instead of staring at the bottom of an empty bottle of booze.

I fully expect that when I go back to work, my daily average will drop, as I won't have the time and access to the internet that I now enjoy.

And that's just it, isn't it ? Some people enjoy the time they spend here. And some people just seem to have a chip permamently glued to their shoulders. :o

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Hmmm, I have almost 1,800 posts in almost 15 months, averaging 4 per day now. My average was quite a bit lower, but I went through periods where I was working, or didn't have internet access.

I now spend a couple hours a day on the net, surfing various sites including TV. Some days I may crack off 20-25 posts. Other days 2-3. Other days I don't even come on the site.

Having large posting numbers doesn't reflect the quality of the posts though. It only takes a couple of seconds to hit "reply", click on a smiley and then click on "add reply".

Large post counts don't mean a person is addicted either. Some people have more time on their hands (like me for instance), and spend it on the internet, instead of staring at the bottom of an empty bottle of booze.

I fully expect that when I go back to work, my daily average will drop, as I won't have the time and access to the internet that I now enjoy.

And that's just it, isn't it ? Some people enjoy the time they spend here. And some people just seem to have a chip permamently glued to their shoulders. :o

Bottom line, Kerry, this is a situation where Arsenal is passing his judgement onto someone who he is absolutely clueless about - doesn't know Dale's personal circumstances, doesn't know how much time Dale spends on TV, doesn't know a god.damned thing about Dale other than the fact that he has 3,000+ posts in a little less than a year.

Taking that single fact Arsenal then begins making assumptions - Arsenal used to be a forum addict so he assumes Dale must be, too; Dale's response is assumed to mean that Dale is in denial of his "problem" - addiction.

Arsenal claims he isn't interested in insulting anyone yet he does - not only with his first post but in his reply, too. Since Dale doesn't take the insult on the chin and responds in kind Dale is accused of blathering and hostility. My math doesn't fit in with Arsenal's assumptions so he invalidates it.

Apparently any form of entertainment can be considered a vice and a waste of time. People can't see their own bias and their own hypocrisy to save their souls. Ultimately, it's not worth responding to.

Dam_n it, Kerry, you better not have fallen asleep again. :D

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Hmmm, I have almost 1,800 posts in almost 15 months, averaging 4 per day now. My average was quite a bit lower, but I went through periods where I was working, or didn't have internet access.

I now spend a couple hours a day on the net, surfing various sites including TV. Some days I may crack off 20-25 posts. Other days 2-3. Other days I don't even come on the site.

Having large posting numbers doesn't reflect the quality of the posts though. It only takes a couple of seconds to hit "reply", click on a smiley and then click on "add reply".

Large post counts don't mean a person is addicted either. Some people have more time on their hands (like me for instance), and spend it on the internet, instead of staring at the bottom of an empty bottle of booze.

I fully expect that when I go back to work, my daily average will drop, as I won't have the time and access to the internet that I now enjoy.

And that's just it, isn't it ? Some people enjoy the time they spend here. And some people just seem to have a chip permamently glued to their shoulders. :o

Fair enough and an obviously honest response.However my comment was really directed at those clearly in denial.I was once in the same position myself on a UK forum thus no sense of superiority on my part.However the bottom line is that most prolific posters have an addiction problem though many are in denial.Even if you are out of work or have unsocial hours, there are loads of better things to do than tap tap tap tap away on the PC (and I don't mean just boozing or partying).Forums such as TV are useful and can be fun but as in all things moderation is better.

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Fair enough and an obviously honest response.However my comment was really directed at those clearly in denial.I was once in the same position myself on a UK forum thus no sense of superiority on my part.However the bottom line is that most prolific posters have an addiction problem though many are in denial.Even if you are out of work or have unsocial hours, there are loads of better things to do than tap tap tap tap away on the PC (and I don't mean just boozing or partying).Forums such as TV are useful and can be fun but as in all things moderation is better.

