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Robbed while unconcious


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So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

1. They hear about all the time on the bar stool

2. They read about these things on Thaivisa

3. Personal experience and thinks it must apply to everyone

4. Like making the OP paranoid

5. ....

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What a callous, unfeeling bunch most of you are!

I can see nothing in what the OP has posted to suggest that his girlfriend is scamming him; quite the opposite in fact.

Some of you must lead very sad, empty lives if you have nothing better to offer than such comments.

Akspace, your girlfriend has my sympathies and best wishes for a full recovery soon; though she wont get her possessions back.

It may be that she was targeted; it may have been an opportunistic toerag.

Unfortunately, happens everywhere. I recall a recent news report on British TV showing cctv footage of two men who appeared to have rushed to the aid of a woman who had collapsed in the street, only for one of them to pick up her handbag and walk away with it.

Best wishes, and ignore the <deleted> with nothing better to do.

Do you live in Thailand ?

I think it appropriate that you should not refer to members here as ''<deleted>'' when we/I comment from our/my life in Thailand experiences.

So your life experience in Thailand is constantly being scammed for money by girls?

If so, you have my sympathies. But don't assume your gullibility means that all Thai girls are like that.

Apart from one sarcastic comment the OP has not said that she has asked him for money. So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

Bar stool cheesy.gif .

As usual you are twisting words, nobody has said ''all girls'', but some of us do not walk around blinkered, and my witnessed experiences have nothing to do with myself but others, YET. smile.png

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It seems as though the OP has not been asked for any financial assistance, so any advice about being alert to a potential financial scam was, in hindsight, unwarranted. I see nothing wrong with making people aware that infrequently there are ruses meant to elicit money.

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So your life experience in Thailand is constantly being scammed for money by girls?

If so, you have my sympathies. But don't assume your gullibility means that all Thai girls are like that.

Apart from one sarcastic comment the OP has not said that she has asked him for money. So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

I can answer this one,

My life experience in Thailand is seeing unsuspecting guys, who don't live here, scammed by Thai ladies.

Those of us who live here don't suffer so badly, as we are here seeing this stuff happen all the time.

Latest scammer I see at work nearly every day,

Nice lady age 32 with 4 year old son, living off a 21 year old Canadian who is back in Canada working to send her money.

My friends and I watch her tearful requests for money as we sit and drink coffee, she skypes him from our local coffee shop.

No attempt to hide what she is doing from us, we all live here.

He's sending her between 20-40kbht a month.

They only knew each other one night, his last holiday night before he flew home.

Looks like a nice guy, but really!

Most expats aren't a target for these girls.

If they work an expat, they can only do one, as we are here all the time.

If they work a tourist or offshore worker, they can have four or five guys on the go at the same time, no problem.

AOA, I know we don't agree much on some issues here, BUT you are right in what you say with this one. I know stuff from my wife who tells me whats going on with ''some'' folk and she doesn't like to see a farang who is giving her ''kind'' a new better way of life taken for a ride (my words). That's it.

PS. One of my stories that is implanted in head the lady is in her late fifties. sad.png

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all the above just points out how difficult long distance relationships are especially when there's a drama....

and judging by the comments how many of TV members have been scorned....

to the OP as long as you have seen the bruises and scrapes then you have nothing to worry about....I am sure as you are using SKYPE she has showed them to you, would be one of the first things my missus would show me if she'd had an accident.

Best of luck thumbsup.gif

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So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

1. They hear about all the time on the bar stool

2. They read about these things on Thaivisa

3. Personal experience and thinks it must apply to everyone

4. Like making the OP paranoid

5. ....

#4. Some healthy paranoia is good to have.

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We know a Thai woman who lives near our house in Bangkok who met an American guy.

He made her all sorts of promises about marrying her and taking her to the States, and yes, they did meet 'professionally' and he did send her some money occasionally. Not enough to live on, but enough for her to stop working in the bar and find a less well paid but more respectable job.

Their relationship continued in this way for about three years, with him regularly visiting her in Bangkok and promising that when the time was right they would marry and he would take her to live in the states.

Then he left with his usual promises and she heard nothing from him for about 6 months; until she got an email saying that he had also been seeing a woman in the Philippines and had decided to marry her instead.

