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Honest Baht Bus Driver Returns A Bag And Its Valuable Contents To American Family.

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Honest Baht Bus Driver returns a bag and its valuable contents to American Family.

We are always pleased to cover stories here on Pattaya City News which demonstrates the honesty and kind heartedness which many local Thai’s possess. Khun Wisoot aged 57 is the driver of Baht Bus Number 271.

On Wednesday afternoon, he accepted a fare from an American Family who had just come from Bangkok. They arrived at their destination and paid the agreed taxi fare. That night, Khun Wisoot pulled into a petrol station to clean his vehicle but noticed a black shoulder bag under the seats. He looked inside and found a Rolex watch, 4,800 Baht in cash, and a mobile phone.

Keeping the contents was not an option for the taxi driver who decided to start a search for the family so he could return the bag and its contents. He decided to go to a local community radio station 101.25 FM which is a Thai language station run by Mikes Shopping Mall. Luckily for the American family, a Thai friend of theirs was listening and heard the appeal and on Thursday afternoon, at the radio station, the bag was presented back to the family who in-turn presented Khun Wissot with an undisclosed monetary gift in appreciation for his honesty and efforts.

-Pattaya City News

Friday 14th April 2006


Funny. Nobody replies to this one, even those who complain about no positive stories. :D


Well there's nothing to complain about a positive story... :o


TOP GUY, this bus-driver!

He deserves the HONESTY-PRICE-OF-THE-WEEK :D ..Buddha will reward him :o



newspapers report news.

news , for the most part , consists of events and occurrences that are unusual , unexpected and surprising.

thats why they are news. run of the mill events are of no interest to anybody , they are run of the mill. they happen all the time and are expected to happen.

the fact that an honest act by a pattaya resident towards a foriegner was reported , speaks volumes about that city.

Funny. Nobody replies to this one, even those who complain about no positive stories. :D


Makes you wonder eh ? :D

I certainly hope the "undisclosed monetary reward" was more than a 20 baht tip. Personally, I would have probably given him the 4,800 baht (unless it was a fake rolex and a really cheap mobile) :D

How very lucky too, that he was able to get a message out on a Thai radio station, that just happened to be heard by friends of the American family !

Bad tme to buy a lottery ticket though (probably used up all the good luck already) :o

... bag under the seats. He looked inside and found a Rolex watch, 4,800 Baht in cash, and a mobile phone.

...Khun Wissot with an undisclosed monetary gift in appreciation for his honesty and efforts.

-Pattaya City News

Friday 14th April 2006



Bangkok-City - The American family who received their properties from a cab-driver have pulled charges against the man ...

It seems the mobile phone has a bill of $23,456.89 on 0.sex-numbers ... the money is copied at a local store and the Rolex is Chinese !

The man is still on the lose ...



... bag under the seats. He looked inside and found a Rolex watch, 4,800 Baht in cash, and a mobile phone.

...Khun Wissot with an undisclosed monetary gift in appreciation for his honesty and efforts.

-Pattaya City News

Friday 14th April 2006



Bangkok-City - The American family who received their properties from a cab-driver have pulled charges against the man ...

It seems the mobile phone has a bill of $23,456.89 on 0.sex-numbers ... the money is copied at a local store and the Rolex is Chinese !

The man is still on the lose ...




What phone company lets you run up $23,456.89 on a phone? :D


I dunno but I know a Belgian one let a 2000Euro one run up overnight on a pals phone until he realised it was gone and he reported it - at least they gave him time to pay it off in installments.

Seems there were many calls to Morrocco, Congo and all stations south :o

What phone company lets you run up $23,456.89 on a phone? :o


BC Tel for one (at least on your land-line).

It even happened in your back yard, Victoria ! (Esquimalt actually, summer of '83).

One of our guys went on a 2 1/2 month long summer exercise. Shortly after he left, his "girlfriend" cleaned out the apartment (sold, kept or threw away all his stuff). Before leaving, she dialed a number in Japan that gives you the recorded time every minute (and apparently cost 25 cents each time).

When buddy came home to his empty apartment, he saw the phone off the hook and replaced it, not thinking too much about it (other things on his mind obviously, like the fact that she had been cleaning out his bank account every 2 weeks as well, using his ATM card).

When he got around to checking out his mail, he found a phone bill for almost $22,000 !! Luckily for him, BC Tel reviewed it and cancelled the charges.