Ohhh yes i am completely in denial, but i dont know about what! Your a qualified doctor of internet psycology are you? :D

Please please please tell me with your infinite wisdom, what i could possibly do at 4am in the morning other than tap tap tap on my keyboard? I would really appreciate some suggestions on pastimes that are available at this time in the morning. Perhaps i could take up kite flying ohhhh i know maybe star gazing. I might even be able to keep the wife happy by doing some ironing.

I shall spell this out nice and clearly for you. I can finish work in the early hours of the moring, and like any person i like to come home and unwind for a couple of hours. Most people who finish at 5pm come home and put on the idiot box and thats why tv from 6pm to 9 pm is known as prime time, as this is when most people are watching, and when the most watchable programs are on.

To sum up, i may spend too much time on here, and that is your business why exactly? Are you my wife? Are you a friend of mine? I think not.

I personally think you are just a troll, which is a lot worse than a prolific poster, because i dont post to get a response, i post becaue i enjoy it, and i do believe the really sad people on forums are the trolls like you.

So thanks to Tip for defending my post rate :D And to everyone else i ask you to ignore this obvious troll and maybe he will crawl back to that other forum, from whence he came.

Muppet :o

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Fair enough and an obviously honest response.However my comment was really directed at those clearly in denial.I was once in the same position myself on a UK forum thus no sense of superiority on my part.However the bottom line is that most prolific posters have an addiction problem though many are in denial.Even if you are out of work or have unsocial hours, there are loads of better things to do than tap tap tap tap away on the PC (and I don't mean just boozing or partying).Forums such as TV are useful and can be fun but as in all things moderation is better.

Ohhh yes i am completely in denial, but i dont know about what! Your a qualified doctor of internet psycology are you? :D

Please please please tell me with your infinite wisdom, what i could possibly do at 4am in the morning other than tap tap tap on my keyboard? I would really appreciate some suggestions on pastimes that are available at this time in the morning. Perhaps i could take up kite flying ohhhh i know maybe star gazing. I might even be able to keep the wife happy by doing some ironing.

I shall spell this out nice and clearly for you. I can finish work in the early hours of the moring, and like any person i like to come home and unwind for a couple of hours. Most people who finish at 5pm come home and put on the idiot box and thats why tv from 6pm to 9 pm is known as prime time, as this is when most people are watching, and when the most watchable programs are on.

To sum up, i may spend too much time on here, and that is your business why exactly? Are you my wife? Are you a friend of mine? I think not.

I personally think you are just a troll, which is a lot worse than a prolific poster, because i dont post to get a response, i post becaue i enjoy it, and i do believe the really sad people on forums are the trolls like you.

So thanks to Tip for defending my post rate :D And to everyone else i ask you to ignore this obvious troll and maybe he will crawl back to that other forum, from whence he came.

Muppet :o

Ignoring the abuse if you really have time on your hands, try reading a book, improving your Thai or another language on tapes/cd,take uppainting. listening to music, writing letters, keeping a diary, long distance learning.There are so many more worth while things to do than tapping out (with due respect) your rather commonplace liitle posts.Good luck.

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Which leads to teasing, friendly bashings, whimsical and comical remarks, retorts, wisecracks, comebacks, rejoinders and such. Silliness, of course, but fun. I don't want to be serious all the time. After all, TIT, and seriousness is discouraged. :D

If you want seriousness, stroll on over to Thailand News clippings. Now that forum literally puts me to sleep.

:o Huh ? Wha ? Sorry, I must have dozed off while reading your post. :D

I'm OK now though, as I've found some paint that is drying. Much more exciting ! :D:D

There should be severe penalties imposed on long posts.

Maybe we should have a vote.

I used to post almost exclusively blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

I still enjoy blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

Lately, however, there's been an influx of blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

Which is why I like blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

The "Missing Kayo Thread" is blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

If you want blah, blah, blah, blah . . .

In any case, there's more than enough blah, blah ,blah ,blah . . .

Dear Kerry & OlRedEyes,

I have amended my original post to suit the two of you. I hope this edited version is sufficiently brief enough to accommodate your likewise brief attention spans.