At least he told her.

So, just as some posters here are judging the OP's girlfriend, and by association all Thai women, on stories they have heard about some Thai women, should I deduce that the actions of this man means that all American men are deceivers who will string a woman along for cheap sex until something better comes along?

Such a deduction would be as ridiculous as many of the posts in this topic.

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So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

1. They hear about all the time on the bar stool

2. They read about these things on Thaivisa

3. Personal experience and thinks it must apply to everyone

4. Like making the OP paranoid

5. ....

5. Experience even outside of Thailand with scams

6. Experience even outside of Thailand with cheating partners

7. Experence even outside of Thailand, with liars/manipulators

8. A desire to help others avoid (or see earlier) what might be happening

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So, just as some posters here are judging the OP's girlfriend, and by association all Thai women, on stories they have heard about some Thai women, should I deduce that the actions of this man means that all American men are deceivers who will string a woman along for cheap sex until something better comes along?

That works for me (as an American, as a Thai or just as a man).

Can you explain, to me, how stringing a woman along for cheap sex is a bad thing?

Or are you suggesting men should pay a lot for sex?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

As someone asked earlier, how did your GF get to the hospital? Obviously, someone helped her. And what makes you think that every accident victim gets robbed? That has not been my experience in Thailand. I too find your story not believable.

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I would like to hear that her story is true! They are all human for certain and I overlook the type that are scamming western men. That's their business and their victims are the type that learn the hard way and hope the lesson helps them avoid it again. Money can be made again and poor opportunists are always gonna be looking out for easy targets.

As they say, a fool and his money are soon partying!

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So, just as some posters here are judging the OP's girlfriend, and by association all Thai women, on stories they have heard about some Thai women, should I deduce that the actions of this man means that all American men are deceivers who will string a woman along for cheap sex until something better comes along?

That works for me (as an American, as a Thai or just as a man).

Can you explain, to me, how stringing a woman along for cheap sex is a bad thing?

Or are you suggesting men should pay a lot for sex?

Your comment says a lot about you.

I am not suggesting that men should always pay a lot for sex; that is up to them and the woman concerned.

I am saying that lying to a someone, male or female, to get cheap, or free, sex is the action of a despicable person; man or woman.


I don't see where it says on this thread that ALL Thai women will scam ALL foreign men.

The immediate, automatic, knee-jerk reaction from certain posters to the Op shows very clearly that they believe it to be so; that they believe the OP's girlfriend is guilty until proven innocent and even then they wouldn't believe it.

Like the poster who said that the cast and wounds the OP saw on Skype must be fake!

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But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

As someone asked earlier, how did your GF get to the hospital? Obviously, someone helped her. And what makes you think that every accident victim gets robbed? That has not been my experience in Thailand. I too find your story not believable.

Golly gosh, I think you have cracked this one!

No mention of the kind person that delivered her to hospital when she had no bag, no money, no ID and no transport.

Also no mention of how she got the hospital to treat her, seeing as she had no money and no ID.

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I am saying that lying to a someone, male or female, to get cheap, or free, sex is the action of a despicable person; man or woman.

Any man here who never lied to get sex, hands up now!


Her: "Do you love me darling?"

Him: "Yes of course I do darling, right pants down then!"

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Personally, I don't think that just some proof of an accident puts this matter to rest, as 100% true.

The OP doesn't live in Thailand, and I think doesn't visit for long periods of time. He does send her money monthly. IF this is a typical story for some long distance relationships, the g/f might see other people. She might have been invited to go somewhere with another guy for a few days, hence the need to be gone and not answering her phone. He called her parents and her work, she wasn't there, and they SAID didn't know where she was.

Maybe she just happened to have a crash, and then needing an excuse, came up with the unconscious part, and the theft, to explain not answering her phone and being missing for a few days. As an added benefit, she can ask later, or he can offer to send her money to cover the loss of the bike, jewelry, phone, cash, hospital bills, missing work time ...endless opportunities! Before the "crash" she was planning to just say she lost her phone?

The OP's proof, that all is as she says ...is that she wasn't wearing the jewelry she claimed got stolen (what kind of idiot would be?) and that her parents tried to call her, and she didn't answer them either? (Would her parents actually LIE to HIM?)

