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Former BBC Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis charged with sexual assault


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The BBC needs to clean up its act. Yet another filthy rapist. Hope he gets a taste of his own medicine in jail.

Did I miss rape being one of the charges.

I am thinking that Mr TJ would not look out of place wearing a white hat with KK on it !

Oh, of course! Not rape, just sexual assault. No big deal. Women should toughen up and stop complaining. Case closed.

Please enlighten me: what is KK? ... King Kong? Katoey Kickboxer?

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What I don't get is, what's to stop anyone who spent some time alone with anybody famous nor not making allegations.

After all these years it's just a case of she said, he said. How can there be any evidence.

And even if it was consensual at the time, it's so easy to say it wasn't.

Reminds me of that old joke when the judge said to the accuser "And at what point did you realise you had been raped"

"When the cheque bounced" was the reply.

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ill be up before the before the judge soon if TJ has his way,

i tapped loads of lasses on the arse at disco,s in the 70s and 80s, and by the way ive had my ass groped by girls,,lol

thats exual assult now,

Probably attempted rape in TJ's book

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Can't help feeling that the 'sins' of 20, 30 and 40 years ago are being judged by the political correctness of today.

That doesn't mean that I condone the alleged sexual misconduct but I think that looking at events in the context of the time is important.

Values and attitudes do change over time and things that were 'acceptable' in a previous generation are not anymore.

Society has changed its attitude to a lot of things in 30 years and perhaps DLT has too, but his alleged sins of the past are going to be judged by the values of today.

Not saying what's right or wrong, just making an observation.

When was sexual assault ever acceptable in your lifetime?

You're in the 21st century now, not the Dark Ages. Behave accordingly.

Well Tubby just read some of your posts from yesterday.

Clearly you failed to (or chose not to) appreciate the point I was making about values shifting over time.

I made no judgement about Travis' guilt or innocence of any charges brought.

However, first you vilify a man who as yet, has not been found guilty calling him 'a filthy rapist'. Then you do the same to anyone who has an alternative viewpoint.

In the unlikelihood that at any time in the future, I choose to be a member of a lynch mob, I would want you to be my leader. You display all the attributes required.

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i was 5 lol,

but i can remember my sisters going to dances at the RAF camps at scampton and hemswell,

and coming home late,,lol,

and maybe a bit of rolling around on our settee,

that was good for me i used to be first up hand down the back of settee, bloody money i used to find,,lol

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gone are the days when you could grab a girls ass, and it was fun for both partys,,

or even talk about there ass for that matter,

but girls were as bad,

did you ever live TJ,

have fun as a kid growing up,

ever sit with a girl and experiment,

bloody nora, lighten up mate

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Aah ... 1965. When homophobia was all the rage, you guys cracked witty racist jokes and sexually intimidating women was clean, harmless fun. Those were better days.

I'm glad some of you haven't changed.

You write as though you think females are brainless and never have a sexual desire. rolleyes.gif

I see: "Females" have a desire ... to be sexually abused.

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gone are the days when you could grab a girls ass, and it was fun for both partys,,

or even talk about there ass for that matter,

but girls were as bad,

did you ever live TJ,

have fun as a kid growing up,

ever sit with a girl and experiment,

bloody nora, lighten up mate

Think tubby will campaign for CCTV cameras to be installed at the back row of cinema's next. laugh.png

The barstool bores on this thread consider sexual abuse as nothing but a bit of "fun as a kid growing up" and an "experiment".

(shakes head in disbelief) ... Please remember to always use condoms and never -- I repeat never -- have children.

"Grab a girl's ass" = fun for both parties? Leave the Dark Ages behind, welcome to the 21st century.

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If John Peel were alive he would probably have been arrested as well. He admitted to abusing girls as young as 13 when he worked in the USA in his twenties. That was just as wrong in the 60's as it is now. He also admitted an affair in the UK with a 15 year old when he was married. The claim that girls were up for it is no excuse, the men can always say no instead. Being a DJ at the BBC was no green light for being a child abuser.

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gone are the days when you could grab a girls ass, and it was fun for both partys,,

or even talk about there ass for that matter,

but girls were as bad,

did you ever live TJ,

have fun as a kid growing up,

ever sit with a girl and experiment,

bloody nora, lighten up mate

Think tubby will campaign for CCTV cameras to be installed at the back row of cinema's next. xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka.png alt=laugh.png width=20 height=20>

The barstool bores on this thread consider sexual abuse as nothing but a bit of "fun as a kid growing up" and an "experiment".

(shakes head in disbelief) ... Please remember to always use condoms and never -- I repeat never -- have children.

