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Getting a marriage visa while in the States?

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I'll be back in the States for a while with an active Non-Immigrant visa from here (& valid re-entry permit). Is it possible to get a marriage visa from the LA or DC embassies? I've done it once for a retirement visa, just wondering if it's possible for a marriage visa if I have all the paperwork with me.

Thanks in advance!

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You apparently have an extension of stay based upon marriage not a visa. You have to return to Thailand to apply for a new extension.

If your extension expires while out of the country you will need to start all over again by getting a non-o visa and apply for an extension when you turn.

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You apparently have an extension of stay based upon marriage not a visa. You have to return to Thailand to apply for a new extension.

If your extension expires while out of the country you will need to start all over again by getting a non-o visa and apply for an extension when you turn.

Just to clarify, I'm on a 90 day Non-O/Non-Immigrant (nothing based on marriage) & it wont expire while I'm gone. I was on a visa based on retirement prior to this 90 dayer so maybe it's based on retirement. The original plan was to go back on the retirement visa when this expires, but since this trip came up & I'm married, I was hoping to get a 1 year based on marriage. I apologize for any confusion!

From what I'm getting from the posts so far is I can get a visa based on marriage while in the States but it will only be good for 90 days, then I have to do the marathon at immigration for an extension. ???

I was hoping I could get the 1 year marriage visa like I did a 1 year retirement visa a few years back while in the States. Is that possible?


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I have never heard of one & the L.A. Thai site online only shows the 90 day deal.


Someone with more experience will chime in I'm sure


I would think it is not possible as you need input from your wife at the extension interview/your wife's presence

to get the 1 year extension based on marriage anyway.

But dont worry too much it is not as bad as it seems.

I just did my second one & was all done in less than 1 hour.

Edited by mania
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You could get a multiple entry non-o based upon marriage. It would be valid for one year but you would have to do border runs every 90 days to get a new entry.

One of the honorary consulates would be the best choice for getting this visa.

You mentioned having a re-entry permit which means you probably have an extension of stay of some kind.

For retirement you could get non-oa visa that gives a 1 year entry.

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There's "visas" and there's "extensions of visas," not the same.

Looks like right now you are here in Thailand and have an Extension of a Non-O visa based on "retirement," and also have a re-entry permit for that extension.

You're also planning a run to the U.S. and back here BEFORE that extension based on retirement expires.

So, how about this. When your present extension based on retirement gets down to 30 days before expiration, you hit up Immigration in your area for another extension, BUT BASED THIS TIME ON MARRIAGE.

I think I have that sequence of events correct....


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Just return back per your travel plans then do like Mac advises i.e. go to Thai immigration 30 days before expiration of your current extension and apply for extension based on marriage. Seems the simplest. Check back in the TV previous posts re the documentation needs for the marriage extension, they are considerably more than simple retirement. But gather the papers and jump through the hoops (let your wife do the talking at immigration, sit there politely and smile), you will get 30-day stamp for "under considerations" (paperwork has to be sent to BKK), then return to immigration to get the fully approved version. Sounds tedious but really simpler to do than to write about it.

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You mention having an extension of stay based on retirement and that you want to change your extension of stay to one based on marriage. My question to you is why? An extension of stay based on marriage is not as easy to renew each year as one based on retirement. You'll have to apply each year with your wife present, furnish more paperwork than that needed for a retirement extension and will have to wait about 30 days before you must return to the immigration office for you new stamp in your passport. The extension of stay based on retirement is a simple process requiring only one visit to the immigration office. Also, if you have an extension based on marriage, you'll probably get a lot of pressure from the Thai Immigration Officer to change it to an extension based on marriage. They must work a lot harder to process a marriage-based extension and they usually don't like that. Of course, they can't force you to chage to a retirement-based extension, if you don't want to. The monetary requirments are a little higher for the retirement extension, but you seem to have qualified for that already once. So, why do you want to change?

Edited by rickb
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Double the money in the bank (400k vs 800) and 25k baht more income (40k vs 65) is not a little money. Especially with exchange rates for some countries being what they are now.

Immigration won't push you to retirement extension unless you show the money for it.

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You mention having an extension of stay based on retirement and that you want to change your extension of stay to one based on marriage. My question to you is why? An extension of stay based on marriage is not as easy to renew each year as one based on retirement. You'll have to apply each year with your wife present, furnish more paperwork than that needed for a retirement extension and will have to wait about 30 days before you must return to the immigration office for you new stamp in your passport. The extension of stay based on retirement is a simple process requiring only one visit to the immigration office. Also, if you have an extension based on marriage, you'll probably get a lot of pressure from the Thai Immigration Officer to change it to an extension based on marriage. They must work a lot harder to process a marriage-based extension and they usually don't like that. Of course, they can't force you to chage to a retirement-based extension, if you don't want to. The monetary requirments are a little higher for the retirement extension, but you seem to have qualified for that already once. So, why do you want to change?

Actually it all sounds worse than it is.

I have been a couple times & they never once asked or pressured me to change to retirement visa.

Also the paper list is quite short probably the only difference between retirement & marriage being the marriage certificate & your wifes ID card/blue book.

If you have your papers in order your out of there in under an hour.

Yes go back in 30 days & get the stamp which is a few minutes only.

Reason wise I don't know about others but if I want to work I can.

Whether that is for someone else or do a small business with my wife.

Retired does not allow that.

Also there is the money although not a problem as I have more than needed for either visa.

I just saw the post before mine & although my savings always shows more than double the 400 they never

used that to tell me go retirement. It has never been asked of me by immigration as to why I want a marriage visa

& not a retirement visa actually ( This is in Chiangmai...may be different elsewhere )

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Yes, work will likely play a role in this @ some point & the easier financial requirements are a selling point. Not sure if there's any other benefits to a marriage visa. ???

Outstanding information & I thank you all!!!

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You could get a multiple entry non-o based upon marriage. It would be valid for one year but you would have to do border runs every 90 days to get a new entry.

One of the honorary consulates would be the best choice for getting this visa.

You mentioned having a re-entry permit which means you probably have an extension of stay of some kind.

For retirement you could get non-oa visa that gives a 1 year entry.

I've done this in Portland in 2012. Multi -entry, 1 year - showed marriage certificate & proof of income. Extend when you get close to expiration - inside Thailand.

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