This story sort of reminds me of out-of-town men, who write here, about how their g/f got arrested and is missing and nobody knows what jail she is in, blah, blah, or what crime she did, and a convoluted story follows with the OPs going missing and never answering us again!

But, I guess, I hope, for the OP, that it is a true story.

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No mention either of her shoe size, or the length of her hair or the colour of her clothes at the time or the make of her bike.

Indeed, just the bare essentials.

Someone must be lying! (For the brain dead, that's a sarcastic comment.)

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I am saying that lying to a someone, male or female, to get cheap, or free, sex is the action of a despicable person; man or woman.

Any man here who never lied to get sex, hands up now!


Her: "Do you love me darling?"

Him: "Yes of course I do darling, right pants down then!"

Not exactly the same as a promise of marriage and a new life, is it?

If that man and you are both typical examples of American men, then I feel really sorry for American women.

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I am saying that lying to a someone, male or female, to get cheap, or free, sex is the action of a despicable person; man or woman.

Any man here who never lied to get sex, hands up now!


Her: "Do you love me darling?"

Him: "Yes of course I do darling, right pants down then!"

Not exactly the same as a promise of marriage and a new life, is it?

If that man and you are both typical examples of American men, then I feel really sorry for American women.

This will sort it all out....................................



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After all the horror stories I've read on Thaivisa and elsewhere I can understand the questionable replies here, even though they are very callous should the OP's story be actually true.

I am lucky cos my Thai wife tells me who did/does what, regarding folk making some cash. whistling.gif ............smile.png

Mate ... I've seen the 10% 'tip of the iceberg' ... I'm sure you've seen the 90% that's underwater.


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life is short, love is fleeting. immediately fly to thailand and spend time with her. i'm serious, not joking. prove to her that you will do anything to help. if you can afford to go, do it. can you imagine how much it would mean to you if you got hurt and she flew over to see you? exactly. this is the only way to really know. if you rely on skype and phone calls, ah, that is not true love. or, if you don't have the cash to travel now, maybe send flowers. something unique. she needs you now.

Not so sure about the flowers. Long, long ago, I thought I'd surprise my girlfriend with a dozen, imported long stem roses, for her birthday. Did the same the following year, but this time there came the question, 'why did you buy the roses? I can't eat them. Better if you just gave me the money'. My take is that the Thais are far more pragmatic than western romanticists trying to score love points.

Money does the job better. Every time! But I could be wrong.

Nope ... you are not wrong.

When I went to make the first meeting with the gf's Mother ... I wanted to make the good first impression.

I suggested Flowers ... she smiled, gave me a hug and said ... Honey ... we can not eat flowers ... better we give money.

I didn't like that idea so I suggested a TESCO trip ... everyone happy with that.

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Gentlemen ... may we call a truce to the Scam / not Scam?

Maybe we wait till the OP comes back the the indisputable evidence that what happened as described by his Thai gf actually happened as she described it.

Hospital bills are easy to trace.

If she went to a Private Clinic / Hospital she will have the bill ... if she was treated by her local government Hospital .. there would be no fee.

Insurance covers many things. My Thai gf had 3 policies which would cover her for some or all of the events described. (She now only has one! ... Farang intervention!)

Lastly ... sure, 100% if this story happened as it is described to us ... it will be plastered across her FaceBook.

A skype of an arm in Plaster ... sorry no! An X-Ray showing the break with the Hospitals name and the gf's name and date ... now we are getting somewhere.

Without any of that evidence ... I would have to say that there is a serious disconnect between what is described in the OP and the events that actually took place ... was that diplomatically said?


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Gentlemen ... may we call a truce to the Scam / not Scam?

Maybe we wait till the OP comes back the the indisputable evidence that what happened as described by his Thai gf actually happened as she described it.

Hospital bills are easy to trace.

If she went to a Private Clinic / Hospital she will have the bill ... if she was treated by her local government Hospital .. there would be no fee.

Insurance covers many things. My Thai gf had 3 policies which would cover her for some or all of the events described. (She now only has one! ... Farang intervention!)

Lastly ... sure, 100% if this story happened as it is described to us ... it will be plastered across her FaceBook.

