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Thai girls love well built /fit/ in shape guys whether Thai or farang, same as women all over the world , just not very drunk and/or low class and self loving well built guys.

Sure they like fit guys who are in shape but I'm not convinced they like the huge body builder types. Nor do I think it's the "same all over the world". I've been all over the world and it's only a select few places where you see guys that look like that doing well.

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I believe you are referring to me, I said in another thread I date 2-3 girls a week on average in BKK, and yes it's true.

Not particularly hard to do and I don't speak anything other than basic Thai nor do I pay these girls or use wealth simply because I am not wealthy (I spend 45,000B max per month all in) and my dates usually cost around 1,000B on average.

I meet girls everywhere I go, in the malls, in restaurants, in 7/11, stores, online, bars (not gogo bars or beer bars) so not hard to get chatting to women, swap numbers, and arrange dates.

I've traveled the world and lived in a few different countries and I don't know anywhere easier than Thailand.

I normally would not agree with TheSpade but he speaks true regarding picking up ladies. I am older than him but I think we date the same type of ladies... Maybe even the same ones at times... Hahaha. I don't really count as that would not be nice to do but I think perhaps 25 different ladies give or take one ir two this year for me. I keep looking for the right one but most have really been sweet but this time round my next keeper will be my last. If you are a decent looking guy, can make friendly conversation, and smile a lot you can do it. Speaking Thai will help if you live up country and your girls are not college grads. I think the main thing you have to do is be confident. After that just go a little out of your way to chat with girls... Ones who smile at you or show some return interest are your target. BTS, market, malls, discos, just about anyplace you can see girls smiling at you. Forget gogo or beer bar girls, only interested in money. Now don't be shy and go make friends.
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Thai girls love well built /fit/ in shape guys whether Thai or farang, same as women all over the world , just not very drunk and/or low class and self loving well built guys.

Sure they like fit guys who are in shape but I'm not convinced they like the huge body builder types. Nor do I think it's the "same all over the world". I've been all over the world and it's only a select few places where you see guys that look like that doing well.

Yep I agree with that,bodybuilder types. Plus many bodybuilders do seem to be not blessed in the facial or personality departments.

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Women are attracted to confident, happy men with charm and a smile on their face. A gift of the gab goes a long way in attracting us. I think it is the same with Thai women as well as western women. Even somewhat homely men can be sexy and attractive if he is confident. Having enough money goes a long way in making a man feel attractive, but that is because he is probably successful in what he does and therefore is confident. Shy men, even if they are handsome, just don't exude confidence, and that is a put off for most women. However, pushy, aggressive men are also a put off, and I for one will quickly turn away. Someone already said that learning some Thai goes a long way in breaking down Thai barriers, but it's still a case of being happy and friendly without being pushy. All us gals like a man who flirts a bit and jokes a bit, but without being obscene.

I think good advise to follow and what better than a lovely lady to say it :)))
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Some girls will, some girls won't, some guys need a lot of money and some guys dont.

Sing to the tune of Racey/some girls...Good luck..thumbsup.gif

The fat, ugly, facial haired tattooed guy needs plenty of money to date Thai girls, the ordinary slim not bad looking guys need money too, but not anywhere near the former.

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But I don't understand how the thai guys are getting better looking girls than me. When they are not particular more handsome, better built, better personality or wealthier than me. Or date a new girl every week.

- maybe the Thai guys are 30y younger than you

- maybe the Thai girls are not interested in farang

- maybe the Thai guys have more to offer than you

- maybe it is only YOU who thinks that you are more handsome than the guys...

In this country, the amount of handsome guys are about the same as the amount of ugly girls.

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If you guys want to read some hilarious tales, probably made up, you should google the pickup artist forum called roosh v. (Before anyone says it, no I dont post there, but someone I know does/told me about it and I often read it for the stories)

Theres a travel forum with a lot of topics written about bangkok and all these guys claiming they slept with 100+ thais in one trip etc without paying a penny I should add.

If you like to laugh, you should enjoy it.