And if the two of you are still with me and able to focus long enough throughout this droning post


Your friendly,



Thanks Tip, you're a very considerate fella. That's about how I read it originally though.... :D

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Thanks Tip, you're a very considerate fella. That's about how I read it originally though.... :o

Dear OlRedEyes,

What I'd like to say in response is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . . . not to mention blah, blah, blah blah, blah. And if anyone thinks blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah the they can blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah all the way to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Always a pleasure, OlRedEyes. :D

Your friendly,

Tippaporn :D


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Thanks Tip, you're a very considerate fella. That's about how I read it originally though.... :o

Dear OlRedEyes,

What I'd like to say in response is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . . . not to mention blah, blah, blah blah, blah. And if anyone thinks blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah the they can blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah all the way to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Always a pleasure, OlRedEyes. :D

Your friendly,

Tippaporn :D


Is this the last word.... ?


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Fair enough and an obviously honest response.However my comment was really directed at those clearly in denial.I was once in the same position myself on a UK forum thus no sense of superiority on my part.However the bottom line is that most prolific posters have an addiction problem though many are in denial.Even if you are out of work or have unsocial hours, there are loads of better things to do than tap tap tap tap away on the PC (and I don't mean just boozing or partying).Forums such as TV are useful and can be fun but as in all things moderation is better.

Ohhh yes i am completely in denial, but i dont know about what! Your a qualified doctor of internet psycology are you? :D

Please please please tell me with your infinite wisdom, what i could possibly do at 4am in the morning other than tap tap tap on my keyboard? I would really appreciate some suggestions on pastimes that are available at this time in the morning. Perhaps i could take up kite flying ohhhh i know maybe star gazing. I might even be able to keep the wife happy by doing some ironing.

I shall spell this out nice and clearly for you. I can finish work in the early hours of the moring, and like any person i like to come home and unwind for a couple of hours. Most people who finish at 5pm come home and put on the idiot box and thats why tv from 6pm to 9 pm is known as prime time, as this is when most people are watching, and when the most watchable programs are on.

To sum up, i may spend too much time on here, and that is your business why exactly? Are you my wife? Are you a friend of mine? I think not.

I personally think you are just a troll, which is a lot worse than a prolific poster, because i dont post to get a response, i post becaue i enjoy it, and i do believe the really sad people on forums are the trolls like you.

So thanks to Tip for defending my post rate :D And to everyone else i ask you to ignore this obvious troll and maybe he will crawl back to that other forum, from whence he came.

Muppet :o

Ignoring the abuse if you really have time on your hands, try reading a book, improving your Thai or another language on tapes/cd,take uppainting. listening to music, writing letters, keeping a diary, long distance learning.There are so many more worth while things to do than tapping out (with due respect) your rather commonplace liitle posts.Good luck.

You want to be careful Arsenal.....at the rate that you are going you are in danger of becoming a prolific poster :D

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The reason this section seems to be so slow or not very interesting is the moderaotors delete or close any thread that has the potential to be interesting!!

We are adults after al!!!l and if someone doesnt wish to view a thread then they dont have to!

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Personally I find the likes of Daleyboy, Tippaporn and loads of other members here, to be very helpful and informative with a bit of humor added for good measure. Keep up the good work!

It’s easy for some people to forget or overlook that TV is a good Thai-related place to network and make good friends that one can meet with offline. Posting negative judgments about people offers no advantage. Perhaps some complainers see themselves as rescuers of fallen souls but prefer their own company in their own little world of self-imposed isolation. There are a lot more important things to take into account, such as content, rather than worry about how many posts someone has made.

Perhaps some people have a thing about projecting their own personal hang-ups on others because they don’t like what they see in themselves and can’t deal with it on their own.

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I think the forum would be served by not calling people trolls. It is a tactic reminiscent of the Salem witch trials. One poster called three people trolls today. He didn’t disagree with what they said or join the debate. He just called them trolls. Seems like a cheap shot. Seems like one of those people who would silence discussion because they deemed it inappropriate as opposed to debating it. The tyranny of the minority. Every time I see troll written I go red in the face because I realize it is put there by small minded people who would censor other peoples thoughts without examining them.