A skype of an arm in Plaster ... sorry no! An X-Ray showing the break with the Hospitals name and the gf's name and date ... now we are getting somewhere.

Without any of that evidence ... I would have to say that there is a serious disconnect between what is described in the OP and the events that actually took place ... was that diplomatically said?


Yes. smile.png

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life is short, love is fleeting. immediately fly to thailand and spend time with her. i'm serious, not joking. prove to her that you will do anything to help. if you can afford to go, do it. can you imagine how much it would mean to you if you got hurt and she flew over to see you? exactly. this is the only way to really know. if you rely on skype and phone calls, ah, that is not true love. or, if you don't have the cash to travel now, maybe send flowers. something unique. she needs you now.

Not so sure about the flowers. Long, long ago, I thought I'd surprise my girlfriend with a dozen, imported long stem roses, for her birthday. Did the same the following year, but this time there came the question, 'why did you buy the roses? I can't eat them. Better if you just gave me the money'. My take is that the Thais are far more pragmatic than western romanticists trying to score love points.

Money does the job better. Every time! But I could be wrong.

Nope ... you are not wrong.

When I went to make the first meeting with the gf's Mother ... I wanted to make the good first impression.

I suggested Flowers ... she smiled, gave me a hug and said ... Honey ... we can not eat flowers ... better we give money.

I didn't like that idea so I suggested a TESCO trip ... everyone happy with that.

No he is partly wrong. This maybe good advice for poor Thais , but anyone with money will be insulted. Flowers (roses (usually grotty though) or tulips, exotic flowers biggrin.png ) hard to find Thai food or that chicken stock basket stuff (which will be passed on to someone else) are much better for anyone with any sort of money.

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When I went to make the first meeting with the gf's Mother ... I wanted to make the good first impression.

I suggested Flowers ... she smiled, gave me a hug and said ... Honey ... we can not eat flowers ... better we give money.

I didn't like that idea so I suggested a TESCO trip ... everyone happy with that.

No he is partly wrong. This maybe good advice for poor Thais , but anyone with money will be insulted. Flowers (roses (usually grotty though) or tulips, exotic flowers biggrin.png ) hard to find Thai food or that chicken stock basket stuff (which will be passed on to someone else) are much better for anyone with any sort of money.

Thank you for that Arthur ... I just shared your thoughts with MissFarmGirl who you described as a 'poor Thai'.

She smiled and said ... humm ... no, not poor ... just practical. A thought that might have more resonance then you might believe.

I'd like to send you the scan of the Photo of her being given her University Degree by the Kings Son ... but alas ... she is a poor Thai ... obviously little education and less prospects.

She just smiled again and said ... mai pben rai ... let him think what he wants ... every Thai different.

She does smile alot ... I like to say that is because she is with me ... and I with her ... but it must be, according the wise and omnipotent autherwait who says that ... she is a poor Thai ... laugh.png


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When I went to make the first meeting with the gf's Mother ... I wanted to make the good first impression.

I suggested Flowers ... she smiled, gave me a hug and said ... Honey ... we can not eat flowers ... better we give money.

I didn't like that idea so I suggested a TESCO trip ... everyone happy with that.

No he is partly wrong. This maybe good advice for poor Thais , but anyone with money will be insulted. Flowers (roses (usually grotty though) or tulips, exotic flowers biggrin.png ) hard to find Thai food or that chicken stock basket stuff (which will be passed on to someone else) are much better for anyone with any sort of money.

Thank you for that Arthur ... I just shared your thoughts with MissFarmGirl who you described as a 'poor Thai'.

She smiled and said ... humm ... no, not poor ... just practical. A thought that might have more resonance then you might believe.

I'd like to send you the scan of the Photo of her being given her University Degree by the Kings Son ... but alas ... she is a poor Thai ... obviously little education and less prospects.

She just smiled again and said ... mai pben rai ... let him think what he wants ... every Thai different.

She does smile alot ... I like to say that is because she is with me ... and I with her ... but it must be, according the wise and omnipotent autherwait who says that ... she is a poor Thai ... laugh.png


Would you like some vinegar on your chips ? rolleyes.gif

Edit: If 'every Thai different' why are you giving a cover all answer ?

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