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A solution to Dead Beat Foreigners skipping out on their Health Insurance.


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I call them "Euro Myths" negative fantasies about the USA.and other non Euro countries.



As I cited in a previous post...I watched a documentary sometime ago about the US medical system (incidently made by a a US produer) which cited numerous cases of people being kicked out on the street once their conditions were stabilised, and the only basis that they were kicked out the hospitals and put in taxi's or dropped off a bus stops was because they didnt have the means to pay for further treatment...

so it appears it not a Euro rumours or a myth.

I also suppose the "dead peasant" life insurance polices in which US companies take out life insurance in their employee's names with the company being named as the beneficiary in the event of the employee death is a Euro rumour and myth as well ?

In the USA the 50 states govern what hospitals can and cannot do or even what must be done. There is not one national policy (pending the dreadful full implementation of obamacare). There currently are a few overriding federal laws but by in large medical care for the masses is regulated by each State. In some states Private Hospitals can get away with booting people out after they have been stabilized and even sometimes prematurely. Plus some have even been know to turn people away in the beginning. In most states where there are County Hospitals or those run by municipalities or other tax payer paid public institutions - these problems do not exist. It would be easy to make a documentary showing all bad things ... but booting people out is the exception -- not the rule. Also there are frequently stories in the news where an illegal alien is demanding a transplant and is instead sent to his own country ... sounds reasonable to me ...

In the U.S. unless a person signs a life insurance policy - to the best of my knowledge - it is not lawful. This prevents a spouse from taking out insurance on the other spouse (unknowingly) then bumping him or her off and collecting the money. I believe this applies to all - employers as well ... Some employees might not understand and sign such things as a matter of course in enrolling for employment ... but I am well seasoned in the American work force and do not know of this 'dead peasant' insurance happening to any significant extent.

It is a myth that millions of people could not get health care in the USA - used as a justification for socialized medicine 'obamacare'. Public Hospitals providing free care and the Medicade / Medicare federal/state programs took care of people in good fashion. The Socialists in our country just didn't like it that 80% of the citizens had better coverage through their employer sponsored programs and obama and his cohorts just had to work 'equalize' - actually level - actually screw up the best health care system in the world.

I am happy to learn that there are many health care services in Thailand are available for a reasonable price.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I well remember spending time as a young trainee in a Chicago Hospital A&E dept. (ER in American English !)

It was a truly dreadful place with armed security guards (I was happy they were there ) seemingly outnumbering the nurses and doctors.

I truly hope as is implied that things are now much improved.

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