I think the moderators are a little heavy handed. They are sexaphobic. I don’t know if this is because they are afraid of Thai censorship or if they are just overly proper as in feminist new wave politically correct individuals.

And congratulations to daleyboy for posting a message without calling someone a troll until the last line of your post. I don’t like you daleyboy simply because you make such frequent reference to trolls. I wish you would stop it and write substantive thoughts instead of writing for smears. Cheers.

Edited by mark45y
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IMHO most of the threads are silly.

Is it Raining Where You Are?, The Last Word, Don De Maktub'ar Missing Kayo Thread...that type of stuff.

HEEEYYYY!!!! Uly.......you like those threads reeallllyyyy!!!!!!!! I NOW you do...Seen ya lurking.....

So that leaves monochaser on his own.... (Divide the enemy Sun Tze...)

Monochaser... In two sentences you negitvity ooze, "mate". i´ll see ya if you ever need a friend.. until then... Ciao!


No truer words have ever been spoken. With the likes of these lousy threads, this section of the forum has gone right down the shitter. Missing Kayo thread? gimme a good goddam break

hmm... How are you? I´d love to say pleasure to meet you, yet, as you´ve not even presented me with an opening, I´ll refrain.


This section of the forum is not slow, it's downright boring. YAWN. what a snoozer. missing kayo thread? Rain? what's this place? what's the city? man people get horrifically bored in the sticks

Oh, look, he had to bring it up again.. I´ve never even had the potential mis-pleasure of meeting you and already you face looks like it fits on my fist. BUT, I´m a peaceful guy, and plus, I wouldn´t want to get my hands dirty.

No need to slam the door,unless you really want to....OH! And whilst I´m at it... anybody else tries to bash Daleyboy, and I´ll set my Rabbit on ´em


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Yep! No Probs there tipp.. As long as the two of you can work together when you get here...

"because everyone already knows that Dale and I go out cross dressing with Bops. In fact, the three of us are heading out to Maktub'ar in Guatemala to work for Kayo helping bring in more business. We'd invite you along but you just don't look as good as the three of us when we're dressed to kill"

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Yep! No Probs there tipp.. As long as the two of you can work together when you get here...

"because everyone already knows that Dale and I go out cross dressing with Bops. In fact, the three of us are heading out to Maktub'ar in Guatemala to work for Kayo helping bring in more business. We'd invite you along but you just don't look as good as the three of us when we're dressed to kill"

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Yep! No Probs there tipp.. As long as the two of you can work together when you get here...

"because everyone already knows that Dale and I go out cross dressing with Bops. In fact, the three of us are heading out to Maktub'ar in Guatemala to work for Kayo helping bring in more business. We'd invite you along but you just don't look as good as the three of us when we're dressed to kill"

Of course, wabbits are fair game, too . . . :o

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Yep! No Probs there tipp.. As long as the two of you can work together when you get here...

"because everyone already knows that Dale and I go out cross dressing with Bops. In fact, the three of us are heading out to Maktub'ar in Guatemala to work for Kayo helping bring in more business. We'd invite you along but you just don't look as good as the three of us when we're dressed to kill"


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This section of the forum is not slow, it's downright boring. YAWN. what a snoozer. missing kayo thread? Rain? what's this place? what's the city? man people get horrifically bored in the sticks

I agree with everything so far.

I tried to inject a bit of levity into the whats this place with a satellite picture of Nana Plaza (which is what Google Earth was invented for :D ).

Suffice to say, it was met with the sort of response my grandfather would have had.

I used to post on this forum a couple of years ago (different pseudonym) and it was a hoot. Now it seems a bit mundane. there are very few threads that actually merit a response.

That said....it still seems to supply top notch info for people but that used to be 10% and the banter 90% now it is the other way round :o

Oh and as fer yer rabbit Tippaporn, I have the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch :D

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