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What if I had killed him ?


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I've heard anecdotes of case where you are although in in the right, like motorcycle coming down the street on the 'wrong' way and you happened to kill him, police would sometime charge you with manslaughter(to be dropped later),

and often will put down official report of both you and the dead/injured idiot as being equally at fault out of the sympathy for the injured idiot/ surviving family members since your insurance will not pay for hospital bills/funeral cost should the report finds you blameless.

So, when a find an idiot heading towards me in a 'chicken game' I often have an urge to darwin the fvcker by removing him from the gene pool but I remember the above anecdote and the time and paperwork and the run-around is not worth it.

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Unreasonable fear of accusations by the police.

Surprised you dare live in Thailand.

I always used to think I was a bit paranoid, until I read some of the posters on TV.

oh dear...paranoid you may not be old chap...but one suspects a bit lacking in the sense of humour department....the comment was made made tongue in cheek...which I attempted to indicate by inserting "tongue.png" at the end of the post to assist the humour challanged that the post was made in jest and in addition...those from Blighty will recognise the "baldrick" reference as well, which is also a humourous in origin... whistling.gif

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Thats why we always need to be prepared for the unprepareable (not a real word, but fits anyway) Anything can happen, and does happen. If you would have hit him, you would have at least spend a few days in jail, and maybe would have to pay his family and police a bit of money, no matter whos fault is was.

Depends if you have a bailbond option on your insurance. Besides let the insurance handle it and if he was so obvious wrong. I would not worry. I got a dashcam too for things like this.

you wouldn't need a dash cam for this one

ramp to the highway is off limits for 2 wheeled vehicles.

A clear traffic sign (one of the few in Thailand) at the start of the actual ramp. So no matter what he is at fault.

To we westerners, yes he would be at fault. But we are in Thailand and if you hit or injure him, you/we are at fault and not the Thai. A Thai hitting a Thai, one pays and one recieves, our accidents, we pay and sometimes dearly. Always be prepared for the unexpected and look more than once in any direction. The Thai's are only living for the day. That is why they drive and act with impunity and do the things they do.

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You would have to pay the family. I recently hesrd of a Thai who knocked somebody of his bike and killed him. He wss msde to psy thr family

Yep. Just pay. That's the way it's done here. Cough up some a fistfull of baht.

Sorry, but if I didn't do wrong AND I could prove it with my dash cam, his/her family isn't getting anything but a body to burn.

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Maybe i should do the research myself but are there dash cams that do not need to be hardwired into the car but could be powered from the cigarette lighter socket . I was thinking specifically for hire cars . Perhaps a bike helmet cam would do the job and clip it onto the rear vision mirror. Any info?

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Maybe i should do the research myself but are there dash cams that do not need to be hardwired into the car but could be powered from the cigarette lighter socket . I was thinking specifically for hire cars . Perhaps a bike helmet cam would do the job and clip it onto the rear vision mirror. Any info?

My dash cam plugs into the cigarette lighter and then has a suction cup for the windscreen. I don't like the wire hanging down, but it's not too bad. Bunches of them for sale at Tukcom. With all sorts of different features. Some have front and back cameras!

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I drive a bike and a car and I am amazed at how car drivers drive and bike drivers. From both stupid things and often bikes (and even cars) have no lights. Its dangerous and they really don't seem to care about it. Those without headlights going the wrong was are crazy dangerous. But on my bike i see a lot of idiot car drivers too. 




Highway, driving on the wrong side of the road, no lights, no helmet, with a wide toothless grin...

Then there's those big trailers who think double solid stripes on the road are merely for decoration purposes.

Add to that pedestrians who just bolt out of nowhere to cross to the other side of a multi-lane road.


Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Maybe i should do the research myself but are there dash cams that do not need to be hardwired into the car but could be powered from the cigarette lighter socket . I was thinking specifically for hire cars . Perhaps a bike helmet cam would do the job and clip it onto the rear vision mirror. Any info?

Post 17.

Most if not all dash cams are connected to the 12v output.

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Maybe i should do the research myself but are there dash cams that do not need to be hardwired into the car but could be powered from the cigarette lighter socket . I was thinking specifically for hire cars . Perhaps a bike helmet cam would do the job and clip it onto the rear vision mirror. Any info?

My dash cam plugs into the cigarette lighter and then has a suction cup for the windscreen. I don't like the wire hanging down, but it's not too bad. Bunches of them for sale at Tukcom. With all sorts of different features. Some have front and back cameras!

If your Dash-Cam is a permanent fixture you could easily feet the wire through the upholstery (I found a credit card (or something similar) quite convenient for plying open the roof lining.

The Dash-cams on both my Wife's car and my car came with sufficient length of cable that I was able to easily feed the cable from the centre of the windscreen (behind / under the rear-view mirror) up through the head lining across the top of the windshield, along the top of the door lining down the central pillar, under the passenger seat and into the centre console 12v power supply - The wires are not visible.

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Maybe i should do the research myself but are there dash cams that do not need to be hardwired into the car but could be powered from the cigarette lighter socket . I was thinking specifically for hire cars . Perhaps a bike helmet cam would do the job and clip it onto the rear vision mirror. Any info?

My dash cam plugs into the cigarette lighter and then has a suction cup for the windscreen. I don't like the wire hanging down, but it's not too bad. Bunches of them for sale at Tukcom. With all sorts of different features. Some have front and back cameras!

If your Dash-Cam is a permanent fixture you could easily feet the wire through the upholstery (I found a credit card (or something similar) quite convenient for plying open the roof lining.

The Dash-cams on both my Wife's car and my car came with sufficient length of cable that I was able to easily feed the cable from the centre of the windscreen (behind / under the rear-view mirror) up through the head lining across the top of the windshield, along the top of the door lining down the central pillar, under the passenger seat and into the centre console 12v power supply - The wires are not visible.

Thanks for the info - as i mainly drive hire cars when i do drive at all in LOS then a removeable one would make sense and would be a good investment. Thanks once again.

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Maybe i should do the research myself but are there dash cams that do not need to be hardwired into the car but could be powered from the cigarette lighter socket . I was thinking specifically for hire cars . Perhaps a bike helmet cam would do the job and clip it onto the rear vision mirror. Any info?

All dashcams do not need hardwire.

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Get a dashcam

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I keep meaning to get one of these - seen a few in the UK that look very good.

But the better ones need installing - any leads on who can do that here?

(Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread)

I would think one of the many stores that sells and installs car accessories and electronics would be able to do this. The one I see quite a bit is near the entrance to Tesco, on Suk near Thepprasit. They install all sorts of goodies for cars and have said they will install mine permanently if I wanted. Said it would take about a hour.

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Get a dashcam

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I keep meaning to get one of these - seen a few in the UK that look very good.

But the better ones need installing - any leads on who can do that here?

(Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread)

I would think one of the many stores that sells and installs car accessories and electronics would be able to do this. The one I see quite a bit is near the entrance to Tesco, on Suk near Thepprasit. They install all sorts of goodies for cars and have said they will install mine permanently if I wanted. Said it would take about a hour.

Thanks Craig, exactly the info I needed.

Is the shop actually in the Tesco carpark, or outside on Sukhumvit?

The one I went to was right outside, to the left as you look at the building. There are a few businesses there. I'm sure there are many, many more places that could do this. Probably any place that installs LED lights, stereo stuff, etc. But this shop did see what I had and said they would do it. Can't remember the price, but it was very reasonable.

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