I imagine you could do something similar on a cell-phone that uses a fixed plan (as opposed to the "pay as you go" phones we usually see here in Thailand).

Some scam sites get you to phone a 1-800 type number, but the call gets routed through a 3rd world country (like Togo) and you end up paying their outrageous long distance rates.

Funny. Nobody replies to this one, even those who complain about no positive stories. :o


This one was posted exclusively for TTM :D

Funny. Nobody replies to this one, even those who complain about no positive stories. :o


Yes but why is it news? I have found that the Thai people are twice as honest as other civilised nations in day to day honesty. If I put on this forum, everytime I dropped money on the floor, and a Thai tapped me on the shoulder to point it out to me, you would soon get pissed off. I once dropped my wallet with 20,000 baht in it in a petrol station and the guy came running after me. He got 2,000 baht for his honesty. You drop a wallet in Ramsgate high street and you have got a good chance of being killed in the rush. Why does everyone seem to be so surpised at the honesty of poor Thai people. The rich ones. That's another story.

What's the next news item going to be.

" Man pays 200,000 baht into bank"

Sorry for being so bloody minded, but I suppose it does reflect the times we are living in.

No offence intened BM.


... bag under the seats. He looked inside and found a Rolex watch, 4,800 Baht in cash, and a mobile phone.

...Khun Wissot with an undisclosed monetary gift in appreciation for his honesty and efforts.

-Pattaya City News

Friday 14th April 2006



Bangkok-City - The American family who received their properties from a cab-driver have pulled charges against the man ...

It seems the mobile phone has a bill of $23,456.89 on 0.sex-numbers ... the money is copied at a local store and the Rolex is Chinese !

The man is still on the lose ...


Now that's what I call horny :D:D


Well it may not be extraordinary for a Thai person to be honest, but it is very good news for all of us who are pro baht busses.....which I and many others consider to be a great method of transport within the City.

It is not the first time that a baht bus driver has come to the rescue or aided farangs who have either lost items or been in trouble.

This sort of friendly, honest act should be publicised as it enhances the image of Pattaya and Thailand and also the baht bus driver.

Well done Khun Wissot and all the other baht bus drivers who make getting about in Pattaya very easy at a very reasonable cost. :o


Well Baht Bus Drivers get ripped all the time, and rightfully so, but good to know their are some good ones out there. It would have been much easier to keep it and benefit. Hope the lad got 10K from the yanks.


Sorry Guys, I'n not wearing this for one minute.

The whole thing reads like a chessy PR stunt dreamt up by some bored reporter on a day when there were no jumpers to report.

The hardest part to believe is that an American actually took his family to Pattaya. This is just way beyond the realms of reality for me.

And the Rolex in the bag! total BS!

Honest Baht Bus Driver returns a bag and its valuable contents to American Family.

We are always pleased to cover stories here on Pattaya City News which demonstrates the honesty and kind heartedness which many local Thai’s possess. Khun Wisoot aged 57 is the driver of Baht Bus Number 271.

On Wednesday afternoon, he accepted a fare from an American Family who had just come from Bangkok. They arrived at their destination and paid the agreed taxi fare. That night, Khun Wisoot pulled into a petrol station to clean his vehicle but noticed a black shoulder bag under the seats. He looked inside and found a Rolex watch, 4,800 Baht in cash, and a mobile phone.

Keeping the contents was not an option for the taxi driver who decided to start a search for the family so he could return the bag and its contents. He decided to go to a local community radio station 101.25 FM which is a Thai language station run by Mikes Shopping Mall. Luckily for the American family, a Thai friend of theirs was listening and heard the appeal and on Thursday afternoon, at the radio station, the bag was presented back to the family who in-turn presented Khun Wissot with an undisclosed monetary gift in appreciation for his honesty and efforts.

-Pattaya City News

Friday 14th April 2006


Here we go then: Last week in bangkok I (stupidly) left an A4 portfolio case on the back seat of a taxi. immediatewly after getting out I realised ewhat i'd done only to see the taxi drive offf down Sukhumvit. Two hours later i get a call from a client whose card was in the case: Who's a daft git then he asks? me says I. The taxi driver had rung the number on the biz card, took the case back, and asked only for 100 Baht as the metered taxi fare.

I only wish i knew who this guy was.


We've also had our valuable belongings returned after mistakenly leaving them on a minibus (taxi). There are some honest and kind-hearted people around. I don't think I'd want to live in a place where there weren't.

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