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Thai girls love well built /fit/ in shape guys whether Thai or farang, same as women all over the world , just not very drunk and/or low class and self loving well built guys.

Sure they like fit guys who are in shape but I'm not convinced they like the huge body builder types. Nor do I think it's the "same all over the world". I've been all over the world and it's only a select few places where you see guys that look like that doing well.

Yep I agree with that,bodybuilder types. Plus many bodybuilders do seem to be not blessed in the facial or personality departments.

Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

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Thai girls love well built /fit/ in shape guys whether Thai or farang, same as women all over the world , just not very drunk and/or low class and self loving well built guys.

Sure they like fit guys who are in shape but I'm not convinced they like the huge body builder types. Nor do I think it's the "same all over the world". I've been all over the world and it's only a select few places where you see guys that look like that doing well.

Yep I agree with that,bodybuilder types. Plus many bodybuilders do seem to be not blessed in the facial or personality departments.

Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

had a good friend who was very handsome guy. Chicks fell at his feet... Crazy ! He got into body building and went to the extreme, became huge. He told me one day that girls have really changed. Basically he changed and most did not find him attractive any longer. Too late, damage done already. Still a nice guy but no more ladies falling at his feet.
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I believe you are referring to me, I said in another thread I date 2-3 girls a week on average in BKK, and yes it's true.

Not particularly hard to do and I don't speak anything other than basic Thai nor do I pay these girls or use wealth simply because I am not wealthy (I spend 45,000B max per month all in) and my dates usually cost around 1,000B on average.

I meet girls everywhere I go, in the malls, in restaurants, in 7/11, stores, online, bars (not gogo bars or beer bars) so not hard to get chatting to women, swap numbers, and arrange dates.

I've traveled the world and lived in a few different countries and I don't know anywhere easier than Thailand.

The beauty of Internet , traveled the world , lived in a few countries and managed to do all of that before the age of 26, now that you are 26 you also speak basic Thai and live in Thailand paying wholesale prices for bottle of whisky in good bars.

Ohhh the beauty of Internet :) :) :)

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Thai girls love well built /fit/ in shape guys whether Thai or farang, same as women all over the world , just not very drunk and/or low class and self loving well built guys.

Sure they like fit guys who are in shape but I'm not convinced they like the huge body builder types. Nor do I think it's the "same all over the world". I've been all over the world and it's only a select few places where you see guys that look like that doing well.

Yep I agree with that,bodybuilder types. Plus many bodybuilders do seem to be not blessed in the facial or personality departments.

Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

Bodybuilders and others who decide to look after their bodies are often also extremely disciplined, care about what they eat and drink, don't smoke and take pride in their appearance. That is attractive in men and women alike.

It does sound like there are some serious hangups here - and not on the part of the vilified 'bodybuilders''!

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I meet plenty of girls here without going to bars or clubs. Where? In shops, malls, hairdressers, gym classes, etc.

You've got to remember thai girls are shy compared to western girls, they're not going to be so forward or obvious if they like you. I find the best way to test them is just to make eye contact, give them a smile, and see what their reaction is. And be willing to put yourself out there and take a risk.

Anyway looking back at your post, you say it yourself:

"Well I do get way more attention here than I would ever get in the west but there is no way I could be dating even a single girl each month. I usually get no further than exchanging contact information and that happens very rarely too."

So there are lots of girls here who like you and would date you, you just dont follow it up and make something happen. But that's understandable, if you are happy with your girlfriend, why would you.

For what its worth I dont date lots of girls either, I have other priorities right now, but I get lots of numbers just for practice and for fun.

Really for any young, western looking guy in Thailand, it is not hard to get dates smile.png That's why it blows my mind so much when I see young guys with bargirls/hoes.

Edited by razorramone
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Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

Bodybuilders and others who decide to look after their bodies are often also extremely disciplined, care about what they eat and drink, don't smoke and take pride in their appearance. That is attractive in men and women alike.

It does sound like there are some serious hangups here - and not on the part of the vilified 'bodybuilders''!

No, that was silly.

