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needed: good but affordable physiotherapist (thigh / muscle rupture)


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Hi all,

not sure if I should have better placed this in the BANGKOK section, as this is where I live, but I hope to get some input here too.

I suffered from a full-scale muscle rupture / thorn muscle in my thigh while trying to do some "sports activity" on the beach, where the sand proved to be too soft for my weight :-/ I went to see a physician at a well-known hospital (that I usually trust) here in BKK first, but wasn't that much impressed, so I went to another specialist sports-clinic in Kuala Lumpur, where I had to travel one day later. they did a MRI-scan and offered further treatment by their (expensive!!!) physiotherapists, but I had to return to BKK now anyway.

Can anyone give a recommendation for a GOOD but at the same time AFFORDABLE physiotherapist in BANGKOK? who will advice me on how to do some exercises at home by myself, so I don'*t need to go there every other day, but maybe just 1-2 times per week ? I do have all those MRI-scan images so he/she can judge/decide what is best for me. The physician in BKK said I have lost 20% of the power in my left thigh orever, (that was before the MRI scan was actually done as I decided to do it at that specialist sports-clinic in KL two days later), whereas the Doc in KL said it could be back to almost normal if treated properly, after seeing the MRI scan.

any input / recommendations is/are very much appreciated, thank you

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