"Grab a girl's ass" = fun for both parties? Leave the Dark Ages behind, welcome to the 21st century.

TJ, not sure where you are coming from, meaning that I'm not sure if you are trolling by winding posters up with your replies, or, that you truly believe in your statements that everyone 'accused' of these sort of crimes is automatically guilty, and have indeed no experience of the 'Dark Ages'.

IMO, you need to ask yourself, if indeed a crime had been committed as long ago as 40 years, why were they not reported at the time? In this case it appears that only one of the 'victims' was under 18 years old. If they were reported, why was nothing done about it, why was a conclusion not reached then? This in itself, to me, would be highly suspicious.

Whereas I couldn't, or wouldn't even like to, guarantee (nothing in this world is 100%) I am sure that the majority (if not all) of posters here would condone sexual attacks on anyone. However, you have seemed to be able to twist the replies to make that appear so, in your own mind.

But still you conflict with yourself. These crimes are said to have been committed up 40 years ago, in your own mind you appear to have convicted and sentenced the accused already while understanding that things were different back then (the 'Dark Ages'). Yet the last sentence in your post above states:

"Leave the Dark Ages behind, welcome to the 21st century"

Where are you coming from Mr. Tubby?..............crying.gif

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i havnt sat on a bar stool as you put it for over 8 years,

i dont drink,

im talking about life experiances when your growing up,

if you want to cal;l it something else by all means do so,

but please stop trying to say that all that post against you are in favour of ladys or girls being abused,

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I'm not sure Mr Tubby is quite the respecter of women he's making himself out to be on this thread, as on another thread he's callously suggested a woman should kill herself as she's a "psycho".

5. Encourage her to kill herself. The world will be a better place without the burden of that psycho, believe me.

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Hmmm ... Why would a 15-year-old girl remain silent about rape for most of her life? Pain? Shame? Psychological trauma? Fear of ostracism?

Why do thousands of boys abused at the hands of lecherous priests in Houses of God keep their traumas a deep secret until it becomes too much too live with later in their lives and they need to come clean?

Get your arse off that barstool and your mind out of the gutter. Look around you, broaden your mind. Try practising compassion and empathy and you might see the light eventually.

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Hmmm ... Why would a 15-year-old girl remain silent about rape for most of her life? Pain? Shame? Psychological trauma? Fear of ostracism?

Why do thousands of boys abused at the hands of lecherous priests in Houses of God keep their traumas a deep secret until it becomes too much too live with later in their lives and they need to come clean?

Get your arse off that barstool and your mind out of the gutter. Look around you, broaden your mind. Try practising compassion and empathy and you might see the light eventually.

Tubs, you keep confusing "sexual assault" and rape.

Do you have any sexual experience........ at all ?

I was no great fan of DLT but your posts are moving me towards empathising with him......................

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gone are the days when you could grab a girls ass, and it was fun for both partys,,

or even talk about there ass for that matter,

but girls were as bad,

did you ever live TJ,

have fun as a kid growing up,

ever sit with a girl and experiment,

bloody nora, lighten up mate

Think tubby will campaign for CCTV cameras to be installed at the back row of cinema's next. laugh.png

I have had a few fumbles in the back row.

Buying the girl's ticket bought the right to a bit of slap and tickle. If she was a good girl she would put up a bit of a protest but was really consenting.

Not sure how Tubs would view that ?

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Hmmm ... Why would a 15-year-old girl remain silent about rape for most of her life? Pain? Shame? Psychological trauma? Fear of ostracism?

Why do thousands of boys abused at the hands of lecherous priests in Houses of God keep their traumas a deep secret until it becomes too much too live with later in their lives and they need to come clean?

Get your arse off that barstool and your mind out of the gutter. Look around you, broaden your mind. Try practising compassion and empathy and you might see the light eventually.

Tubs, you keep confusing "sexual assault" and rape.

Do you have any sexual experience........ at all ?

I was no great fan of DLT but your posts are moving me towards empathising with him......................

Can you then explain how sexual assault is preferable to rape?

Plenty of women dying to hear your answer, oh wise oracle.

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We have someone who is trolling. Do not respond. This topic is about a DJ. It is not about the posters on TV and their opinion. Continued trolling will result in a suspension.

Stay on-topic please.

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"in an appropriate place" ......... lambs to the slaughter.

11 counts of indecent assault and one of sexual assault over a 30-year period from 1977. The allegations relate to eight women aged between 18 and 29 at the time and a girl of 15.

...... And Jimmy Saville was innocent too.coffee1.gif

For all we know, he has been accused of pinching 8 ladies bums.

It's indecent assault now, but in the 70s and 80s it wasn't.

Get a grip man!

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