I'm somewhere between 6 foot 1 and 6 foot 2. You know as well as I do that PROVIDING I STAY SLIM I don't need muscles in order to get the girls. Sure, there are other factors too. I'm talking about hygiene, dress sense and a lifestyle that's free from alcohol and cigarettes.

But the simple fact is that most bodybuilders are little men with little willies. There are exceptions. Arnie is an exception. And we all love Arnie!

Look at this jerk. I just dug him out on Google. He's five foot four. What a runt! Do you honestly think any woman will take him seriously?


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The beauty of Internet , traveled the world , lived in a few countries and managed to do all of that before the age of 26, now that you are 26 you also speak basic Thai and live in Thailand paying wholesale prices for bottle of whisky in good bars.

Ohhh the beauty of Internet smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

I'm coming up for 29 and have been travelling since I was 21/22. And not just a couple of weeks here and a couple of weeks there but months and months on end at a time before stopping for a few months and continuing. It's what I do. Not that hard to believe surely.

Not sure how the whisky thing is relevant to all that but if you really don't believe there's bars in BKK selling Red Label for 1,000B then whatever. Not worth me worrying about. I go to these bars frequently and they are proper bars full of students not street bars or some run down dump full of drunkards like you tried to claim before.

You're just pissed off you need to spend 3k on drinks and 3k on food every time you ask a girl out when some of us can do it for 1k or less.

If you guys want to read some hilarious tales, probably made up, you should google the pickup artist forum called roosh v. (Before anyone says it, no I dont post there, but someone I know does/told me about it and I often read it for the stories)

Theres a travel forum with a lot of topics written about bangkok and all these guys claiming they slept with 100+ thais in one trip etc without paying a penny I should add.

If you like to laugh, you should enjoy it.

I know guys who have come here for 3-5 months with the sole intention of banging as many girls as they possibly can and just devote their life to it for that time. No sight seeing, no activities, no real travelling just chasing women 24/7 and they have racked up similar numbers. Half the women they picked up in dodgy clubs so I'm sure they paid for a lot of them but they don't admit that.


meet plenty of girls here without going to bars or clubs. Where? In shops, malls, hairdressers, gym classes, etc.

You've got to remember thai girls are shy compared to western girls, they're not going to be so forward or obvious if they like you. I find the best way to test them is just to make eye contact, give them a smile, and see what their reaction is. And be willing to put yourself out there and take a risk.

Anyway looking back at your post, you say it yourself:

"Well I do get way more attention here than I would ever get in the west but there is no way I could be dating even a single girl each month. I usually get no further than exchanging contact information and that happens very rarely too."

So there are lots of girls here who like you and would date you, you just dont follow it up and make something happen. But that's understandable, if you are happy with your girlfriend, why would you.

For what its worth I dont date lots of girls either, I have other priorities right now, but I get lots of numbers just for practice and for fun.

Really for any young, western looking guy in Thailand, it is not hard to get dates smile.png That's why it blows my mind so much when I see young guys with bargirls/hoes.


A lot of guys have it in their heads you have to meet women in bars and clubs . They are everywhere if you just talk to them.

I also don't get when I see young and good looking guys with hookers but I suppose if they just want an instant lay thats the easiest option. Not for me though.

I suppose if you have the Money you can date many girls in one week.

You don't need much money if you know where to go for dates and don't get carried away trying to show off. My drinking date costs are usually around 1k, sometimes more and sometimes less.

I had a date today. Total cost was 300B. Girl doesn't drink. Doesn't like 'farang' food. Wanted to show me the street food she likes to eat. Cheap and fun.

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You don't need much money if you know where to go for dates and don't get carried away trying to show off. My drinking date costs are usually around 1k, sometimes more and sometimes less. I had a date today. Total cost was 300B. Girl doesn't drink. Doesn't like 'farang' food. Wanted to show me the street food she likes to eat. Cheap and fun.

You're going wrong because you're trying too hard to impress.

Your approach speaks very eloquently about your success (ie, lack thereof) with girls back home. You're trying too hard to present yourself as something which you very clearly are not.


People used to ask Billy the Kid how many people he'd killed.

At first -- perhaps -- he would say "three, not counting Mexicans".

Then -- perhaps -- he would say "seven, not counting Mexicans".

Eventually -- perhaps -- he would say "twelve, not counting Mexicans".


Do you get my point? I guess true Wild West Heroes don't feel the need to talk about Mexicans.

Edited by andrew
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Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

Bodybuilders and others who decide to look after their bodies are often also extremely disciplined, care about what they eat and drink, don't smoke and take pride in their appearance. That is attractive in men and women alike.

It does sound like there are some serious hangups here - and not on the part of the vilified 'bodybuilders''!

No, that was silly.

I'm somewhere between 6 foot 1 and 6 foot 2. You know as well as I do that PROVIDING I STAY SLIM I don't need muscles in order to get the girls. Sure, there are other factors too. I'm talking about hygiene, dress sense and a lifestyle that's free from alcohol and cigarettes.

But the simple fact is that most bodybuilders are little men with little willies. There are exceptions. Arnie is an exception. And we all love Arnie!

Look at this jerk. I just dug him out on Google. He's five foot four. What a runt! Do you honestly think any woman will take him seriously?

Posted Image

Thanks for sharing your insight - so anyone below average height is a 'runt', anyone who lifts weights isn't a 'real man' or a 'jerk' and lacking in the trouser department, never to be taken seriously by women.

Sounds like someone might have had their girlfriend stolen by a gym rat..

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Then I guess it's just as well I'm in Thailand and not back home. wink.png


Here's some more wisdom for you to digest (William Shakespeare):

Have more than thou showest,
Speak less than thou knowest
I've been here since about 1999. During all that time, I've had exactly 2 girlfriends.
Sure, I've encountered "Mexicans" along the way, but I neither count nor discuss them.
Edited by andrew
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Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

Bodybuilders and others who decide to look after their bodies are often also extremely disciplined, care about what they eat and drink, don't smoke and take pride in their appearance. That is attractive in men and women alike.

It does sound like there are some serious hangups here - and not on the part of the vilified 'bodybuilders''!

No, that was silly.

I'm somewhere between 6 foot 1 and 6 foot 2. You know as well as I do that PROVIDING I STAY SLIM I don't need muscles in order to get the girls. Sure, there are other factors too. I'm talking about hygiene, dress sense and a lifestyle that's free from alcohol and cigarettes.

But the simple fact is that most bodybuilders are little men with little willies. There are exceptions. Arnie is an exception. And we all love Arnie!

Look at this jerk. I just dug him out on Google. He's five foot four. What a runt! Do you honestly think any woman will take him seriously?


Thanks for sharing your insight - so anyone below average height is a 'runt', anyone who lifts weights isn't a 'real man' or a 'jerk' and lacking in the trouser department, never to be taken seriously by women.

Sounds like someone might have had their girlfriend stolen by a gym rat..

My ex actually went off with a guy who was slightly taller than me. He was about 6 foot three. The guy didn't drink or smoke; he kept in shape by jogging.

She talked about him a lot. She kept stressing the fact that he didn't drink or smoke.

Obviously he didn't have muscles. As I've said already, it's generally only weedy little men who want muscles.


If it's of any interest, the guy was much older than my ex (early sixties, actually). And for a while, he was in the newspapers and on TV almost daily. He was probably the highest paid expat in Thailand.

But my ex wasn't bothered at all about his age or money. She just kept saying that the guy didn't drink or smoke.

I learned a lot from this.

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Google: why are bodybuilders so short

Bodybuilders are very often short-arsed runts with serious hangups.

Real men do not want or need muscles. Girls know this.

Bodybuilders and others who decide to look after their bodies are often also extremely disciplined, care about what they eat and drink, don't smoke and take pride in their appearance. That is attractive in men and women alike.

It does sound like there are some serious hangups here - and not on the part of the vilified 'bodybuilders''!

No, that was silly.

I'm somewhere between 6 foot 1 and 6 foot 2. You know as well as I do that PROVIDING I STAY SLIM I don't need muscles in order to get the girls. Sure, there are other factors too. I'm talking about hygiene, dress sense and a lifestyle that's free from alcohol and cigarettes.

But the simple fact is that most bodybuilders are little men with little willies. There are exceptions. Arnie is an exception. And we all love Arnie!

Look at this jerk. I just dug him out on Google. He's five foot four. What a runt! Do you honestly think any woman will take him seriously?


Thanks for sharing your insight - so anyone below average height is a 'runt', anyone who lifts weights isn't a 'real man' or a 'jerk' and lacking in the trouser department, never to be taken seriously by women.

Sounds like someone might have had their girlfriend stolen by a gym rat..

My ex actually went off with a guy who was slightly taller than me. He was about 6 foot three. The guy didn't drink or smoke; he kept in shape by jogging.

She talked about him a lot. She kept stressing the fact that he didn't drink or smoke.

Obviously he didn't have muscles. As I've said already, it's generally only weedy little men who want muscles.


If it's of any interest, the guy was much older than my ex (early sixties, actually). And for a while, he was in the newspapers and on TV almost daily. He was probably the highest paid expat in Thailand.

But my ex wasn't bothered at all about his age or money. She just kept saying that the guy didn't drink or smoke.

I learned a lot from this.

Andrew ,this guy wouldn't happen to be a former Belgian third rate soccer coach would it ?
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RE: Andrew, this guy wouldn't happen to be a former Belgian third rate soccer coach...

The facts:

Rene took MTU to the top of the Premier League. He was voted Coach of the Year.

His team lost to Chonburi in the finals of the FA Cup.

He got to the semi-finals of the Asian Cup. I remember that MTU lost to a team from Syria.

Rene then left MTU and managed Chiang Mai; after that, he managed Suphanburi.

My understanding is that he's now back at MTU.


The guy's a winner.


Life goes on.

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RE: Andrew, this guy wouldn't happen to be a former Belgian third rate soccer coach...

The facts:

Rene took MTU to the top of the Premier League. He was voted Coach of the Year.

His team lost to Chonburi in the finals of the FA Cup.

He got to the semi-finals of the Asian Cup. I remember that MTU lost to a team from Syria.

Rene then left MTU and managed Chiang Mai; after that, he managed Suphanburi.

My understanding is that he's now back at MTU.


The guy's a winner.


Life goes on.

He came back to Belgium last year to become a scout for a team that degraded last season and almost filed for bankrupcy.hasn't been coaching since 2011 apparently.

You don't like gym rats i don't like soccer spent al of my schoolyears in class with soccer players never seem to recall such a bunch of pussy's in my life studied martial arts most of my young life .Thai

Football teams must be in a very bad state if they hire third rate coaches of his caliber i seem to recall he was never hired by Belgiums two top teams .

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RE: Andrew, this guy wouldn't happen to be a former Belgian third rate soccer coach...

The facts:

Rene took MTU to the top of the Premier League. He was voted Coach of the Year.

His team lost to Chonburi in the finals of the FA Cup.

He got to the semi-finals of the Asian Cup. I remember that MTU lost to a team from Syria.

Rene then left MTU and managed Chiang Mai; after that, he managed Suphanburi.

My understanding is that he's now back at MTU.


The guy's a winner.


Life goes on.

He came back to Belgium last year to become a scout for a team that degraded last season and almost filed for bankrupcy.hasn't been coaching since 2011 apparently.

You don't like gym rats i don't like soccer spent al of my schoolyears in class with soccer players never seem to recall such a bunch of pussy's in my life studied martial arts most of my young life .Thai

Football teams must be in a very bad state if they hire third rate coaches of his caliber i seem to recall he was never hired by Belgiums two top teams .

Not sure what to say.

Yes, I know he returned to Belgium to work as a scout, but according to Wikipedia he's now back at Muang Thong United (MTU).

The one very important Belgian guy here in Thailand is Robert Procureur. He was at MTU when Rene was the coach back in 2010. You may wish to read about him.


My guess is that Robert was the man who got Rene back to MTU.

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